The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 193: Xu Huang's words to bridle at Weidu (Part 2)

I came to see Jia Xu, and the person who accused him in person was none other than Zhong Yao.

After hearing Zhong Yao's words, Jia Xu hurriedly got up, as if apologizing, bowed down to Zhong Yao, and said, "It is not a mistake to give advice to the Great Sima."

Zhong Yao gave an "oh" and said, "Why isn't it the Gong's fault? When I met Gong before, Gong always said that you are a royal family and loyal to the emperor, but when he turned his head, Gong gave Li Jue some advice. Gong Gong, aren't you two-faced? You say that you are loyal to the Holy One, how much is your loyalty true or false? Can I trust you any more?"

Jia Xu explained: "Mr. Zhong! If I didn't offer this advice to Da Sima at that time, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you again today. You don't know how dangerous the situation was at that time. If there is a slight hesitation, and no strategy is offered, the head will definitely fall, so I have no choice but to offer a proton to Da Sima and form an alliance. However, what kind of people are Da Sima and General Guo, how can I not know? At that time, to tell you the truth, I already expected that my plan would not work. Now, it seems that my expectations are correct."

Zhong Yao said, "That's right? But Li Jue and Guo Si, haven't they already made peace and made an alliance?"

Jia Xu laughed and said, "Mr. Zhong! From ancient times to the present, how can there be a hostage girl who said this? Although the two of them have made peace, the alliance must not be trusted. The hostage girl's move will be spread out. I will only laugh for the world!"

Zhong Yao looked at Jia Xu for a long time, turned his face into a smile, and said, "I know what the lord said, and what I said just now is just a joke."

Every time Zhong Yao came to see Jia Xu, he was led by Jia Mu, and before he arrived, the servants were sent out. This time was no exception. There were no outsiders in the room, only Jia Xu, Zhong Yao and Jia. Mu three.

Zhong Yao then took out a letter from his bosom, stood up, took it to Jia Xu himself, looked at Jia Xu like a god, and said, "Gong Jia, this letter is written to you by Zhendong."

Surprised and happy, Jia Xu hurriedly stretched out his hands, respectfully caught the letter, and said, "A letter from Zhendong to the next one?"

Zhong Yao said, "Please open and watch." Zi returned to the seat and sat down.

Jia Xu calmed down, opened the letter, and read it carefully.

The letter is not long and can be divided into three paragraphs in total.

The first paragraph is to greet Jia Xu; the second paragraph is to say to Jia Xu that he has raised 50,000 troops, has taken Hongnong County, and is about to capture Huayin and enter King Qin of Guan, and wrote about the gentry of Hongnong County. The warm welcome to his arrival; the third paragraph is written that if Jia Xu can help in the process of his Qin Wang, then when Qin Wang succeeds, he will definitely report his credit to the emperor and ask him for credit.

At the end of the letter, the name of Xun Zhen was stamped with Xun Zhen's private seal.

Although he and Zhong Yao had met privately many times before, no matter how many times he had met with Zhong Yao, it would not be as important as Xun Zhen's text message.

Jia Xu read the letter and didn't hesitate any more.

Duan Yu, Zhang Ji, Li Jue and Guo Si were still in a crowd, trying to see if they could be rescued once more, and so on, and all these other thoughts and other choices, Jia Xu put all of them aside, and made up his mind. , then cast Xun Zhen!

Folding Xun Zhen's letter carefully, Jia Xu did not return it to Zhong Yao, but took it into his arms, then straightened his posture and said to Zhong Yao, "I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"Jia Gong, please speak."

Jia Xu said: "Zhendong has been in Hongnong County, but he has not taken Huayin for a long time. I guessed it because I was worried about the safety of the emperor. Zhongjun, I don't know what happened?"

Zhong Yao said: "Your Excellency really sees the opportunity far-reaching, it is true. The reason why Zhendong has defeated Zhang Ji and Duan Xun and did not take advantage of the victory to take Huayin, and has still stopped at Hongnong, is precisely because he is worried about Li Jue and Guo. Si may hijack the sage to another place, and the two are even more worried that Li Jue and Guo Si will have sudden murderous intentions and may harm the sage, but I don't know what Jiagong's clever countermeasures are?"

Jia Xu said: "I have two strategies, dare to offer to Zhendong."

Zhong Yao said, "Dare to ask what Duke Jia is? Please hear about it."

Jia Xu said, "The strategy is divided up and down."

Zhong Yao said, "If you dare, please hear the next policy first."

The voice came into his ears, and Jia Xu was stunned. He originally wanted to say the best policy first, but Zhong Yao was different from others. He actually wanted to hear the worst policy first, but it was fine, although he followed Zhong Yao's meaning and said his best policy first. out.

Jia Xu said: "Yang Feng is now separated from Li Jue. Because of Dong Guiren, Dong Cheng is also willing to serve the emperor. Yang Feng and Dong Cheng have three or four thousand troops. It is far from enough to defeat Li Jue and Guo Si, but after the troops of Zhendong came to Chang'an, Yang Feng and Dong Cheng were able to lead their two men. The emperor grabbed the emperor from Li Jue's camp and escorted him to a safe place, waiting for the troops from Zhendong to arrive. In this way, wouldn't the emperor be in any danger? He would not be kidnapped by Li Jue and Guo Si to another place. . This is also a policy under the slogan."

Zhong Yao asked, "Dare to ask Jia Gong's best policy?"

Jia Xu said: "This is the best policy, although Yang Feng has now separated from Li Jue, but Li Jue is at the end of the road, and now he is hiring people, so he is still trying to win over Yang Feng, often hosting banquets to show his attention and respect for him. Favorite, if you can persuade Yang Feng, find the opportunity, and stab Li Jue to death, then not only will the emperor be safe, but Li Jue's line will be lost, and it will be scattered. Escape, Zhendong can easily reach Chang'an. This is the best policy."

Two strategies come out, the bottom strategy is nothing more, the top strategy is too vicious.

When Zhong Yao heard this, his expression remained the same, he thought for a while, and after thinking for a while, he slowly said to Jia Xu: "If the public's best policy is successful, of course it will allow Zhendong to enter Chang'an easily, and there is no need to go through a fierce battle, but if it fails, then The emperor will be in danger. This strategy is too dangerous to be used."

Jia Xu also knew that his best strategy was too dangerous, and the reason why he offered this strategy was to show Zhong Yao that he no longer had any nostalgia for Li Juejue, so after listening to Zhong Yao's words, Then he said: "Zhong Jun said very much. If the top policy is not available, I don't know what the next policy is. Do you think it is usable or not?"

Zhong Yao had already thought of Jia Xu's next plan.

Zhong Yao said, "The public policy is available." He acted decisively. Since he had already made a decision, he would not stay any longer. He immediately got up, bowed to Jia Xu, and said, "Zhendong sent an official under the tent to sneak to Chang'an. , this letter to the public is brought by this official. Zhendong is waiting for his report. As soon as the report arrives, Zhendong will send troops to attack Chang'an. The matter is urgent, I will go to him to relay the public's policy and tell him Discuss with Situ Zhao Gong and others in detail."

Jia Xu got up in a hurry, returned a salute to Zhong Yao, volunteered, and said, "I don't know where Yang Feng and Dong Cheng are, who you plan to send to talk about it? If there is no choice, Xu is willing to go there."

Zhong Yao, Yang Feng and Dong Cheng had met in private before, and had a deep talk with both of them. Jia Xu did not need to do this for him, so he declined.

After resigning and leaving Jia Xu's residence, Zhong Yao first went back to see Liu Xie, reported Jia Xu's plan to Liu Xie, and asked Liu Xie's opinion.

Liu Xie hoped day and night to be able to get out of the thief's cave. Now that Xun Zhen's troops and horses have reached Hongnong County, and Cao Cao's troops and horses have reached the north bank of the Wei River, he is of course even more eager for Xun and Cao to come to Chang'an as soon as possible. The next step is to solve the trouble that Xun Zhen did not dare to attack Chang'an, and it was indeed a great guarantee for his safety, so how could he object? Kindly allow.

Zhong Yao said, "Since Your Majesty has given permission, then the minister will go out to see Cheng Jia now and ask him to report back to Zhendong immediately."

After Cheng Jia arrived in Chang'an, he couldn't get into Li Jue's barracks, so he asked the servant Huangfu Li gave him to find a way to sneak into the camp and tell Zhong Yao that he was here. The two of them only met yesterday. Cheng Jia is still outside the camp.

Liu Xie said impatiently: "Okay. Okay, please go quickly."

Zhong Yao bowed and saluted, and went out to the camp.

Cheng Jia and others lived temporarily in a village several miles north of the camp.

The original inhabitants of this village died or fled, and they were long gone. The houses were all in disrepair, and some of the courtyard walls had collapsed. Cheng Jia and others found a relatively intact earthen house to live in. Fortunately, in the early summer, it is neither too cold nor too hot, so it's not bad to live there.

Zhong Yao and Cheng Jia met in this village with thorns and trees growing in disorder.

Zhong Yao relayed Jia Xu's top and bottom strategies to Cheng Jia. Cheng Jia, like Zhong Yao, also believed that the next best strategy was better.

Cheng Jia asked Zhong Yao and said, "I said that Yang Feng and Dong Cheng were escorting the car, but I don't know if Zhong Jun has a candidate as a lobbyist?"

Zhong Yao said, "I decided to do it myself."

Cheng Jia was relieved immediately, and said with great joy, "Jun Zhong is willing to visit him in person, and this will definitely happen."

Zhong Yao said, "If you have no doubts, I will go to see Yang Feng and Dong Cheng after I return to the camp today."

Cheng Jia said: "Then I'll be here waiting for your good news! Zhongjun, as long as you agree on Yang Feng and Dong Cheng, I will return immediately and report this information to Zhendong!"

Zhong Yao turned back to the camp, waited until nightfall, and went to the tent area where Dong Cheng was stationed first to speak to Dong Cheng.

How could Dong Cheng not see that Li Jue and Guo Si are now at the end of the road, and as long as Xun Zhen's troops enter the pass, since they are still suspicious of each other up to now, they will only be defeated, not to mention his daughter is. Liu Xie's nobleman, he can also be called a foreign relative, so at this time, of course, he will no longer serve Li Jue and Guo Si. After listening to Zhong Yao's intention, he agreed and said: "Just a decree from the sage, when you need me, I will I will do my best to protect the Holy Week!"

Having settled the matter with Dong Cheng, Zhong Yao went to see Yang Feng again.

Seeing Yang Feng passing by is similar to seeing Dong Cheng.

Before that, Yang Feng had already been willing to give allegiance to Liu Xie, but Xun Zhen's army was about to arrive? He also simply agreed to this matter.

Both of them had already agreed, and the important task was completed. Zhong Yao was very relaxed and happy.

After leaving Yang Feng's tent, when he returned to his tent, although the night was getting darker, Zhong Yao was very happy. First in Luoyang and then in Chang'an, during the past three or four years, from serving Liu Xie's side, After suffering so much and taking so many shocks, finally today, the clouds have cleared and the light has appeared in front of his eyes.

But Xun Zhen's army was coming, not only giving hope to Liu Xie, but also to Zhong Yao and other ministers in the court.


The light has come, but there is something that Zhong Yao did not expect.

After Zhong Yao left Yang Feng's tent, Yang Feng walked in the tent, pondered for a long time, and got an idea. He summoned Xu Huang and other generals, and first informed the generals of Zhong Yao's request, saying: "The soldiers and horses of Xunzhen East We have arrived at Hongnong and are about to enter the customs. Just now, Shilang Zhong came to see me and asked me to have my troops and horses guard the emperor Zhouquan when Zhendong attacked Chang'an, so that the emperor would not be harmed by the big Sima. I promised him."

Xu Huang and others listened, but no one objected.

Yang Feng went on to say, "But I've been thinking about it. If you only protect the emperor when the soldiers from Zhendong arrive in Chang'an, the credit will not be great."

Xu Huang and the others were puzzled.

Xu Huang asked, "What do you mean by asking the general?"

Yang Feng said: "Since the infighting between Da Sima and General Guo, especially the last time General Guo attacked the camp at night, and Zhang Bao was the inner responder, Da Sima became suspicious of all the generals under the tent and his close military officials, and had a bad attitude. He was beaten and scolded at every turn. For this reason, Song Guo was reprimanded by the Great Sima several times, and even got whipped. Song Guo is deeply resentful. If I join forces with him, do you think the Great Sima can be killed?"

Xu Huang and the others looked at each other in dismay.

Seeing that none of the generals answered, Yang Feng answered himself and said to the generals, "Song Guo is a close official of the Great Sima, and he can often get close to the Great Sima, but the Great Sima is not wary of him. If there is a violent attack, I think I still have the confidence to kill the Great Sima!"

Dong Zhuo was assassinated and died. After Li Jue and Guo Si took power, how could they not be more vigilant in this regard? Even when meeting Liu Xie, Li Jue repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with the swords worn by the courtiers around Liu Xie, and repeatedly wanted to take their swords away, but he was only persuaded by excuses. Because of this, Li Jue often said to people, "Why are they wearing swords? Do you want to kill me?" Li Jue was so suspicious of the close officials around the emperor, not to mention the strong generals around him? He was even more suspicious and suspicious, so when Yang Feng and other generals saw him, they could not carry weapons, so it was extremely difficult for Yang Feng and others to assassinate Li Jue.

But Song Guo is different.

Song Guo was a close official under Li Jue's account, and he was also responsible for guarding Li Jue at ordinary times. He could carry weapons.

If Song Guo suddenly assassinated Li Jue while Li Jue was not prepared, there seemed to be some chance of success in this matter.

All the generals in the tent, including Xu Huang, after hearing Yang Feng's words, started to discuss.

Someone asked questions and said, "If Song Guo misses, what should I do?"

Yang Feng said: "Let's prepare our troops and horses in advance. If Song Guo misses, we will kill the camp! If Song Guo can succeed, we will take advantage of the situation to raise troops, thinking that Li Jue is already dead, and Li Ying and the other group of snakes are gone. First, and in a hurry and unprepared, to destroy it, wouldn’t it be easy as a palm?”

The generals were still hesitant.

Yang Feng encouraged the generals and said: "You gentlemen! The credit for killing Li Jue is far greater than just protecting the emperor Zhouquan. Think about it, after Dong Zhuo was killed that day, Wang Yun and others were all killed. How does the court award rewards? I can't compare to Wang Yun, but Lu Bu can always compare!"

I really didn't expect that Yang Feng not only had some political vision, but also had political ambitions, but thinking about it again, it's not surprising that if he didn't have some political ambitions, he wouldn't take the initiative to surrender to the Han Dynasty. Li Jue.

Stimulated by Yang Feng's remarks, the generals no longer hesitated and agreed one by one.

Xu Huang disapproved, but everyone agreed, even if he objected, it was useless.

The big event of assassinating Li Jue was easily settled.

Yang Feng went to Song Guo in person the next day and told him about his bold plan.

Song Guo was a brave and resourceful man. On the one hand, he resented Li Jue's merciless whipping on him, and on the other hand, he also thought that Xun Zhen's troops were about to arrive in Guanzhong, and Li Jue had no time to go and would surely be defeated, so it was refreshing. promise.

Two days later, Song Guo was on duty. The two made a plan, and they started on this day. Song Guo assassinated Li Jue from the inside, and Yang Feng responded by raising troops from the outside.

Jia Xu offered two strategies to Zhong Yao. The best strategy was to ask Yang Feng to kill Li Jue. Zhong Yao thought this strategy was too dangerous and did not adopt it, but Yang Feng took credit for it and decided to assassinate Li Jue himself. It's a coincidence and a coincidence, it's hard to say.

But the day when Song Guo was on duty had not yet arrived. The next afternoon, Yang Feng's army officer rushed to Yang Feng and told Yang Feng, "General, something is bad!"

Yang Feng asked, "What's the panic?"

The military official said, "Song Guo was killed by the Great Sima."

Yang Feng was shocked and said, "Song Guo was killed by Da Sima? Why did Da Sima kill Song Guo! But...?"

The words were not finished, but this officer was involved in Yang Feng's attempt to assassinate Li Jue. He knew what Yang Feng wanted to say, and all he wanted to say was, "But Li Jue knew that Song Guomou and Yang Feng assassinated Li Jue." , The military official replied in a hurry: "I don't know the inside information, but the official inquired and learned that it was Song Guo who seemed to have angered the big Sima for some reason, so the big Sima killed him."

But it wasn't Song Guo who angered Li Jue, it was indeed Song Guo who wanted to assassinate Li Jue, and Li Jue knew about it.

But how did Li Jue know?

It turned out that Song Guo had the habit of talking in his sleep occasionally at night. After he and Yang Feng made a plan, he drank a few glasses of wine before going to bed last night. After falling asleep, he was talking in his mouth and wanted to assassinate Li Jue. Say it. There were other officials in his tent who lived with him. Hearing this, he quickly reported it to Li Jue. Li Jue heard about it, but he took Song Guo down today, tortured him and looted him. Song Guo was afraid that his wife and son in the camp would be harmed. , refused to admit it, and Li Jue killed him in a fit of anger.

No matter what the reason was for Li Jue to kill Song Guo, Yang Feng was frightened because he had an accomplice with Song Guo, and hurriedly summoned Xu Huang to see him in the future, and told them about the matter, saying: "Song Guo has been arrested. Sima killed, I am afraid there is a suspicion of conspiracy to leak, I should raise troops immediately!"

The first general said, "Raise troops immediately? Does the general want to raise troops to attack the Sima?"

Yang Feng was furious and said, "Song Guo is already dead, and he has not yet been stabbed to become a big Sima. We have only more than 2,000 soldiers and horses. If we attack the big Sima with this, wouldn't it be self-destruction!"

Another general asked, "What does the general mean?"

Yang Feng said, "Hurry up and rectify the part, follow me out of the camp, go to Hongnong, and go to the east of the town."

Yang Fengfei was from Liangzhou, and he originally had his own camp. After Li Jue and Guo Si fought, he led the Li Jue camp, which was stationed together with Li Jue's army. Therefore, the place where his troops and horses were stationed was located in Li Jue. If you want to escape from the periphery of the Jue fortress, you can do it.

Xu Huang and other generals received this order from Yang Knowing that the disaster may be imminent, they did not dare to delay for a moment. They hurried back to their headquarters, packed their troops and horses, followed Yang Feng out of the camp, and defected to Xunzhen.

After leaving the camp, they were afraid that Li Jue would send troops to chase them, so Yang Feng and others rushed in a hurry and fled 20 to 30 miles away.

Xu Huang drove his horse in front of Yang Feng and said, "General, in my humble opinion, it is better not to vote for Zhendong first."

"What do you mean by that?"

Xu Huang said: "General, the last general thought on the way that if he were to go to the east of Zhendong now, I am afraid that not only the general's great achievement in killing the Great Sima, but also the ability to protect the emperor would not be successful, so Huang thought, It's better not to vote in Zhendong first."

Yang Feng was also regretful and annoyed. Hearing Xu Huang's words, he said, "It is exactly as you said, if we hadn't assassinated the Great Sima, I would still have the ability to protect the emperor, but now both ends are in vain! What advice do you have? I?"

Xu Huang said, "I heard that Cao Mengde's troops arrived at Xiagui, and will cross the Wei River to attack Chang'an. General, why don't I turn to the north, to the ferry on the south bank of the Wei River, and hold the ferry to prevent Cao Mengde from going south?"

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