The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1922: Forcibly change lanes

After Xiao Yao left Luming Pavilion, Luming Pavilion returned to its former calm.

In fact, it is true. Before Xiao Yao came to Luming Pavilion, there was no major event in Luming Pavilion. Every day was the same as yesterday. The atmosphere was simple and simple, but after Xiao Yao came to Luming Pavilion, it seemed to be broken. This tranquility.

After all, Xiao Yao's identity in Luming Pavilion is really special.

Obviously he was a disciple who had just joined Luming Pavilion, but his position in Luming Pavilion far exceeded that of ordinary disciples.

Haven't you seen people living in the pavilion before?

Elder Dan Huang lived in the Cao Lu for this disciple.

Isn't this enough to express anything?

Most of Lu Mingting's disciples admire Xiao Yao, but more of them are also a kind of jealousy.

They just don't understand, what is so great about Xiao Yao, which deserves to be valued by Elder Dan Huang. When I heard that Xiao Yao was going to attend the alchemy meeting, the expressions on the faces of all the Lumingting disciples who heard about it became a little exciting.

They are all a little hard to understand, where is Xiao Yao's courage, and they don't know why Elder Tingzhu made such a decision.

But thinking about it, they were relieved.

If Xiao Yao can really shine in the alchemy conference, their Luming Pavilion can also follow behind. When the big guys at the alchemy conference praised their little junior brother, don't they mention the three words Luming Ting several times? If Xiao Yao doesn’t have much capacity, and goes eagerly, returning with a disgraced face, there will be no loss to their Luming Pavilion. After all, this is just a young disciple of Luming Pavilion, and it is impossible to cause any bad effects at all. There is no need to worry about it. .

Sitting on the flying boat, Xiao Yao looked at Elder Dan Huang sitting next to him with a headache.

After blinking, Xiao Yao couldn't help asking: "What are you going to do with me?"

"Come in for the fun!" Elder Alchemy said with a smile, "How can I say that I am also an alchemist, how can I be missing from this alchemy conference?"

Xiao Yao smiled: "That's what I said, but why didn't you dare to say hello to the lord of Luming Pavilion before you left?"

"It's annoying to see him." Elder Dan Huang snorted.

It seems that the other party is unwilling to give Xiao Yao an independent pavilion, so that he still has it in his heart.

As for whether this is the case, Xiao Yao thinks it is still debatable.

In Xiao Yao's view, the real reason was that Elder Dan Huang also understood that if the master of Luming Pavilion knew about this in advance, he might not be willing to let it go.

For Luming Pavilion, Xiao Yao is an irrelevant role.

Not to mention that they were embarrassed at the alchemy meeting, even if they died outside, it would not have much impact on them.

But Elder Dan Huang is different.

The previous millennium birthday has already explained a lot. The position of Elder Dan Huang in Luming Pavilion is no less than that after going up the mountain and seeing the gate of Luming Pavilion, you can see the plaque with three gilt characters "Luming Pavilion" when you lift your head.

This is the face of Luming Pavilion.

Xiao Yao was ashamed, but if the Elder Dan had something to do at the alchemy meeting, it would have an irreparable and bad impact on their Luming Pavilion.

Elder Dan Huang sighed, unwilling to think about that.

As for the pavilion owner and the elders, after realizing that he also left Luming Pavilion with Xiao Yao, what kind of expression they will show, it is unknown.

"After participating in the alchemy conference, will you go back?" Elder Dan Huang looked at Xiao Yao and asked for no reason.

This question is a bit abrupt, and even Xiao Yao hasn't thought about it.

He didn't know why Elder Dan Huang thought of this, thinking so far.

"It's hard to say now, let's talk about it after the alchemy conference is over." Xiao Yao said.

Xiao Yao has never been a person who likes to formulate life steps for himself.

Some people always like to take some watches, what they will do tomorrow and what they will do the day after tomorrow.

Xiao Yao felt that that was a particularly boring thing.

Unpredictable weather, no one knows what they will experience tomorrow.

Apart from this, Xiao Yao feels that the beauty of life lies in the unknown, for example, when someone is born, he knows how he has spent decades in his life, and where he is buried after death. That kind of life is desperate. There is nothing worth looking forward to, and nothing worth exploring. It is too sad. It is a pity that many people live like this on the earth. They know that they were in school before their 20s, and started to work again after their 20s. After a busy life, they have to get married and have children. When they finally retire, they feel that they have a short time to squander to do what they want, but unexpectedly the daughter is alive and the son has sent the child to take care of him.

When the old man can no longer walk, close his eyes and think about it, tsk tsk, affection, I have never really lived for myself in this life!

Xiao Yao is not that kind of person, so he thinks this is the most precious thing he has ever experienced.

Stand up and look down.

The scenery of the fairy world is in a glance.

Really a good place.

Xiao Yao rubbed his nose.

His biggest dream now is to hope that one day, stand in this position, and then hold his daughter’s wife’s hand and say to them:

did you see it? What are the so-called fairies, demons, or demons, because they are like ghosts and they have to drink Lao Tzu's footwash!


With a rush of heart, he took out two ordinary hip flasks and held one with the Elder Dan Huang.

Pulling out the cork, Elder Dan Huang put the wine in front of his nose and sniffed, he was overjoyed: "Is this the Xianzhi wine of our Luming Pavilion?"

Xiao Yao nodded.

"Haha, interesting, but this Xianzhi wine is really precious, even if it's me, it's not much!" When speaking, Elder Dan Huang raised his neck and took a big sip.

Xiao Yao drank with it.

Also swig.

He stood up again and poured the Xianzhi wine in the bottle in his hand.

"Fault!" Elder Dan Huang frowned.

"You know what a fart!" Xiao Yao turned his face and said, "Lao Tzu, this is called Zengyin Tianxiaxian!"

"Haha." Elder Dan Huang sneered, ignoring Xiao Yao and continued drinking.

Under the flying boat.

Two celestial races were running fast, a man and a woman, who seemed to be about the same age.

Suddenly, a man in a Taoist robe stopped and rubbed the water stains on his face.

He raised his head, saw a leaf of Feizhou, and suddenly became furious.

"Which bitch, such a jerk, peeing on the flying boat?"

The girl also stopped and laughed at the desolate appearance of the man in the robes.

The man in the Taoist robe wiped his face again, and he suddenly said: "It doesn't seem to be urine, it's wine! Tsk tsk, this wine tastes really good, much better than the wine in the Lingwu world-Senior Sister Luoyin, our Zhenlong Jianzong has No good wine?"

"After you go back, just ask Master." Luo Yin said with a smile.

She still enjoys what the other person calls herself.

Before this disciple of the Taoist robe, everyone I saw in the sect had to be called, what kind of master elder, senior brother and sister!

Now that I am fine, I finally upgraded to become a senior sister.

It sounds really comfortable...

"Hey, if I have a good drink, I must keep some. Although Xiao Yao and I don’t like drinking, I know that Xu Kuangge still likes drinking. I don’t know if he knows me or not. , I’ll give a few jars of wine first. He will definitely show a smile to me. After all, isn’t he who does not hit the smiley with his hand?"

Luo Yin sighed and said, "I have told you many times, Xiao Yao, Xu Kuangge, don't mention these two names, it's okay now, there are no other immortals around, but when we get to Danzong, If you dare to mention these two names without mentioning the scourge of death, you will inevitably be blinded..."

The Dao-robed man had to raise his hand to surrender.

"I was wrong, Senior Sister Luo Yin, I will never say it again."

Luo Yin nodded. With this smile, his eyes were bent into crescents, and the slightly fat face of the baby looked even more lovely.

"Senior Sister, do you know what my goal is now?" The Dao-robed man whispered.

Luo Yin blinked his eyes and looked at him, somewhat curious.

"My goal is to hope that one day, the three words Hong Feisheng are also names that other immortals dare not mention casually!" Hong Feisheng laughed.

Luo Yin had a headache.

She really didn't think this was a good thing.

"By the way, Senior Sister Luoyin, why are we going to the alchemy conference? Although our Dragon Sword Sect also has alchemists, but they don't go, let's go?" Hong Feisheng asked curiously.

Before Luo Yin had time to answer this question, Hong Feisheng continued: "Furthermore, my master said, let me seize the time to practice during this time, maybe I can enter the realm of immortal generals! It's good for you, so you dragged me out ..."

"Oh, didn't I also sneak out? After I go back, I will help you plead with the master, she will definitely not blame you." Luo Yin said.

"You haven't told me yet, why are we going to the alchemy conference?" Hong Feisheng asked.

"Because Grandpa Chen can also make alchemy!" Luo Yin said earnestly, "Furthermore, Grandpa Chen is very good at alchemy, I think he should go to the alchemy conference!

"What if he didn't go?" Hong Feisheng asked, scratching his hair.

"Then we will come back."


On the flying boat, Xiao Yao's eyes fell to the left again.

He stretched out his finger, and Elder Dan Huang took a look and judged some information from the flag on the flying boat.

"This is the flying boat of Xunmiaozong." Elder Dan Huang said, "Xunmiaozong is a sect in West Wuzhou."

"Looking for Miaozong?" Xiao Yao shook his head, "seems to have never heard of it."

"It's a small sect, but their sect has gained fame over the past few years." Elder Dan Huang said.


"Their school has produced a genius alchemist." Elder Pill Emperor stroked his beard and squinted his eyes. Genius is just a **** in my opinion."

Seeing Xiao Yao smiling but not smiling, Elder Dan Huang smiled: "I didn't have such confidence before, but now I have it!"

Obviously, his confidence is Xiao Yao.

"Don't blow, they are here." Xiao Yao pointed. The flying boat from Xunmiaozong had already leaned towards them.

Xiao Yao was very angry.

Because he found that the other party didn't turn on the turn signal, he changed lanes forcibly.

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