The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1901: I'll grab it!

As for why Lu Tong had conflicts with those scattered immortals, I could understand the words that Lu Tong roared before.

Now Xiao Yao is very curious about what kind of treasure has appeared that can make those casual repairers not afraid of offending Luming Pavilion, and even less afraid of losing their power, and can choose to turn their faces.

It is really hard to imagine.

"Xu Qiang, you take Dingxiancao first, and I'll stop them!" Lu Dong gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

"Senior Brother Lu..." Another Luming Pavilion disciple, the immortal clan named Xu Qian, looked a little horrified on his face, whispered, "Let's run together..."

"Shut up!" Lu Dong was amused.

Special, if this can run together, I still need to stay?

Do you think I was idle and talking about it before?

The immortal clan named Xu Qiang did not hesitate anymore, turned around and was about to flee, but unexpectedly Sanxian, carrying a spear, had already chased him.

Originally, Lu Dong wanted to stop him, but he didn't expect that the other party would suddenly kill a carbine.

Lu Dong was shocked in his heart.

Originally, he thought that the other party's purpose was to catch up with Xu Qiang and **** Dingxian Grass back.

But I didn't expect this to be just a flicker.

The real purpose of the other party is still oneself!

The angle of this gun is extremely tricky, and the opponent is well prepared.

At this moment, Lu Dong saw a sneer on the opponent's face.

It seems to be saying to myself: Your kid is still too naive.

Lu Dong suddenly made a fierce shot. He didn't choose to evade, but reached out his hand and grabbed the spear.

With a strong wind, the spear pierced through Lu Dong's palm, and blood surged.

The expression on Lu Dong's face became extremely hideous in an instant, his other hand fisted into a fist, and he slammed the gun master's chest severely.

The two of them moved backward together.

Lu Dong quickly sealed the blood in his body, and no more blood flowed out of his palm, but the dark hole, even Xiao Yao looked at it, felt a little shocking.

Looking at Lu Dong, Xiao Yao had a toothache.

This buddy is really cruel to myself...

In this way of self-defeating one thousand and hurting the enemy eight hundred, stopped the gun master.

In this way, people are embarrassed.

But it was quite enjoyable. At the very least, Lu Dong also showed his bloodliness. At the very least, it was worthwhile for other immortals to take a look at him.

The gun master quickly stood up again, but his face looked a little pale.

Obviously he didn't expect that the opponent would choose to fight against himself in this way.

In fact, in the previous situation, if Lu Tong had settled his mind and wanted to retreat, he could also dodge, but he would not be able to stop the gun master from pursuing him.

However, just when Xu Qiang hurriedly fled, he was stopped.

"Hey, hand it over, I am kind-hearted, and I won't be too **** you." Gao Liujiang looked at the disciple of the Zhenlong Jianzong named Xu Qiang with an expression that was not very kind no matter how he looked at it. In the middle there was also a gleam of brilliant lights, as if looking at the prey that he was about to prey.

Xu Qiang's face instantly turned pale.

When he ran away before, he was completely panicked and didn't realize that there were other immortals here.

Hearing what Gao Liujiang had just blurted out, eight words appeared in Xu Qiang's mind: He just left Longtan and entered the tiger's den.

He wanted to sit on the ground and cry,

Who the **** did you provoke?

Isn't it special that they all form a group to rob?

Bullying honestly... Where's the fairy?

But at this moment, Xu Qiang's gaze suddenly fell on Xiao Yao who was standing behind Gao Liujiang, his eyes lit up, as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

"Junior Brother Wu Xiao! Junior Brother Wu Xiao!" He yelled, waving his arms.

Xiao Yao glanced at him and sneered.

What's so special, now I am your junior?

You seemed to be jumping with Shaoyu before, right?

So Xiao Yao very decisively chose to ignore him, as if he hadn’t seen or heard him. He continued to chat with Luo Yin next to him. From time to time, he turned his face to look at Lu Dong’s side, staring at the battlefield to see if they wanted How long will it take to decide the winner?

Xu Qiang couldn't calm down completely.

He knew that now he wanted to save his life and save Dingxiancao, and his hope was entirely pinned on Xiao Yao.

Although, he never took Xiao Yao seriously, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with the opponent leaving the Luming Pavilion disciple team.

But now, this is their life-saving straw.

A fool can see that Xiao Yao and the disciples of Zhenlong Sword Sect are very happy getting along, but now he is stopped by the disciple of Zhenlong Sword Sect. I dare not say that Xiao Yao speaks, the other party will definitely let go. Own, but the possibility is still great.

Even if there is only a one-percent chance, in this desperate situation, he has to give it a try!

The opportunity is in front of you, how can you not grasp it?

He had rushed to Xiao Yao's front. Gao Liujiang could have intercepted him, but after thinking about it, he still didn't do so, letting the guy named Xu Qiang run in front of Xiao Yao.

"Junior Brother Wu Xiao, you must help me! We are all disciples of Luming Pavilion. Now that we are in trouble, how can you stand by and watch?" Xu Qiang said.

Xiao Yao sneered, unmoved.

Xu Qiang's eyes darkened, and he straightened up suddenly, pointing to Xiao Yao's nose and cursing: "Wu Xiao, you are a disciple of our Luming Pavilion. Are you going to unite with their Dragon Sword Sect to seize my treasure? , After I get out of the Wanli Lake, I must report this matter to you, even Elder Dan Huang will not be able to keep you!"

This is soft but hard.

"I don't plan to unite with them!" Xiao Yao said, "They want to **** your things. What does it have to do with me?"

"Hehe, as my Luming Pavilion disciple, how can you not fend off the enemy with me?" Xu Qiang said.

This one big hat after another was buttoned on Xiao Yao's head.

Gao Liujiang, who was standing behind Xu Qiang, originally had his arm inserted, but now he couldn't listen to it anymore, and was directly amused.

"Now you have a Luming Pavilion disciple. Why didn't you say it before? You still fend off the enemy together? People were almost killed by the Sanxian you took. What did you say at the time? Didn't you say that he is inferior to animals? Did he get out of the team? Why is he now a disciple of your Luming Pavilion?" Gao Liujiang scoffed at Xu Qiang's words just now, "You really are a mother if you have milk, and a slave if you don't have milk!"

Xu Qiang heard Gao Liujiang's sarcastic expression on his face without any change.

As a result, Gao Liujiang no longer wanted to continue to satirize the other party.

Xu Qiang doesn't seem to care about this at all. No matter how awkward it is, people will be shameless. What's the point of continuing to beat people in the face?

He shook his head and sighed in his heart.

This Luming Pavilion disciple has always cherished feathers so much and cared about other people's views of themselves, but now that he entered Wanli Pool, when his own interests were threatened, all the original rules and regulations were thrown away.

Gao Liujiang felt that it was not only the disciple of Luming Pavilion, but it should be the case for any immortal clan now. Perhaps the face is more uglier than the disciple of Luming Pavilion.

Xiao Yao didn't have any special feelings.

But after listening to Xu Qiang's last words, the expression on his face also changed.

Become exceptionally indifferent.

He looked at Xu Qiang and sneered again and again. Under such circumstances, the other party didn't think about how to use to please himself, so as to relieve the previous suspicion, but instead threatened him in this way.

Of course, even if the other party really wants to be with Xiao Yao at this time, Xiao Yao will not take it seriously, but it is one thing to take it seriously, and the other party's attitude is another matter.

Now Xu Qiang's attitude makes Xiao Yao feel uncomfortable.

Very upset.

He stood up and glanced at Xu Qiang.

When Xu Qian met Xiao Yao's gaze, he took a step back subconsciously.

"You...what are you doing?" He asked in a low voice with trembling lips.

Xiao Yao laughed and said very seriously: "Actually, I think what you just said is quite right. The disciple of the Dragon Sword Sect in Renjia wants to **** your things. As your junior disciple, the disciple of Luming Pavilion, no May sit idly by."

Hearing these words, Xu Qiang was immediately overjoyed.

He felt that what he had just said had already had a very good effect.

As for whether the other party is complaining about himself at this time, this is not a question he needs to care about now.

The most important thing is to pass this juncture first.

Other things can be put aside later.

Xiao Yao continued to speak.

"What you just said was that the disciple of the Zhenlong Sword Sect robbed you of what was on your body. I can't help but sit back and ignore it, right?" Xiao Yao asked.

Xu Qiang nodded vigorously, and was about to cry immediately.

Did this guy finally understand what he was saying?

However, what Xiao Yao said next gave him a feeling of falling straight from heaven to hell.

"Since this is the case, then I think it's quite easy! I'll rob you. Isn't that fair?" Xiao Yao smiled and looked at Xu Qiang and said seriously, "Until now, I haven't heard that after entering Wanli Pond It’s forbidden to fight between the same sect. Even Elder Dan Huang never said it. If I say that, it’s okay, right?"

Xu Qiang wanted to strangle Xiao Yao directly.

What kind of logic is this?

However, all the disciples of Zhenlong Jianzong showed a smile on their faces.

It seems that what Xiao Yao said now is quite pleasant.

"Come on, be self-conscious, or do I do it myself?" Xiao Yao said, squinting at Xu Qiang.

Xu Qiang: "..."

He was surprised.

Is this guy named Wu Xiao really his younger brother?

Are you really a disciple of Luming Pavilion?

This is simply... worse than the Dragon Sword Sect than those Sanxian!

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