The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1940: A note

Lumen Pavilion, the atmosphere during this period is very depressing.

After the pavilion owner died, the entire Luming Pavilion fell into a state of panic.

The entire Luming Pavilion was in a state of lifelessness, especially after the Xiyao Immortal Emperor gave an ultimatum.

They have heard of the name Liang Yulong. After all, the other party used to shine in Luming Pavilion and seemed to be a disciple of Zhenlong Sword Sect. They couldn't figure it out. The other party wanted to find a disciple of Zhenlong Sword Sect. Why do you come to Luuming Pavilion? This is too unreasonable, right?

However, it seems that the Xiyao Immortal Emperor has not always been an immortal clan who likes to reason.

Maybe the other party will be reasonable, but they will never talk to them.

After all, it was because they were not strong enough.

If they had the strength to compete with the Immortal Emperor, the other party would not have the courage to put their huge Lumen Pavilion in vain.

Fortunately, now the other party gave them half a year.

In other words, as long as they find Liang Yulong within half a year, they can avoid the disaster of extinction.

At that time, they always felt that this possibility was very small.

They still knew the immortal emperor's ability.

In the fairy world, there are immortals that the emperor can’t find?

An existence that even the immortal emperor can't find, give them half a year, what can they do?

For a while, they had a headache.

Even if they could find it, they were a little breathless.


Just because the other party is a fairy emperor, can you give them instructions?

They also saw the attitude of Xiyao Immortal Emperor towards them.

Why can the other party kill them if they want to kill them?

All the disciples have anger hidden in their hearts.

But facing the powerful strength of Xiyao Immortal Emperor, they always dare not speak.

In the attic of Elder Dan Huang.

Just after taking care of the pavilion master's funeral, Elder Dan Huang's mental state did not look very good.

All the disciples elders thought that Elder Dan Huang was just tired or too angry.

This is not the case.

For Elder Dan Huang, the current mood can only be described in two words-suffering.

If he really doesn't know who "Liang Yulong" is and where he is now, maybe he won't have so much suffering anymore.

Helplessly, he just knows where the other party is now and what identity he is.

He was just a little curious, why Xiyao Immortal Emperor was so angry and wanted to attack him.

Could it be that the other party's existence threatened the Xiyao Immortal Emperor?

Elder Dan Huang actually quite agreed with this statement.

Not only him, but the old men of Danzong, don't they also think that Xiao Yao will definitely become the emperor in the future?

They even said that they thought that this day would not come too late.

After all, no matter what Elder Dan Huang thought, he couldn't think of a reason for the other party to deal with Xiao Yao.

In his opinion, Xiao Yao is not a fool, how could he possibly offend a fairy emperor?

And during this time, Xiao Yao was always with him.

If it is really said that Xiao Yao had used Liang Yulong's identity to offend the Xiyao Immortal Emperor, the fairies from Rouge Valley would not have made friends with Xiao Yao.

The more I think about it, the more I feel wrong.

Elder Dan Huang suddenly felt that things might not be as simple as he thought.

Although he knew that Xiao Yao had always kept many secrets from himself, he didn't think too much.

The more I think about it, the more headache.

The problem facing Elder Dan Huang was that he didn't know how to choose.

On one side is Luming Pavilion, on the other side is Xiao Yao.

Although the friendship between him and Xiao Yao is not very deep, he still has a good impression of the young fairy clan.

Are you really going to sell the other party?

He is not reconciled!

"There is enough time." Elder Dan Huang sighed.

Anyway, Xiyao Immortal Emperor gave him half a year.

However, it has been a while since Elder Dan Huang returned from Dan Zong.

It seems that there is less than three months left.

He has prepared for the worst.

Of course, he has no other choice.

As long as Xiao Yao has the strength to contend with Immortal Emperor in the next time, then the situation will not be too bad.

Even if it is still not the opponent of Xiyao Immortal Emperor, at least protect yourself, it is reasonable to say that there is no problem.

Of course, this is all just thinking about it.

In less than three months, Xiao Yao entered the realm of Emperor Immortal.

how can that be possible?

The current situation is also very bad for Xiao Yao.

He didn't expect that he would meet the immortal emperor so soon.

This is certainly not a good thing for Xiao Yao, but now the trouble has come to his door.

If you continue to stay in the fairy world, you are likely to die here.

For a time, I was very worried...

"If it doesn't work, go back to the Demon Realm." Xiao Yao was already ready.

But soon, Xiao Yao thought of another question.

"It stands to reason that it has been a while since Elder Dan Huang returned to Luming Pavilion, but the Xiyao Immortal Emperor hasn't come to me for such a long time. In other words, Elder Dan Huang hasn't sold me yet? "Xiao Yao squinted his eyes and thought carefully.

That said.

The old man, Elder Dan Huang, seemed quite interesting.

Xiao Yao didn't feel that he had any personality charm. In fact, he felt that it was not incomprehensible for Elder Dan Huang to sell himself, let alone committing a serious mistake.

After all, if Xiao Yao is allowed to choose, he will definitely give up small things and seek big things when he is Luming Pavilion on the one hand.

This is the wisest choice.

I just don't know how long Elder Dan Huang can last.

Finding Sect Master Qiao, Xiao Yao asked to leave, Sect Master Qiao was a little surprised.

If it were before, Xiao Yao wouldn't be surprised if he said so, but now Luming Pavilion is already in jeopardy, and it is really unwise for the other party to leave Danzong at this time.

Therefore, Sect Master Qiao said a lot to Xiao Yao again, and what he said was to persuade the other party not to be stupid. Now it is just a funeral to return to Luming Pavilion. It is better to stay in Danzong, at least to get shelter.

Xiao Yao shook his head with a firm attitude. Sect Master Qiao could only give up. Before Xiao Yao left, he repeatedly persuaded the other party and came back when he wanted to understand. Danzong's door was always open to him.

There is one thing to say, Sect Master Qiao still looks up to Xiao Yao very much.

After leaving Danzong, Xiao Yao certainly wouldn't go back to Luming Pavilion stupidly to die.

At the moment, I still have to change my identity.

Even Wu Xiao's identity is a bit unreliable.

God knows when Elder Dan Huang will be unable to bear to confess himself.

At that time, with the strength of the Immortal Emperor Yixiyao, it would not be difficult to find himself in the immortal world.

"It's time to be a black house again." Xiao Yao was aggrieved.

It was hard to find the true identity of "Wu Xiao", but now, it is gone.

But this time, Xiao Yao became a middle-aged fairy clan.

Before Liang Yulong and Wu Xiao’s identities were both young immortals. If they are still the same as before, the possibility of being discovered is much greater. Of course, if they become a fairy, the possibility of being discovered is naturally again. It will be much smaller, but Xiao Yao always feels that it is too abnormal to look like that, so even think about it...

Originally, Xiao Yao planned to leave the immortal world directly, but after thinking about it, he still did not choose to leave, instead he was going to Luming Pavilion...

The deadline given by Xiyao Immortal Emperor is getting closer and closer.

The pressure facing Elder Dan Huang is also increasing.

Originally, there were many immortals in Luming Pavilion, and they were furious.

They will feel that the Xiyao Immortal Emperor is really deceiving the immortal clan too much.

Even using the words "undercurrent surging" to describe the Luming Pavilion at that time would not be biased.

But gradually, as time passed by, those disciples lost their anger.

It's not because they gradually forgot about anger, but because of their nervous oppression, their original anger was completely replaced by fear.

They just wondered, if they wait for the day to come and they still haven't found Liang Yulong, will it really...

Are you going to die in the hands of the immortal emperor?

It feels terrible to think about it.

If it weren't for the Xiyao Immortal Emperor's explanation, maybe there are not many disciples left in Luming Pavilion now.

The Immortal Emperor had already said very clearly.

Don't think that you will be safe and sound after you leave Luming Pavilion.

As long as you are still in the fairy world, I won't let you live.

What is affiliation?

This is the real connection.

Is it a little unreasonable?

It is certainly true, but none of the fairy clan dared to stand up at this time and point to the other's nose and curse, because they don't have the ability to do so, all they can do is to choose to accept it.

In fact, what really makes all Luming Pavilion disciples feel incomprehensible is that the Elder Dan Huang, who temporarily replaced the position of the pavilion master, has not instructed them to look for the immortal clan named Liang Yulong until now.

This makes them puzzled and feels even more terrifying.

Could it be that the elder Dan Huang has left the keyboard with both hands now, ready to die?

It's not that there is no possibility...

Of course this is not the case.

As long as Elder Dan Huang is willing, he can tell Xiyao Immortal Emperor what he knows.

As for whether the other party can be found in the fairy world, that is the other party's business, and it has nothing to do with them.

at night.

Xiao Yao came to Luming Pavilion.

Is it considered a sheep into the tiger's den?

Xiao Yao himself didn't know that he could escape here, but he felt that if he didn't do anything, it would be really unreasonable.

He naturally doesn't care about the life or death of the fairy clan.

But Luming Pavilion has a special meaning to him, especially which Dan Huang elder.

He wrote a note and posted it on the door of Elder Dan Huang. As for whether the other party was aware of it, he didn't know, maybe he did, but just pretended not to know.

After finishing what he should do, Xiao Yao also unloaded a big rock in his heart and felt a lot more relaxed.

The next day, dawn.

Elder Dan Huang left Luming Pavilion and headed to Rouge Valley.

Lu Mingting disciples didn't know what he wanted to do, but Xiao Yao knew very well in his heart.

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