The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1909: Let go of Han Fan

Han Fan of the Mountain Splitting Sword Sect squatted with Xiao Yao.

Looking at such a picture, I always feel very strange.

Han Fan was still sweating coldly. For the first time, he hoped that other immortals would stick to their original heart and be free from distracting thoughts. What if Xiao Yao's thoughts become complicated and the sword formation falls? It was as if the gun was actually put on his head, for fear that the opponent's hand would shake off.

"Ahem, brother, you might not believe it. We really didn't come to see you. I was lost. I happened to pass by here. Then I wanted to say hello to you and left." Han Fan cleared his throat very much. Seriously said, "You have to believe me!"

Xiao Yao coldly snorted, "Knowing that I might not believe it, would you still say a fart?"

Han Fan pleaded bitterly, "Brother, can you give me a chance?"

"Okay! Talk to the sword formation above your head!" Xiao Yao roared angrily.

Hmm... Isn't this a classic segment of a certain movie?

Whether you can go to Cannes, it depends on this time.

Han Fan was very tired.

He always felt that the other party didn't really want to kill himself at all, but he did not rule out the possibility of killing himself.

He took a deep breath, stared at Xiao Yao, and asked very seriously: "This brother, what do you think of me?"

"Being a toy!" Xiao Yao said with a smile.

He squeezed his greasy nose while speaking.

So cute!

At this time, Luo Yin also finished plucking all the jade flowers, and after giving it to Xiao Yao, she also squatted on the side, looking at Han Fan curiously.

"Grandpa Chen, who is this big guy! Why are you here?" Luo Yin asked.

Before, she was completely devoted to picking jade flowers. Although she had heard some things about Xiao Yao's side, she was still not very clear.

"I don't know who he is, but he should be here to give the head away." Xiao Yao said, "You said that if we kill him, can we explode the equipment?"

Although Luo Yin didn't quite understand the meaning of Xiao Yao's remarks, she also thought about it seriously, and said, "This knife on his body is also good. It should be a good thing, right?"

"Well, it should be, but I don't know if there are any other good things in him." Xiao Yao said.

Han Fanxin was in pain.

Are you talking about these nasty things, can't you just stand behind me?

He always feels that what Xiao Yao and Luo Yin are talking about now is where they should be cut when they want to kill him.

This feeling will be as suffocated as you feel.

"Brother, please give me a good time," Han Fan said suddenly.

"Really?" Xiao Yao's eyes were taken aback.

Han Fan quickly laughed: "Just kidding, haha! Don't take it seriously!"

The courage that had been so hard to build up collapsed in an instant.

After saying that, he himself wanted to slap himself.

It's just that it's impossible to summon the courage to speak again now.

Xiao Yao stood up and patted his clothes.

Luo Yin stood up with Xiao Yao.

Originally, Han Fan wanted to stand up too, but Xiao Yao glared at him and squatted down again obediently.

"Leave your knife and I will let you go." Xiao Yao said, "Choose for yourself, after all, if I kill you, I can also take the knife from you."

Han Fan was in pain for a while.

He could see that Xiao Yao was definitely not joking at this time.

It's just that this knife is very important to him.

He now has the strength of the sword master. If he loses this sword, although he is also the sword master, his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

What's more, there is still water mist here, and the immortal power in the body has been losing, losing this knife, I am afraid that I only have the strength of an immortal general.

As for the guy standing in front of him, although he couldn't see through, he always felt that the opponent's strength seemed to be at its peak.

He felt that the other party probably understood this, so he said that.

"Okay, I promise." Han Fan nodded.

He also wants to understand.

Although this knife is good, it is something outside of the body after all, and it cannot be brought with it by life or death.

For the sake of a knife, throwing his own life here, no matter how you look at it, it is somewhat unworthy.

So after a short period of thought, he immediately made a very clear decision.

Xiao Yao nodded in satisfaction, and applauded: "Russ can be taught."

Han Fan felt even more uncomfortable.

Another crit...

Taking the black broadsword from Han Fan, he waved his hand and motioned to Han Fan to get out.

Han Fan didn't hesitate at all, and immediately turned around, avoided the sword formation, and ran towards his fellow apprentice brothers.

Like a bird breaking free from its cage and running towards the blue sky.

After regaining his freedom, Han Fan took a deep breath.

He felt that the air here is so good...

"Brother, let's kill them!" a disciple of the Mountain Sword Sect shouted.

"Yes, brother, we must not forget about this matter. When have you been subjected to such humiliation?!" Another disciple roared.

Han Fan sneered, stretched out his hand, pinched the neck of the disciple who had just spoken, and said with a sneer, "Are you trying to cheat me?"

"No, no...Senior brother, I dare not..." The disciple's feet were off the ground, his body was suspended, his face was ugly to the extreme.

Han Fan snorted and threw him away.

At Xiao Yao's place just now, he was quite angry.

Now, I feel better...

Phew, it's pretty cool.

"Let's go." Han Fan said.

The disciples of the Mountain Splitting Sword were all incredulous.

They really couldn't believe it.

They still understand Han Fan's character. When have they been so wronged? And it has always been grudges reported on the spot.

Now, he just left?

Isn't it a bit too shameful?

Seeing the depressed expressions of the disciples one by one, Han Fan said: "If you have any opinions and feel that I have been wronged, you can't forget it. Go up and kill him now. I don't intend to stop you."

The disciples of the Mountain Splitting Sword who were still quite critical at first suddenly shrank their heads and hurriedly followed Han Jian and left.

Xiao Yao glanced at them and nodded gently.

This Han Fan is really not a fool.

So, he continued to count the Yuhua he had just received from Luoyin.

He felt more and more that he didn't come in vain this time.

"This is yours." Xiao Yao gave Luo Yin a jade flower.

Luo Yin smiled and took it, playing with it carefully, acting cautiously.

Xiao Yao stretched out his hand again and waved at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng walked to the front curiously.

"Senior Chen, do you have any instructions?" Mu Feng asked.

Xiao Yao stretched out his hand and threw out a pill.

"Hurry up and eat, you have broken an arm, it seems a little dissonant no matter how you look at it," Xiao Yao said.

Mu Feng was shocked, then a little surprised, and asked with a trembling voice, "What is this pill?"

"Shengji Dan." Xiao Yao said.

Mu Feng immediately bowed to Xiao Yao: "Thank you Senior Chen!"

"Hurry up and eat, don't chirp." Xiao Yao waved his hand.

Mu Feng did not continue to be courteous with Xiao Yao.

Breaking off an arm was a huge blow to him.

Although there are some ways to recover in the fairy world, the way is very rare.

Now Xiao Yao gave him this opportunity.

After taking the pill, Mu Feng immediately felt a little itchy in his broken arm, and then muscles began to grow.

After a moment of surprise, he turned his face to look at Xiao Yao, his eyes full of unbelievable.

"Senior Chen, this pill is not only a Shengji Pill, but a Super Grade Shen Pill?"

Xiao Yao glanced at him with a smile, "I didn't expect you to have a good vision! Right."

A turbulent sea was set off in Mu Feng's heart.

A super grade **** pill is a rare treasure for any fairy clan.

But Xiao Yao actually gave him such an understatement.

At the same time, Mu Feng also noticed that the immortal power in his body was quickly recovering.

Although he will continue to drain in the mist next, but even so, he is much stronger than the average fairy clan.

"Senior Chen, great kindness, Mu Feng remembers it!" Mu Feng's broken arm is slowly growing, and it is estimated that it will be completely recovered in a few minutes.

Xiao Yao stood up and looked around.

After looking around, he frowned again.

"This mountain always feels a bit difficult." Xiao Yao frowned and thought.

"Grandpa Chen, what are you talking about?" Luo Yin suddenly felt that he couldn't understand.

Xiao Yao laughed, waved his hand, and walked a few steps forward.

Then his body rose into the air and turned into a golden rainbow, rushing straight into the mist.

After waiting for a while, Xiao Yao came back.

"You hurry up and rest." Xiao Yao said to Mu Feng when he returned, "When we are almost resting, let's go to the next place."

"Where?" Mu Feng subconsciously asked, and then he felt that he had too many questions. In this situation, he felt that he could completely give up thinking. Is Xiao Yao pointing out that it's not good?

Xiao Yao laughed and didn't care about it, but asked, "Aren't you curious about how these mists appeared?"

Mu Feng was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Senior Chen, do you think there is a mystery hidden in these mists?"

Xiao Yao didn't bother to talk to him.

This is nonsense.

Mu Feng said nothing, and sat down.

Almost ten minutes have passed, and the faces of the other disciples have become increasingly ugly.

"Senior Chen, wait a while, you can take Mu Feng and Luo Yin." Gao Liujiang walked to Xiao Yao's side and whispered, "My current strength is only at the peak of the fairy soldiers, and the rest of the disciples now have fairy power in my body. It may have been completely hollowed out."

Xiao Yao was a little surprised, and asked, "Then you are not afraid of dying here?"

Gao Liujiang laughed and said: "You die! Anyway, we can't help much with following, each one is just a cumbersome."

Although Gao Liujiang spoke in a small voice, the disciples of the Zhenlong Sword Sect also heard clearly, and their expressions were unpredictable. Although they all understood that Gao Liujiang was telling the truth, they still felt uncomfortable. They were not. A fool, naturally knows that he is safe only by following Xiao Yao. If he is really left behind by Xiao Yao, he may die here soon.

Xiao Yao also felt that it seemed useless to bring them.

Is it possible for them to stand by and shout 666? There is a fart!

Looking at the small eyes that Luo Yin was expecting, Xiao Yao sighed, and said, "Let’s stay together. Just protect yourself. If you really die, I won’t be able to help you. Don’t blame me. it is good."

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