The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Nine Hundred And Seventy Seventh Chapter Huaguoshan Battle (Seven)

Hearing Qin Buyi's words, many of the Fire Wonderland powerhouses present showed fear on their faces.

At this time, the only remaining two middle-aged men in the late stage of Earth Wonderland who carried a long sword and the young man in the middle stage of Earth Wonderland who held a folding fan looked at each other.

The two of them originally planned to break through the blood realm and escape.

But when they saw that the old man's attack in the late stage of the earth fairyland only made a few ripples when it landed on the edge of the blood world, this thought disappeared instantly in their minds.

If you can't run away and you can't fight, the only thing left is to seek peace.

The middle-aged man in the late stage of Earth Wonderland said: "Master Heavenly Emperor, we were also bewitched by that old thing to make such a big mistake."

"I also ask Lord Tiandi to let me wait for a way out."

When a middle-aged man spoke in the late stage of Earth Wonderland, other practitioners of Fire Wonderland said one after another: "Yes, please let me have a way out!"

"We were indeed bewitched."

"I am willing to be driven by the Emperor of Heaven for thousands of years."

"Lord Heavenly Emperor can drive me to wait for thousands of years, that is my blessing!"...

All eyes were on Qin Buyi's face, waiting for Qin Buyi's next answer.

This will decide whether they live or die!

Before Qin Buyi opened his mouth, the scene fell into dead silence...

Suddenly, Wudao's somewhat inappropriate voice sounded.

"Now you want our king to let you go, what did you do?"

"Just now, our king gave you a chance to live, and you didn't want it!"

"Now you are licking your face and want our king to let you go, aren't you dreaming?"

"A group of fools who are wishful thinking, it is impossible for our king to let you go."

"As far as I'm concerned, you should wash yourselves clean and kill yourself."...

There is no need to think about these five voices, and I know which five idiots said them.

Apart from the five weird idiots like Houchitao, who else could say such words at this time.

Whether it's the two Earth Wonderland powerhouses or the remaining Fire Wonderland powerhouses, their eyes are all focused on the five silly monsters.

Threatening, angry eyes...

If it weren't for Qin Buyi's fear, these people would have chopped up the five idiots long ago.

Seeing these people looking at them like this, the five silly demons couldn't help shrinking their necks.

Their cultivation base is nothing more than a fairyland, so many

It is still a very stressful thing to pay attention to a strong person who surpasses his own cultivation.

Qing Nian hanging on the tree couldn't help but secretly said: "Hou Chi Tao and the five of them are definitely at the level of warriors."

"In the face of this situation, you can still say such words from your mouth, it is really awesome!"

At this time Qin Buyi spoke, Qin Buyi said: "I gave you a chance just now, but you didn't cherish it yourself, now you should perish!"

Hearing Qin Buyi's words, the creatures on the other side showed expressions of despair and fear.

In the next second, someone in the crowd yelled: "Find a way to break this field into a boundary, everyone, run as fast as you can!"

After the voice fell, all the creatures dispersed in an instant, fleeing towards the edge of the blood world in the distance...

There were also some quick-minded people who came towards the five silly demons and Qing Nian, intending to take hostages in exchange for their own vitality.

The five silly monsters hurriedly said: "Oh my god, don't come towards me."

"What the hell, don't hinder me!"

"My lord, help me!"...

Read lightly: "..."

Facing the practitioners of the Fire Wonderland in front of him, Qing Nian expressed that he didn't need it at all.

He is the first disciple of the four generations of Chanjiao, and his combat power is far superior to those of the same level!

"If I don't make a move, you really treat me like a persimmon?" Qing Nian secretly thought.

Just when Qing Nian was about to make a move, he heard the sound of breaking through the air.

"Killing · Annihilation · Immortal Slash · Instant Slash!"


A three-color sword light appeared out of thin air, beheading all the cultivators who attacked them.

The five silly demons breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Buyi held the killing blade and shouted: "Killing·Slaughter·Instant Slash!"

In the next second, Qin Buyi appeared on the other side of the edge of the blood world, slashed down with the killing blade, and dozens of fire fairyland creatures fell!

"Killing · Execution · Instant Slash!"


A huge blood moon rose, enveloping hundreds of Fire Wonderland powerhouses.

Numerous phantoms of killing blades emerged from it, attacking the hundreds of Fire Wonderland powerhouses in the blood moon...

"Clang~!" "Chi~!" "Chi~!"

"Chi~!" "Clang~!"...

One breath passed, the blood moon dissipated, and hundreds of fire fairyland powerhouses all fell!

"Killing, Scattering Soul, Instant Slash!"

Qin Buyi's tyrannical spiritual power condensed hundreds of spiritual long knives.

fleeing towards

The practitioners of Fire Wonderland attacked...

These Hundred Fire Wonderland cultivators felt a long sword of divine sense appearing out of thin air in their sea of ​​consciousness, and they all looked shocked.

Immediately afterwards, the divine sense sword fell suddenly towards the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Clang~!" "Bang~!" "Boom~!"

"Clang~!" "Bang~!" "Boom~!"...

After the attack, hundreds of Fire Wonderland powerhouses exploded, and all of them fell!

"Killing, breaking past, instant slash!"

"Zheng~!" "Zheng~!"


Accompanied by the sound of the killing blade, hundreds of reduced blood lights appeared out of thin air.

Directly enter the sea of ​​consciousness of hundreds of fire wonderland powerhouses.

The originally golden sea of ​​consciousness suddenly turned blood-colored...

The expression of this Hundred Fire Wonderland powerhouse instantly changed from a waking state to a dumbfounded one, with saliva dripping down the corners of his mouth.

This kind of scene, which should have appeared only in childhood, just appeared on the strong man of Fire Wonderland... full of weirdness!

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


The sound of exploding seas of consciousness came out one after another, and the hundreds of seas of consciousness invaded by the bloody fire fairyland powerhouses exploded one by one!

"Killing, Seizing Life, Instant Slashing!"

"Zheng~!" "Zheng~!"


Hundreds of finger-thin purple thunderbolts appeared above the heads of the cultivators in the Fire Wonderland.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


Accompanied by the sound of thunder, hundreds of finger-thin purple thunder fell down.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


The cultivator who was hit by the finger-thick purple thunder lost a lot of vitality.

In an instant, he became a dying old man...

Withered hair, stooped body, cloudy eyes...

The weird things didn't end here.

Immediately afterwards, these cultivators who were struck by the finger-thick purple thunder were all horrified to find that their cultivation had dropped crazily.

Immediately fall from the Fire Wonderland to the Heavenly Wonderland...Human Wonderland...Mahayana Realm...Yuanying Realm...

In the end, he became a mortal without any cultivation. Biqu library

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


A series of self-detonation sounds came out, and all the cultivators of the Fire Wonderland who were hit by the finger-thick purple thunder all self-detonated and fell!

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