The Most Powerful System

Chapter 626 Riot War Armed Defense

"Hey, human, you want to hurt me just with your boring toys?"

Regarding the threat of the bald captain, Riot didn't think it was a threat at all.

Their symbionts are born with strong physical endurance, can resist blows, carry swords and bullets, and can basically be immune to more than 90% of physical damage.

And in fact, even if it is physically attacked and produces effective damage visible to the naked eye, it is actually still ineffective.

Because they are essentially liquid life forms, just imagine, even if you use a sharp knife to cut a deep mark on a pool of liquid, it will quickly fill up again for the liquid, so the physical Attack, is it useful?

Of course, the venom symbiote is not without weaknesses. The two most notable weaknesses of their family are that they cannot resist high-temperature flames, and cannot withstand sound waves in a certain hertz band. Rockets and sound waves will cause them real and effective damage, and even last for a long time. Long enough, it can even kill them.

It is true that Riot is not a fool, and he will never mention his own weaknesses to outsiders.

Even Dr. Drake, who was symbiotic with him, he didn't tell him.

"I'll give you one last chance!"

The bald captain warned that his finger was already on the trigger and he would pull the trigger at any moment.

The dozens of security guards behind him also aimed their black muzzles or infrared rays at the rioters, waited for the captain's order, and opened fire en masse.

They also believed that under the covering firepower of hundreds of bullets from everyone at once, no matter how fast the monster moved and how superb its dodging skills were, it would still be hit by a large wave of bullets.

This is the advantage of having more people. With more people, everyone will become more courageous. If there were only two or three teammates, they might just drop their weapons and surrender and run away, but now there are dozens of teammates, and each of them is each other's spiritual support. There are many people and great strength, and no one is afraid.

"Jie Jie! I should be the one who told you this sentence!"

Riot smiled sinisterly, and the expression on his ferocious face looked extremely horrific. With a thought, one arm instantly transformed into a four- to five-meter-long sharp blade, as if he was about to start a fight.


Seeing that this monster wants to fight and not surrender,

The bald captain immediately shouted and ordered his men to open fire.

Da da da……

Suddenly, dozens of tongues of flame pierced the air, forming a red line of fire, and shot toward the riot.

Riot didn't even bother to dodge, allowing those bullets to pour on his body.

As a result, the bullets didn't even pierce through his body, not to mention the shell. His body was as strong as that kind of high-strength plastic. The bullets of these pistols and rifles were not powerful enough to penetrate. Instead, a heavy machine gun like Vulcan Gatling, or a sniper rifle like Barrett, can break through the defense. However, breaking the defense will not actually cause any substantial damage. If you break the defense for him with the front foot, he can recover with the back foot. To be honest, for riots, the power of the so-called Vulcan Gatling is not even as powerful as an ordinary portable flamethrower!

At the same time, seeing that the other party was actually immune to bullets, everyone's eyes widened, including the bald captain, and their eyes were filled with a sense of shock that they couldn't die.

This monster is too powerful!

Now the bald captain suddenly realized that the other party was not bragging at all just now, and there was no bluffing, but that the other party really possessed this ability. Their weapons were like toys in the eyes of the other party!

"Haha, it's my turn to fight back!"

Riot kicked his legs on the ground, jumped several meters high, roared, and waved his sharp blade arm.

With a single swing, the lives of several security personnel were harvested on the spot. The death conditions were the same, and they were all chopped in half.

The other security personnel around witnessed a few teammates being instantly killed, and died so cruelly, their hearts skipped a beat, and the hairs on their bodies stood on end.

It's just horrible!

The crowd continued to pour bullets crazily. Although they couldn't hurt the monster, they could at least suppress the opponent's approaching pace to a certain extent. They looked at each other, as if they were waiting for someone to call back, and then brought the rhythm. Followed retreat.

After all, when you came to the Life Foundation, it was mainly for your salary and food. There is no need to spend your life with an invincible monster. That would be too uneconomical. .

So what if the annual salary is a million dollars, if you have money, you can't spend your life!

And at this moment!

Not far away, another team of armed security came rushing forward, about twenty people, led by a bearded deputy captain.

Different from the formation on the bald captain's side, although the bearded deputy captain's number is not as large as his side, the level of weapons is different. Among the 20 people in the opponent's party, two of them are carrying backpack Gatling There was a rapid-fire machine gun, one carrying a rocket barrel, and several others with large caliber bullets on their bodies, and even two snipers. The force of dozens of people is even more powerful.

"We have heavy fire support!"

The bald captain originally found that ordinary bullets were useless against monsters. He was very flexible and planned to call everyone to retreat, but now that heavy firepower came to support him, he immediately suspended this decision.

He gestured, and his dozens of subordinates seemed to spread out on both sides, and then the bearded deputy captain came to the center to form an array.

Puff puff puff puff...

Without further ado, there was a Gatling on the left and right, braving blue fire, pouring bullets on Riot.

The rate of fire of this thing is really fast, the six barrels rotate at a high speed, more than ten bullets per second, covering the monster densely like wasps.

At the same time, there were several other people's large-caliber heavy machine gun bullets suppressing the fire, and two snipers fired an armor-piercing sniper bullet from time to time.

After all, they are security guards hired by hundreds of billions of business empires, and their overall combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

Not to mention, under the cooperation of this professional military level, Riot was constantly broken, and many holes appeared on his body. He screamed angrily and kept backing away.

However, the riots are not vegetarian. Although there are constant holes in the body, they are also healing themselves at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In other words, although this kind of heavy firepower can suppress him, it is difficult to defeat him.

At this moment, a rocket whizzed over with a tail of white smoke.


There was a riot, a scream, fell to the ground and howled...

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