The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Nine Hundred And Ninetieth Chapters Battle Su Luo (End)

Originally, the consummation aura of Su Luotu Fairyland rose to the peak of the Consummation of Earth Fairyland in just one breath!

You can enter the early stage of Water Fairyland just a little bit...

"Break it!" Su Luo shouted.

In the next instant, Su Luo's breath changed suddenly.

The aura that belonged to the early stage of Narcissus Realm erupted.

After his cultivation and combat power were briefly elevated to the early stage of Water Fairyland, Su Luo's aura gradually stabilized.

Looking at the blood world space, Su Luo shouted: "Broken!"

A streak of spiritual power flew out from Su Luo's finger and landed on the edge of the blood world.

Ripples appeared on the edge of the blood world, and it shattered after less than a breath.

Qin Buyi looked at Su Luo with a solemn expression and asked, "The early stage of Water Wonderland?"

Su Luo said: "Emperor Qin of Ming Dynasty, this is my hole card at the bottom of the box. If you can force me to use this hole card, you will not complain if you lose!"

"Remember the agreement between you and me, the east will compensate me for all the losses suffered by the south!"

"Now you have two choices. The first way is to admit defeat and compensate me for the loss in the south."

Qin Buyi continued to ask, "What about the second one?"

Su Luo said: "The second one is to be defeated by me and then compensate me for the loss in the south."

Qin Buyi said: "I choose the third option."

Su Luo said: "What is the third article?"

Qin Buyi said: "The third rule is, of course, if I defeat you, the south will be mine."

Su Luo laughed and said, "Emperor Qin, are you dreaming? It's not a good habit to talk in your dreams on a sunny day!"

Qin Buyi said: "Whether I am dreaming or not, you will know later."

At this moment, Su He came to Qin Buyi and whispered, "Brother Qin, are you sure?"

Qin Buyi said: "Brother Suhe, don't worry, you are absolutely sure."

Su Luo looked at Su He, and suddenly felt angry, and said: "Wait a minute, why don't we fill in some prizes?"

Qin Buyi said: "What's the big prize?"

Su Luo said: "If I win, Su He will stay in the south of me for ten thousand years, bringing me tea and water every day, and let him know what it means to respect an elder brother."

Qin Buyi said: "I can't decide on this matter, you have to talk to brother Su He yourself."

Su Luo looked at Su He and said, "Old Wu, what do you think?"

Su He: "..."

He is just a melon-eating crowd, why is this matter brought up on him.

Su He really wanted to refuse, in case Qin Buyi really lost, it would be hard for him to spend ten thousand years.

With his understanding of Su Luo, these ten thousand years will definitely make him extremely uncomfortable.

But looking at Su Luo's eyes, Su He's competitive spirit was also aroused.

Men, you can never lose face at any time.

Reminiscent of Qin Buyi's words just now, Su He said: "Okay, I promise you this lottery."

"However, if Brother Qin wins, under the same conditions, you will bring me tea and water every day for ten thousand years in the future, and learn what it means to love brothers."

Su Luo paused every word: "Okay! Very good!"

"Then it's settled."

Turning his head, Su Luo looked at Qin Buyi and said, "Emperor Qin Buyi, this is my strongest blow, you have to be careful!"

Qin Buyi said: "It's okay, just use it."

While speaking, Qin

It is not easy to open the system mall, and the divine sense can penetrate into can find your favorite items soon.

[Level 14: Legendary One-Strike Pill: The user can explode 500% of the combat power in the next blow without any side effects. Price: 100 million system mall points. 】

Spend 100 million system mall points to exchange this [Fourteenth Level Legendary One-Strike Pill].

Using the power of the system, Qin Buyi directly put the [Fourteenth Order Legendary One-Strike Pill] into his mouth and swallowed it.

There is [Fourteenth Order Hundred Killing Pill Full] in the body, which has skyrocketed again.

Qin Buyi's combat power instantly broke through the limit of the late stage of the Earth Wonderland, and reached the limit of the completion of the Earth Wonderland...the perfection limit of the Earth Wonderland...the early stage of the Water Wonderland!

After the combat power has been upgraded to the early stage of Water Wonderland, there is no suspense in the current battle with Su Luo.

Su Luo held the spear in his hand and shouted: "Luoshen Spear, Luoshen lore!"

The spear burst out with streaks of golden light, and after the golden light, there were phantom shadows of the spear all over the sky.

The spear in Su Luo's hand disappeared, blending into the phantoms of these spears.

Qin Buyi looked at the phantoms of spears in front of him, never thinking of finding the gun in Su Luo's hand from these phantoms of spears.

After all, it is too difficult to find the only gun among so many phantoms.

Qin Buyi has a better way to break this situation.

Since you can't find it, then destroy it all, so that the long spear hidden in the many phantoms will naturally appear.

Qin Buyi's breath burst out instantly.

This breath was no less than that of Su Luo who had temporarily raised his cultivation level to the early stage of Water Fairyland.

Su Luo felt Qin Buyi's breath, his eyes widened, and he said, "What the hell is this..."

"The horse-riding man, didn't he say that he has no hole cards? What is this!"

Su Luo was so shocked by Qin Buyi that he couldn't help but began to swear.

Su He was even more horrified and said: "In the early stage of the Water Fairyland, Brother Qin actually erupted with the breath of the early stage of the Water Fairyland..."

"Damn it, Wood Fairy Realm burst out completely with the early stage breath of Water Fairy Realm, spanning three great realms, Brother Qin... how did he do it?"

Su He's mind was full of question marks, and no matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't come up with a more reasonable answer.

Su Luo's mentality was on the verge of collapse.

One of the fundamental reasons supporting Su Luo's mentality to maintain it now is the strongest attack he has unleashed.

If this strongest attack can defeat Qin Buyi, then everything is fine.

"We must defeat this Great Ming Qin Emperor!" Su Luo thought to himself.

Seeing the ghostly shadows of spears all over the sky getting closer and closer to Qin Buyi, Su He and Su Luo's hearts were in their throats.

What happens below will directly concern the fate of the East and the South.

If Qin Buyi blocks and wins, from then on, the south will be owned by the east.

If Qin Buyi did not stop him and failed, then in addition to compensating for the losses in the south, Su He would have to stay in the south for ten thousand years to serve Su Luo tea...

Qin Buyi looked at the phantoms of long spears that were getting closer and closer to him, holding the killing blade in his hand and shouted:

"Killing · Slaughter · Execution... Instant Slash · Shadow · Sky!"


Killing · Slaughter · Execution... Instant Slash · Shadow · Sky! "

"Killing·Slaughter·Execution...Instant Slash·Shadow·Sky!"...

In an instant, Qin Buyi once again used the fourteen-style killing knife technique 30 times.

"Zheng~!" "Zheng~!"


The sound of the killing blade blared out, covering the entire southern part of the Tianhuang Realm.

All the creatures who heard the sound of the sword gathered their eyes on the Tianhuang Mansion in the south, and said in their mouths:

"This should be the final moment of the duel between Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty and Palace Master Su Luo."

"I hope that Lord Su Luo will win, so that our southern region can recover its vitality after a long period of time, and it can still return to its former appearance."

"I really hope that Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty will win, so that the connection between us and the east will be closer."

"Look, the battle should end soon."...

The matter of Qin Buyi and Su He going to Tianhuang Mansion in the south, after the complete fall of the south, anyone who is not a fool can definitely guess it.

Coupled with the propaganda of some creatures that are relatively close to Tianhuang Mansion in the south, the battle between Qin Buyi and Su Luo is well known.

The negative aura emanating from Qin Buyi and the killing blade became stronger.

So powerful that even Su Luo couldn't help but feel lingering fear!

"With such a strong negative aura, how many creatures did the Great Ming Qin Emperor kill!"

A thunderous sound sounded.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


Thirty huge purple thunderbolts appeared in front of Qin Buyi.


With the sound of Qin Buyi, he stopped drinking.

These thirty huge purple thunderbolts struck towards the spear shadows in front of the sky.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


Thirty huge purple thunderbolts collided with gun shadows all over the sky.

After one breath, all the gun shadows in the sky were scattered, leaving only the real body of the gun hidden in it.

After two breaths, with the shattering of fifteen purple thunderbolts, Su Luo's spear was full of cracks.

After three breaths, five huge purple thunderbolts shattered, and the spear reached its limit and exploded instantly.


Splinters from the spear exploded and scattered around...

The remaining ten huge purple thunders attacked Su Luo.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


A sea of ​​thunder formed with Su Luo as the center, after about five breaths.

Lei Hai dissipated, revealing Su Luo's extremely embarrassed figure.

At this moment, Su Luo doesn't look like the owner of Tianhuang Palace in the south.

His breath was disordered, his face was like gold paper, and his figure was even more precarious.

As if a gust of wind blows, it is possible to fall to the ground.

Qin Buyi looked at Su Luo and said, "Are you planning to continue fighting?"

Su Luo shook his head and smiled wryly: "No more fights, no more fights! I admit defeat!"

"This south will belong to your east from now on."

Just kidding, Su Luo knew very well that he could survive the ten huge purple thunderbolts.

It's already the result of Qin Buyi's release of water, but it's just a tacit understanding by everyone.

Wouldn't it be too ignorant if he continued to fight without knowing what to do?

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