The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1927: Greedy

Xiao Yao expected that although Danzong's alchemy hall is now open to the public, many books have actually been hidden.

But even so, the Danshu Palace is still the center of the Danzong!

Starting a fight with other immortal races in Danzong originally made a big mistake, let alone in the Danzong heavy land Danshu Palace.

The most terrible thing is that this **** even beat Danzong's disciple!

Even Luo Yin felt that Xiao Yao was walking faster and faster on the road to death, and the speed was too fast for them to take pictures.

This is simply a typical representative of the "Living Tired" team. They looked at Xiao Yao's eyes full of surprise, as if a line was engraved on the opponent's forehead: You come to kill me!

The immortal clan now doesn't give Danzong face so much anymore?

When Xiao Yao walked towards Han Wen, the remaining Danzong disciples had surrounded Xiao Yao.


"Don't move!"

Xiao Yao turned to look at the disciple who was talking.

"Why, you are going to shoot if I move?"

"What's the matter?" The disciple was stunned again.

A look completely incomprehensible.

Xiao Yao didn't plan to talk to him either, but continued to walk towards Hangeul.

Anyway, if these Danzong disciples rushed up, they would fly out one by one.

What a simple thing!

But at this moment, Xiao Yao heard a familiar voice.

"Wu Xiao, stop!"

Turning his face, he saw Elder Dan Huang.

At the side of Elder Dan Huang, he also followed the Elder Ye Gu that he had seen before.

It's just that now Elder Yegu's face is as ugly as it is.

The expression on Elder Dan Huang's face looked a little helpless.

He felt that the former Luming Pavilion Master let Xiao Yao come to attend the alchemy meeting was simply the stupidest decision he had ever made in his life. The ridiculous thing was that the other party was still complacent and didn't know it at all.

Xiao Yao was in Luming Pavilion, which caused some changes in the atmosphere of Luming Pavilion.

Now that I have arrived at Danzong, can I really not know him?


Before, it didn't matter how much Xiao Yao had tossed about at Luming Pavilion, it was still within a controllable range, but now it's different when it comes to Danzong, after all, this is not their place. What kind of disasters my children have caused at home are things that can be solved by closing the door, but where can I solve them now? Can Danzong speak so well?

"Elder Dan Huang, you disciple, you really are a bit unruly and indulgent!" Elder Ye Gu said with a sneer.

Elder Dan Huang knew he was wrong and could only laugh with him.

"I am not only bohemian, but I also love freedom." Xiao Yao replied cheerfully.

"..." Elder Yegu's face sank.

"Then can you forgive me?" Xiao Yao asked.

Elder Yegu's expression eased a little, and he thought that the other party's attitude was a little better than before. At least he knew he was afraid now, and he knew he had to pray for forgiveness.

What he never expected was that Xiao Yao simply wanted to put together a lyrics.

Forgive me for my unruly and indulgent love and freedom...

"Elder Dan Huang, what do you think?" Obviously at this time, Elder Ye Gu still gave Lu Mingting more face.

After all, Luming Pavilion is not a small sect, and the elder Dan has a special status in the immortal world. What's more, it is Danzong. Danzong has an inexplicable respect and affection for such immortal tribes as Dan Huang elder.

However, facing the ball brought by the opponent, Elder Dan Huang didn't know what to do.

"What should I do?" Elder Dan Huang was somewhat trapped and whispered, "In my opinion, just forget it?"

Elder Yegu: "..."

Danzong disciple: "..."

The surrounding immortals: "..."

They are all in a daze.

Just forget it?

What is this!

Elder Yegu was really puzzled.

He also had a lot of dealings with Elder Dan Huang before, in his impression, the other party was not such an unreliable immortal clan!

For a while, Elder Yegu didn't even know how to answer the other party's words.

After all, it was him who kicked the ball to Elder Dan Huang just now.

Probably knowing that what he just said was a bit too much, the Elder Dan Huang coughed and said: "Of course, just forget it, it is impossible! After all, Dan Zong also has Dan Zong rules, although this is my disciple, I also Don’t be too covert short!"

Hearing the words of Elder Dan Huang, the immortals present nodded gently.

If that is the case, it would be impeccable.

This is the attitude you should have!

At the thought of the words that Elder Dan Huang had said first, Elder Yegu felt a bit painful.

"What does Elder Dan Huang mean?" Elder Ye Gu regretted after asking this sentence.

"Cough cough, what I mean! If you dare to make trouble in Danzong, even if it is my master, you can't tolerate it." Dan Huang elder righteously said, "Well, I'm in charge, Wu Xiao, you have to compensate Danzong! Hmm... how about a super-grade **** pill?"

"Super-Quality Divine Pill?" Hearing such words, the expressions on the faces of the immortal clan here are a bit wonderful. If it is in other places, the value of Super-Quality Divine Pill is indeed incalculable.

But now they are in Danzong!

All the alchemists are alchemists, and there are also a group of super-grade divine pills that can be refined. Although the entire immortal realm can refine super-grade divine pills, they don’t do it, but here is the Danzong!

What is the difference between the arrangement made by Elder Dan Huang and the sale of kitchen knives at the door of the blacksmith?

Many Danzong disciples looked at the elder Dan Huang with weird eyes.

There was even a hint of sneer in it.

Elder Dan Huang was unmoved, as if he didn't say anything wrong.

If it was another disciple, or even himself, Elder Dan Huang would not say such a thing.

But now, the target is Xiao Yao.

He was still very clear about the super-grade **** pill that Xiao Yao had refined.

The super grade **** pill is also divided into levels!

Elder Dan Huang didn't have enough confidence in himself, but he did with Xiao Yao.

"Ahem, Elder Dan Huang, are you sure you are joking?" When Elder Ye Gu said these words, he also hoped Elder Dan Huang would make another choice.

That means: Lao Tzu gives you a chance, you reorganize the language.

This question does not need to be answered at all.

The expression on Elder Dan Huang's face is enough to explain everything.

He told each other with his eyes that I was serious.

Seriously, don't want it.

"Hehe, we don't lack super grade **** pill." When Elder Ye Gu said this, he was already faintly angry.

He always felt that Elder Dan Huang was really getting more and more unreliable now.

He even wondered if the other party knew what he would say at this time.

"Why don't you take a look first?" Elder Dan Huang said, "Just give him a chance and decide after reading it, how about?"

Elder Yegu sighed and nodded helplessly.

In fact, he didn't really want to talk to Elder Dan Huang in his heart.

But even if Danzong's status in the immortal world is higher than Luming Pavilion, but the face of Dan Huang elders can't be ignored.

In fact, Danzong's suzerain had come forward before, hoping that Dan Huang elder could leave Luming Pavilion and enter Danzong, and when he arrived, Danzong would still be the elder.

But people refused, even if they refused, Danzong still looked up to Elder Dan Huang very much.

This can be regarded as their recognition of the strength of the Elder Dan Huang.

Therefore, when they heard what Elder Dan Huang said, although they felt a little bit nonsense, they even subconsciously thought that this was Elder Dan Huang's determination to protect shortcomings, but watching Elder Dan Huang calmly and calmly, with all his clothes under control, Elder Yegu also Somewhat curious.

He turned his face to look at Xiao Yao. Elder Dan Huang had already pulled Xiao Yao aside.

"I said, you kid, don't search and search, give people a pill, and let the matter rest." Pill Emperor Elder said seriously.

Xiao Yao turned his face, looked at Elder Yegu and other immortals, and nodded lightly.

He came to Danzong this time, but he came with a purpose. If he was blasted out by the opponent now, it would be more than a loss.

"All right." Xiao Yao nodded, which is also a nod and agreed.

Luo Yin and Hong Feisheng were both worried. They looked at Xiao Yao and blamed themselves a little. They felt that if it were not for themselves, Xiao Yao would not end up like this.

Luo Yin thought so because she felt that Xiao Yao wouldn't stand up for Hong Feisheng if it wasn't for herself.

Hong Feisheng is more intuitive, after all, he is the origin.

Xiao Yao stretched out his hand, and a pill had already appeared in his hand.

There was a faint halo on the super-grade **** pill.

At first glance, it seemed that the pill was hidden in a cloud of mist.

"This...this is a super-grade **** pill?" Elder Ye Gu asked with a twitch of his mind.

Xiao Yao thought it was funny: "You are the elder of Danzong, don't you even recognize the super-grade **** pill?"

"Ahem, it's not..." Elder Yegu coughed.

Turning his face, glanced at the Danzong disciples behind him.

All those disciples showed suspicious expressions.

They also couldn’t see what level Xiao Yao’s super-grade **** pill was, but fools could see that there was a big difference between the super-grade **** pill refined by the other party and the one they refined. They didn't want to understand what was the reason, but they didn't feel that the other party was superior.

Whether it is a fairy clan or on the earth.

It is very difficult to admit that others are strong.

This has always been the case.

"Elder Yegu, how about this super-grade **** pill?" Elder Pill Emperor said with a smile.

Regarding the expressions on the faces of Elder Yegu and other immortals around him, Elder Dan Huang was still satisfied with the price comparison.

He was not surprised at all, all this was expected.

When Xiao Yao refined the Super Grade God Pill, the expression on his face looked almost the same as it is now.

"The pill is very good..." Elder Yegu said, "I understand why you were so confident before."

"Haha, then this matter is over, how?" Elder Dan Huang asked.

"No." Elder Yegu shook his head, "We want two of this super-grade divine pill."

"..." Elder Dan Huang glanced at Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao put away the super grade **** pill: "Then you can drive me away."

What's so special, still playing with Lao Tzu insatiable?

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