The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 149: Yuan Shaodong worships the right general

Rencheng is a kingdom, and the princes and kings who appear in the territory of Rencheng are naturally the kings of Rencheng.

This King Rencheng is named Liu Tuo, and he is close relatives with the deceased Lingdi, the deposed "former emperor", and today's son. . ——Liu Kai was the sixth son of Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty before Emperor Ling of Han was the grandson of Liu Kai. After Emperor Huan, all the emperors of this dynasty till now are descendants of Liu Kai.

This line of King Rencheng comes from Emperor Guangwu's grandson, Dongping Xian King Liu Cang. Liu Cang was the younger brother of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty. His second son Liu Shang was named Rencheng King, but it was only passed down for two generations. It was during the reign of Emperor Huan, and Emperor Huan then named one of his father, Sanhuting Hou Liu Bo, as the King of Rencheng; Liu Boli died in thirteen years and had no heir, so Emperor Ling appointed Liu Tuo, the Marquis of Xinchang, to take over as the King of Rencheng. .

Liu Tuo Jin was named Rencheng King for four years in Xiping, which was the seventh year of Emperor Ling's ascension to the throne, and it has been nearly twenty years now.

Thinking back to the fourth year of Xiping 20 years ago, when Liu Tuo, who was in his twenties, first became the king of the city, although the Han family was already suffering from internal troubles, at least it seemed to be strong on the surface. It was also in this year that it took eight years before and after, and it was prosperous in the present and famous in later generations. Cai Yong, Yang Ci and other great Confucians led the approval. The copying and engraving of the "Tai Xue Shi Jing" began.

It was also in this year that Cao Cao, who had been raised as Xiaolian and worshipped as Langguan the previous year, was serving as a lieutenant in the northern part of Luoyang. All of them were killed with great power, majestic and shocking Luodu; in the same year, Sun Jian, who was not of high birth, was awarded the prefect of Yangzhou two years ago, although he was successful in the **** rebellion of Xu Chang and Xu Shao and his son from Ping Kuaiji County. Min, who was recommended by the father of Zang Hong, the current Fuling prime minister, was appointed the county magistrate of Yandu, but he was not as easy as entering an official position and starting a family. , is still in the remote southeast in front of this humble county magistrate position, and will not be able to move up for the next ten years, traveling three counties, tossing back and forth in the position of county magistrate; this year, Yuan Shao, is serving The mourning of his mother followed the mourning of his father, which lasted for six years, so he adopted his name—Yuan Shao was adopted by Yuan Cheng after his death, so when Yuan Cheng died, he was not able to wear mourning; it was still this year. After Lu Zhi quelled the barbarian rebellion in Jiujiang County, he resigned from the prefect of Jiujiang due to illness and returned to his hometown to write books and teach apprentices. Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei, who was fifteen years old, were able to worship him. In the same year, Dong Zhuo, who had been serving as a military attache in various places, was recommended by Duan Jiong, the prefect of Bingzhou, and was turned into an official by the Situ Yuanhui and entered the government. Expanded, successively served as the governor of Bingzhou and the prefect of Hedong.

This year, in Jizhou, under the background of successive epidemics, the Zhang Jiao brothers widely recruited disciples, and Taiping Road is under construction.

But in that year, the Han family was still following the inertia, and most of the new generation of heroes who were about to influence the trend of the times had already appeared on the stage.

And four years in Xiping, what was Xun Zhen doing?

At that time, he had not yet been crowned, and was still squatting in Yingyin, silently, studying the classics hard, learning swordsmanship and archery.

Twenty years later, with a flick of a finger, the forty-six magnificent stone monuments with a height of more than ten feet inscribed with the Seven Classics of Confucianism are still standing in front of Luoyang Taixuemen, but the country of the great Han is already precarious and crumbling.

Liu Tuo and Xun Zhen, two people of similar age, are no longer the same as they used to be.

Rencheng King, who has been King of Rencheng for nearly 20 years, is pampered most of the time, and the passing years have left traces on Liu Tuo, leaving him with a fat body. In fact, even without the clothes of his princes and kings, only His fat body is also very conspicuous among the crowd.

Xun Zhen and he could not be said to be old acquaintances, but they had met several times before.

Xun Zhen and Cao Cao met him when they were fighting in Rencheng. Later, Xun Zhen visited Xu and Yan counties and saw him when they visited Rencheng. Hearing that Liu Tuo was waiting at the county border with Xun You, Le Jin, and Xun Yue, the prime minister of Rencheng, Xun Zhen hurriedly got off the car and met before him.

In the darkness of the night, surrounded by the guards of Xu Chu and others and Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Chen Qun and others who had already got off the bus, Xun Zhen came to the front of the driving team and met Liu Tuo and others.

Xun Zhen bowed and saluted, and said to Liu Tuo, "How dare you greet the king!"

Liu Tuo did not have the arrogance of the son of the dragon and the grandson of the dragon. He was very respectful to Xun Zhen, and said politely: "The general moved to Yan, passing through Biyi, and the little Wang is the landlord, so I should respectfully welcome him."

The "Yi" in "BiYi", Liu Tuo said means "food city".

There are two characteristics in the control of princes and kings in this dynasty. One is that they do not go to the country for a long time, and they live in the capital for a long time. The other is that they are stricter than the previous generation. Intervention and political affairs, as well as communication, are all strictly prohibited.” Liu Tuo was in the country, but although Rencheng was his feudal state, he was not allowed to participate in the government affairs of the county, and he received a certain amount of rent every year, so he called himself Rencheng as a food town.

Xun Zhen said, "Your Majesty's body of a thousand pieces of gold is so troublesome!"

Liu Tuo said: "If it's not a general, Xiao Wang doesn't know what day it will be today! Rencheng is in chaos, Xiao Wang has today, all rely on the general. Today, the general will drive to Rencheng, and Xiao Wang will be waiting for you, of course."

What Liu Tuo said was really not all polite words.

There are many princes and princes in the Han Dynasty. Since the Yellow Turban chaos, the fate of these princes and princes has been different.

Some of the kings of the country died in the chaos and were harmed by the Yellow Turbans; or some were kidnapped by the Yellow Turbans such as King Liu Yi of Pimin, King Liu Song of Changshan, King Liu Xu of Anping, etc.; or there were very few such as King Liu Chong of Chen. Raised troops to fight the chaos, and tried to participate in the crusade against Dong, as if he had once

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is a next page ^0^ for the princes of one side. As for those who lived in Luoyang, some died in the chaos, and those who didn't die in the chaos, they all experienced Dong Zhuo's fear of moving the capital to Chang'an. Not enough food and clothing, what about the princes and kings? There are not many people who are hungry.

But this city-state, thanks to Xun Zhen, defeated Cao Cao and pacified the Yellow Turbans in Yanzhou. Compared with the chaos in other places, it was regarded as a county that was settled earlier. Compared with most of the princes and kings, Liu Tuo's life now is more natural. Also much stronger.

After seeing the ceremony, Xun You, Le Jin, Xun Yue, etc. went up to talk to Xun Zhen.

It was already night, even though it was early spring and the weather was still cold, Xun You and the others had been waiting from the morning until now, their cheeks were flushed with cold, and some were snot running, Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Let's stop talking here, you are cold, I'm cold too, get in the car and let the city go!"

Xun You said: "There is a pavilion a few miles ahead. You have already cleaned up the pavilion, why don't you want to stay in the pavilion for a night?"

"I walked and rode a lot, it was already night, and it was too late to set up camp. If I stayed here for one night, the soldiers would not be able to rest well, and they would suffer from wind and cold. If I march tomorrow, some people may get sick. It is better to march to warm up. , if they arrive in Rencheng County early, they can also get a good night’s sleep, which is one of them; or disturbing the surrounding people, which is the second. If you don’t live in the pavilion, go directly to Rencheng County!”

Xun You and the others agreed, and invited Xun Zhen back to the car to sit down.

Rencheng County is not far from the county boundary, but not too close, twenty or thirty miles away.

Hundreds of cars and thousands of paces, lighting the torches, and walking like a dragon all night long. When it was almost dawn, they reached the east bank of Sishui and crossed the river. In the twilight of dawn, the county seat of Rencheng was in sight.

After receiving a report from Xu Chu, Xun Zhen woke up the maid Chi who had just fallen asleep and told her to go back to her car. The maid Chi put on a veil, wrapped in a thick fur, and was supported by two maids. Her long jade legs were almost weak, and she got out of the car softly.

Xun Zhen Chuan ordered to go, ordering the soldiers on foot not to make noise, so as not to disturb the people, and ordered Xin Ai, Zang Ba and others to lead them around the city to rest in the camp not far away, and most of the attendants were also ordered by Xun Zhen to go. Stay in camp. Xun Zhen and Cao Cao fought fiercely in Rencheng twice. Both the enemy and our party had military camps outside the city, but the military camps outside Rencheng were ready-made, and there was no need to build them temporarily.

Xun You and others led the way, and a group of vehicles entered the city quietly.

But I might as well mention one more thing. Until this morning, the people in the city were asleep and busy. Most of the people were still unaware that Xun Zhen and others and thousands of Xuzhou soldiers had arrived in the county and city. When a local scholar in Rencheng County learned about it, he couldn't help but say: "In modern times, the only thing that does not disturb the people is this, Master Wang."


She didn't sleep much all night, and Xun Zhen was also sleepy. She talked a few words with Liu Tuo, Xun You, Le Jin, Xun Yue, etc. in the palace hall, and then went to the guest house to rest. ——Liu Tuo asked him to live in the Rencheng Palace, but Xun Zhen refused; Xun Yue vacated the back house for him, because Xun Yue was the elder brother, and he was even older, more than ten years older than Xun Zhen, and Xun Zhen also Refused.

After sleeping until the afternoon, Wen Chen Zhi, Ji Xia and others were still sleeping, so they didn't bother them. After eating some food, Xun Zhen returned to the palace hall. Xun You and others were already waiting, and Liu Tuo could not participate in political affairs, but he did not come again.

Xun Zhen sat down.

Xun You and others greeted him for his hard work on the road, and they chatted for a while. Xun Zhen was about to tell Xun You his plan to "stay in Rencheng for two days, meet local scholars and tyrants, and inspect the local military, civilian and civilian agricultural conditions." Waiting for someone, an official outside the hall suddenly asked to see him.

It is the former state registrar and the current shogunate registrar Chen Yi.

The shogunate did not have the position of "master book", but Xun Zhen set it up by himself this time. In order to accommodate the officials who were transferred from the prefecture to the shogunate, Xunzhen mainly added two positions in his shogunate, one for the clerk and one for joining the army. One registrar, and there is no limit to joining the army.

Xun Zhen asked Chen Yi to come in.

Chen Yi entered the hall, bowed down, held a piece of paper and a letter, and reported, "Ming Gong, I received a military report from Henan Yin, and a letter to Ming Gong."

"Who's book?"

Chen Yi replied, "Return to Duke Ming's words, Duke Cao's book of Mengde."

"Oh? Meng De's letter?" Xun Zhen smiled at Gu Xunyu, Xi Zhicai, etc., and said, "This must be Meng De's reply to me! I have sent him two letters since he arrived in Taiyuan. I wrote it, but he was stingy with pen and ink, and it was too late to send me a letter." He ordered Chen Yi and said, "Bring it all over."

What Cao Cao said in his mouth, Xun Zhen first opened the military newspaper.

When the military newspaper was opened, there was not much content. Xun Zhen saw it at a glance, and after reading it, he calmly said to Xun You and Xun Yu, "It is an imperial edict from the Chang'an court to Yuan Shao. Passing by Yin in Henan, I learned about it for the sake of the Jijiu Gong."

Xun Yu asked, "The imperial decree given by the imperial court to Yuan Benchu? Dare to ask my brother, what is the decree?"

"I worship Yuan Benchu ​​as the right general."

As soon as the words were spoken, Xun Yu, Xun You, Xi Zhicai, and Xun Yue all had different expressions, and they all fell into thought.

Xun Zhen didn't say much about this for a while, but picked up the letter again and read the signature on the envelope. It was indeed a letter from Cao Cao.

As Xun Zhen said, he had already sent two letters to Cao Cao, why did Cao Cao only return the first letter to him now? But it wasn't because he hated Xun Zhen for taking Yanzhou and expelled it from Cao Cao is a person who can achieve great things, and there is no such small belly.

There are two reasons. One is that although Xun Zhen is already very busy, Cao Cao has been busier than him recently. In other words, Cao Cao is not as busy as Xun Zhen. Xun Zhencha is in a new stage of his career, and so is Cao Cao. Cao Cao is now in a "failure to start his business in the previous stage", and Yu Xia is starting his "new venture" at a critical period, and he will include Xihe again.

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ Under control, I have to have a good relationship with Wang Yi, so that Hedong can also be indirectly controlled by him. The surrendered army who practiced Baibo and Yellow Turbans had to be courteous and corporal and recruit Bingzhou Yingjie. Every day was very busy, and it was not bad to be able to take time to write a letter to Xun Zhen.

In addition, for another reason, from Taiyuan County to Xuzhou or Yanzhou, the journey is also long, over mountains and mountains, and across the entire Jizhou, so it is not until today that Xunzhen received the first reply from Cao Cao.

Xun Zhen opened the seal and opened Cao Cao's reply.


The left wrist hurts, and the plaster has been put on; it should be more tomorrow.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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