The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 208: Hongmen 1 battles the world (6)

The arrow brushed past the horse, Hu Feng was about to chase, and at the moment of life and death, Xun Xi did not panic, dragged the spear to the ground, slowed the horse's speed slightly, and leaned over to look at Hu Feng. When Hu Feng's face was full of joy, and he was about to chase after the horse, Xun Xi suddenly shouted, picked up his spear, and stabbed with his backhand.

But Xun Xi spent so much time under Guan Yu's tent, not in vain, and learned a lot of stunts from Guan Yu.

This time, the horse spear is one of them.

Returning to the horse spear seems simple, but it is not easy to learn it. Courage, eyesight, wrist strength, and arm strength are indispensable. Xun Xi didn't learn this trick very well. He stabbed with a spear, but failed to stab Hu Feng. But Hu Feng was also taken aback, and even the horse under his crotch was also frightened. The long neck of the horse turned to the side, screaming and neighing, the horse's hoofs were blunt, and the pursuit speed slowed down.

When Hu Feng stabilized his mind and urged the horse to chase again, Xun Xi and his troops were already close to Xun Zhen's formation. In Xun Zhen's formation, bows and crossbows were fired in unison, and Xun Xi's two hundred strong crossbowmen who remained outside the formation also drew their crossbows to block them. Hu Feng and his cavalry were stopped and could not move forward.


The main formation is north, and the riding formation is in the middle.

Yi Cong smiled and said to Guan Yu, "Bingde looks back at this time. Spear Yin already has the three-point skill of the beard, but unfortunately he has not yet learned it, so he has to live for the thief."

Guan Yu lowered his eyebrows, stroked his long beard and smiled.


With regret, Hu Feng withdrew to the formation.

In the south, the general sent by Sun Ce to fight was Huang Gai, and the general sent by Guo Si to meet him was Zhang Bao. Seeing that Xun Xi and Hu Feng had already returned, Guo Si called Jin and recalled Zhang Bao; Huang Gai was unsuccessful in chasing him, so Sun Ce also called Jin and called him back.

From Chen Bao's challenge to the present day, it has been about an hour, and one comes and one goes.

The sky was already bright, and it was almost an hour.

In the main formation of Xun Zhen, he will be on the stage, and the big one will be off.

Xi Zhicai's eyes were like stars, he watched the enemy formation from a distance, looked at the soldiers in this formation from a distance, shook his fan and said, "Duke Ming, the battle has come to an end, the Qiang cavalry has been defeated, the three hundred I, Yingchuan cavalry, have thousands of enemy thieves, Xun Xi Almost stabbing Hu Feng to death, the morale of our army is greatly boosted, everyone wants to fight, and there is no need to challenge again! In my humble opinion, it is better to choose elites and attack Li Jue's formation separately to test the strength of his formation. A general attack can be launched!"

Xun Zhen watched Xun Xi return to the north side of the cavalry formation, smiled and stroked his short moustache, and said to Xi Zhicai, "Qingyi is the same as me!"

He then passed on Sun Ce, who was on the southern front, and ordered him to send elite soldiers to fight with him to attack Li Jue and Guo Si in order to find the weakness of the two of them.

Under the stage, inspired by Xun Xi's battle just now, the military officers sent by the generals from various places in the formation to ask Xun Zhen to fight came one after another.

Some sent their masters, some sent warriors under their own account, but both masters and warriors were all wearing armor and swords, but they were seen running one after another, standing in front of the stage. , they shouted loudly.

"General Xu Rong begging for battle!"

"Losing food and begging for war!"

"Fighting and begging!"

"The left army is begging for battle!"

"Li Feng begging for battle!"

"The army begging for battle!"

"The Chinese army is begging for battle!"

"Wu Meng begging for battle!"

Wait, wait, etc., there are more than ten officers who represent the main generals of the headquarters, one after another, like thunder, if it is as Xi Zhicai said, after the battle of Xun Xi, all the soldiers in the Xun Zhen formation are already The morale is high, and everyone is eager to fight.

Another louder thunder sounded beside him: "My lord, Xu Chu is begging for battle!"

Looking at Xu Chu, who was eager to fight, and looking at the group of tiger warriors under the observation deck, Guo Jia smiled and said, "The morale is available, Duke Ming, please give the order!"

Xun Zhen thought for a while, selected three generals, and gave him the important task of attacking the enemy's formation for the first time.

Zuo Jun is the commander of Zuojun Chen Wu; Wu Meng is the commander Taishi Ci of Wumeng; Zhechong is the commander Wenpin of Zhechong.

The war-seeking officers sent by the three received the order, and they happily rushed back to the headquarters to report Xun Zhen's order to the three generals. Chen Wu and the three of them led their own troops into battle, all with about 1,000 soldiers. They all held the flag at the forefront, divided them into three groups, and attacked the Jue formation several miles away.

In Sun Ce's formation in the south, Sun Ce also sent out Sun He and other generals, and each led his troops, also divided into three groups, to attack Guo Si's formation.

North and South two formations, a total of six troops out of the way.

Li Jue and Guo Si's positions were three or four li in length from north to south, and almost every half li was attacked by the elite soldiers of Xun Zhen and Sun Ce.


After Xun Zhen formed, he was on the viewing stage.

Chen Ji and others saw that if Li Jue and Guo Si, who had the front shield, the middle spear, and the bowmen at the back, were likened to a long city wall, then Xun and Sun, who had gone out of their way to attack. Elite soldiers are like six sharp arrows.

In the blink of an eye, a fierce battle begins.

Chen Ji has been standing on this viewing platform for more than an hour. Even though he is over sixty years old, he doesn't feel tired at all at this moment. He kept his eyes on the battle.

The three troops that attacked the Li Jue formation were Chen Wu in the north, Wen Ping in the middle, and Taishi Ci in the south.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs rushed forward and was the first to confront the enemy.

However, the most sharp offensive was the Taishi Ci Department. Although his team fought the enemy a little later than the Civilian Department, the offensive continued without stopping.

I don't know if he really saw it, or if it was an illusion caused by imagination. Chen Ji seemed to see: a burly general in heavy armor, walking on the edge, rushing to the front of Taishi Ci's department, and the spears behind the shield wall of the formation were in succession. He stabbed at him, the general swung his spear to block, grabbed a spear that was stabbing towards the face, and pulled hard, actually pulling the spearman over the shield in the front row and threw himself in front of him. . This stabbed the spear in his hand, pierced into the spearman's neck, and blood spurted out of this general.

This will look back and shout: "My husband should die for his confidant in his life and make a great contribution! Today, when I fight with your lord, there will be advances and no retreats!"

Thousands of soldiers fought bravely and shouted in unison: "There is no retreat!"

"Majestic!" Chen Ji's heart surged.

Suddenly, a burst of cheers came, and Chen Ji turned his eyes to see that it was Chen Wu's department in the north, which opened a gap in the Jue Array.

Chen Ji was overjoyed, lifted up his sleeves, stretched out his arms, and shouted, "Come here!"

The servants held drumsticks with him.

Chen Ji caught the drumstick, walked to the front of the huge war drum erected on the side of the viewing platform, and swung it hard.

The sound of the drums he beat was mixed with the sound of the war drums in Xun Zhen's main formation.


But at this time, there was a sound of shouting and killing in the distance to the south. Xun Zhen turned his head to look at it. It was Wu Xi, a general of Guo Si's army at the northern foot of Mount Li, who led his army to fight, but was blocked by Zang Ba's troops.

Guo Jia said: "Duke Ming, this must be because Guo Si was shaken by the offensive of Sun Yuzhou's department, so Wu Xi was ordered to fight in order to try to withdraw from Sun Yuzhou's department!"

Xun Zhen's gaze moved to the southwest, and fell on Guo Si's formation, carefully observing the situation of Sun Ce's troops attacking Guo Si's formation.

Guo Si's formation, in general, is similar to the current situation of Li Jue's formation. Although there was some confusion in the formation under the fierce attack of the enemy, the formation has not moved yet, and it is still quite stable. The gaps like the small gap that was broken in the afternoon were immediately blocked by the reserve team that was transferred up.

On the stage, the pointer of the sundial moved little by little.

Xun Zhen fought a lot more battles, but in today's battle, almost all the elites and brave generals were brought in, and they fought together with Sun Ce's elite troops. This was the first time.

On the battlefield in front, the cries of war continued incessantly.

It can be seen that the blood flowing out of the enemy and our soldiers spreads outward, and is about to soak into the middle of the two formations.

Although they are far apart and cannot be seen, it is also predictable that Taishi Ci and other soldiers in front of the Jue Array and Si Array, if they are fighting until now, are afraid that if they lift their feet and fall casually, they will step on the enemy and other soldiers. In the pool of blood that gathered blood, blood splashed everywhere.

Xun Zhen looked at the sundial, the hour had passed.

Chen Wu and the others had been in the battle for more than half an hour, and they could not exhaust their strength in one go. Xun Zhen sent an order, ordering Chen Wu, Taishi Ci, and Wenpin to retreat and replace Liu Bei, Chen Bao, Xun Chang and other generals. Led the headquarters to replace the battle.

On Sun Ce's side, Sun He and other generals were also transferred by Sun Ce, and Huang Gai and other generals continued to attack.


In Li Jue's formation, he will be on the stage.

Li Ruhan murmured like rain, "In the past, when Confucianism fought under Duke Dong, there are many so-called brave soldiers, but if Xun thieves are the brave ones, there is really no one!"

Li Jue's forehead was also dripping with sweat. He wiped the sweat and scolded, saying, "A thief on death row, what a scumbag!"

Li Ru Jin said: "Duke Ming, this is already the second round of the Xun thief's fierce attack. It is almost noon, and the warriors will not be able to rest for a long time. I am afraid that the general will be hungry. Fight, to help my main formation curb the Xun thief's offensive!"

Li Jue's eyes turned to Xun Zhen's cavalry formation in the north again, and said: "As Zhang Ji said, Xun's bandits Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are all enemies of ten thousand people, Zhang Baiqi, Hu Che'er, and Zhang Xiu are powerful generals. The two of them have been killed or wounded one after another, and now Xun thief has not yet sent them to fight, if I attack them first, I will intercept them.

Li Ru said anxiously, "Duke Ming, then let the Xun thief attack?"

Li Jue couldn't help recalling the process from the start of the war to the present. It was clearly his troops that had the majority, but why did the battle come to this point when Xun Zhen was the one who took the initiative to attack, and he fell into a passive position?

Li Ru asked again: "Ming Gong, what should we do now?"

Li Jue came to his senses and cursed again: "A thief on death row!" He said, "When it comes to war, who has Nai Gong ever been afraid of?" His face was full of ferocity, and he stared at Xun Zhen's main formation opposite, and said viciously, "I I don’t believe that the soldiers under the Xun Thief’s account are made of iron! You are right, this is the second round of his attack on me, this round, let’s continue to defend!”

"Keep going?"

Li Jue said: "As long as our army defends and drives them back, their troops will not be able to attack for a long time, and their morale will definitely be exhausted. At that time, it is time for Nai Gong to fight back!" He drew his sword and slashed **** the table in front of the table. With a wicked smile, he said, "When Duke Nai catches the thief Xun, he will cut his head with this sword with his own hands!"


In Xun Zhen's formation, he will be on the stage.

Xi Zhicai wrapped his white robes, waved his fan, and said, "Ming Gong, after two rounds of offensive, the thieves' formation has emerged! General Xu reported before that in the battle outside Zheng County, Li and Guo's generals could not help each other. , Now look at the formation of the two thieves, the same is true! Duke Ming, please look at the two formations of Li and Guo. It's set!"

Usually, the two armies in a row should be the link between the two formations, the weakest point, but the two formations listed by Li Jue and Guo Si are the exact opposite. The junction is the thickest.

Both of them unanimously listed the most capable warriors in the headquarters here.

how so? It may seem strange, but it's not. There is no other reason, it is because the two of them are suspicious of each other and cannot trust each other, so they treat each other like guarding against the enemy.

Through the observation of the enemy's situation under the two rounds of onslaught of Chen Wu and Liu Bei during this period, Xun Zhen made the same judgment as Xi Zhicai.

He also saw that Li Jue and Guo Si were the thickest in the middle and the thinnest on both sides. Therefore, in the first round of the three generals such as Chen Wu, when the three generals attacked, the northernmost Chen Wu's army was the first to attack Li. There was a gap in the Jue Array, and therefore, because the southern side of the Array was the most difficult to block the attack of Sun Ce's troops, Guo Si would keep Wu Xi from the northern foot of Mount Li in the south not to fight and help.

After noon, Xun Zhen sent an order and asked the officers and men whether lunch was over? Not long after, reports came one after another, including Chen Wu and the others who retreated from the first round of onslaught, that all the soldiers in the formation had finished their lunch, rested and finished their pre-battle warm-up.

Xun Zhen personally wrote and wrote the text, and ordered to pass on Sun Ce.

There was only one sentence in the letter: Sun Lang and I broke the thief.

The weather in the afternoon was brilliant, the sun moved westward, and the sun was projected on the formations of Li Jue and Guo Si in the west.

Xi Zhicai raised a fan to cover his eyes, looked at the cloudless sky, smiled and said to Xun Zhen, Guo Jia, Jia Xu and others, "The time of day is already with me."


Xun Zhen will pass the order.

Drums blared and horns blared.

Liu Bei and other troops temporarily Xu Rong and other generals led the long-awaited tens of thousands of soldiers from various divisions, marching on the drum beat from slow to fast to rapid, and attacked the formation.

Chen Wu and other generals attacked the center and south of the Jue Array, and Xu Rong led the troops and soldiers to attack the north of the Jue Array!

In the south, Sun Ce put on his armour and mounted his horse. Huang Gai, Sun He, and other generals attacked the north and middle of the Sizheng formation.


Except for the cavalry and some infantry, all the more than 30,000 coalition troops of Xun Zhen and Sun Ce were thrown into the battlefield. Most of the more than 50,000 coalition troops of Li Jue and Guo Si were also thrown into the battle. The decisive battle has come!

After Xun Zhen formed, he was on the viewing stage.

Chen Ji's heart was fascinated, he held a drumstick and looked out.

Under the blue sky, between the Weishui and Lishan Mountains, the Zhang Yu Daying of "General Zhendong, Mu Xun of Xuzhou" rolled sassily in the early summer wind.

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