The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 72: Who will be named a marquis if the athlete dies in battle (Part 1)

Ask for a red ticket. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*


From a purely military point of view, killing prisoners has both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that it will lead to the death of the enemy, and the advantage is that it can deter unscrupulous people.

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun did not kill the old and weak, women and children, but the strong ones, but there were also tens of thousands of people, with tens of thousands of heads piled up outside Kunyang City, attracting flies to fly, blood flowing into rivers inside and outside the city, and disappearing everywhere. The corpse of the first level, the tragic situation spread like wildfire, although Bo Cai was trapped in Wuyang City, he soon learned the news.

Originally, he hated Xun Zhen deeply, but after learning about it, he hated Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun even more, and decided not to surrender.

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun both knew the art of war, so how could they not know that Wuyang would stand guard after killing the prisoners? This is also a last resort. Zhang Jiao raised his arms, and the clouds in the world responded, and thieves also took advantage of the opportunity to swarm. This is like a spark splashing on a large pile of dry wood. If the spark is not extinguished as soon as possible, it will inevitably cause a chain reaction, and more people will join the ranks of rebellion, such as thieves, such as Refugees, such as delinquents.

In order to control a chaotic world, we should use the heavy code, and the same should be true for pacifying chaos. At this time, we must use cruel shock and deterrence methods to eliminate the hidden danger in the bud. Otherwise, as Zhu Jun said, it will be more open. Contrary". As for whether Po will stick to it? They pride themselves on having a lot of soldiers and don't worry about it.

Although Xun Zhen and Cao Cao criticized the massacre of prisoners, they had to admit that this was the best way to deter "rebels".

Kunyang was established, He Man gave the head, and tens of thousands of prisoners were slaughtered. It would not take long for Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun to lead their troops to Wuyang.

Cao Cao and Xun Zhen picked up their shock and discussed military affairs in the tent.

Xun Zhen calmed down and said, "Kunyang has recovered, which is a good thing, but Commander, for you and me, now is the most dangerous time."

Cao Cao nodded, agreeing with Xun Zhen's opinion, and said: "Yes, the thief Bocai must be frightened when he finds out that Kunyang has been recaptured by Master Wang. Take it lightly." He got up and walked a few steps in the tent, and said to Xun Zhen, "Zhenzhi, you and I only have 5,000 troops. If you want to hold Bocai back, you have to do it again!"

"What's the plan of the captain?"

"I did come up with a countermeasure, but I don't know if it is feasible or not. Can you help me consider it?"

"Captain, please tell me."

"First of all, order the entire army to be on guard during the day, not disarm at night, and wait for battle."


"Secondly, split up half of the troops and sneak to the places that must pass from Wuyang to Nanyang and Runan, and ambushed. If Bocai really breaks through, there are two ambush, at least for a while, try to wait until General Huangfu. , General Zhu and Lord Wenfu are here."

"Captain's plan is great."

The two agreed that Xun Zhen would be responsible for sending troops to ambush in the south of the city, to stop Bocai to Nanyang, and Cao Cao to send troops to ambush in the southeast of the city, and to stop Bocai to Runan.

The plan was settled, Xun Zhen left Cao Cao's general tent and returned to the headquarters, and summoned the generals to assign tasks, and ordered Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, Chen Bao, Gao Su, Liu Deng, and Xin Ai to lead the headquarters to quietly leave the camp and go to designate Location ambush. Xun Zhen led the rest of the group to stay in the camp. Cao Cao also assigned the school to leave the camp to ambush. Like Xun Zhen, Cao Cao also stayed behind in the camp.

After Xu Zhong and others left, the barracks suddenly became empty.

Xun Zhen sat alone in the tent for a while, hearing the silence in the camp, and summoned Xuankang, Li Bo, and Xi Zhicai, and asked, "How many horses are there in the camp?"

Xuankang replied: "A hundred horses up and down."

"I ordered the horses to be scattered throughout the camp, and ordered the soldiers to whip the horses, so that the horses kept neighing."


"Let's gather some soldiers, and have them scattered around the camp, each holding a branch and mopping the ground, walking back and forth without stopping."


As soon as Xu Zhong and others left, half of the men and horses in the camp were missing. Although the camp was four or five miles away from Wuyang, there might not be any changes in Wuyang City. Soldiers walk in the camp. Xuankang and Li Bo received the order and went out to deliver the order. Only Xi Zhicai and Xun Zhen were left in the tent. When Xi Zhi saw that there was no one left or right, he asked Xun Zhen: "Zhenzhi, what's wrong with you? When you were in the tent of the commander of Cao Du, I saw that you looked bad, and now you are even more frowning and sighing. Something on your mind?"


Xun Zhen let out a long sigh, left the table with her hands behind her back, and walked to the entrance of the tent. The soldiers in the battalion took his orders, or led the horses from the stables, or went out to find the branches and leaves of the trees, and they were busy. He looked at this busy scene with a heavy heart, and said, "General Huangfu and General Zhu are killing the prisoners, it's too heavy!" Xi Zhi is his own person, and he doesn't have to hide his true thoughts.

Xi Zhicai said, "Although the two generals killed a lot, they were also trying to quell the rebellion as soon as possible. In order to quell the thief rebellion as soon as possible, we must use brutal means."

"That's what I said....Alas, tens of thousands of people will kill if they say so." Xun Zhen couldn't bear it anymore.

He is not a woman-like person. Back then, he destroyed the third clan in Xixiang, and the killings were also very heavy. If he had not vigorously pursued a benevolent government, he would have been regarded as a cruel official, and he would have been treated as a cruel official. This was the case, and he was also warned by the elders of the clan, such as Xun Hao, but he really couldn't bear to be so cruel to the Yellow Turban Army. The Yellow Turban Army is different from the Third Clan. The Third Clan is a local bully who bullies the common people. Those who join the Yellow Turban Army cannot survive because they are seeking a way out. Xun Zhen was extremely sympathetic to the Yellow Turbans in his heart, but in order to save his life, he had to be hostile to the Yellow Turbans.

He also sometimes thinks, how wonderful it would be if Zhang Jiao could be like Liu Bang of the previous dynasty or Zhu Yuanzhang of the later generation, and finally take the world as a commoner? He doesn't have to struggle with this contradiction.

He looked outside the tent, only to feel the bright and dazzling sunlight, and the words came to his mind again: "class struggle."

Since time passed, his understanding of these four words has become more and more profound. Whether the emperor, eunuchs, or scholar-officials, they are all the ruling class, and the common people are the ruled class. There is an irreconcilable contradiction between these two classes. Before the Han Dynasty and after the Han Dynasty, throughout the thousands of years of history, including the era when Xun Zhen passed through, the opposition between the ruling class, or the powerful class that benefits from it, and the ruled class has always existed. Looking through ancient and modern history, and counting all the representatives of the ruling class, Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Perhaps there is only one person who truly cares about the people."

Standing in the ruling class with the people in your heart is a betrayal of this class, it will be rejected by this class, and it will be hated and reviled by the ruling class or the benefiting class later on.

Xun Zhen asked herself, he did not have the courage of "that person", and even if he had the courage, he would definitely not be able to do such a thing in this era.

In the previous life, Xun Zhen did not talk about being pampered, nor did he suffer any hardships, nor did he do any farming work. After crossing the road, although he did not suffer any hardships, he had far more contact with the common people and farmers than in the previous life. Full of love and compassion. He looked at the soldiers who were busy in the camp, and thought in a complicated mood: "What is the essential difference between these soldiers and the soldiers of the Yellow Turbans in the city? What I wear and what I eat are all from the people. I have anointed the people for the people. Now the people can't live anymore, and they rebelled, but I brought soldiers from the same class as them to suppress them and kill them. How can conscience bear, how can conscience bear it!" Conscience was very disturbed.

Anxiety must also be suppressed and killed.

If he does not suppress and kill, he will not be able to enter the ruling class, and if he fails to become the ruling class, he will have to be suppressed and killed. This is not a multiple-choice question, but a single-choice question, and he can only choose this path.

Unconsciously, he thought of eunuchs and scholar-bureaucrats again. Yes, eunuchs and literati are opposites, but the two are unified. In the final analysis, they belong to the same class, they are both the ruling class. In Taiping, the bad eunuchs fished the common people, and the good literati cared for the people and benevolent to the people, but when the common people revolted, there was no difference between the two. Cao Cao, Huangfu Song, Prefect Wen, Zhong Yao, Guo Tu, and Xun You were their representatives.

Not only their sons and daughters of nobles and gentry, but even Zhu Jun and Sun Jian, who came from a poor family but are now members of the ruling class, are they not relentless in suppressing the rebels? Although their "poor families" are only relative, they are actually higher than the people at the bottom, but they are not the ruling class after all.

Time and momentum. Even though Xun Zhen had all kinds of sympathy for the Yellow Turbans, because he was just an ordinary commoner in his previous life, he even felt that he belonged to the same class as the soldiers of the Yellow Turbans, but he couldn't put this sympathy into action, he could only put it into action. deeply hidden.

Xi Zhicai quietly walked to his side, saw his sad face, was silent for a moment, took his hand, and said softly: "General Zhu said: 'Benevolent people are good, but benevolent thieves'? This sentence is It makes sense. Although it is cruel to kill tens of thousands of captives, it can kill one to set an example to a hundred, deter those with evil intentions, and rescue the people of the world. Killing one person and saving a hundred people is 'Daren'."

Although Xi Zhicai was from a poor family, because of the people's consistent respect for scholars, he had a sense of superiority among intellectuals, so he did not think that he was of the same class as those farmers and gangsters, and he massacred Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun and captured him. Not disgusted, but because of his poor family in his early years, he was not as ruthless as Zhu Jun and Huangfu Song to these rebellious people, and he could understand Xun Zhen's mentality at this time. ——However, after careful comparison, he did not have "sympathy" for the people who rebelled like Xun Zhen, but a condescending emotion similar to "sympathy".

He persuaded Xun Zhen, saying: "Now that the party/ban has been lifted, after the rebellion is quelled, the imperial court will select the wise and competent, and govern the shepherd's place. With Zhenzhi, the people of the world will live a good life."

"Will you live a good life?" Xun Zhen thought, "Dong Zhuo after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and the Secession after the Dong Zhuo Rebellion, Jin after the Secession, the Five Husbands in the Jin Dynasty, Lu Chen in Shenzhou, and the Southern and Northern Dynasties after Jin, there are still endless wars. When the Yellow Turban Rebellion begins, the people will endure catastrophe for four or five hundred years. . 'Daren'. Zhicai's words are reasonable. But what is the real Daren?" Another sentence came to his mind: "'Set up your mind for the world, set up your life for the people, set up your own destiny for the sages of the past, and create peace for all generations.' ." When he opened his eyes again, the sadness had faded from his face. He looked at the soldiers outside the tent and smiled slightly, "Yes, the people will live a good life."

Xi Zhicai is now the county soldier Cao Youshi, and he is the assistant of the soldier Cao Ye.

After he returned to his tent, a small official saw him sitting on the table, stroking his beard, as if thinking about something, and asked him what he was thinking. He was silent for a moment, then replied with emotion: "Xunjun is a benevolent person!"


Xun Zhen and Cao Cao's ambush did not come in handy, and Bo Cai did not break through.

Two days later, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun led the main force to join forces with Xun Zhen and Cao Cao. Xun Zhen and Cao Cao finally let go of their hearts, recalled the soldiers and horses they had dispatched, gathered in Huangfu Song's tent, and reported to Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, and Prefect Wen the enemy situation in Wuyang City these days. The crowd discussed the next course of action. Tens of thousands of troops have gathered under the city and have surrounded Wuyang. Naturally, the next step is to attack the city.

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun ordered Xun Zhen and Cao Cao to go all the way, feigning to attack the northern city wall. Zhu Jun went all the way and pretended to attack the southern city wall. Huangfu Song divided three thousand troops, together with the remnants gathered by Wei Xiaowei, a total of more than six thousand people, feigned to attack the western city wall. Huangfu Song personally led the main force to storm the east wall, still with Sun Jian as the vanguard.

Although there were only 14,000 or 5,000 guards in Wuyang City, it should be because the Kunyang prisoners were slaughtered.

Five days of rapid attack, no less.

The Yellow Turbans in Runan, Nanyang, Dongjun, Chen State and other places were growing stronger and stronger and could not stay in Yingchuan for a long time.

Huangfu Song saw that he would not be able to attack for a long time, and was anxious in his heart. He took the generals to a high place and watched Sun Jian and others attack the city for a long time. After thinking about it all night, he got a plan to defeat the enemy.

This day is the fifteenth day of the third month of the seventh year of light and harmony.

Huangfu Song is worthy of being a famous general, and makes good use of strategies. He said to the people: "Those who fight to the death must be because they see our army slaughtering prisoners, and they are afraid of death, so they fight to the death. The Art of War says: If one man fights to the death, he is enough to fear ten thousand men, and more than ten thousand people? Looking at it now, we There should be no more aggressive attacks."

Zhu Jun asked, "How about that?"

"Sun Ziyun: The soldiers above are attacking the city, and the enemy is attacking the city. The method of attacking the city is a last resort. Since the thieves are hard to defend and cannot attack the city, then we will lure them out and win the field."

"Luring out? The general used a trick to lure the enemy last time, and annihilated 5,000 soldiers who aided Kunyang by thieves on the banks of the Lishui River. Bo Cai has already suffered the loss of the general's lure of the enemy, and then lure him? I'm afraid he won't be fooled. Bar."

Cao Cao interjected: "Dare to ask how the general intends to lure the enemy? Cao would like to hear about it."

"I plan to lure thieves out."

Zhu Jun said: "Bo Cai wanted to break through the siege, and he had already broken through. I waited for the main force to come, but he didn't break through and flee. Now that I am waiting for the troops to come under the city, will he break through?"

Huangfu Song guessed Du Bocai's mentality and analyzed: "Before I waited for the main force to come, Bocai did not break through because he was caught in the plan of Cao Duwei and Xun Ying, thinking that they had a lot of troops, so he did not dare to take risks, so he chose to defend The city. Everyone likes life and hates death. Although he chose to stick to it, he doesn’t necessarily want to die in Wuyang. If I save it, he must want to defend the city first, and then find an opportunity to break through when our army is exhausted.”

Huangfu Song's analysis makes sense. Bo Cai definitely doesn't want to die, so why didn't he break through before? It was because he was not sure about breaking through, so he simply defended the city.

He defended the city, and the Han army attacked the city. Of course, it was the Han army who struggled. In this way, after the Han army was exhausted, he would break through.

Zhu Jun pondered and said: "The general's words are reasonable. The general just said that Bo Cai wanted to wait for our army to be exhausted before 'looking for an opportunity' to break out of the encirclement, so the general's so-called lure a thief to break through, did he want to take the initiative to give this 'opportunity' to Bo Cai? "

"Of course!"

"How to give it?"

"From today onwards, we will gradually slow down the siege of the city, and make our army's 'long-term battle unsupported' attitude. Our army will fight Kunyang first, then Wuyang, and continue to fight for nearly half a month. To be honest, the soldiers are really tired. Our army is exhausted, and Pocai's life is not easy to come by. He fought to the death for many days, and the bandit soldiers are probably tired, and the food of the bandit soldiers are all looted. It is expected that there will not be too much storage. It's almost over. The battle is so far today, it can be said that I am tired of the enemy and tired, and Bo Cai is eager to get out. As long as our army takes the initiative to reveal its flaws, there are nine out of ten he will be caught!"

Zhu Jun was persuaded by Huangfu, and the generals in the tent had no objection.

Huangfu Song then ordered and made specific arrangements. He ordered: "Wentai, today's siege of the city still uses you as the vanguard, but today you can't be brave, you can only show weakness. Yesterday, you were five or six feet away from the city head when you were closest. This morning, you have to be six feet away from the city head. Seven feet away, and in the afternoon, seven or eight feet away from the top of the city."

Sun Jian agreed.

Huangfu Song gave Sun Jian an order, and then said to the generals: "These days, our army has been attacking the city day and night, and tonight, we will not attack the city, one is showing weakness, and the other is taking the opportunity to rest the soldiers. Rest, recharge, and wait for Bocai to break through."

The generals promise.

"In the past few days, our army has been attacking the city in batches of 3,000 people each time, and all selected are brave, and tomorrow we will use Yu Zhong to attack the city, and we will also reduce the number of people, and lose 500 in the morning. People, reduce another 500 in the afternoon." Huangfu Song ordered a few "bad" generals who had not participated in the siege in the past few days, and ordered, "Tomorrow, you will lead the troops to attack the city."

These will be promised by the school.

"Tomorrow night, General Zhu, you can make your troops pretend to be chaotic at night."

Zhu Jun agreed. The southern city wall, which Zhu Jun was in charge of guarding, broke out from here and could go straight down to Nanyang, which was an excellent direction for Bocai to break through.

Arranged to lure the enemy, Huangfu Song also arranged to set up an ambush. After luring Bo Cai out of the city, you need elites to annihilate him. He chose Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Xun Zhen and others, as well as he and Zhu Jun's army with a number of generals in the name of bravery, and ordered them: "Tomorrow after nightfall, you will take the headquarters to ambush outside General Zhu's camp. Bo Cai Ruozhong I plan to break through from here, you will attack it from the front, and I will lead the main force to attack from the back!"

Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Xun Zhen and others agreed.

When Huangfu Song was dispatched, and the military meeting was about to disband, someone in the tent suddenly asked, "What if we don't get a plan and don't want to break through?"

"If he doesn't get in my way, that's God's will, just keep attacking the city."

There is no perfect plan in this world, will Pocai break through? Huangfu Song could not make any guarantees either. When the two armies are at war, sometimes it is not the strategy that is superior to the other, but the mistakes that are made less than the other.


Bo Cai has been on the city these days, and the changes in the Han army's siege quickly caught his attention.

He stood on the tower, looking down at Sun Jian who was climbing the ladder below. Sun Jian, wearing two layers of heavy armor, braved the arrows and stones on the city, using both hands and feet, holding a knife and going up.

In the siege of the city these days, Sun Jian was extremely brave. He was the most valiant general of all the Han army sieging the city, and he was also the one who had the highest position on the city wall. focus on. But today's siege, Sun Jian seems to be different from the previous days.

After watching for a while, a handsome man behind Bo Cai said, "It's strange, this thief doesn't seem as brave today as yesterday."

A young commander said, "The Han thief first attacked Kunyang for many days, and now he has moved to attack me again, day and night. Even the Iron Man can't stand it. This thief is not as brave as yesterday.

Bo Cai was touched by this young man's words. Looking at Sun Jian, who was struggling to climb the city, he thought to himself: "Among the tens of thousands of Han thieves, this thief is the most courageous, and even Xun thief can't compare to him. Even he is tired now. Now, what about the rest of the Han thieves? Wouldn’t they be even more tired.” With this thought in mind, when I look at the Han army’s siege of the city today, the more I look at it, the more I feel that my guess is right. , then today's siege momentum has obviously weakened.

After watching for a day, in the evening, the Han army ended the day's siege, Ming Jin withdrew his troops and returned to the camp. Since the first day of the siege, the Han army had been working day and night. Therefore, the Yellow Turbans did not relax their vigilance. They picked up their weapons again and waited for the Han army to attack at night.

The night was getting darker, but the Han army returning to the camp remained silent.

The wild wind swept over the Han army camp and blew up to the top of the city, and the guards with sharp noses could smell the aroma of meat from the wind.

Bo Cai did not go to the city, and was still staying in the tower. A handsome man said "Huh", sniffled repeatedly, swallowed his saliva, and said with a greedy look, "Is there a smell of meat in the wind?"

According to the military system of the Han army, soldiers have a fixed monthly amount of meat money, but this meat money is not much, and there are very few days when they can eat meat. Before leaving the capital, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun received money from the Emperor's West Garden as military salaries, but since entering Yingchuan, due to the turmoil of Bocai and He Man, most of the counties they pass through are ten houses and five empty spaces. You can't buy meat with money, so you don't have much time to eat meat. After arriving outside Wuyang City, I only ate a meal of meat on the eve of the siege. I haven't tasted meat and fish in the past few days. Why did I suddenly eat meat tonight?

Thinking of the weakness of the Han army attacking the city during the day, Bo Cai couldn't help but think: "This is the reward army. When the city is half-sieged, it rewarded the soldiers for no reason? Could it be that the Han thieves are really tired after a long battle, and the soldiers are tired? So the three thieves Huangfu, Zhu, and Wen used meat to boost morale?" Others Qu Shuai also guessed this, and some said happily: "Master, the Han thieves are tired! Can we break through?"

Just as Huangfu Song had guessed, although Bo Cai was defending Wuyang, it was a helpless move, and he never gave up the idea of ​​going south to Runan or Nanyang.

There is a reason why he stayed in Wuyang before leaving: first, when He Man was besieged, he couldn't bear the tens of thousands of soldiers He Man had brought, so he did not leave and tried to rescue He Man; then, Xun Zhen and Cao Cao used Suspicious of the army's plan, he did not dare to act rashly; finally, when Kunyang City fell, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun slaughtered all the prisoners. At this time, even if he wanted to leave, it was a little late. There is a danger of Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun tail-strike, it is better to wait for the work, stick to the city, and wait for the opportunity to escape after the Han army who has been fighting for nearly half a month is exhausted.

It can be said that what he is waiting for now is that the Han army is showing signs of fatigue. Now, as can be seen from the various clues of the Han army siege, it seems that he finally waited for this day. However, because he fell into Huangfu Song's plan not long ago, and lost 5,000 troops on the bank of Lishui River, he did not dare to believe it, and after hesitating again and again, he thought: "The Han bandit is cunning, maybe this is another conspiracy, I'll just wait and see."

That night, when the moon was in the middle of the sky, there was still no movement in the Han army camp outside the city, and there was no sign of a night attack. Bo Cai believed 60% of the saying that the Han army was exhausted.

The moon sets and the sun rises, and another day comes.

On March 16, the seventh year of Guanghe, early in the morning, the Han army launched an attack as usual.

Bo Cai spent the night in the city tower last night, and was only dazed for a while at dawn. When the Han army launched an attack, he immediately cheered up and hurried to the side of the city tower facing the city wall to watch the attack of the Han army today. Today is even worse than yesterday. The "thief" who wore double armor and braved the Han army has disappeared today.

Bo Cai patiently saw the afternoon from the morning and thought: "The Han thieves rewarded the army last night and rested for a night without attacking the city, but today's attack is not as good as yesterday, maybe it's really tired?" He believed it by 20% more. . Although he believed 80% of the time, he still had 20% of his doubts. Therefore, he hesitated for a while when several commanders of Qu Shuai asked him to break through. In the end, he did not make up his mind and did not issue an order to break through.

Once bitten by a snake, he was afraid of the rope for three years. He thought to himself: "Let's wait and see."

On this day, the siege of the Han army ended earlier than the previous days, and the troops returned to the camp before dusk. The Yellow Turbans counted casualties. Today's casualties were less than half of the previous day's, while the number of Han troops killed and wounded was about the same as the day before. Bo Cai didn't know that Huangfu Song sent to attack the city today were all miscellaneous soldiers and the like, and he couldn't compare with the elites of the previous days. After hearing the reports of the casualties of the enemy and ourselves, he was tired and believed in the Han army a little more. Ninety percent of the letter.

Ninety percent believe it, and one percent doubt it.

More Shuai Qu was persuading him: "Master, the heat is almost over, it's time to break through! The Han thieves have been attacking our city for many days, not only are the Han thieves tired, but our army is also tired. If we keep defending, we will have no strength to break through the siege. "

To break out or not to break out?

Whenever 90% of the belief prevails, that fraction of doubt always comes out to interrupt. With this hesitation, Bo Cai inspected the city and the barracks in the city.

The guards on the city and those resting in the camp were also very tired from the long days of fierce fighting, as the commanders said. Their faces were muddy and dirty, and the yellow scarves on many people's foreheads had long disappeared. Watching Bo Cai patrolling past, they were standing or sitting holding weapons, and their eyes were full of exhaustion from a long battle and longing for life. These troops, these soldiers, are the only remaining vitality left by the Yingchuan Yellow Turbans!

At this moment, the hatred left Bo Cai away, and he no longer thought about Xun Zhen, nor Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun. Recalling the high spirits when he first started the army, and then recalling Yang Zhai's losing streak after his defeat, and looking at the Taoists who followed him to death, he suddenly felt very tired and wanted to let go of it all, but he couldn't.

He thought, "No matter what, let's take them out of Wuyang alive!" He encouraged himself, "The great teacher is in Jizhou, the envoy is in Nanyang, and He Yi and others have won consecutive battles in Runan, killing the Han Dynasty. The thieves will not break into an army, the failure of our department is only a temporary defeat, this "heaven" will definitely be able to overthrow it! This "yellow sky" will definitely stand up!"

He was standing in the standing among the yellow turban soldiers, drawing his sword to the sky, generous and fierce, shouting: "Let the yellow sky! Set up the yellow sky!"

The twilight is deep, covering the four fields. Tens of thousands of Han troops were surrounded, and the isolated city of Wuyang stood tall. A red sun fell from the western sky, and a few tired birds flew over the city and over the heavy camps of the Han army. Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, Prefect Wen, Cao Cao, Xun Zhen and others were discussing in the tent whether the "pretending to be unsupportive" for the past two days was successful when they suddenly heard a sound coming from a distant city.

Everyone stopped talking, held their breaths, and listened carefully. The voice in the city was: "Li Huangtian! Li Huangtian!"

Tired birds start to fly, horses in the camp neigh. Huangfu Song was overjoyed, and Huo Ran got up and said, "The thief is in my plan!"

It was night, second watch, outside the south city wall of Wuyang, there was a sudden screeching in Zhu Jun's camp. When Bo Cai heard the news, he rushed to the southern city wall, and looked from a distance. In the confused night, he saw the fire in Zhu Jun's camp. There were countless figures running in panic in the fire, and there were horses running wild. The drums were repeated in the camp, and the riots could not be stopped. The tumultuous noise of the commotion echoed far away in the silence of the night and entered his ears.

He was overjoyed, turned around suddenly, and said to Zhu Qu Shuai and Xiao Shuai, "God help me too! The Han thief was shocked at night!"

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