The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1904: Jie worm

Anyone who sees the picture in front of me will feel the scalp numb.

Consider again the environment you are in at this time.

Even if there is just a random gust of wind at this time, it will feel like a gust of wind...

Under the ground, blood is still permeating the grass.

Piece by piece, so that the green grass was soaked with blood.

It seems that these grasses shouldn't grow here at all, but should grow on the yellow spring road leading to hell.

Suddenly, the strong wind blows into the densely structured jungle, and the sound is like the miserable cry of a ghost.

Whether it was Xiao Yao or the immortals present, they would not be afraid of ghosts and gods.

Xiao Yao didn't need to say more, these Zhenlong Sword Sect disciples were originally immortals.

Why are you afraid of ghosts?

What they are really afraid of is the existence of terror that can cause silent death.

All immortals, including Xiao Yao, are now under tremendous pressure.

If they knew who their opponent was, maybe they wouldn't be so scared now, but the most helpless problem now is that they still don't know who their opponent is. What is fear? It is the unknown existence.

Just as humans are afraid of ghosts, they will yell when watching a horror movie. It’s just because they don’t know whether there are ghosts in this world, what they look like, and whether they really exist. This is the reason for their fear. If they know how ghosts exist and what they look like, maybe. I don't feel much fear anymore.

That's it now.

Even Xiao Yao couldn't maintain absolute calm at this time.

When he realized that he could not see or perceive that horrible existence, there was a feeling of powerlessness.

Although Luo Yin now has Dingxian Grass, she always hides behind Xiao Yao.

It's not that she used Xiao Yao as a human shield. In fact, even she herself couldn't understand why she felt this way.

It seems that as long as he hides behind Xiao Yao, he will feel a sense of security.

If Xiao Yao knows Luo Yin's thoughts at this time, he will definitely sigh and say to her seriously: "Little girl, your thoughts are very dangerous!"

When a woman feels dependent on a man, looking for a sense of security.

This is indeed a very dangerous signal...

The disciple who was suddenly dragged to the ground never appeared again.

Can only see blood permeating.

The air was filled with the smell of blood.

The mysterious existence seemed to be aware that Xiao Yao was a little different, so instead of targeting Xiao Yao, he chose to target other Zhenlong Sword Sect disciples.

Xiao Yao had a headache.

He has a feeling of helplessness.

Although Mu Feng was trying his best to calm the emotions of the Zhenlong Sword Sect disciple, even he himself couldn't keep calm. If he said this, it would naturally not be as effective as it should be.

When the gust of wind rose again, another red light flickered in the air and directly rushed towards Mu Feng.

"Be careful!" Xiao Yao yelled angrily.

Mu Feng turned his face to face the red light, but the expression on his face looked a little sluggish, and Xiao Yao saw horror in his eyes.

But what Xiao Yao saw was still just a red light.

Mu Feng subconsciously raised the sword in his hand, but he had no chance to dodge.

Everything happened in a flash.

Xiao Yao rushed up, the red light had fallen on Mu Feng's arm, and a breath of death instantly covered Mu Feng's body.

Immediately, the flesh and blood on his arm disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Yao raised the sword in his hand and cut off Mu Feng's arm directly, then stretched out his hand to pull Mu Feng behind him, and at the same time pinched a sword art in his hand.

The sword light rose vigorously, colliding with the red light, and the red light dissipated again.

"Brother Mufeng!" The disciples rushed over one by one.

Some are really worried about Mufeng's safety.

Some others realized that Xiao Yao seemed to be able to deal with that horrible existence, so their subconsciousness approached here.

There is no right or wrong.

Being threatened by such fearful existence, even the immortal clan has no way to stick to his heart.

"What did you see?" Xiao Yao asked, staring at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng's face was pale, holding a long sword in one hand.

After a while, his lips quivered slightly, and he uttered two words with difficulty: "It's a worm."

Xiao Yao's face was calm.

The disciples of the Dragon Sword Sect in the surrounding town all showed shock and fear.

Xiao Yao had a feeling of standing out from the crowd.

"It seems that Brother Wu Xiao has found a way to deal with Jie Chong, otherwise they would not be so calm." Gao Liujiang said confidently.

"Yeah, Wu Xiao, do you really have a way to deal with Jie Chong?" Luo Yin shook Xiao Yao's arm and asked.

Xiao Yao coughed.

He felt that these Zhenlong Sword Sect disciples might have misunderstood themselves again...

After a long silence, he whispered, "Actually, I don't even know what the jellyfish you are talking about is."

Disciple of Zhenlong Sword Sect: "..."

They looked at Xiao Yao seriously.

I always feel that Xiao Yao is joking now.

As an immortal clan, how can you not know what a jelly is?

"Which one of you has time, talk to me?" Xiao Yao asked.

Even in the human inheritance he accepted, there is no record of Jie Chong.

Maybe there are, but I still don't have a way to completely open those inheritances.

Luo Yin said softly: "Jie worm is a very terrible creature. It is said that it only exists in the demon world. Although there are in the fairy world, there are very few. Jie worms are difficult to detect, even if they are divine consciousness. Unless the immortal emperor can detect it, any immortal, even the purple lotus immortal, who is the number one strong immortal, can’t do anything about it. Moreover, Jie Chong is very good at hiding his body and aura at a very fast speed. The power is also great, a worm, only the size of a fingernail, but it can lift a mountain..."

Xiao Yao nodded lightly, and gradually understood a little bit.

Gao Liujiang took Luo Yin's words just now and said: "The existence of Jie worms is very special. They just like to feed on the flesh and blood of the tribe of fairy, demons and demons, and they can devour prey very fast."

Xiao Yao asked: "Those immortal emperors never thought of killing all these jelly worms?"

Outside the sky, the three clans of fairy, demons and demons are the most powerful.

However, the existence of Jie Chong threatened the tribe of Fairy, Demon and Demon.

Those immortal emperors, demon gods and demon emperors, logically speaking, there is no reason to sit idly by.

"In the past, there were a lot of jelly worms in the fairy world. Many immortal emperors have taken action and killed many jelly worms, but there are always fish that slip through the net." Gao Liujiang said, "Unexpectedly, there will be jelly worms here..."

Xiao Yao also had a headache.

Although Luo Yin and Cai Liujiang simply said something, he also realized that Jie Chong is indeed very difficult to deal with.

Only a big boss at the level of the fairy emperor can detect the existence of Jie Chong.

I didn't notice it, but it wasn't surprising.

"Since this is the case, didn't the immortal clan have researched any method to deal with Jie worms?" Xiao Yao asked.

Gao Liujiang and the other immortals all looked dark and shook their heads.

Xiao Yao was also exasperated.

Hearing what these fairy clan said, Jie worms should have existed for a long time, but so far, the three clan of fairy, demons and monsters have not found a way to kill Jie worms, Xiao Yao really doesn't know how to evaluate.

The three clans of the fairy, demons and demons are idle and do nothing every day, don't they know to do something meaningful?

The eggs hurt every day!

However, the information that Luo Yin, Gao Liujiang, and Xiao Yao said about Jie worms allowed Xiao Yao to find some breakthroughs.

Originally, he didn't realize that it was creatures that threatened these immortals, but thought it was a mysterious power.

But now that he knew it was a creature, the strange fire in his body could come in handy.

It's just that the disciples of Zhenlong Jianzong have seen the strange fire in his body, and the disciples of Luming Pavilion have seen it.

Once you use a different fire, your identity is likely to be seen through.

This is the most difficult choice Xiao Yao faces now.

Is it possible to watch the disciples of Zhenlong Sword Sect die in front of him one by one?

But Xiao Yao also wanted to understand soon.

Jie worms not only pose a threat to these immortals, but also pose a threat to themselves.

Even if I don’t save these immortals, I will die here...

At this moment, another red light appeared, but there was still a distance from their side, but in this white environment, the red light looked too conspicuous.

Xiao Yao didn't rush to stir up the strange fire, but chose to rush towards the red light.

"You protect yourself, I will kill the worm!"

"Brother Wu Xiao!"

"Wu Xiao!"

The disciples of Zhenlong Sword Sect were all surprised.

Encountering Jie Chong, these immortals are too late to escape.

How could there be Xiao Yao's courage to rush towards Jie Chong directly?

When the red light disappeared, Xiao Yao also disappeared from the sight of many immortals.

At first they thought Xiao Yao had mastered the method to deal with Jie Chong, but they soon realized that this was not the case.

Xiao Yao obviously didn't even know what Jie worm was before.

Gao Liujiang sat down on the ground, with moving tears on his face.

"Brother Wu Xiao, really...too righteous! In order to protect us, we chose to take the initiative to attack, oh oh oh..."

"Wu Xiao..." Luo Yin had no gods in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking at this time.

Mu Feng gritted his teeth tightly, a ball of anger was burning in his heart, and the sword energy in his body surged wildly.

Falling into this kind of powerlessness, he looked at the arm he had lost, and his heart was very painful.

What is even more painful is that in the face of the terrifying Jie Chong, this Senior Brother Mu Feng himself has nothing to do.

Wu Xiao, you must return safely.

Mu Feng said in his heart.

At this moment, another red light appeared.

He directly rushed towards Luo Yin who was still in a daze.

The speed is fast.

Thunder is like electricity!

Mu Feng immediately emitted a sword aura, but was evaded by the red light in an instant.

"Luo Yin be careful!" Mu Feng didn't even think about it, holding the sword in his hand and blocking it in front of Luo Yin.

He closed his eyes tightly.

Even if it is dead, he has to protect the little girl who calls himself Mufeng Brother every day...

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