The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1966: Then you go to die

Being in the demon world is a kind of leisure for Xiao Yao and Xu Kuangge.

However, don't know why, Xiao Yao always has a very bad premonition.

However, he was at ease when he came. He didn't like to scare himself. Besides, this place was originally a tiger's den, and he was fully prepared before coming here.

It is not an exaggeration to describe Xiao Yao and Xu Kuangge's behavior by saying that they know that there are tigers in the mountains and tend to go to Hushan.

"You said, what exactly does the Demon Realm want to do?" Xu Kuangge looked at Xiao Yao, frowning and said, "It's just looking for someone in the Demon Realm. Don't these Demon Kings even have this ability, so long? No news at all time?"

Xiao Yao laughed and said, "There must be something we don't know."

Xu Kuangge asked: "Since this is the case, then we..."

Although he didn't finish his words, he looked at Xiao Yao with a questioning look.

Obviously, I hope the other party will complete the following words.

Xiao Yao had no choice but to shook his head and said, "Three days have not come."

Xu Kuangge nodded.

He always feels that he and Xiao Yao now have a feeling of sitting and waiting...

"Don't worry, I'm ready." Xiao Yao smiled mysteriously.

Xu Kuangge looked at him curiously.

Xiao Yao wanted to sell this pass, so he just continued to smile mysteriously, but didn't speak.

Suddenly Xu Kuangge had an urge to rub Xiao Yao on the ground.

Te Niang's, this kind of non-speaking behavior is really hateful.

Bai Mu Yao Huang walked towards Xiao Yao and Xu Kuangge.

The pace is slow, it seems that there is something hidden in his heart.

When Xiao Yao and Xu Kuangge were in front of them, the smiles again appeared on their faces, dripping water.

"Two fellow daoists, what do you think of our Demon Realm?" Bai Mu Demon Emperor said with a smile.

Xiao Yao raised his eyelids, glanced at him, frowned slightly, and said, "Do you really want to hear?"

The Bai Mu Demon Emperor was taken aback, and shook his head: "That's fine."

This time, Xiao Yao was suffocated.

The Demon Emperor Bai Mu smiled, looking like an old fox: "I just think that Daoist Xiao Yao must have nothing good in his mouth."

Xu Kuangge laughed and **** aside.

Obviously, the White Shepherd Demon Emperor hadn't lived in vain for so many years, and it didn't take long for him to figure out Xiao Yao's way of speaking and routines.

Xiao Yao coughed, but didn't say anything.

"I said the old man, did my friend find it?" Xu Kuangge asked.

The White Mu Demon Emperor sighed, and said, "Please don’t worry about the two fellow Daoists. I left this matter to the Mengcheng Demon Emperor. Haven’t I stayed with you for the past two days? How did you get back? It’s not clear to me at the moment."

Xu Kuangge just sneered: "I know you are prevarication by saying this. After all, this is the demon world. If you want to say that there is no connection at all, I can't believe it if you kill me. However, no matter what you think, As long as you don't hand me over, I promise that you four demon emperors will die and be ugly. That's pretty ugly."

This is the threat.

The blatant threat was not concealed in the slightest.

In Xu Kuangge's tone, he slowly gained confidence.

The face of the Demon Emperor Bai Mu was a bit ugly, and he nodded slightly, without comment. Having said that, there was obviously no way to continue the conversation. Although the Demon Emperor Bai Mu had been accustomed to singing with Xiao Yao in the past two days. The way the two talked, but now they heard something like this, they were still a little uncomfortable, so they hurriedly left, turned and left.

After the Bai Mu Demon Emperor left, Xiao Yao stretched out his hand and grabbed Xu Kuangge's shoulder, and asked seriously: "I just want to ask, Xu Jianxian, who gave you this confidence?"

"Huh?" Xu Kuangge didn't react at all.

Xiao Yao asked: "I'm just a little hard to understand. With so many demon races in the demon world and four demon kings, can the two of us really be able to fight?"

Xu Kuangge took a cold breath: "Didn't you say before, are you ready?"

"Yes, if they don't hand over Hong Feisheng, we will stay in the demon world and not leave." Xiao Yao said angrily.

Xu Kuangge's eyes rounded: "Is that what you prepared for?"

Xiao Yao's hippie smile: "Enough enough?"

Xu Kuangge: "..."

He suddenly wanted to press the opponent's head in the dirt.

If it weren't for worrying that he might not be Xiao Yao's opponent.

Originally entered the Immortal Emperor, he thought he could hang Xiao Yao, but he didn't expect Xiao Yao to have stepped into the same realm.

Although he couldn't see Xiao Yao's cultivation base, as long as he stood by Xiao Yao's side, he would feel a sense of stability.

It's like standing on a mountain peak.

As for what was going on with this feeling, he couldn't make it clear in words.

In the demon world, wait until the deadline.

The White Mu Demon Emperor appeared again.

In fact, the other party didn't take the initiative to show up, but because Xu Kuangge took out his profound iron sword again.

For Xu Kuangge, this is his "big summoning technique."

Mainly take out the profound iron sword, and the White Mu Demon Emperor will definitely appear in front of him in no more than a minute.

Standing on a rock, Xu Kuangge looked down at the White Shepherd Demon Emperor, and said with an aura: "You said you are not cheap? How many times I called you, you pretended not to hear, I had to take out the sword for you Are you willing to appear?" Xu Kuangge asked.

The White Mu Demon Emperor just chatted and laughed.

"What do you mean?" Xu Kuangge frowned, jumped off the stone, reached out his hand to grab the beard of the Bai Mu Demon Emperor, and asked, "Where is my friend?"

The Bai Mu Demon Emperor's expression was a little embarrassed, and his eyes showed deep helplessness.

"Two fellow daoists, are you willing to listen to me slowly?" Bai Mu Demon Emperor asked.

Suddenly a flash of light flashed, Xiao Yao had already arrived, and he slammed a punch directly, hitting the Bai Mu Demon Emperor's chest directly.

"Boom", there was an explosion in the body of the Bai Mu Demon Emperor, and with this explosion, the Bai Mu Demon Emperor's body also flew out directly.

"I don't want to listen to you slowly." Xiao Yao replied only then.

Xu Kuangge was dumbfounded.

He also didn't expect Xiao Yao to say just do it.

There is no sign.

When the White Mu Demon Emperor got up, Xiao Yao had already killed the opponent again.

"Daoist, listen to me first!" The Bai Mu Demon Emperor looked really anxious.

The strength of the Demon Emperor has always been lower than that of the Immortal Emperor and the Demon God.

To make a simple analogy, three demon emperors together can be the opponent of two immortal emperors.

Although Xiao Yao felt that he was still some distance away from the opponent when he fought against the Demon God of the Buddha, the problem with his current strength against a demon emperor is not very big, and he has gradually become familiar with the power he has before. , The lap just now was done exactly as you wish.

"Xiao Yao, otherwise listen to what he said first?" Xu Kuangge asked tentatively.

Xiao Yao laughed, nodded, looked at the White Mu Demon Emperor, and said, "Then you can talk about it first."

"Ahem..." The Demon Emperor Bai Mu patted his body with one hand, stood up again, and walked in front of Xiao Yao and Xu Kuangge.

"Two fellow Taoists, I don't want to hide it from you. In fact, your friend is no longer there." The Demon Emperor Bai Mu said with a cold breath.

"He is no longer in the demon world?" Xu Kuangge frowned and asked.

"No, I mean, he is dead..." Bai Mu Demon Emperor sighed and said.

Xu Kuangge glanced at Xiao Yao, but found that Xiao Yao still had a calm face. It seemed that the news did not cause him much impact.

The Demon Emperor Bai Mu didn't know if he needed to talk anymore.

I always feel that there is a very embarrassing feeling.

The expression on Xiao Yao's face is clearly telling him: You continue to compose, if I believe it, I will lose.

Is this a fart?

"Friend Xiaoyao, originally I shouldn’t have told you about this matter, but I really don’t want to have trouble with you. In my opinion, you are always the best for our demons to deal with the demons and immortals. Allies..." Bai Mu Demon Emperor said with a sigh.

Xiao Yao still didn't speak.

"You continue talking." Xu Kuangge said.

Bai Mu Yaohuang gratefully glanced at Xu Kuangge.

If there is still no one to answer the conversation, he really doesn't know what to say.

"Actually, it was the Darkwing Demon Emperor's child who took your friend, just because he was seriously injured. When he was caught back to the Demon Realm, he was already dead." When the Bai Mu Demon Emperor spoke, his eyes still showed wounds. Sad, however, gave Xu Kuangge and Xiao Yao a look of sadness.

"Why do you want to catch Hong Feisheng?" Xu Kuangge frowned and asked.

He also didn't understand what Xiao Yao was thinking at this time, but he was still a little curious in his heart.

"Because he can awaken Demon Stone, if he is willing to become a demon clan, he can definitely become a demon emperor in the future!" said Baimu Demon Emperor, "So, this is also our demon clan's loss..."

Xu Kuangge nodded: "So, in your eyes, he is a plastic talent?"

The Demon Emperor Bai Mu nodded heavily, then glanced at Xiao Yao again.

He always feels that the guy who has been silent is the most difficult to fool.

Xu Kuangge just wanted to speak, and the White Mu Demon Emperor continued: "Because of this matter, I have already scolded the Darkwing Demon Emperor viciously, and I can guarantee that he will never protect shortcomings. This matter is the Darkwing Demon Emperor. What the demon did, so we are willing to hand over the demon and let you handle it!" The Demon Emperor Bai Mu gritted his teeth and said solemnly.

Xu Kuangge scratched his hair, not knowing what to say.

Xiao Yao just blinked at the Bai Mu Demon Emperor.

After waiting for a long time, the White Mu Demon Emperor did not speak again.

Xiao Yao finally spoke: "It's over?"

"Hmm..." The Bai Mu Demon Emperor was very uncomfortable.

"Well, then go to hell." After Xiao Yao finished this sentence, he already slammed the Bai Mu Demon Emperor with another punch.

The momentum is like a rainbow.

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