The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang

Chapter 554 The God of Wealth has no money anymore (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

When Chu Huan returned to the Chinatown on TVB, he had already seen those ghosts waiting in the lobby of the Chinatown.

After seeing Chu Huan's return, these ghosts swarmed up immediately, but they were blocked by Qin Peng and others directly behind Chu Huan, and there was no way to talk to Chu Huan.

No matter what these people said, Chu Huan was unmoved, and went straight to the elevator entrance, boarded the elevator and went straight to the top floor of the 70th floor.

"Boss, this is the list of those ghosts. They all want to meet you as soon as possible!"

Xu Yi waited at the door of Chu Huan's office with a list in his hand.

"Even though we've told them that you don't have time to meet them today, these people still haven't given up and want to meet you."

Chu Huan went back to his seat and sat down, without even looking at the list, he calmly said, "No, they can just wait if they want to. Seeing them now, wouldn't it be too much to give them face."

Xu Yi knew Chu Huan's character, so he didn't say anything when he saw what Chu Huan said.

Xiang Chuhuan asked: "The manager Liang Risi from the public relations department came to me just now and said that because of the collective short-selling event that happened this afternoon, Xiangjiang is now filled with so much news, whether it is some official person, Ordinary people in Xiangjiang haven't reacted yet, so don't worry about what happened this afternoon in a short time, it will cause any substantial damage to your image."

Chu Huan nodded and said, "Tell her, I've already discussed with Li Xiaohe from TVB, let her contact TVB directly for the next matter, and TVB will be responsible for the specific matters."

Xu Yi said: "Yes."

"Is there anything else?"

Chu Huan saw that after Xu Yi finished talking about this matter, he didn't report anything, and asked directly.

Xu Yi hurriedly said: "No more."

Chu Huan smiled and said, "If you don't have one, go and do your own business, don't stay here with me."

Xu Yi nodded and said, "Yes!"


the next day!

All the newspapers in Xiangjiang reported on the collective short-selling of some British-funded companies last night.

‘Some English-language newspapers in Hong Kong, headed by Yiyi Daily, were attacked and suffered heavy losses! ’--"True Daily"

‘When the sword falls, not a single blade of grass grows! ’--"Letter"

‘The most targeted short-selling incident in the history of Xiangjiang, can companies such as Yiyi Daily still persist? ’--"Sing Tao Daily"

Some people who knew the inside story of the matter bought a copy of "True Daily" to see if there was any official explanation.

These people all knew that being shorted in the stock market against Yidai and other companies this time was actually offending Chu Huan, and now Chu Huan's knife against them has fallen!

North Point, Delikson

No, it should be called Carrian Company at this time.

During the time when Chu Huan went to his hometown, Chen Songqing finally cleared up his relationship with Delisheng Company and re-established a company, Carrian, which he fully controlled.

At this time, on Chen Songqing's desk, there were three newspapers, namely "True News", "Letter News", and "Sing Tao Daily".

"I thought that Chu Huan would take action on this matter, but I didn't expect that Chu Huan's action would be so ruthless. This is to kill all these English newspapers!"

Even though this incident had nothing to do with Chen Songqing, after knowing this incident, Chen Songqing still felt a chill down his back.

This is how much money and determination is required to do such a shocking thing!

"Chu Huan completely poked a hole in Xiangjiang this time!"

Zhong Zhengwen was sitting opposite Chen Songqing at this time, even the frivolous Zhong Zhengwen was shocked when he saw the contents of these three newspapers.

"Song Qing, how do you think Chu Huan will end this matter?"

After Zhong Zhengwen sighed, he couldn't help asking Chen Songqing.

"How will it end?" Chen Songqing smiled wryly, and said, "I don't know, it's such a large sum of money, and you can see from the "True Pao" that this short sale is not only for Xiangjiang's one-day business, Even some English-language newspapers with their headquarters in London have not let go. I just did some mental calculations. If I want to do this, I need at least 2.5 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash. Easy."

Yesterday afternoon, when Chen Songqing first found out about this matter, his analysis was the same as Xiao Ruoyuan's. Chu Huan spent at least 2 billion Hong Kong dollars for this matter, but with today's "True News" reading After hearing the content, Chen Songqing immediately raised his budget.

2 billion Hong Kong dollars is probably more than that!

Zhong Zhengwen leaned on the sofa and exclaimed: "This is 2.5 billion Hong Kong dollars. How much cash has Chu Huan saved in the past two years?"

"According to the estimation of Chu Huan's net worth by "Fortune" back then, the entire armory system can provide Chu Huan with about 6 billion Hong Kong dollars in profits every year. I believe that the real wealth Chu Huan has gained in the past two years must have exceeded this figure."

Chen Song calmly analyzed.

"Hey, that means that if Chu Huan had no other investment in the past two years, he would have at least 12 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash?"

Zhong Zhengwen naturally knew Fortune's estimate of Chu Huan's net worth, but he just didn't want to think about it. Now that Chen Songqing had told him about it, this number appeared in his mind.

"I believe that Chu Huan must have his own investment. After all, last year Chu Huan bought shares in Ford Motor, and this year he bought CMB and KMB."

Chen Songqing preached.

Zhong Zhengwen muttered, "Do you mean that Chu Huan doesn't have that much cash?"

Then Zhong Zhengwen suddenly said firmly: "That's right, Chu Huan probably doesn't have that much cash in his hands!"

Just for the acquisition of Ford Motor shares, although Zhong Zhengwen does not know the exact amount of funds Chu Huan paid, one thing is certain, that is, at least several billion Hong Kong dollars, and this year, Jiaku acquired CMB, When the KMB incident happened, Zhong Zhengwen suddenly felt that Chu Huan didn't have that much cash in his hands anymore.

Chen Songqing shook his head and said: "I have carefully studied Chu Huan's business empire, and I have come to the conclusion that the assessment by "Fortune" is inaccurate. The 6 billion Hong Kong dollars per year may be just what we see, but in fact it is really produced. Wealth has probably doubled in the past two years!"


Zhong Zhengwen stood up in his seat, looked at Chen Songqing in horror, and said, "Songqing, it's not so scary to be scary. The annual cash income of more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars is not necessarily the richest man in the world. With him making money!"

Chen Songqing smiled bitterly: "I also hope that my inference is incorrect, but after analysis, I still believe that my inference is correct."

Zhong Zhengwen immediately asked: "What is the basis for your inference?"

Chen Songqing said: "Wolf smoke game!"

Zhong Zhengwen was stunned for a moment, and then said, "It's the wolf smoke game that has just been established for two or three years. Does he make so much money?"

Chen Songqing nodded seriously: "Yes!"

Chen Songqing, who was in the entrepreneurial stage at this time, did not concentrate on studying his main business like other entrepreneurs. Chen Songqing set his sights on the two industries of Xiangjiang's real estate and finance. The industry has also been thoroughly studied.

Now ask ordinary Xiangjiang people, which industry in Xiangjiang is the most profitable?

Eight out of ten will tell you, the real estate industry!

But if you ask ordinary Xiangjiang people, which company in Xiangjiang is the most profitable.

Ten out of ten people will tell you, Jiaku!

And which company is the most profitable in Jiaku?

This is a matter of debate. Some say it is a fantasy comic company. After all, it is operated through equity. At this time, Youth Toys has become a subsidiary of the fantasy comic company. When "Fortune" was counting Chu Huan's net worth, it once wrote that However, these two industries are the most profitable industries under Chu Huan's name.

It is also said that it belongs to Wolf Smoke Game. Although Wolf Smoke Game has the shortest history of establishment among the commercial empires of the Jiaku Department, it can be listed as one of the five major commercial princes of the Jiaku Family along with the media industry, real estate industry, clothing industry, and animation industry. one.

In addition, nowadays, arcade game halls can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of Xiangjiang, and the red and white machines in Xiangjiang are about to sell like crazy. Although everyone does not know the specific sales data, they know that this thing is selling like crazy. Many people from Southeast Asia asked their friends in Xiangjiang to help them buy a Famicom.

Southeast Asia has been sold out, what else to consider.

So Chen Songqing also studied these two industries.

But with Chen Songqing's research, he understood that these two industries are not something he can touch, at least not at this stage.

After "Fantasy Comics" became popular, it's not that no one in Xiangjiang has worked in the comics industry, and it even sparked a comic craze in Xiangjiang at that time.

Many companies have invested in the establishment of their own comic companies, just to replicate the successful model of "Fantasy Comics".

But soon they discovered that a popular comic is simply something that cannot be found, but "Fantasy Comics" can guarantee that after the serialization of their popular comic is over, they can quickly add another one. A manga of the same level or even surpassed the popularity of the previous serial manga came out.

In the eyes of many professional cartoonists, this is almost impossible.

But "Fantasy Comics" did it.

In the end, these people could only attribute this result to the huge editing of "Fantasy Manga".

It is rumored that there are at least two to three thousand cartoonists working in the Fantasy Comic Club now!

This is only the number of cartoonists, not counting other clerks.

Chen Songqing saw countless comic companies go from establishment to closure, but in just a few months, they finally gave up on this industry.

Then came the arcade game industry.

Like the animation industry, after "Fantasy Comics" became popular all over the world, many comic companies appeared in Xiangjiang, and the same is true for the arcade industry. After seeing the popularity of the wolf smoke game, many people also established their own game companies. To develop an explosive arcade game.

Before this, Xiangjiang had never had this industry. After many people joined it, they discovered this industry. Not only can it attract money, but it is also very expensive.

A game from conception, to development, to testing, to launch, each worth 10 to 20 million US dollars, is unthinkable.

There are too many chances of error in this process.

And after the game is launched, whether it can sell well or not is really destined.

Such uncertainty has also made many companies retreat, and Chen Songqing is naturally included among them.

The development of a game has exceeded his entire net worth, and even if it is developed, it may not be able to sell for money. He does not have the guts to do this in this time period.

But this does not hinder his understanding of the industry.

It was also because he realized the situation in this industry that he knew that the wolf smoke games that were popular throughout Southeast Asia, Xiangjiang, Japan, Taiwan Island, North Korea and other places were making more money.

Chen Songqing did not go to Europe and the United States to inquire about the market. If he went to Europe and the United States, he would not have the doubts now, but would be extremely sure about this matter.

After hearing Chen Songqing's firm attitude, Zhong Zhengwen said with a little heart: "If arcade games are so profitable, why don't we also set up a game research and development company?"

Chen Songqing laughed, and told Zhong Zhengwen about the investment in this industry that he had discovered before.

Zhong Zhengwen heard that the research and development of a game would cost at least tens of millions of dollars, and he immediately said with a smile: "Actually, the development of the real estate industry is quite good now, and the real estate market in Xiangjiang is very good now. I believe it will definitely bring us great wealth in the future.”

Chen Songqing nodded.

But Chen Songqing has already made a decision in his heart. If his own industry develops in the future, he must enter the animation industry and the game industry.

"If you look at it this way, at this time, Chu Huan took out 2.5 billion Hong Kong dollars to short the stocks of these British companies. Is it certain that he will make money?"

Zhong Zhengwen refocused on the current matter.

Chen Songqing nodded and said: "Fortunately, we don't have the stocks of these companies in our hands, otherwise, in two days, no one will take over!"


"In two days, maybe tomorrow, there will be no buying orders in the stock market, only selling orders!"

In Changshi's headquarters, Li Jiacheng, Sheng Songsheng, Zhou Qian and the two were also talking about what happened in the past two days.

At this time, Li Jiacheng has already determined that those British-funded companies can only persist until tomorrow. If there is no large amount of cash pouring into the stock market tomorrow, then the fate of these companies can be imagined.

"Although I have already received the news from you, the boss, that Chu Huan is likely to short these companies, but I still didn't expect that Chu Huan would actually do so. He really doesn't worry about the consequences at all!"

Sheng Song lamented the sermon.

Before that, Li Jiacheng had judged based on Chu Huan's character that Chu Huan must be shorting the stocks of these companies, and the current situation has proved this point.

Li Jiacheng smiled and said: "There is nothing to worry about the consequences. Those companies have never dealt with Chu Huan, and now Chu Huan is hurting them. As long as Chu Huan is willing to save them in the end, they will definitely regard Chu Huan as the God of Wealth." Offer the same!"

"Then what about the forces behind them? They just watched Chu Huan do this, cutting off their wings with one knife. Back off!"

Sheng Songsheng couldn't understand, now that Chu Huan has made a move, but from yesterday to now, no matter whether it is the bosses of these newspapers, or the people behind the scenes of these bosses, no one has helped, it is too abnormal.

Li Jiacheng said calmly: "It's not that they don't want to make a move, but they don't have time to make a move. Xiangjiang alone has involved nearly 2 billion Hong Kong dollars. Not everyone can raise this money in a short time."

Speaking of this, Li Jiacheng sighed: "Cash is always king in the financial market, but this incident also gave us some hints. After the company develops in the future, there must be enough cash in the company. Let us Enough to handle any trouble!"

In fact, Li Jiacheng had already told Sheng Songsheng and Zhou Qianhe about this matter before, and now he is repeating this matter again.

Sheng Song, Zhou Qian nodded together.

Zhou Qianhe sighed: "Chu Huan's actions this time are really outspoken. You read what was said in "True Pao", which clearly stated that this short sale was because Chu Huan was dissatisfied with certain people's attitude toward My own slander, so I responded!"

Sheng Songsheng also said helplessly: "Chu Huan is probably the only one who has the confidence to say this in Xiangjiang now."

However, Li Jiacheng shook his head and said, "Chu Huan has no choice but to act this time, if "Zhenbao" does not appear with such content.

It will not be able to attract the attention of the whole of Hong Kong. Then the Hong Kong Film and Television Office will launch a film classification system, hold a film festival, and this time the property development rights on the original factory site of the Kowloon Bay MTR Corporation will be overwhelming. The impact on Chu Huan will be huge. "


Sheng Songsheng, Zhou Qian and the two came to a sudden realization at this time, and said: "Boss, if you don't talk about this matter, we all forgot about today's newspaper. Yesterday Li's TV reported these two things."

Li Jiacheng chuckled, and said, "The Hong Kong government wanted to use these three things to suppress Chu Huan's reputation in Hong Kong. This move was completely blocked by Chu Huan."

Zhou Qian said softly: "It's just blocking back, these three things are imperative now, even Chu Huan can only cover up these three things by shorting the stock prices of these companies now.

In fact, in terms of timeliness, at most, the MTR company’s property development rights on the original Kowloon Bay site have been covered, and the remaining two things will not officially start until one month later. After the popularity of shorting the stock price goes down, I think the popularity of those two things will rise again, and Chu Huan will still be slapped in the face by then! "

Sheng Songsheng has a different opinion: "I don't think so, as long as Chu Huan hurts those English newspapers this time, then from now on, Chu Huan will truly control Xiangjiang's media industry. Next, which newspaper dares to report these two things?

Since there are no newspaper reports, it is almost impossible to make these two things have too much influence! "

Zhou Qianhe nodded, "Although what you said is reasonable, you and I both understand that the real behind-the-scenes of this matter are not those English newspaper companies, but most people in the Hong Kong government. They will definitely take action. I don't believe that they will just stand by and watch the situation they managed be broken by Chu Huan!"

Li Jiacheng said: "So, this battle has only just begun, and the best drama is yet to come!"

Zhou Qianhe said with a smile: "No matter how their good show continues, anyway, we have made money now, and that's good!"

At the beginning, Li Jiacheng judged that Chu Huan was going to short the stock prices of these companies, so he immediately asked Sheng Songsheng to also start shorting the stock prices of these companies, and planned to follow Chu Huan to drink soup.

"If the stock prices of these companies have fallen below 50%, the company has made at least 18 million profits this time!"

Sheng Songsheng spoke excitedly.

Where can I borrow the stocks of these companies from the securities company and sell them, because they sold them earlier than Fengwu Securities, so the buying is still there, and I sold all the stocks easily, and now I am waiting for Chu Huan Continue to make efforts over there, and after the stock prices of these companies have dropped by 50%, they will buy the stocks of these companies at low prices in the market and return them to those securities firms. They only need to pay a part of the commission and tax.

Li Jiacheng is very satisfied with this benefit.

"I didn't expect that we just started cooperation with Chu Huan, and the other party gave us such a big gift!"


Some people are happy, some people are angry!

Xia Dingji was very angry at this time. As the financial secretary, he was called the God of Wealth by Xiangjiang people, but now a day has passed, and he has not even raised 2 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Such a situation made Xia Dingji feel deeply powerless while being angry!

He is only the Financial Secretary, not the Governor of Hong Kong. In fact, even if he is the Governor of Hong Kong, the transfer of such a large amount of funds still requires approval through various procedures.

What's more, if the government's reserves are used to support those companies, there will be a storm of verbal criticism. At that time, Xia Dingji can only take the blame and resign.

So after learning about this matter yesterday, Xia Dingji didn't think about using the Hong Kong government's reserves. Instead, he discussed with major banks and consortiums, hoping that they could come forward to raise a sum of money to fight Chu Huan. battle, but

"Mr. Sir, our bank is very supportive of your request, and we don't want the Hong Kong stock market that has just returned to normal, because this matter has fallen to the bottom again, but the amount of funds is too huge. Our bank It also takes a while to raise.

And you should know that by tomorrow, the whole of Hong Kong will pay attention to this matter. If it is known by then that our bank has provided the money to support those companies, then before this matter is over, some people will definitely be aroused. Depositors panic.

If this incident triggers a wave of crowdfunding, it will really be a big deal, so please give us a period of time. After this period of time has passed, we will definitely support them with this fund! "

These were the words Xia Dingji answered on the phone yesterday from a bank that was not strong enough.

"Director, I can understand your thoughts, but 2 billion Hong Kong dollars is not a small amount. If we at HSBC still cannot raise the stock prices of these companies with the 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, then who will bear the loss?

Our HSBC took out the money following your order, Mr. Secretary, so think about it in the worst possible way. If it fails, can Mr. Secretary guarantee that the government can pay the loss for HSBC? "

Roy Bentley answered Xia Dingji in this way.

Everyone is the God of Wealth, and no one should say who is more noble than anyone else.

At this time, Xia Dingji suddenly realized that his God of Wealth seemed to be a fake, and he had no ability to change money at all.

Afterwards, the phone in Xia Dingji's office kept ringing, all from the British consortia. Under such pressure, Xia Dingji's bags under his eyes were already swollen today.

He didn't go to anyone, but Xia Dingji had already figured it out, and now there were only two ways in front of him, the first one was to go to Chu Huan and give in!

After having such an idea, Xia Dingji immediately denied this idea, absolutely not doing this!

If he surrenders this time, he will completely lose his prestige in Xiangjiang in the future.

Those people who used to stand behind me will not let me go because they solved this matter.

"Since, Chu Huan, you want to be tough, let's compare whether the money in your hands is unlimited, or the power in my hands is greater!"

After pondering, Xia Dingji dialed the number of David Patterson's office of Xiangjiang Film and Television Department.


As the sky was getting dark, Chu Huan was about to leave the Chinese shop, and Chu Huan, who was wearing a coat, preached to Xu Yi.

"I won't come to the company tomorrow. Anyone who calls my office will say that I'm a little tired recently. I'm looking for a place to give myself a day off. You don't know where I am!"

Xu Yi nodded and said, "Understood!"

Then Chu Huan walked into the elevator.

When he came out, even though there was no sun outside at this time, there were still quite a few bosses of English newspapers waiting in the lobby of the Chinatown, wanting to explain something to Chu Huan.

But just like when Chu Huan just came back, he didn't say a word to them. Under the protection of Qin Peng and others, he left the Huarenhang directly. West Pier.

There are two luxurious yachts docked on the shore here.

Miao Kexiu, Lin Qingxia, and Zhao Yazhi were already waiting for Chu Huan on one of the yachts.

Chu Huan boarded this yacht, while Qin Peng and others boarded another one.

"How are you, are you satisfied with the environment on the yacht?"

After Chu Huan boarded the yacht, he asked with a smile.

Miao Kexiu said: "Satisfied, but when did you buy the yacht?"

Chu Huan laughed and said, "I didn't buy it, I borrowed it!"

The majestic richest man in Xiangjiang, the richest man in Chinese, does not have his own yacht, but borrows it instead. It is a bit embarrassing to say it.

"Let's go, let's go out and enjoy a day and two nights!"

Chu Huan said with a smile.

Two yachts sailed out of the port, leaving behind the bright Xiangjiang River

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