The Most Powerful System

Chapter 80 Towards Latovonia!

Returning to the real world from the system space, Qi Yu simply cleaned up and left the dragon's manor.

His next destination was Latvinia, a small landlocked country on the Eastern European continent between Romania, Serbia and Hungary.

Qi Yu started from the coastal area of ​​New York City and flew eastward. Since there were no crowds living on the sea, he was not too cautious, and flew directly to Latovina, which is about 10,000 kilometers away, at a speed of dozens of times Mach. Go, in just about ten minutes in the past, they crossed the entire Atlantic Ocean and several European countries, arrived at the target location Latavinia, and landed in a sparsely populated barren mountain area.

Speaking of which, Qi Yu chose to search for the whereabouts of Doctor Doom in the small country of Latovonia, not without reason. Because Qi Yu, who has seen the movie "Fantastic Four", knows that the hometown of Doctor Doom is in Latovonia!

Although Latviania is a poor and backward country in the bottom of the world, with an area of ​​only about 10,000 square kilometers and a population of only about 500,000 people, Qi Yuruo went to find Doctor Doom by chance alone, or he happened to meet him on the street. Doctor Doom is basically impossible.

There is a full seven time zone difference between New York and Latvinia. Qi Yu was in the early morning when he left New York, but it was late at night when he came to Latvinia.

The bright moonlight penetrated through the dim clouds and scatters in this sparsely populated wilderness area.

The forest is filled with the fragrance of trees, the crickets chirping from time to time in the grass, a quiet and dreamy night.

In the distance is a barren hillside with dozens of poor aboriginal families sitting on the mountainside. Qi Yu just stared there blankly, and began to think about where Doctor Doom might hide.

"Doctor Doom took the Fantastic Four instead of choosing to kill them on the spot..."

"If I'm right, Doctor Doom should need the four of them alive to accomplish something... maybe, should, most likely intend to do research on them."

"As for the research on the Fantastic Four, whether it is to study the mystery of the cosmic rays that cause genetic mutation in their bodies, or to study the side effects caused by genetic mutation, in short, Doctor Doom definitely needs a laboratory."

"Speaking of the laboratory, the Fantastic Four are four superheroes with strong combat power after all, and it is not easy to detain them. In theory, it is necessary to develop targeted cells or experiments for their four superheroes with different abilities. Equipment, in that case, it means that the conditions of the laboratory are relatively superior, and it should belong to a larger-scale laboratory."

"Latvinia, being a landlocked country, is surrounded by several other countries, the borders of the country border with those countries, and the border is not a reasonable location for a large laboratory. I reckon, according to the destruction Doctor's urine, should have built a large laboratory near the center of the country."

Thinking of this, Qi Yu already has a plan in his heart, first start from the central area of ​​the country!

After a while, Qi Yu quickly flew to the center of Latovonia with the help of the vast darkness.

There is a huge factory here. It is late at night. Except for the small pavilion where the old guard lives, there is a faint light, the inside and outside of the factory are all gray.

"It stands to reason that if Doctor Doom really locked the Fantastic Four in this factory and wanted to use the four of them for human experimentation research, then at least there should be light now."

"But except for the small pavilion, the surroundings are all gray."

"If I'm not mistaken, the place where the Fantastic Four are held should be..."

Qi Yu thought silently in his heart, thinking of this, he suddenly crouched down,

He didn't care how dirty the ground was, he just lay down and listened to the movement under the ground.

Anyone who has studied physics knows that at the level of sound transmission medium, the transmission effect of solids is much better than that of gases. Concrete and the current case, that is, Qi Yu lying down and listening to the sound with his ears on the ground is many times better than standing and listening to the sound with his ears through the air!

Sure enough, within a short while of lying down, Qi Yu obviously heard the abnormal movement from the ground!

"Witty I guessed it right!"

Qi Yu stood up with his hands on the ground and couldn't help but be surprised.

No wonder the neighborhood is bleak. It turns out that Doctor Doom built the laboratory underground!

Speaking of which, the reason why Qi Yu dared to be so sure that this underground base was to destroy the Doctor is because this small backward country is very poor. You must know that Doctor Doom owned a top technology company with a market value of billions of dollars before he entered space and was mutated by cosmic ray radiation. Later, he transferred all his property. Although he is not as rich as before, and his net worth has shrunk several times, he still has a net worth of several hundred million dollars.

"The most urgent task is to find a way to enter Dr. Doom's underground base." Qi Yu thought to himself.

The easiest way to get into Doctor Doom's underground base is, of course, to smash the surface with one punch and then jump off.

However, Qi Yu considers that Doctor Destruction will be brainwashed into a slave by him later, which means that this underground base will soon become his property under Qi Yu's name, so this way of smashing the surface to enter the base must not be possible. Pick. It's like you're playing a tank battle in the Little Bully NES game, and you take the initiative to fire up the home you're guarding.

Therefore, Qi Yu's plan is to find a secret door leading to the underground base and enter the base peacefully!

So he sneaked into the factory, searched quickly for about ten minutes, and finally found the entrance to the underground base.

The entrance to the underground base is in a blocked office of the factory. On the wall of this office is a fresco "Creation of Adam" by the Italian painter Michelangelo during the Renaissance period. Art scene of arrogant naked man on stone with gracious god finger poking.

Qi Yu curiously flicked Adam's little JJ with his finger, and the floor behind him immediately separated to both sides, revealing a row of stone stairs leading to the ground.

Qi Yu found the hidden mechanism by virtue of his own ingenuity!

From this passage, the faint light emanating from the bottom can be seen, which further verifies Qi Yu's speculation.

In this way, Qi Yu quietly walked down the stairs and came to the secret underground base...

PS. In view of the fact that there are more readers who complain about the superhero title of "Dragon Man" (Dragon Blind, Lobster, Deaf Blind, and the late secondary disease), it seems that there are two hundred people. . . Therefore, the shivering little author made up his mind today and listened to the suggestions of the readers. He has updated the words "Dragon Warrior" in the previous article to "Terminator". Since then, Qi Yu's hero title will be called The Terminator, which means The terminator for criminals. Of course, the plot content of the previous article has not changed, just a title has been changed, and there is no need to go back.

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