The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1959: I'm going to the fairy world

Satan star field, burned.

In just a short time, the Satan star field was completely erased from this universe by Xiao Yao.

It seemed that it had never existed before, and could not find any traces of the Satan star field.

After completely erasing the Satan star field, Xiao Yao also felt a lot more relaxed. The things he had originally thought about were solved, which was regarded as relieved of a burden.

He understood very well that as long as the Satan star field still exists, then the earth is in danger of being destroyed at all times.

These mechs will still make a comeback.

Therefore, as far as Xiao Yao is concerned, he has almost no other choice. It is impossible to guard the earth all the time, right?

Xiao Yao is willing to guard the earth, but he also understands that the possibility that he will stay on the earth is very small. He even doubts that if he really goes to the earth, the earth can actually carry himself, and directly broken.

However, Xiao Yao didn't care about these anymore.

He had already made plans.

Create a small world, and then take your parents, friends, lovers, all over.

This is Xiao Yao's ideal life, there are not so many disputes, and there will be no more birth, old age, sickness and death.

In this way, there will not be too much life and death.

Even if it was just a simple thought, Xiao Yao would be excited about it.

Before doing it again, I have to clear all obstacles first.

For example, those immortal emperors.

Stop me, die!

Confused with a murderous aura, Xiao Yao walked through the universe again and returned to the Demon Realm again.

The Buddha of Buddha has been waiting for a long time.

"The dragon **** before, and you are also good friends, right?" The Buddha Demon God said with a smile.

Xiao Yao was taken aback for a moment, but was not curious about how the other party knew about it.

After all, they all knew about Qinglong, Firebird Demon Lord, Blood Mist Demon Lord, and they couldn't help themselves to hide from the Buddha Demon God.

Seeing Xiao Yao frowning, the Demon God of Buddha said with a smile: "Don't think too much, I don't mean much."

Xiao Yao sneered and said, "Then tell me what you mean first."

The Buddha of Buddha sighed.

He knows Xiao Yao's current strength, so he also understands that Xiao Yao is already very different from before.

The other party has enough confidence, and the Three Realms of Immortals, Demons and Demons are already afraid of him.

In addition, what is even more frightening is that Xiao Yao's growth ability is so fast.

Unimaginable speed.

How long has it been since the other party already has the current cultivation base.

For every Demon God and Immortal Emperor Demon Emperor, hasn't it been thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years?

Even the Eastern Confucian Immortal Emperor who achieved the position of immortal emperor fastest took a full thousand years.

Where is Xiao Yao?

He seems to be from his birth to the present, more than thirty years ago, right?

Can you still play happily?

Therefore, when a Demon God of the Demon Race wanted to kill Xiao Yao, both he and the other Demon God immediately opposed it.

It is not because of how good the relationship between him and Xiao Yao is, but because, if Xiao Yao is not absolutely sure to kill Xiao Yao, when one day, Xiao Yao has taken another step forward, for their demons. The disaster of extinction.

Just like when Xiao Yao went to the Satan Star Region before, he also saw it in his eyes.

This made the Buddha's toothache very much.

In his opinion, Xiao Yao's revenge cannot be underestimated.

Too many factors added together, such consideration, he really dare not do anything to Xiao Yao.

What's more, there is a dragon **** beside the opponent.

In addition, coupled with the news from the fairy world before, although it is not yet known whether it is true or not, it is enough to make them feel a headache.

If it is true, then before you know it, Xiao Yao is already a very terrifying force.

No one dared to look down upon him.

This is true of the Three Realms of Immortals, Demons and Demons.

Now, the Buddha of Demon God is still hesitating, whether to tell the other party this news.

Very tangled, very hesitant...

After thinking for a while, the Buddha Buddha had an answer in his heart.

Anyway, even if he didn't tell him, Xiao Yao would soon only know.

Since this is the case, it is better to be a good favor by yourself.

"The Sword Immortal named Xu Kuangge has become the Immortal Emperor. He went to the battle court and took over the territory of the Nanban Immortal Emperor, but before going to the battle court, he went to the Star Tower." said the Buddha.

Xiao Yao's pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes were full of shock.

But soon, he calmed down and chuckled.

"Originally, I was thinking that after I had the power of the Immortal Emperor, I could go to that guy and sigh for a while, but now it seems that there is no such opportunity." Xiao Yao pretended to sigh.

The Buddha of the Buddha was dumbfounded.

"What is he going to do in Xinglou?" Xiao Yao asked.

"Let's write down the battle to the Beidou Immortal Emperor." said the Buddha Demon God.

Xiao Yao frowned.

Although the Big Dipper Immortal Emperor is the weakest of those immortal emperors, even if Xu Kuangge really becomes the Immortal Emperor, he will be similar to himself. He belongs to the newcomers, and it is difficult to compete with those old immortal emperors and demons. , There may be some opportunities to deal with the general demon emperor, but it is really unwise to fight directly against the emperor.

"Why?" Xiao Yao asked suddenly.

The Buddha Demon God was speechless at that time.

I don't know why I went!

It's because you have a good relationship with others, and it's not that I have a good relationship with them, I still want to ask you!

"I don't know this either." Although the Buddha of Demon was frantically complaining, he still said very politely, "Perhaps he has his own considerations."

Xiao Yao nodded lightly, his eyes were deep, as if he had seen the depths of the universe and remained silent.

For a while, the Buddha Buddha did not speak, because he didn't know what Xiao Yao was thinking at this time, so he worried that if he spoke at this time, he might interrupt the other person's thoughts.

When Xiao Yao came back to his senses, he looked at the Demon God of Buddha, and said seriously: "I'm going to the immortal world."

"Are you crazy?" Futu Demon God's face changed and said, "Aren't you going to the immortal realm now to find death?"

Xiao Yao laughed and said, "Even you can't notice the fluctuations in my body's strength, let alone them?"

The Buddha of the Buddha understood what Xiao Yao meant, but still frowned, and said: "Xiao Yao, you have to think about it. Once you are exposed in the fairy world, those immortal emperors may join hands to strangle you, and there is Fairy Realm, even if we want to help, there is no way to help."

The analysis is still in place.

However, these words spoken by the Buddha Buddha did not change Xiao Yao's thoughts.

His attitude is still very firm: "I must go."

The Buddha of Buddha grabbed his hair with both hands, and fell into a frantic state.

He couldn't figure it out. Did Xiao Yao take the wrong medicine? Why did he have to go to the fairy world?

Isn't this just causing trouble for yourself?

When Xiao Yao spoke, he had already opened the Star Gate.

"Okay, I can do it for myself." The Buddha Demon wanted to say something, but seeing Xiao Yao look like I was determined, he didn't bother to say it.

When Xiao Yao was about to enter the Star Gate, the Demon God of Buddha suddenly spoke again.

"When you enter the immortal realm, the immortal realm may oscillate a little, and they will notice it. It's the same as when you came to the Hongmeng Tree of the Demon Realm, and the Hongmeng Tree also trembled." said the Buddha.

Xiao Yao thought for a while and nodded lightly.

The Buddha Demon sighed again.

There is still no way to change Xiao Yao's decision.

Seeing Xiao Yao disappearing in front of him, when the Buddha Demon God turned around, there was a man in a black robe standing behind him.

The hand that came out was covered with black scales, like iron armor.

"He's gone?" the man said, his voice hoarse.

The Buddha Demon God nodded, then sneered again, and said, "I thought you would be tempted to do it."

"Haha, I'm so stupid. I didn't do it before, so how can I do it now." The black robe man shook his head and said again, "But you really don't want to let him go to the immortal world! If..."

"I know what you are thinking, but I won't." The Buddha said with a serious face.

"Under the world, there is nothing wrong." The black robe man said, "If those immortal emperors are willing to reconcile with him, then it is equivalent to having two immortal emperors and a dragon god's help. At that time, if they invade aggressively In my demon world, do you think we still have the ability to resist?"

The Buddha of Buddha frowned and said, "He is not that stupid."

"Oh?" The black robe man said with a smile, "You know him well?"

"I can't talk about it, but he also understands the truth about unloading the moss and killing the donkey. He can only join hands with us..." Speaking of this, the Buddha of Buddha suddenly stopped.

The black robe man laughed loudly.

"You also know the truth about unloading the moss and killing the donkey? If this is the case, how could he be willing to help us destroy the immortal world! The non-my race must have different hearts. If he is a demon, I naturally hope that he will become more and more. He is powerful, but he is not a demon. I don’t need to explain this to you, right?” The black robe man’s complexion is also black, “So, what he’s waiting for now is that the immortal and demon will suffer both defeats. Then he will be able to sit back and reap the fisherman. Benefit."

Speaking of this, the black robe man took a breath again.

"The flames are right, this kid, what a big picture!" The black-robed man said with his head back and his hands behind his back.

"At the very least, with him, the immortal world dare not do anything at will." The Buddha said, "Isn't that good? At the very least, if he checks and balances, we also have a chance to breathe."

The man in the black robe did not speak and remained silent.

"You said, what would happen if they went to the Demon Realm?" The black robe man suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" The Buddha of the Buddha was stunned for a while.

"Haha, I bet with you, it won't be long before he and the newly promoted immortal emperor will slay to the demon world, and then have a big fight. As for whether they can leave the demon world alive, it's hard to say." Hei The man in the robe squinted his eyes, "Killing someone with a knife, tsk tsk...The tactics of the human race are really endless! Interesting, interesting..."

The Buddha Demon God was in anger.

" think you are too smart."

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