The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 930 Once The First Genius!

Su Qi frowned slightly, and said with some doubts: "Your guest? Who could it be?"

Following the servants to the living room, Su Qi met the Lord.

A young man with a stern face, beside him was an old man who looked like a housekeeper.

Su Qi looked this combination up and down, and was quite shocked.

Because both this young man and the old man in front of him have higher cultivation than Su Qi.

You know, Su Qi is a mid-term strongman in the Earth Wonderland.

Even Su Qi couldn't see through the existence of cultivation, either he was consummated in the Earth Wonderland, or... the next level of the Earth Wonderland, the strong in the Water Wonderland!

"Which realm of cultivation will the old and young in front of me be?" Su Qi secretly speculated.

Just at this moment, the old man in front of him spoke.

The old man said with a smile: "I have seen Lord Tianhuang Mansion in the north."

Su Qi waved his hand and said: "Your Excellency, don't be so polite, you two have cultivation bases far higher than mine, this sentence is absolutely forbidden by adults."

Don't look at Su Qi's noble status, that's where he gets points and what occasions.

In the north is the Tianhuang Realm, and his identity is indeed above that of ordinary creatures.

But in front of a strong man of the same level, but a strong man with a higher cultivation base than himself, this status is nothing.

Su Qi has practiced for so many years, and his brain is fine. The second generation of immortals like him are online in both EQ and IQ.

Of course, there are also those who are not online...

Generally, the second generation of immortals whose EQ and IQ are not online often die miserably, and the forces behind them will also be ruined by this kind of stupidity.

From Su Qi's point of view, others may be afraid of his father's reputation, but they are just afraid...

No matter from which aspect to analyze, Su Qi has no reason to show off.

Seeing Su Qi going on the road like this, the old man stopped being polite, and said: "The old man is not too polite, how about calling you friend Su Qi?"

Su Qi said: "Good!"

"May I ask why you two came to the northern part of my Tianhuang Realm?"

The old man said: "We are people from the Bright Sky Realm, which is hundreds of planets away from the Tianhuang Realm."

"The old man's name is Lang Mu, and this is our Ninth Young Master Lang Xing."

Su Qi was a little surprised and said: "Are you the Lang family of the Lang Tian Realm?"

The old man said: "That's right. Fellow Daoist Su Qi has heard of my Lang family's reputation?"

Su Qi smiled wryly and said: "There are hundreds of planetary worlds nearby, which planetary world has never heard of the Lang family."

"Bright Sky Realm is the planet world with the strongest trade coverage among the hundreds of planet worlds."

"We also have a store branch of your Lang family in the center of Tianhuangjie. I didn't expect to meet the members of the direct line of the Lang family today. I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Lang Mu smiled and said: "Haha, Fellow Daoist Su Qi, you are being polite.

Our Lang family is just doing a small business. "

Su Qi secretly said: "This modesty is a bit too much..."

"There are shops of your Lang family on hundreds of nearby planets. Is this still a small business?"

The complaints in his heart belonged to the complaints, Su Qi did not say what was in his mind, but looked at Lang Mu and said:

"Fellow Daoist Langmu, can you show me your identification as the children of the Lang family so that I can confirm it?"

The boy Lang Xing standing next to Lang Mu frowned slightly, and said in a displeased tone:

"What do you mean? Could it be that we can still be fake?"

Lang Mu said: "Master Ninth, this is normal, fellow Taoist Su Qi's request is too normal."

"This is also a process to prevent other malicious people from impersonating us."

Hearing what Lang Mu said, Lang Xing stopped talking.

Lang Mu took out the object representing his identity and handed it to Su Qi.

Su Qi took it over, took out the pattern from the interspatial ring, and pressed the logo on it.

There was a faint light on the pattern, Su Qi's eyes were fixed and he said: "It really is the Lang family."

Returning the identities to Lang Mu, Su Qi said: "There is no problem with your identities. May I ask why you came to the north?"

At the same time, Su Qi muttered in his heart: It's really strange that these two people came to Tianhuang Realm instead of looking for big brother, but to me!

With doubts in his heart, Su Qi looked at Lang Mu, waiting for the next sentence.

Lang Mudao: "Our Lang family sent the Ninth Young Master to go out for training this time. After choosing and choosing, we finally fell in love with Tianhuangjie."

Seeing the strange expression on Su Qi's face, Lang Mu continued: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Su Qi, our Bright Sky Realm has no intention of replacing the Tianhuang Realm's dominance." Pen Fun Library

"This time it's more about cooperation, let us Ninth Young Master experience and improve in this area."

Su Qi looked Lang Mu up and down, and half believed what Lang Mu said.

The Tianhuang Realm is located in a remote place, and there are not so many strong people themselves. The Bright Sky Realm is a force that started out as a trader.

To be able to go so far, and let their Ninth Young Master go to the wild world to experience, must have a plan.

But in this place of Tianhuang Realm, there are no relics in the rumors, and there is no strong inheritance.

What can the Bright Sky Realm do for its Ninth Young Master to come here?

Thinking of this, Su Qi suddenly thought of Qin Buyi.

Su Qi secretly said: "The Emperor Qin of the Great Ming Dynasty is also an external force. Could it be that there is some secret existence in this wild world that our Su family doesn't know about?"

"No, as early as when my father completely controlled the Tianhuang Realm, he had already explored the Tianhuang Realm..."

"If there are treasures or relics, my father would have discovered them long ago!"

In Su Qi's mind, the best thoughts

Puzzled, adhering to the attitude of asking if you don't understand.

Su Qi said: "I understand what Daoist Langmu said, but I still have some doubts."

"This matter is of great importance, I'd better report it to my father and let him make a decision!"

Lang Mu smiled and said: "Okay! We will wait here for your father's reply."

Su Qi took out the sound-transmitting jade talisman, and his divine sense penetrated into it...

Received a quick response, Su Qi said: "My lord, this Lang Tian Jie Lang's family came to my northern part..."

After Su Qi talked about the cause and effect, the other side said:

"Just do what they say, let them be in the north if they want to be in the north, give them whatever they need."

Su Qidao: "Father, do you know what the Lang family's purpose is this time?"

The other end was silent for a while, and said: "A few years ago, the Lang family's family treasure was stolen by the first genius of the clan, Lang Ye..."

"The first genius of the Lang family, Lang Ye, has disappeared since stealing the family treasure..."

"The Lang family has been secretly searching for Lang Ye's whereabouts in these surrounding planetary worlds for so many years."

"As a father, I only found out about this news by accident. Don't spread the word, so as not to cause trouble for me in Tianhuang Realm."

Su Qi is not an idiot, this matter is related to the family treasure of the Lang family, and it is uncomfortable to spread it everywhere!

Not to mention the tyrannical Lang family, even if their Su family's treasure is stolen, it will disturb the peace of several nearby planets and worlds!

Su Qi secretly said: "I didn't expect the Lang family to have such a story... I said why Lang Ye, the first genius of the Lang family, who is famous in hundreds of planets, suddenly has no news these years, so that's it!"

Lang Ye's name was like thunder to Su Qi.

His origin is a side branch of the Lang family, which has nothing to do with the direct lineage at all.

And not long after his birth, his branch was executed for violating some taboo, except for him alone!

And a large part of the reason why Lang Ye survived was because of his peerless cultivation talent!

After becoming an orphan, Lang Ye broke through one realm after another amidst the discrimination and exclusion of other tribesmen.

In the end, his cultivation was the highest among the younger generation of the Lang family, and his reputation spread to hundreds of nearby planetary worlds!

When Lang Ye achieved the Golden Immortal cultivation level, Su Qike has always pursued him as an idol...

Just when those who admired Lang Ye thought that Lang Ye would soon improve his cultivation, Lang Ye disappeared...

The others didn't think it was strange at the time, they only thought that Lang Ye was found a place to break through by the family secret, waiting for the day when he would become a blockbuster!

Su Qi thought the same way, and only after hearing what his father said today did he know the reason.

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