The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 940 Fire Fairyland's Complete Thunder Disaster?

Qin Buyi took a deep breath, then spit out endless flames from his mouth, and attacked the ten fire fairyland's late-stage intensity thunder calamity...

When the flames landed on the ten fire wonderlands, there was a "cracking" sound.

"Bang~!" "Bang~!"


The late-stage intensity thunder calamity of the Ten Dao Fire Wonderland was burned by the real fire of Samadhi, and after less than a few breaths, it all exploded and turned into the power of thunder...

Qin Buyi saw that the Thunder Tribulation had been completely shattered, and stopped casting the Samadhi True Fire. Looking at the flames that were still burning in the sky, Qin Buyi couldn't help but wondered:

"This samadhi real fire is so powerful! Under one blow, all the ten lightning fires in the late stage of the fairyland were shattered!"

Qin Buyi couldn't help but be surprised. If he used his own means, it would take a lot of effort to smash the ten fire fairyland thunder tribulations in the late stage!

But now it was completely burned by the real fire of Samadhi in just a few breaths.

The real fire of samadhi is strong enough to be strong, and this consumption is indeed astonishing enough!

In just a few breaths, Qin Buyi recovered his physical strength five times in a row before completing the supply of Samadhi True Fire.

"Such a powerful Samadhi True Fire, with such consumption, really complements each other!"

Just when Qin Buyi lamented the power of the true fire of Samadhi, Jieyun fell into silence again in the sky...

Star Blue Academy.

Su He's mind was full of the scene of Qin Buyi casting the Samadhi True Fire just now.

"Samadhi True Fire, one of the great supernatural powers, turned out to be Samadhi True Fire!"

"The last time Brother Qin and I went to the north to fight against the suzerain of the Shenhuo Sect, we didn't use this trick..."

"How many cards does Brother Qin have?"

Su He's mind was full of fog.

After cultivating to the level of Su He, he has already reached the point where he can clearly distinguish some famous supernatural powers.

Below the Imperial Capital of Ming Dynasty.

Countless creatures who watched Qin Buyi cross the catastrophe said one after another:

"The Thunder Tribulation in the late stage of the Ten Dao Fire Wonderland was completely shattered by Emperor Qin in just a few breaths."

"This is the lightning calamity of the late stage of Fire Wonderland. If it hits me, it won't be enough to die a hundred times."

"Every time I see the big brother crossing the catastrophe, I feel emotional. It would be great when I can go through the catastrophe like this."

"I felt

It would be nice if you crossed the catastrophe in your dream, it's very calm and breezy! "

"The intensity of the current Thunder Tribulation has reached the late stage of the Fire Wonderland, so the next wave of Thunder Tribulation will not break through to the completion of the Fire Wonderland, right?"

"This matter is really not certain, and it is very likely that it will break through to the Fire Wonderland and be consummated."


In the sky, after more than a month of silence, the remaining ten thunder calamities arrived!

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


Accompanied by the sound of thunder, ten lightning calamities with the full intensity of the fire fairyland flew out from the calamity cloud!

When Qin Buyi saw the ten lightning calamities, he was a little speechless and said: "The ten thunder calamities with the full intensity of the fire fairyland really think highly of me."

"Those who knew thought I was breaking through the wood fairyland, but if they didn't know about it, they would definitely think that I was breaking through the fire fairyland..."

Qin Buyi was speechless, and Su He was even more speechless than him.

Qin Buyi's thunder calamity crossing the wood wonderland is far more dangerous than Su He's time crossing the fire wonderland thunder disaster!

Su He secretly said: "The Fire Wonderland is complete. When I broke through the Fire Wonderland, if I encountered such a lightning calamity, I would definitely turn into flying ash."

"Even now, if I don't rely on the treasure given by my father, I might die in front of this thunder disaster."

Ying Zhi and Lan Wenhao looked at the thunder calamity in the sky, and Ying Zhi said: "Brother Wen Hao, what method do you think Brother Qin will choose to get through this wave of thunder calamity?"

Lan Wenhao said: "Nine times out of ten, it's better to overcome the robbery with violence..."

"I saw that when Brother Qin survived such thunder disasters in the past, he did so violently, without exception."

Ying Zhi said: "Brother Wen Hao thinks the same as me, I guess Brother Qin will also choose violence to overcome the calamity!"

Su He said stupidly at the side: "What do you mean by violence?"

Yingzhi said: "It is to use absolute means to completely break up the robbery cloud, which is called violent robbery."

Su He said: "This is a thunder calamity with the full strength of the ten fire wonderlands. Even if I face this kind of thunder calamity, I have to go through it carefully."

"I don't think it's possible to cross the robbery violently..."

Yingzhi said: "Brother Suhe, let's continue to look down, don't draw conclusions in advance."

Hearing what Yingzhi said, Suhe's inner curiosity was aroused.

To be honest, he chose to cross over violently to Qin Buyi.

Jie, I still have some unbelief in my heart.

He has seen Qin Buyi's combat power before, and it is indeed very strong.

However, in the face of the thunder calamity of the full intensity of the ten fire wonderlands, it is somewhat unrealistic to simply crush it by violent means.

The Emperor of Ming Dynasty is in the sky.

Qin Buyi looked at the ten lightning tribulations flying towards him, and there was nothing to hide, so he chose full fire power!

"Eighty-Nine Mysterious Skills Failing Heaven and Earth!"

Qin Buyi's figure suddenly soared to hundreds of thousands of feet, standing in the sky like a god.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Buyi held the killing blade in his hand and shouted:

"Killing·Slaughter·Putting Jue...Boundary Breaker·Instant Slash·Shadow!"

"Killing·Slaughter·Putting Jue...Boundary Breaker·Instant Slash·Shadow!"

"Killing·Slaughter·Putting Jue...Boundary Breaker·Instant Slash·Shadow!"


In an instant, Qin Buyi used the thirteen-style killing knife technique thirty times.

In the face of the Thunder Tribulation with the full intensity of the Ten Fire Wonderlands, if you still hold back, it will be death.

"Zheng~!" "Zheng~!"


The killing blade exuded a cold light, and the blade became as bright as blood in an instant.

A powerful negative aura emanates from Qin Buyi and the killing blade...

This aura enveloped the entire Daming Imperial Capital, and countless creatures trembled under this aura.

Some of the unsteady ones even fainted directly.

"Every time I see such a tyrannical negative aura emanating from Emperor Qin, I feel that there is a pair of invisible big hands pinching my throat, making me unable to breathe!"

"Same, same, how many creatures would have to be killed to accumulate the negative aura on Emperor Qin's body?"

"I don't know how many creatures can be accumulated by killing, but I always feel that adding all the creatures in our east is not enough to accumulate such a terrifying aura!"

"Fortunately, Emperor Qin appeared in the east of us. If he appeared in other places in Tianhuang Realm, maybe we would be unlucky."...

The sound of knives in the sky continued to ring.

"Zheng~!" "Zheng~!"


Accompanied by the sound of knives, thirty huge purple thunderbolts appeared out of thin air.

Immediately after, the thirty huge purple thunderbolts, under the control of Qin Buyi, attacked the ten fire fairyland perfect intensity thunder calamity.

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