The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1918: I live in Caolu!

Landscape with different animals in the picture.

Xiao Yao looked at the strange fire that was constantly beating in front of him, with an expression of excitement on his face.

After devouring a lot of jelly worms one after another, Alien Fire finally mutated again.

Both in terms of speed and swallowing ability, there has been a qualitative leap.

However, if there were only these, it would not be enough to surprise Xiao Yao.

What is the biggest characteristic of Jie worms?


Swallowing ability?

Maybe it is, but these are not enough to draw an equal sign with its hidden method!

When in Wanlichi, how many immortals were quietly killed by Jie Chong?

Although Xiao Yao's Alien Fire also had the ability to hide, it was completely inferior in comparison with Jie Chong.

After swallowing nearly two-thirds of the jelly worms in Wanli Pond, the biggest mutation of Alien Fire was to completely refine the method of concealing the body and shape of jelly worms.

In the past, the strange fire was a big killer for Xiao Yao, but after entering the fairy world, the vigilance and divine consciousness of the three clans of the fairy, demons and demons were very strong, and it was more difficult to do it by surprise. Many, but now, Yihuo has finally become Xiao Yao's big killer once again.

For Xiao Yao now, the stronger his ultimate move, the safer he will be in the immortal world.

Otherwise, it seems that I will always have a sense of instability.

It seems that in the next second, he will be completely erased from this world by a certain immortal emperor.

Immediately, he took out a few more jade flowers, ready to start refining some pills to enhance his own strength.

When he was picking jade flowers, the jade man stood by.

Murderous look filled his eyes.

If it weren't for knowing that he was not Xiao Yao's opponent anyway. The Jade Man will definitely rush forward and fight Xiao Yao desperately, preferring to break the jade rather than to complete it. But she knew very well in her heart that even if the jade was really broken, the other party would still stand on the spot without incident, and there would be no less hair. Therefore, in front of Xiao Yao, there is no such thing as desperate, it is nothing more than rushing up. It was just a gift. After taking a few deep breaths, Jade finally calmed his mood.

"In fact, you don't need to be so angry. Anyway, if you are still here, you can still bloom jade flowers in the future." While picking the jade flowers, Xiao Yao comforted the jade who stood beside him with anger and hatred. People, "When you mature, you have to take it away! It will continue to grow in the future. This is a reincarnation. What is so awkward for you?"

The jade man sneered and said, "Do you know how long it takes for a jade flower to grow, and how difficult it is?"

Xiao Yao blinked at her and asked curiously, "When you want to eat a pig, do you still think about the life of that pig? Are you so boring?"

"..." Jade felt that he and Xiao Yao really had nothing to talk about.

Mainly because she felt that she couldn't speak to each other at all.

Whatever you say, it is yourself that suffers in the end.

After Xiao Yao's picking ended, he didn't continue chatting with the jade man, but directly withdrew from the landscape painting.

Calculating the time, in fact, he has been in the landscape and strange beasts picture for almost a day.

Who knows if Elder Dan Huang can't wait to walk in.

For Xiao Yao, the pictures of landscapes and strange animals should be regarded as very important secrets.

Even if he thinks that Elder Dan Huang is not bad, he also helped himself a lot, but he didn't want to let the other party know about the landscape and strange beasts.

Xiao Yao is not the kind of kid who just walked out of the ivory tower.

It can be sincere, but it takes time.

The kind of people who start to dig their hearts out after a short time is not worth learning. Gentlemen are not allowed to talk shallowly.

However, Xiao Yao did not see Elder Dan Huang even after he withdrew from the landscape and strange beasts.

Walking out of the pavilion, Xiao Yao learned from a Luming Pavilion disciple that Elder Dan Huang had gone to the medicine field.

After letting that disciple lead the way, Xiao Yao was walking on the road, feeling unavoidable.

This Elder Dan Huang is quite interesting.

If you can't come in, you won't come in.

I just don't know if he stays in the pavilion for ten and a half days, will he still stay in the medicine field to feed the mosquitoes.

When he arrived at the medicinal field, he saw Elder Dan Huang picking medicinal materials. Just as Xiao Yao wanted to say hello, he heard Elder Dan Huang furious.

Roared at the Luming Pavilion disciple who brought Xiao Yao: "Who asked you to bring him? Is it easy for Lao Tzu to hide some medicinal materials? Did you know that you brought him? Lao Tzu's medicinal materials are very likely to be lost. Swept away?"

Xiao Yao was not happy at the time.

Fortunately, I was touched just now for a while.

Listen, is this talking human?

What does it mean that it is likely to be wiped out?

Isn't that for sure?

"Don't pay attention to him." Xiao Yao turned his face and whispered to the aggrieved Luming Pavilion disciple, "I'm not that kind of - fairy!"

After speaking, he rolled up his trousers and entered the medicine field.

"Master, don't worry, I will help you pick medicinal materials!"

Elder Dan Huang's face is as gray as death.


The most worrying thing happened.

My own medicine field now looks like it can't be kept.

Elder Dan Huang felt depressed in his heart.

He just felt that Xiao Yao didn't have time before, and he would not find the other party when he came here to pick medicinal materials.

In fact, it stands to reason that the medicine field of Elder Dan Huang, even if it is in Luming Pavilion, is a secret.

But in the eyes of the disciples of Luming Pavilion, Elder Dan Huang treated his junior brother Wu Xiao better than his own son.

If this were other disciples, they would definitely not dare to lead the way.

But the other party is Wu Xiao, and they won't have such concerns.

The disciple who brought Xiao Yao with him was still full of horror at this time.

He was very worried about whether Elder Dan Huang would directly kill him in a rage. This is not impossible. In Xiao Yao’s opinion, Elder Dan Huang had a very good temper, but if an elder’s temper was really good Great, the disciple under the opponent will lose a kind of deterrent.

Therefore, whether the temper is good or not is also different from person to person.

"Forget it, you go down first." Elder Dan Huang waved his hand, indicating that the disciple could leave.

The Luming Pavilion disciple who brought Xiao Yao to hear the words of Elder Dan Huang suddenly felt a sense of relief. At this time, he was not grateful and left as if he had to escape.

"Hey, please save me some!" Looking at Xiao Yao, who was earnestly picking medicinal materials, Elder Dan Huang was in pain.

"Okay, when I refine the pill, I will take you to divide it." Xiao Yao said.

Hearing this, Elder Dan Huang showed a smile on his face, and he leaned forward and smiled and said: "Say it early! Then you can pick it!"

Then, he asked curiously: "Didn't you refine a lot of pills before? This time, are you planning to refine any pills?"

"Now I don't know." Xiao Yao said, "I got a rare heavenly material and earth treasure in Wanlichi before. It is very good for refining pills, but I don't get much, so There are not many that can be refined, and I can only give you one at that time."

"How is the pill grade?" Pill Emperor Elder asked.

Elder Dan Huang is also an immortal clan who enters Tao with Dan, so he is also expert in this aspect.

Xiao Yao pondered for a moment and said, "Compared with the pill that I refined before, it is much more difficult, but the effect will be much better, and it will take a lot of time."

Elder Dan Huang suddenly smiled.

"Okay, deal!" Elder Dan Huang nodded his head vigorously, "I'll go to the pavilion master later."

"What are you looking for?" Xiao Yao asked curiously.

"I will help you with a pavilion and let you specialize in alchemy." Elder Dan Huang said, "I can't let you keep occupying the magpie's nest and occupying my territory, right?"

Xiao Yao nodded.

On this issue, he doesn't care.

When Xiao Yao picked the pill, the elder Dan Huang had already gone to see the master of Luming Pavilion.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.


"I object!"

"No, never!"

"When did my Luming Pavilion have such rules? No, I can't agree to it!"

The lord of Luming Pavilion hasn't spoken yet, but the elders of Luming Pavilion have already exploded.

Even Elder Tyumen, who had a very good relationship with Elder Dan Huang, voiced opposition at this time.

Looking at the angry elders, Elder Dan Huang frowned, a little unhappy.

Like Xiao Yao, he didn't think this was a big deal.

Moreover, in his opinion, he did this entirely for the benefit of Luming Pavilion.

Others don't know Xiao Yao's ability, but Elder Dan Huang knows!

There is a pavilion in Luming Pavilion, and the relationship between them and Xiao Yao will become very close.

In addition, it would be even better if Xiao Yao could be kept in Luming Pavilion with the pavilion.

Only Elder Dan Huang knew that this possibility was very small.

Although he didn't know Xiao Yao very well up to now, he always felt that the other party had a big picture.

A pavilion in Luming Pavilion was nothing to him.

"Elder Dan Huang, you have to know that in my Luming Pavilion, except for the elder, other disciples are not allowed to own independent pavilions." The owner of the Luming Pavilion sighed.

Elder Dan Huang sneered.

His eyes circled around.

After a moment of silence, he asked: "You have all thoughts about it, you can't agree to anything?"

"Can't agree!" an elder said with a throat.

Elder Dan Huang nodded and asked, "Where is that cottage? I should have a lot of cottages in Lumen Pavilion, right?"

"This is fine." The owner of Luming Pavilion breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, he thought that with the character of Elder Dan Huang, it was very difficult for him to convince the other party on this issue, but he did not expect that the other party would compromise so quickly.

"If this is the case, then I will give my pavilion to Wu Xiao, and I will live in the Caolu!" After saying this, Elder Dan Huang left the stunned elder pavilion master and turned and walked out of the hall.

The whole hall was silent.

Everyone looked at each other, forgetting the way they spoke.

Elder Dan Huang, is this crazy?

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