The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1957: Fight against the devil

Great wasteland.

Xiao Yao woke up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the blue sky.

Only then did he realize that his body had always been immersed in the pool water.

It floats on it like a wooden board without sinking.

He didn't know when he jumped into the deep pool.

Although there are some impressions of what happened before, when you think about it carefully, the impression has become a little fuzzy.

It's like having a long, long dream.

The moment I opened my eyes, I felt that I didn't remember anything, but began to gradually forget.

Qinglong should not have come back.

If he had already returned and saw himself soaking in the pool, he would definitely fish himself out of the pool without saying a word.

He got up from the deep pool and swam ashore. A sense of exhaustion swept over him. He lay on the grass and continued to look at the sky with his eyes.

What happened before...

He raised his hand and tapped his temple with his knuckles. The action was like tapping a watermelon in front of a fruit stand to see if it was ripe.

"It seems that I still can't remember..." Xiao Yao muttered to himself without vision.

He can feel that his body has undergone a very big change from before.

But this kind of change, he didn't know where it was in a short time.

It seems to have become a fragment, hidden in the depths of my mind.

No matter how he thinks, he can't think of it, but what he can be sure of is that it still exists.

This feeling is really not very good.

"It doesn't seem to have recovered." After a long time, Xiao Yao finally stood up, twisted his neck, and his bones creaked.

I don't know how long I slept.

But it shouldn't be too long to think about it, after all, Qinglong hasn't returned yet.

Jumped into the deep pool, took another bath, and changed into clothes.

He still likes this state very much, there is not much to worry about.

Zilian Xianzun is also dead.

Now the female fairy emperor of Rouge Valley is left.

What others owe him must be recovered.

No matter when, Xiao Yao always thought so in his heart.

"I don't know if Nian-nian has grown taller." Sitting on the edge of the deep pool, Xiao Yao let go of his thinking.

He always feels that there is something wrong with his body, especially in every move, as if there is a thin thread on his body. If you don't notice it, you won't notice it, but if you think about it carefully, this feeling is really real. It exists, but it doesn't make Xiao Yao feel any uncomfortable place.

The tone is a thin line, it is better to say it is a kind of air.

As for what was going on, Xiao Yao still couldn't understand in a short time.

He calmed down and began to slowly revolve his human emperor scripture.

When the Human Emperor Sutra began to run, the expression on Xiao Yao's face immediately changed drastically.

The surrounding air speeds up the flow.

The energy between heaven and earth, like a tsunami, surged toward Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao was in the waves, feeling the magnificent changes between heaven and earth...

After a long time, Xiao Yao slowly opened his eyes and slowly clenched his fist.

"So that's it..."

Then he stood up and laughed out loud.

"It's like this in Daxiang Ancient Land. If you reach the Three Realms of Immortals, Demons and Demons, can you still be like this?" After laughing for a while, Xiao Yao quickly calmed down. He touched his chin with one hand and breathed out. , He wiped it off easily, which made it a lot more comfortable.

He felt that he needed to try another place now.

Stand up, open the star gate, step forward, and walk into it.


Hongmeng tree.

When he came to this place again, Xiao Yao suddenly felt like he had been embarrassed by the sea.

When he came to the Demon Realm, he suddenly felt a tremor at his feet.

But it subsided soon.

In an instant, he realized that a few eyes had locked himself.

There was a sneer on Xiao Yao's face.

The reaction of these demon gods was really fast enough.

Have you noticed your own existence so quickly?

He gently squeezed his fist, and the air around him began to circulate wildly.

"That's it. It seems that in Demon Realm, it's the same. It's not just a great wasteland." Xiao Yao couldn't help himself with excitement.

"What are you going to do!" a loud voice came from a distance.

Xiao Yao turned his face and stared in that direction.

The place where the sound came from.

"It's all old friends, what do you do with such a big temper." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

A black light flashed.

The Buddha of the Buddha stood in front of Xiao Yao, his face full of astonishment.

"How could this happen?" The Buddha Demon asked softly.

Xiao Yao was not very surprised that the other party could react in such a short time and came to him.

After all, this is the devil world, and people are demon gods.

When they arrived at other people's turf, it was normal for them to watch every move.

"So surprised what to do." Xiao Yao said.

"Your power seems to have disappeared?" If it hadn't been for Xiao Yao's previous appearance that caused the trembling of the Hongmeng Tree, he would definitely think that Xiao Yao is just an ordinary human race.

In Xiao Yao's body, he could not detect any energy fluctuations.

You know, even if it is a monster, there will be energy fluctuations.

This is really abnormal.

So when he saw Xiao Yao's first glance, he subconsciously asked: How could this be?

He repeated the question he had just asked again: "How could this be? What is your cultivation level now... on earth?"

Xiao Yao gave a wry smile.

He took a deep breath and clenched his fist.

"Actually, I don't know what cultivation level I am now. Why don't we try?" Xiao Yao asked.

The Buddha of Buddha laughed haha: "Alright, let's come."

While speaking, he opened a star door.

Xiao Yao entered it with him.

Otherwise, once the two fight, it is not that it will destroy the Hongmeng Tree, but it will definitely cause a lot of fluctuations, and maybe even a few Demon Lords will die.

As the Demon God of the Demon Realm, the Demon God of Buddha naturally did not want such a thing to happen.

Arrived in the star road, flew forward for some distance, and finally stopped.

"bring it on."

Xiao Yao glanced at the Demon God of Buddha and nodded lightly.

The Chunqiu Sword has been held in his hand.

A sword swung out, and the sword energy was tumbling.

Xiao Yao's body was shining with rays of light.

The colors are different, but they are intertwined, just like the colorful braided ropes in handicrafts.

When this sword was swung out, Xiao Yao was stunned.

Sword Qi kept tumbling.

The two small stars near them have been destroyed.

The face of the Buddha Demon God changed, as if he was facing an enemy.

One sword...

Cut the stars!

In the face of such a mighty sword, even if he is a demon god, he dare not take it lightly.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards Jianqi.

Such a catch in the void.

The original sword energy dissipated instantly.

The expression on Xiao Yao's face looked more severe.

He has always known that the Demon God is very powerful.

Even the immortal emperor is not the opponent of the demon god.

Of course, it is not absolute, after all, there will be strong and newcomers at the rank of the Immortal Emperor Demon God.

"Come again!" The Buddha of Buddha laughed loudly.

This time, he seized the opportunity.

With a punch, the rainbow of fist carried through a star and arrived in front of Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao originally wanted to blink, but found that a pressure was holding him down, making it difficult to move, thinking it should be a kind of domain power.

Since it's hard to hide, don't hide.

He could clearly feel that the Buddha Demon God had no intention of killing him.

Xiao Yao is still certain about this.

He raised the long sword in his hand again to block the fist rainbow, but his body couldn't help retreating, and he retreated thousands of miles.

Before he could relax, he unexpectedly killed him again.

In the star sea, the body of the Buddha Demon God suddenly became extremely large.

Xiao Yao couldn't think of any unit of measurement that could be used to describe the Buddha statue in front of him.

He stretched out his hand to catch a meteorite.

Smashed towards Xiao Yao.

The meteorite dragged a long rainbow, and Xiao Yao passed by after avoiding it.

The meteorite kept flying forward, passing through two stars in succession, and then slowly stopped.

Xiao Yao's heart was frightened, not because he felt like he had passed by the **** of death.

But he was shocked to discover that a strong man in this realm actually had the ability to destroy a star with a punch and kick.

When he was on earth before, Xiao Yao disrespected ghosts and gods.

Now it seems that it is simply a joke.

It is like the Demon God of Buddha, if he really wants to deal with the earth, he can almost completely destroy the earth with his gestures.

Xiao Yao took a deep breath and moved forward.

The Buddha Demon God stretched out his hand again and pointed at will.

Another wave of vast energy blocked Xiao Yao.

"Break it for me!" Xiao Yao roared, the Spring and Autumn Sword in his hand was spinning continuously, and the sword rainbow overflowed wantonly, and it was difficult to hide it.

Jianhongjiangang kept pushing back the body of the Buddha Demon God. When Xiao Yao settled down, the Spring and Autumn Sword in his hand suddenly disappeared. When it appeared again, he was in front of the Demon God Buddha.

The Buddha Demon God stretched out his hand and collided with the Chunqiu Sword, making a loud "bang".

When the aftermath dissipated, Xiao Yao no longer knew where he was.

"Huh?" Xiao Yao glanced at him and found that there were several battleships around, and...

You look familiar?

"Stop for a while." Xiao Yao stretched out his hand and waved lightly, and the Buddha of Buddha stopped.

Xiao Yao looked at the battleships with a smile.

Is it true that the enemy does not meet together!

At this time, the Buddha Demon God also watched him.

There was panic in his eyes.

The potential of Human Race... is it really that big?

How long did it take for the opponent to enter the magic gate.

But now, the opponent already has power as much as the Immortal Emperor Demon God.

How is this possible?

"Fantasy Demon God, I will come as soon as I go." When Xiao Yao spoke, he had disappeared in front of the Buddha's Demon God.

Flew towards a battleship.

The Buddha of the Buddha chuckled lightly, and simply followed.

There are too many doubts in his heart, and he wants to ask Xiao Yao carefully.

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