The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1944: Killing resolutely

Seeing the expression on Xiao Yao's face, not only was there no surprise, but rather frowned, the Firebird Demon Lord couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking.

"Among these, is there any fraud?" Firebird Demon asked tentatively.

While speaking, he also noticed the changes in Xiao Yao's face.

Xiao Yao took a deep breath and said, "It's true that I came to the Great Desolate Ancient Land this time because of the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable."

The Firebird Demon laughed loudly, and said, "This is so good, isn't it good that we join forces to kill the Purple Lotus Immortal?" If it weren't in the Great Wilderness, the Firebird Demon must not be the Purple Lotus Immortal. Zun's opponent.

Even if ten of them are added together, they are not necessarily the opponent of Zilian Immortal Venerable.

At the same level, the fairy clan was originally stronger than the demons.

In addition, the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable is the strongest warlord in the immortal world.

Even if the opponent is a female fairy clan, the strength is beyond doubt.

So this time, knowing that the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable has come to the Great Wilderness and Ancient Land, the Demon Realm naturally has a lot of demon kings, just want to seize this opportunity to leave the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable here completely, and only here, they The probability of victory will be greater.

As for why the Mozu wanted to kill the Purple Lotus Immortal so much, the reason was very simple.

The opponent is already the strongest warlord of the fairy clan.

Given time, is it still difficult to enter the realm of Emperor Immortal?

In the fairy world, the Zilian Xianzun is definitely the closest existence to the immortal emperor.

At this point, the three clans of immortals, demons and demons would not have any doubts.

After all, the former fairy emperor Nanban died somehow.

The demons and demons all breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, without a fairy emperor, the fighting power of the fairy clan will be greatly reduced.

At that time, even if some battle really broke out, the demons and monsters would not have any major disadvantages.

Even the demons and demons don't have the immortal unity, but as long as they are united together, they won't have much worry.

Before, there were a lot of frictions and collisions between the fairy clan and the demon clan.

However, after the Nanban Immortal Emperor died, the pressure of the Immortal Clan on the Demon Clan Monster Clan was much less.

It's hard to talk about being immortals with their tails sandwiched between them, but compared to what they used to say, they are indeed much more honest.

Even many immortals and demons have begun to suspect that even if the peace period is really over and war can begin, the immortal world will not necessarily start a war.

This is of course the best plan.

If there is peace, most of the demons and demons are unwilling to go to war with the immortals.

Even the main combat factions in the demons, many of them think so.

Before, the trees always wanted to be quiet and the wind continued. If there was no such wind, they would definitely be happy in it.

Therefore, the life and death of a Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable played a very crucial role.

This is the point that puzzles Xiao Yao.

"Although I am also here at the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable, it is not that simple to hear that the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable has come to the Great Wasteland." Xiao Yao said sternly.

The Firebird Demon was taken aback for a moment, and the expression on his face was already a little shocked.

He already understood the meaning of Xiao Yao's words.

Xiao Yao has always been in the Immortal Realm and has been in the Immortal Realm for such a long time, but it is so difficult for him to even know where the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable is going.

They are in the demons, how can they have such a simple insight?

"You mean, we were able to get the news because the Zilian Immortal Venerable did it intentionally?" When Firebird Demon said this, the expression on his face was almost the same as Xiao Yao's.

Both frowned.

Obviously, the Firebird Demon also realized the abnormality.

Xiao Yao nodded lightly, laughed again, and said, "Don't think about it so much, maybe I think it's too complicated."

The Firebird Demon sighed, raised his head and looked at Xiao Yao, his eyes solemn: "Xiao Yao, you know why you can do many things, but can't we?"

Xiao Yao was taken aback, did not speak, and waited for Firebird Demon Lord to continue talking.

The Firebird Demon sighed for a long time, his voice a little helpless: "It's because you will be more complicated than we thought."

Xiao Yao was stunned, and then laughed dumbfounded.

This is indeed the case.

Those things he did in the immortal realm, replaced by Firebird Demon Lord and the others, may have already died hundreds of times.

It wasn't because the Firebird Demon Lord and the others were weak, but because they didn't think much of Xiao Yao, and didn't think much of Xiao Yao. It seemed to have a derogatory meaning, but in fact it was definitely a compliment. In Tianwai Tianhu, it is far from enough to just have strength. You must have enough wisdom and resilience. Xiao Yao dare not say how good he is in this respect, but after all, it is not too bad.

In Tianwaitian, Xiao Yao was very young when he was in his 20s and 30s.

But his experience is many, many.

It is precisely because of too much experience that he will develop many habits.

For example, be cautious, and for example, be bold and enterprising.

Putting these two words together seems to be very contradictory, but it is not the case.

Xiao Yao has sufficient judgment ability.

He knows when he needs to be cautious, and he also knows when he should be bold, and it is precisely because of this that he can do things that many people, immortals, demons, and demons cannot do.

Seeing that Xiao Yao was in a state of thinking, the Firebird Demon Lord did not speak, but winked around. He was still bragging about how fierce the demons were when he dealt with the fairy clan, so he quickly became quiet at this time. Coming down, he cast his gaze on Xiao Yao, with curiosity in his eyes.

After a while, Xiao Yao seemed to understand something, and he let out a long sigh of relief.


One word is full of power, and every stroke is like a cast of steel.

The Firebird Demon Lord was confused, and blinked his eyes: "Where are you going?"

"Go to the Zilian Immortal!" Xiao Yao said, "You are here to kill him, aren't you?"

Firebird Demon Lord smiled bitterly and said: "We have been in the Great Wasteland for a long time, but we haven't found the Purple Lotus Immortal. Do you know where she is?"

"You must be sure." Although Xiao Yao already had the answer in his heart, he still didn't say too much, lest he didn't find the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable when he didn't find it, and let these demons complain.

Following Xiao Yao, a group of demons stood in front of the Sword God Mountain.

Looking at the towering Sword God Mountain in front of him, Firebird Demon Lord turned around and said to Xiao Yao: "You mean, Zilian Immortal Venerable is on the Sword God Mountain now?"

Xiao Yao touched the tip of his nose. This time he didn't buckle his nose, but said with a serious face: "The Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable came to the Great Wasteland this time just to find me."

The Firebird Demon was very surprised: "How come?"

Probably find it difficult to understand.

After all, the position of the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable in the Immortal Realm is second only to those immortal emperors.

How could such an existence make a special trip to the Great Desolate Ancient Land to kill Xiao Yao?

There are really some anti-aircraft guns to hit mosquitoes!

Xiao Yao sighed. The curves in this one are really hard to tell, and it also involves a lot of Xiao Yao's secrets. For the demons, Xiao Yao has always kept a certain distance.

Although he and Mozu have always been allies, this does not mean that he is willing to open his heart to the Mozu.

From Xiao Yao's point of view, it was simply a matter of incomprehension.

"Then you and Zilian Immortal Venerable, who came to the Great Wasteland first?" asked Firebird Demon Lord.

Xiao Yao smiled cheerfully: "It's him."

Firebird demon slapped his head and realized that he had asked a very stupid question before.

After all, Xiao Yao had already told the Firebird Demon before that he had spent a lot of thoughts on the whereabouts of the Zilian Immortal.

Since this is the case, how could it be that Xiao Yao came to the Great Wasteland first?

The Firebird Demon Lord suddenly thought of something, and said in amazement: "That is to say, she originally wanted to chase you, but she didn't even know that you were still in the immortal world, so you could have been hiding?"

Xiao Yao nodded: "Not bad."

It is not difficult to guess.

The Firebird Demon was even more surprised: "Why?"

He is really hard to understand Xiao Yao's thoughts.

In his opinion, the other party could hide, but he just didn't do it, and he chased into the great wasteland.

Who is chasing after this so?

Why is Lao Tzu a little trapped?

Xiao Yao smiled and said, "Don't talk about it for now. Since the other party came to me and deliberately revealed the news to the Demon Race, she must have waited to kill me immediately, but she couldn't find me. There, I only know that I have been to the Great Desolate Ancient Land before, and stayed in the Sword God Mountain for a long time. If you were her, where would you find me?"

The Firebird Demon suddenly realized, and finally understood why Xiao Yao was able to bring them here with such confidence before.

"Since this is the case, let this Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable stay here." Firebird Demon Lord rubbed his palms, his eyes sullen.

After entering the Sword God Mountain, all the demons became cautious.

The Great Desolate Ancient Land was originally terrifying, and the Sword God Mountain was even more terrifying.

Even if they are confident enough in their own strength, they have to maintain a high degree of vigilance after entering the Sword God Mountain.

Don't have to find the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable by the time, and you will explain it to the Sword God Mountain, that is the real death before the master is ready.

After walking some distance, Firebird Demon suddenly thought of something.

He walked to Xiao Yao's side and pulled his sleeve.

"Xiao Yao, let me ask you one thing, and tell me honestly."

Xiao Yao blinked his eyes: "What do you say first." The implication is that I can't guarantee that, some can be said and some can't be said.

The Firebird Demon was also exasperated, but Xiao Yao couldn't do anything, so he bit the bullet and asked, "If the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable is not from the great wasteland, but from other places, what shall you do?"

After all came to the Great Wasteland, this game was an advantage for Xiao Yao, after all, the strength of the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable would be suppressed, not necessarily elsewhere.

Xiao Yao laughed, but his eyes were extremely firm: "No matter where, even if I cross the millennium star road, I will kill it!"


The killing intent is resolute.

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