The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1935: Failed twice

In the next alchemy competition, Xiao Yao's progress was still very smooth.

Of course, for other immortals, using the word "smooth" to describe Xiao Yao's performance is not only humiliating Xiao Yao, but also humiliating them.

In addition to the immortal tribes who were eliminated and left, there are many immortal tribes who could not hold back the blow and left.

They wanted to stay and continue to refine alchemy in such a good environment as the Danzong.

But they always feel that if they continue to stay, they are likely to be abused by Xiao Yao to the point of crying.

People are more popular than others.

The same goes for Xian Pixian.

They really couldn't figure out where this guy named Wu Xiao came out of.

The pills he refined, don't talk about them, they are the big guys of the Danzong, I'm afraid they can't get it out, right?

Suddenly, Xiao Yao had the feeling of madly abusing food in Novice Village with a full-size large size.

It's pretty cool...

The disciple of Xun Miaozong, as well as the guy named Han Wen, had been eliminated by Xiao Yao a long time ago.

For Xiao Yao, the ability to find a disciple of Miaozong is still better, but the guy named Han Wen is simply the spicy chicken of the spicy chicken. Xiao Yao is really curious. With the strength of the opponent, how embarrassed he is to lick Come to Danzong to participate in the alchemy meeting with a stubborn face.

In fact, with the strength of Korean, he wouldn't be eliminated so early.

But when he saw Xiao Yao, he was inexplicably scared.

So that the performance is abnormal.

Fortunately, he didn't feel much regret.

Even for Hangeul, being eliminated directly by Danzong is even a good thing. At the very least, I don’t need to stay in Danzong anymore. I quickly pack up and leave. I don’t need to see this plague again. Hangul on the way down the mountain is all in my heart. She was ecstatic and even whistled, feeling how wonderful her immortal life is.

In the last round, only Xiao Yao and the other two immortals were left.

What surprised Xiao Yao was that one of the immortals had even refined a middle-grade super-grade **** pill at the last moment.

At that time, the immortal cried with joy, and don't want to cry.

For him, this is definitely a windfall.

On the one hand, everyone can get the medicinal materials provided by Danzong in the final stage.

On the other hand, it is also because the alchemy environment of Danzong is indeed very good.

With these buff bonuses, it is not difficult for him to refine a middle-grade super-grade **** pill.

After all, being able to survive from so many immortals to the end is already a big wave.

With absolute strength and these buff bonuses, it is no surprise that Sect Master Qiao and the elders looked at each other and nodded.

The next thing can be guessed without much thinking.

No matter what the final result is, he will be able to enter Danzong.

The convening of the alchemy meeting is actually also the way for the alchemy to find more excellent alchemists.

Of course, this time the alchemy conference, the most dazzling existence is naturally Xiao Yao.

This is also the reason why many alchemists leave the Danzong.

In their opinion, he and Xiao Yao are simply incomparable.

With too dazzling presence, they become irrelevant.

To put it simply, the pearl of rice, dare to compete with the sun and the moon?

The other immortal clan is slightly worse, although it is also a super-grade **** pill, but it has just passed the watershed of the super-grade **** pill.

This is the worst pill that the fairy clan has refined in such a long time.

Although the super-grade divine pill he refined before was low-grade, it was not so bad.

If there is another point difference, it can only be classified into the spirit pill.

First there was such a perverted existence as Xiao Yao, and then another immortal clan also performed supernormally, refining a middle-to-high-grade super-grade divine pill, and the superposition of the two would naturally increase the pressure on him.

Some people’s personalities can often overcome obstacles and go further when the pressure is particularly high.

But most people will fall under the pressure of this stumbling block and dare not move forward.

In fact, this is more like a fork in the road, the initiative is still in your own hands, it just depends on the final decision.

Obviously, the two immortal races who had survived the last round with Xiao Yao had completely different choices when they stood at the fork in the face of tremendous pressure.

But Xiao Yao didn't care much about it.

What he cares more about is what kind of pill he can refine.

The pill that he refined before is the best grade.

In the eyes of Danzong's disciples and elders, it was already a very remarkable thing, but Xiao Yao didn't take it seriously.

This time, he wanted to try it.

Although the success rate is much lower than before, it really doesn't matter to Xiao Yao.

It is now entering the final round.

Luck is not so important.

In the previous competition of the Alchemy Conference, each immortal clan had only one opportunity to refine alchemy, but now, every immortal clan had three opportunities to refine alchemy. Of course, this was based on the premise that the first two alchemy failed.

The low-level alchemist who had been refined before could not enjoy such rights.

So now Xiao Yao’s pressure is much less, and he is already prepared, even if he really fails twice, the big deal is to be smart and give up that unreliable idea the last time, and fight steadily. It’s no big deal. .

The immortal clan who refined the middle-grade super-grade **** pill was named Qi Yin. After he finished the refining, he stared at Xiao Yao intently while his lips moved slightly.

Xiao Yao turned his face and took a look, and was suddenly overjoyed.

He can read lip language, which is simply an indispensable skill for Xiao Yao, as the third grandfather said at the time.

He knew what the other party was talking about now.

"You must fail, you must fail!"

After all, this buddy hopes that Xiao Yao will perform abnormally.

After all, what he refined is only a middle-grade super-grade **** pill. If he compares with other immortals, he has absolute self-confidence, but now his opponent is Xiao Yao, then let him refine a middle-grade high-grade pill. Super grade **** pill, he also didn't have enough confidence.

Who made Xiao Yao a monster?

Living in an era with a monster is simply torture for him.

The most important thing is that the other party is also an alchemist.

If he is a sword cultivator, or enters Tao with painting or Confucianism, he doesn't need to worry about it. Anyway, there is no comparability with the other party.

But it's different now!

Xiao Yao raised his brows slightly, and at the same time the power of Tai Chi in his body was surging crazily. However, after waiting for a few hours, a golden light suddenly appeared, and the time of existence was no more than a flash, and then immediately disappeared.

The first pill, obviously ended in failure.

Top grade pill...

It was indeed not as simple as I thought, and this was a reminder to Xiao Yao.

The fairy clan named Qi Yin was so excited that he cried when he saw this scene.

He even began to wonder if he had any power of faith.

Otherwise, how could it be that Xiao Yao's first alchemy ended in failure because he cursed a few words?

This way, Xiao Yao will be as smooth as possible, but now he has encountered Waterloo, I really don't understand it!

He didn't understand, it didn't mean that Sect Master Qiao, Elder Dan Huang, they didn't understand.

A group of big guys looked at each other and seemed to have guessed something.

Sect Master Qiao glanced at Elder Dan Huang, and couldn't help feeling full of emotions at this time: "Elder Dan Huang, you really have a good apprentice!"

Elder Dan Huang laughed, noncommittal, his eyes were always looking at Xiao Yao's direction, but there was a trace of imperceptible loss in his eyes.

He couldn't help thinking, how good would it be if Sect Master Qiao said all the facts?

He also hopes that Xiao Yao is really his disciple!

However, this is just thinking about it. If the other party is really his own disciple, it should be a very headache. After all, the pill that the other party refines is hard to see by yourself, let alone refine it.

After Xiao Yao experienced the failure, he did not rush to start the second alchemy, but began to ponder.

To learn from failure, this is the most important thing.

After thinking for a long time, Xiao Yao seemed to have figured out some of the key points, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

The time for alchemy this time was obviously longer than the last time.

It took about one day and one night.

All day and night, all the immortals stood on the side and watched quietly, and did not leave.

Anyway, they could not sleep without eating or drinking, so this is not a problem for them, but some of them will find it a little boring.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Yao's pill furnace once again burst into a rainbow.

Colorful and dazzling.

"It's done?!" Sect Master Qiao stood up abruptly, his eyes full of surprises.

"This...what kind of vision is this? No, it hasn't succeeded yet!" Elder Dan Huang suddenly shook his head.

As Elder Dan Huang said.

The rainbow light appeared gorgeous, but it didn't exist for too long, and it quickly dissipated completely.

It seemed that it had never existed before, and there was no trace of the existence of rainbow light.

However, this did not disappoint a large group of immortals, on the contrary, they became more excited.

They knew that as long as Xiao Yao succeeded, the grade of the pill would be absolutely unimaginable for them!

Top grade?

At least it's top grade, right? !

Qi Yin also became more nervous.

He clenched his fists and continued to pray.

This interaction Nan has only one last chance...

As long as he fails, he can come out on top!

But now Qi Yin also has his own worries. What should he do if he chooses to carefully refine a middle-to-high-grade pill? Can't that knife rest on the opponent's neck, right? !

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