The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1899: Misty

In fact, Xiao Yao still likes chatting with Luo Yin.

This is a natural optimist, stupid and cute.

When chatting with Luo Yin, anyone, the fairy clan, will feel a lot more happy.

Mu Feng also chatted with Xiao Yao.

Originally, he didn't have any deep feelings for this immortal clan called "Wu Xiao".

But the opponent was still full of momentum in front of so many Luming Pavilion disciples before, even when the situation was very unfavorable for him.

He thought to himself, this is probably the opponent's kendo.

Therefore, he felt that chatting more with such immortals was definitely not a bad thing for him.

"Hey, by the way, Wu Xiao, what song did you sing before? It's very nice, otherwise sing a few more words?" Luo Yin said with a grin.

Hearing these words, the expressions of the disciples of the Zhenlong Sword Sect behind them changed drastically.

"Don't sing!" the immortals said in unison.

Even Mu Feng waved his hands vigorously: "Don't sing anymore."

Luo Yin turned his face to look at them, his face full of curiosity, a little unclear.

"Why! Don't you think this song is good?" Luo Yin asked.

Mu Feng held back for a while, then whispered: "It's secondary, what if it sounds good or not, what if we break our Dao Xin?"

Luo Yin suddenly realized that he nodded vigorously, and showed a lingering expression.

Xiao Yao said he was very injured.

Isn't it awkward to sing a special Lao Tzu?

This sings a sentence to break the Taoist heart of a fairy clan?

If I had this ability, would I stand here and brag with you?

Who do you look down on? !

However, Xiao Yao can see it clearly. Regarding this question, no matter how he explains it, it is of no use, so I should just keep silent...

The mountain road was difficult to walk, Mu Feng waved the long sword in his hand to open the way, Xiao Yao and Luo Yin, as well as some other disciples of Zhenlong Jianzong, followed behind.

After entering the mountain road, all the immortals, including Xiao Yao, have increased their vigilance.

"This time, Wanlichi always feels something is wrong." Gao Liujiang who was behind suddenly said.

Xiao Yao turned his face and glanced at him.

In fact, his impression of Gao Liujiang has never been very deep.

In his impression, Gao Liujiang has always said that there are relatively few words, and his sense of existence is also relatively low. This is the state of Gao Liujiang on weekdays, and he never likes to express anything.

When Xiao Yao stayed in Zhenlong Jianzong, many immortals would talk to Xiao Yao in order to find a breakthrough opportunity.

Gao Liujiang actually came here, but only once.

Moreover, between him and Xiao Yao, it seems that there is nothing to talk about, just come over and take a look at nothing.

It seems that Gao Liujiang didn't think that chatting with Xiao Yao would be able to take his cultivation a step further.

Xiao Yao knew Gao Liujiang's thoughts, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the other's thoughts. This is the case. Xiao Yao really didn't think he had such a great ability to chat with him to improve his cultivation.

That's all nonsense...

For Xiao Yao, that matter was not much different from today's matter, a huge misunderstanding.

"How to say?" Xiao Yao asked curiously.

Gao Liujiang chuckled and said, "Just feel it, this thing is not accurate."

Xiao Yao disagrees.

I feel that this thing is really illusory, but it can also play a life-saving role at critical moments.

At this point, Xiao Yao took it seriously.

"Don't scare yourself." Mu Feng turned his face and glanced at Gao Liujiang and said.

Gao Liujiang nodded.

Luo Yin smiled and said, "Brother Gao, have you forgotten what the master said before? She said, the more dangers we encounter when entering Wanli Pool this time, the greater the benefits we will get, so this is not a bad thing. , It's still a good thing!"

Gao Liujiang thought for a while, and said helplessly: "On this issue, you and I really have nothing to say.

No way, Luo Yin has always been an optimist, and talking to her about these issues is purely to make herself feel uncomfortable.

"Wu Xiao, are you scared?" Luo Yin asked Xiao Yao, looking at him.

Xiao Yao thought for a while, but said nothing.

At this time, Mu Feng suddenly slowed down, turned his face to look at Luo Yin, and couldn't help asking: "Are you really familiar with Brother Wu Xiao?"

"Of course!" Luo Yin nodded vigorously, looking like a proud little princess.

"How long have you known each other?" Mu Feng continued to ask.

Because no matter from which angle he looked at it, he didn't feel how familiar Luo Yin and Xiao Yao were.

"Well... I have known each other for several days!" Luo Yin said very solemnly.

"..." Mu Fengpi smiled but didn't smile.

Just say it! My instinct is quite accurate...

In fact, he is also a little curious.

He and Luo Yin have known each other for many, many years. Although this girl has a very good personality, she is not so good to everyone.

Just like before in Zhenlong Jianzong, although Luo Yin had a good relationship with Gao Liujiang Liang Yulong and the others, there were always some differences.

For example, she has always been called Mu Feng's elder brother, but she has always been senior brothers to Liang Yulong and Gao Liujiang.

This is the difference.

This kind of difference would not be felt by other immortals, but in Luoyin, it was very obvious.

But now, Mu Feng felt that Luo Yin was really good to the Luming Pavilion disciple named Wu Xiao a little too much, and he seemed to always want to talk with him.

Such a scene made Mu Feng feel familiar.

Then he patted his head and suddenly realized.

When I first saw Chen Qi, wasn't Luo Yin's attitude towards Chen Qi the same?

Thinking of this, Mu Feng felt a little unconvinced. Before Luo Yin and Chen Qi walked very close, he still had no objection. After all, a big man like Chen Qi, even if it was him, was quite respectful, but now this one is called Wu Xiao's immortal clan, apart from good swordsmanship, he didn't see any shining light from the opponent.

Is your insight lost?

At this moment, Mu Feng suddenly stopped.

He raised his head and looked around, with a look of doubt on his face.

Around them, I don't know when it started, and layers of water mist slowly condensed.

It's like... floating out of an air humidifier.

In this layer of mist, there is still a delicate fragrance.

Mu Feng subconsciously took a few more mouthfuls, but his face suddenly changed.

He could feel that the immortal power in his body was being eaten away...

It's like a bug that doesn't know what it looks like, got into his body in a weird way, and used the fairy power in his body as food.

With a major direction, he immediately held his breath, but found that it had no effect at all.

Those water mist can penetrate through his skin, and he wants to transport the immortal power in his body to resist, but it accelerates the speed of the loss of immortal power in the body.

"No, this mist is poisonous!" Gao Liujiang said with a throat.

Mu Feng glanced at him and sighed.

It is useless to say these now.

"Don't resist, otherwise, it will only speed up the loss of immortal power in the body." Mu Feng said decisively.

Those disciples of the Zhenlong Sword Sect who had already started to transport the immortal power in their bodies had already noticed this, and their faces were ashes ashes, and they had nothing to do.

Being stuck in this weird mist is nothing to them, but what really makes them feel awkward and uncomfortable is that they have been threatened, but they don't dare to resist, they can only-catch it with one's hands!

Xiao Yao's face was blank.

It wasn't until he discovered that Luo Yin's complexion had changed when he was next to him, that he realized that the immortals such as Mu Feng and Gao Liujiang were not joking.

What they say is true.

Xiao Yao has a headache.

What a...

Why isn't Laozi shit?

He is completely confused.

He soon understood that these mists were eating away from the power of the immortal, and the power in his body was not originally the power of the immortal, so the mysterious existence hidden in the mist was of little interest to him.

After realizing that he was the fish that slipped through this layer of mist, Xiao Yao was very sad, and he suddenly didn't know what to do.

Hurry up and lie down and say you are going to die?

It's definitely not good to pretend to be a okay person anyway!

"Wu Xiao, how are you? How long can it last?" Luo Yin asked in a low voice.

Xiao Yao didn't know how to answer this question.

I...should be able to hold on for a long, long time?

"Ahem, I'm okay, how about you? How long can you last?" Xiao Yao simply asked rhetorically.

"I can probably last for three hours," Luo Yin said, "Within at least three hours, the immortal power in my body will not run out."

Xiao Yao nodded, and he also had some estimates in his heart: "I'll probably be two and a half hours."

"Ah! I'm better than you!" Luo Yin said with a smile.

It seems that he didn't realize that the immortal clan was already in danger.

Xiao Yao chuckled.

This is really... the brain circuit is novel enough!

Is it interesting to discuss who is great now?

"We have to hurry down the mountain." Mu Feng said sternly.

After all, the celestial power in their bodies is now losing. If they continue to choose to climb the mountain, they don’t know what kind of situation they will encounter. When the celestial power in their bodies has completely disappeared, if they encounter danger, they will have no chance to escape. What you do is to kill your neck.

Although they are ready to face danger, they are not yet ready to face death.

Immediately choose to retreat, at this time is the wisest choice.

However, just after they turned around, they found that there was already a thick fog behind them.

I can't see the mountain road at all.

"Brother Mu Feng, can we go back now?" a disciple with only the strength of the fairy asked in a low voice.

The voice was full of panic.

"It should be possible. When I came, I used sword energy to mark some trees." Mu Feng said sternly.

"My spiritual sense is no longer useful."

"mine too……"

"My divine consciousness is still strong, but now I can only sense the distance of ten steps." Gao Liujiang sighed and said.

Xiao Yao's divine sense should be the most powerful among these immortal races. He urged the divine sense to feel it, and then glanced at Mu Feng.

He knew that Mu Feng would be disappointed next.

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