The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 160: Jia Wen and mediation failed

However, he said that the insider that Li Jue bought, rushed to Li Jue's house and reported to Li Jue the news that Guo Si was going to attack him.

Li Jue was taken aback and said, "Is this true?"

The insider replied: "Not at all! General Ming, this is the order given by General Guo himself at Guo's house today!"

Li Juezhang Er King Kong was puzzled and said, "I entertain him every day and treat him with respect, but why does he suddenly turn against me?"

The insider said: "General Ming, General Guo, he, he..." hesitantly, as if he didn't dare to say anything.

Li Jue said: "What he says, you just have to say it."

The insider said: "The last general is afraid that General Ming will be angry and dare not speak out."

Li Jue said, "I don't blame you, you just say what you want."

Only then did the insider take courage and said: "General Guo explained that the general wanted to poison him, but he did not keep his promise, and refused to give him the elite soldiers of Fan Chou's department, but gave him the soldiers of the army, so he hated General Ming, because he decided to Pre-emptively attack and kill General Ming."

It was all about the weak soldiers with Guo Si, but the words of poisoning Guo Si came into Li Jue's ears. Li Jue really didn't know what the insider was talking about. The general said I wanted to poison him?"

The insider said: "Yes, General Ming, General Guo explained that the general wanted to poison him. First, he poisoned the fermented soy sauce he sent him, and then he poisoned the wine and vegetables when he invited him to the General Ming's mansion for a banquet." After a while, he added, "General Guo had an unbearable abdominal pain after drinking in General Ming's mansion that day. After returning home, he drank a few bowls of **** juice and spit out a lot of things, and the abdominal pain was relieved."

Li Jue could only describe his mood at this time with stunned stunned for a while, and then said, "I gave him food with good intentions, but he framed me for poisoning me with fermented bean sauce; I arranged a banquet with good wine, When I served good food, I even called my favorite concubine out to accompany him, but he said that I poisoned him! He suffered from stomach pains, what did he do to me? The master said it was good, only women and villains are difficult to support, Guo Duo is a Little man! Little man's heart, little man's heart!" The more he talked, the more aggrieved and annoyed he got up and slapped the case abruptly.

The insider fell to the ground, was startled by the sudden sound, secretly raised his head, saw Li Jue's expression, saw his angry face, hesitated for a while, and said, "General Ming has no intention of harming him, But General Guo has misunderstood, and dare to ask General Ming, what should we do now?"

Li Jue was confused and had no idea, so he said to the insider: "You don't have to worry about other things, just go back first, if Guo Duo has any news, you can report to me immediately."

The insider agreed and walked out of the hall backwards.

Li Jue walked around in the hall with his hands behind his back, but in a hurry, he couldn't find a way to deal with it.

To say that he is afraid of Guo Si? He wasn't really afraid. If Guo Si dared to fight, he would be sure to defeat Guo Si—at least he would not be defeated. But the problem is, if the two of them fight within each other, Chang'an will be in chaos, and the Han court officials who are dissatisfied with their control of the government and want to get rid of them are bound to take the opportunity to attack. At that time, how to clean up?

After thinking about it, Li Jue couldn't decide, so he called the officials in and ordered Jia Xu to come.

The servant answered the promise and turned to leave the hall. Before leaving the courtyard, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned his head to look, and it was Li Jue who was chasing after him. The servant bowed and asked, "What other orders does General Ming have?"

Li Jue said, "You don't need to invite me, I'll go see Dr. Jia in person."

After Li Jue and others came to power, they initially wanted to give Jia Xu the title of marquis. On the grounds that "Shangshu is a servant of She, officials and teachers, and the world expects him, his reputation is not well-known, and it is not for convincing people." Soon after, Jia Xu's mother died, Jia Xu resigned from the official position, and was reinstated as Doctor Guanglu. "Doctor" is also the title of the person, referring to the official position of Jia Xu.

The official promises.

Li Jue ordered him again and said, "Go to the camp outside the city and call Yang Feng and other generals to me, and let them quietly leave the camp and come to my house to wait for me."

The servant replied, "Yes." He went to handle the matter.

Li Jue got into the car, left home, and went to see Jia Xu at Jia Xu's house.

Today is not the day of the court meeting. Jia Xu did not go out. He was reading a book at home. When he heard that Li Jue came to his house lightly, he was puzzled. He suddenly came to his house and came out from the back house. , greet you in the front yard.

Li Jue had already been admitted to the hospital, and it was time to greet him, but Jia Xu invited him to the hall.

Jia Xu said, "General Ming is here, but is there anything important?"

When we met just now, Jia Xu had already seen the worry in Li Jue's brows, so he asked this question.

Li Jue said: "To be honest, sir, there is indeed an important matter, and I would like to hear your opinion."

Jia Xu asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Jue told Jia Xu that Guo Si suspected that he had poisoned him, so he planned to attack him three days later.

After Jia Xu heard this, there was no expression on his face, he just couldn't stop stroking his beard.

Li Jue's eyes turned twice on Jia Xu's face, and he said in surprise, "Sir, don't you understand?"

Jia Xu's expression remained unchanged, he stroked his beard, and after a while, he said, "I understand, what General Ming said is that General Guo suspects that General Ming has poisoned him, so he will raise troops to attack General Ming three days later."

Li Jue said: "Exactly! Sir, although I'm not afraid of Guo Duo, but the teacher's daily teachings that 'you must have friendship and harmony to stand in the dynasty', I am not afraid of Guo Duo.

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ but I can't forget it at all times, so I came to Mr., just to ask Mr., how can this matter be resolved? "

The words "Shuzi can't conspire with each other" reappeared in Jia Xu's mind.

He knew very well that once Guo Si and Li Jue started fighting, after Li Jue killed Fan Chou, the worst situation he was worried about would appear. The generals of Liangzhou will form a group, the chaos in Chang'an, the chaos in the DPRK and the central government, the blood will flow into the rivers of public officials, officials, and the people of Qian. Yuan Shao and other Guandong lords seized this opportunity and killed the generals, then even if the Liangzhou generals had beaten a victor at that time, they would only be eaten as scum without any major problems left.

So at this moment, what should be done? Leave Chang'an now and go to Duan Simmer or Zhang Ji?

Jia Xu shook his head silently. Duan Xun or Zhang Ji was his last retreat. It was hopeless. Unless it was a last resort, he still hoped not to take this path. If you don't go to Duan Simmer and Zhang Ji, what should you do?

There was only one way, and that was to try and see if he could persuade Guo Si to stop him from fighting with Li Jue.

But then again, although there is such a method, Jia Xu is not fully sure whether he can persuade Guo Si, and even if he can persuade Guo Si, a gap has appeared between the two of them, and Jia Xu also knows it. Sooner or later, it will regenerate and mess up.

However, at the moment, they can't take care of these things, and it is best to get past this difficulty first.

After thinking about it, Jia Xu said: "General Ming, don't worry, since General Guo has misunderstood General Ming, so he wants to rush into the army, then I will go to see him today and explain clearly to General Ming and him, if we can make peace, You can take a break in two strokes."

Li Jue stood up and saluted, and said, "Mr. I'm sorry!" After all, he couldn't help but complained and said, "Guo Duo, a horse thief, is really not good enough!" Jia Xu looked up at Li Jue. Jue's words are rare words that Jia Xu agrees with.

The matter was urgent and there was no room for delay. Jia Xu went to Guo Si's house that day to ask to see Guo Si, but he was in vain. Guo Si and his wife and son were no longer at home. Jia Xu asked his servants, and the servants replied, saying that the master of his family had left the city and went to camp outside the city.

Jia Xu thought something was wrong.

He had already left home and went to the camp. It seemed that he was going to have a big fight. He hurriedly left Guo Si's house, left the city non-stop, and went straight to Guo Si's military camp in the north of the city. ——Li Jue and Guo Si have two camps, one in the north of the city and the other in the south of the city. The two barracks are separated by a city of Chang'an. The west side of Chang'an is the river, so it is not suitable to camp, but in the east of Chang'an City, it is the military camp of the rest of the Liangzhou generals.

By the time he got outside Guo Si's camp, the sky was already dark, and Jia Xu ordered the officials to report to Yuanmen.

After a while, the reporting officer came back to report and said, "General Guo refuses to let the public into the camp."

Jia Xu frowned and said, "Didn't you say I came in person?"


Jia Xu received: "If you go to report again, it means that I have urgent matters and must see General Guo."

This officer will report again. After waiting for a long time this time, when I came back to report, it was still the same words I just said, Guo Si refused to see Jia Xu.

The night came early, and it was already the second watch. Jia Xu sat in the car for a long time, the governor could no longer do anything, and he had no way to save the situation. But why did Guo Si refuse to see Jia Xu? For no other reason, this is because Guo Si knew that Jia Xu and Li Jue were more closely related, so he heard that Jia Xu asked to see him, but he refused to see him.

The wheels squeaked, crushing the lonely night, Jia Xu rode on the ox cart, walking on the deserted and abandoned field road, and returned to the city alone.

When they got to the city, Jia Xu went to see Li Jue first.

Li Jue greeted him at the door of the house, entered the hall, and couldn't wait to ask, "What did Mr. Guo Duo say?"

"The servant was unable to see General Guo."

Li Jue said, "Can't see it?"

Jia Xu said, "I sent officials to Yuanmen twice to report, but General Guo refused to meet me twice."

I went to the original text and said that I had something important to meet with General Guo, but General Guo refused to meet me twice. "

Li Jue already knew from the insider that Guo Si had left the city and went to the camp. He heard Jia Xu's reply at this moment. Knowing that Guo Si was so shameless, he thought that Li Jue was also killed in a sea of ​​corpses. His temper was originally for the sake of the overall situation, because he tolerated Guo Si one or two times, but since Guo Si turned his face like this, his anger couldn't help bursting out, and he slapped the case again, angrily saying: "How dare he neglect Mr. , since he wants to fight, I will accompany Since joining the army, who has I, Li Jue, been afraid of?"

"General think twice!"

Li Jue said: "Guo Duo is nothing but a little brave, nothing to be concerned about! In the past, when I and others were under the command of Duke Dong, he was afraid of me like a tiger, but now he dares to attack me? Sir, you see how I survived and defeated him! Looking at Jia Xu's eyes, he said, "Sir, when the troops are fighting, please take shelter in my camp, so as not to accidentally injure you, sir, okay?"

Jia Xu said, "Okay, I'll go home right now, pack up some things, and come back to see General Ming tomorrow."

Li Jue emphasized Jia Xu's plan, which was to keep Jia Xu in his camp and make him a mastermind.

With Jia Xu's consent, Li Jue felt a little joy in his anger and sent Jia Xu out in person.

Jia Xu got into the car and returned home. His eldest son Jia Mu greeted him at the door, respectfully invited him to get out of the car, helped him into the room, and asked, "Father, have you seen General Guo? Is it done?"

Jia Xu said: "You should pack your things now and be ready to leave Chang'an at any time and go to Hongnong."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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