The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 93: Raiders retreat to Xiahou??? 1)

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Xun Zhen returned to the camp and said to Xi Zhicai and others, "Meng De will definitely send troops to attack my Rencheng tomorrow." Some of Xi Zhicai and others did not understand why Xun Zhen said this. Cao Cao personally went to the front line, of course he would definitely attack Rencheng County, but how could Xun Zhen predict that Cao Cao would definitely attack tomorrow? Someone asked, "Why?"

"When Meng De met me, I saw Meng De's demeanor. Although his attitude was arrogant, he was stern, and he used false words to frighten me. This shows that the situation in Yanzhou is urgent. Now that I am in Hexiang, it is no different to the morale of Yanzhou. To make matters worse, for this purpose, I conclude that Meng De will send troops tomorrow."

Yanzhou cannot be compared with Xuzhou, Xuzhou is relatively stable inside, but Yanzhou is not, and Xunzhen has the reputation of being good at fighting outside. With Cao Cao's ingenuity, he will definitely not delay for a long time. When Gongsun Zan attacked Jizhou, the chief officials and tyrants of Jizhou Prefecture Yin Jian, who has followed in succession, is not far away, but it will change after a long time. Therefore, Xun Zhen concluded this.

Rencheng County, Cao Jun Barracks.

Cao Cao said to his vassals: "Zhenzhi is no longer the one he was yesterday, and the reputation of the army in the past is not enough to be feared. I am determined to attack Rencheng tomorrow."

Someone in the general school said worriedly: "Liu and Chen Gu are guarding the city, and Xu Junqing has retreated outside the city, forming a thorny situation. I'm afraid it is not suitable to attack by force."

Cao Cao laughed and said, "A violent attack is something that only the unintentional people will use."

"Oh? So, Duke Ming must have a plan?"

Cao Cao smiled but did not say a word. He looked confident, but he refused to say it. Instead, he turned to Chen Gong, Cheng Li and other advisors and said, "Prince Zhongde, Gongtai, Qing and others are all high-ranking scholars. Is the enemy taking the city's strategy?"

Whether it's a trick or a trick, Chen Gong, Cheng Li, and Cao Cao have been together for a long time, and they are all familiar with the "unpredictable" appearance he sometimes makes. Not to blame.

Chen Gong twitched his beard, considered it carefully, and said, "The only way to do it now is to attack the west and call the enemy to help."

Cheng Li agreed and said: "In and out of the city, the enemy forces echoed, and General Zhendong is now in Hexiang again, and assistance is just around the corner. Our army is indeed not suitable for a strong attack. The best policy is to find a way to kill Xu Junqing or Liu, Chen will be called out, and the battle will be easy to fight."

Cao Cao asked, "How to adjust it?"

Xu Xian and the others are all veterans on the battlefield, and none of the three are reckless and brave. Xiahou Dun had tried several times before to transfer them out of the city or the camp, but to no avail. "Four words are easy to say, but difficult to do.

Cheng Li replied: "The so-called "attack the enemy will save you" in the art of war. As long as the place our army is attacking is the place where Xuzhou soldiers will be saved, Xu Junqing or Liu and Chen can naturally be transferred out."

When Cao Cao heard this, he burst out laughing and said, "Prince Zhongde is right with me!"

Complimenting Cheng Li is a "high opinion", and saying "I am the same as me", but Cao Cao praised him himself.

Xiahou Dun asked: "The art of war is the principle, but where is the surest way to save Xuzhou soldiers?"

Cao Cao smiled and said to Cheng Li, "What does Duke Zhongde think?"

Cheng Li replied with two words.

Hexiang, in the camp of Xunzhen.

After listening to Xun Zhen's words, someone said: "Xiahou Dun cannot attack Rencheng. Although Caodong County has personally led troops to Rencheng, General Xu is there to help Rencheng, and Duke Ming is in Hexiang in the distance. Sending troops to besiege will certainly be difficult to overcome. Duke Ming, will he launch an attack?"

"Meng De, General Zhi, of course he won't attack hard."

"What does Duke Ming mean?"

"I expect he'll use a trick."

"For what purpose?"

"The art of sieging a city is nothing more than two methods of long siege and attacking aid. Long siege is not what Mengde is currently advisable for. If I save it, he will definitely use a plan to try to transfer Xuande, justice or Junqing, so that For a decisive victory in the field, first defeat one of my units, and then rely on Shengwei to siege the city and attack it.”

"So in the light of Duke Ming's high opinion, how would Cao Dongjun transfer General Liu, Colonel Chen, or perhaps General?"

Xun Zhen pondered for a while, but couldn't guess what method Cao Cao would use, so he smiled and said, "Every change is inseparable from the original. No matter what method he will use, as long as our army knows his intentions, it's fine if he doesn't fall for it." After a while, he said to Xi Zhicai and the others, "If my expectations are right, Meng De really uses a plan to help in the field, Zhicai, I will do whatever I want, what do you think?"

Rencheng, the barracks of Cao Jun.

The two words Cheng Li answered were: "Dongping."

When Cao Cao heard this, he immediately laughed.

This Cheng Li is more energetic than Dongping.

Previously, he suggested that Bao Xin should feign defeat, and Cao Cao should lead his troops to rescue. Wangtu could use this to call out Liu and Chen Wei Xian's troops, because Cao Cao was worried that he would not be in charge of Yanzhou for a long time, and he was worried that doing so would cause the gentry of Yanzhou and others to come out. The state soldiers were eccentric, so there was no permission.

Now, Cheng Liyou turned his attention to Dongping.

However, this time he did not suggest Bao Xin to feign defeat, but suggested that Cao Cao pretend to give up attacking Rencheng temporarily and fight Dongping instead.

Xiahou Dun is also quite familiar with Cheng Li. He knows that although this person is old, it can be said that he is almost old, but he does not have the compassion of an old man. When soldiers are soldiers, they often have a condescending attitude, and they do not regard themselves as the same as the people and soldiers at all. In short, the people and soldiers are only "available" or "unavailable" to him. Although this point is not disgusting, it is not very favorable, admiration and jealousy coexist. Hearing what he said, he frowned and said: "My army has used troops for a long time, only to attack Rencheng, and turn to Dongping for no reason. General Zhendong will meet. Do you believe it?"

Xiahou Dun doesn't like Cheng Li very After all, Cheng Li is old, and he is not from a noble family. He knows people's feelings well and has a deep sense of government. He has always been courteous to Xiahou Dun, Cao Cao's love and marriage. He replied: "Because our army has used troops for a long time, and Rencheng cannot be attacked for a long time, so our army has turned to attack Dongping, and General Zhendong will be able to believe that...and..."

"And what?"

"Li Zan, the prime minister of Dongping, the son of Li Ying, and Zhendong are from the county, and the two are old acquaintances. Li Xuanqi, the son of Li Zan, is serving under the Zhendong tent, both public and private. Once our army turns to attack Dongping , I expect Zhendong will definitely not sit idly by." Cheng Lifu said with a smile, "This is exactly what I said, the so-called 'attack the enemy will save you'."

Li Zan and Xun Zhen are in the same county, they are old acquaintances, and now Li Zan has taken refuge with Xun Zhen, and his son Li Xuan is working under Xun Zhen's account again. These two reasons are enough, plus Li Zan is Li Ying This son, if Cao Cao pretended to turn to attack Dongping, Xun Zhen would really be saved—you know, when Li Ying was alive, he was famous all over the world, and he was a representative of Yingchuan scholars. Then Li Ying had contacts with Xun Shu and the Eight Dragons of the Xun clan. Now his son voted for Xun Zhen and was attacked by Cao Cao. It will definitely have a bad impact on Xun Zhen's reputation. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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