The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 77: Planting party feathers and raising tigers and leopards

Although Cao Cao wanted to see Xun Shuang very much, he didn't have the time. After banqueting Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, his father came to urge him, so he had to leave and return to Beijing.

Sun Jian and Xun Zhen sent him to the border of Yangzhai County.

On the shore of Yingshui, the three bid farewell to each other. Xun Zhen folded the willow as a gift, and Cao Cao presented him with the tiger's head bag he wore.

After sending Cao Cao away, the next day, Xun Zhen went to the county to go to Shang Shang. In the battle to the south of Wuyang City, although he suffered six wounds, due to his excellent armor and personal guards, the wounds he suffered were all minor ones, and he gradually recovered after taking care of them. He was the county soldier Cao Ye. Although Xi Zhicai and Xu Zhong, two soldiers, Cao Shi, temporarily managed the military affairs of the county on his behalf, as the chief officer, he could not be on duty for a long time.

He first went to see Prefect Wen, took his sick leave, and then went to the Bingcao Courtyard in the front yard of the Prefect's Mansion.

Xi Zhicai and Xu Zhong presented their recent records and military affairs.

He began to watch, mainly in three aspects, one was to pay for the casualties of the soldiers, one was to prevent the Yellow Turbans from resurgent, follow the orders of Wen Taishou, strengthen the vigilance and defense in the county, one is to cooperate with the thief Cao Ye and Du You to hunt and kill in the near future. A few thieves who took the opportunity to rise.

He looked through them one by one, and stopped when he saw one of the volumes, which was the order of the Prefect Wen.

He looked at it carefully and said, "Fujun intends to expand the army of the army? And wants me to strengthen the training of the army?"

Xi Zhicai replied, "Yes."

"When did this order come down?"

"I only got off yesterday afternoon. I wanted to go to your house to discuss it with you, but I was entangled in other trivial matters, and I was busy until late at night, so I didn't go. It just so happened that you came on duty today. It's not too late to mend the prison, but it's not too late. What do you think of this remark to the lord of the government?"

Seeing Prefect Wen's remarks, Xun Zhen had an idea.

After learning that Huangfu Song recommended him as Sima of the army, he was thinking about how to arrange these people and soldiers under his command.

First of all, there are two things that need to be addressed.

First, most of the soldiers who follow him are from the county. Now that the Yingchuan Yellow Turban has been set, it is estimated that some soldiers will not want to follow him out of the county to fight, and these soldiers should be properly dismissed.

He got along with the soldiers day and night, and got a better understanding of their family situation and personal thoughts. He estimated that there were about a few hundred soldiers who wanted to go home.

First of all, many of these 3,000-foot riders lost their relatives. They joined the army to fight the Yellow Turbans because their family members died in the chaos. Secondly, Xun Zhen is now famous and famous, and the rewards and punishments are strict. When the reward is due, he never stings with money. There are many people who want to stand out in the army and have a good background. It is a good choice to follow him. Therefore, he estimated that there should be hundreds of people who want to leave.

Second, Huangfu Song recommended him as "Sima of the Army", not "Sima of other divisions". The Sima of the other department was qualified to lead an army alone, but the Sima of the auxiliary army did not have this qualification.

If he could not lead an army, he had to obey the admiral's orders. There were 3,000 cavalry in his division, which was too much for a general. There are only a thousand people in Sun Jian's army, and Zhu Jun, the dignified right middle general, has only brought more than ten thousand people. He reckoned that at most he would be good at riding like Sun Jian with more than a thousand paces. Then, the extra riding has to find a way to settle down.

Combining the former, that is to say, there are a thousand or so people who need to be arranged separately.

Severance is easy to say, just give money, but it is a bit troublesome to arrange. He looked at the letter and said to himself, "I really fell asleep and fell asleep. I'm worried about how to arrange the extra soldiers. The lord of the government will 'expand the county soldiers'. If we can seize this opportunity?" He asked Xi Zhi. Cai and Xu Zhong said: "Although Bo Cai and He Man have been given their heads, it cannot be ruled out that there are still yellow turbans in the county, and because of the chaos of thieves, thieves are swarming in various places. Thief, it is indeed time to supplement and expand. The lord of the government is very much in this order."

"Then where does this supplementary and expanded source of troops come from?"

"Zhicai, aren't you asking this knowingly?"

Xi Zhicai smiled and said, "So, do you want to choose some from righteousness?"

"After Yang Zhai was relieved of the siege, Wen Qian brought nearly a thousand iron officials and disciples to aid Yang Zhai, who was compiled by me as a righteous follower. They will be spared their sins, and they will be rewarded and given money by the nobles. Now that the Yingchuan Yellow Turbans have been set, and they have more achievements in battle, it is time to fulfill my promise."

Xi Zhicai said: "The prisoners of that generation are all brave soldiers. Now they have gone through a **** battle, and they can be of great use. It would be a pity if they were to be dismissed.

Xu Zhong also said: "These iron officials and disciples are brave to fight. If they can make up for the county, then even if General Huangfu and General Zhu are gone, the county will no longer have to worry about the Yellow Turbans and thieves."

Xi Zhicai said, "It's just, will they be willing to become county guards?"

"Those who are willing to become county soldiers will join the army, and those who are unwilling will not be forced."

In fact, Xun Zhen was not worried about Xi Zhicai's question. He can be said to trust these iron officials and disciples with kindness and righteousness. He usually asks for help, he will be rewarded if he has merit, and with Le Jin, Jiang Hu, and Xiao Xia being there, it is expected that they will not object to being turned into a commander, even if There should be few who don't want to.

Xi Zhicai said: "Okay, then I will write a memorial and submit it to the manor, and ask him for permission."

There are about a thousand people who need to be arranged separately, and there are four or five hundred people except five or six hundred iron officials. For these people, Xun Zhen planned to take them as guests, as apprentices, and support them as family soldiers.

Money is needed for the dismissal of soldiers who do not want to fight any more and for "supporting the family".

The most important thing Xun Zhen lacked now was money.

All the battles have been captured. Bo Cai and He Man have broken through so many counties, slaughtered so many county officials and tyrants, and the looted treasures have piled up like mountains. In the two counties of Xiangcheng and Jia, Xunzhen seized hundreds of millions of dollars, handed over part of it to the county court, and part of it was distributed to the meritorious soldiers, and the rest was nearly 200 million. After Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun arrived, they attacked Kunyang and Wuyang. Why didn't Xun Zhen take Xun You with him? One was to let him coordinate Yuejin and hired guards to guard Xiangcheng and Jiaxian counties, and the other was for the money. When Xun Zhen attacked Kunyang and Wuyang, Xun You quietly sent the money to Yingyin.

After conquering Xiangcheng and Jia, and seeing the innumerable treasures of money and jewelry in the treasury, Xun Zhen thought with emotion: "Nothing can be faster than fighting to get money."

His family is only a middle family. When he was the head of Fanyang Pavilion a few years ago, he spent like water to make friends with young heroes. Having said that, money is fast in war, but money is fast in war. Xun Zhen knew that the world was going to be in chaos, and that money would be needed to buy food, weapons, and recruit troops in the future. Therefore, after getting these captures, he immediately blocked the news, only a few people knew about it, and withheld so much money.

This is what he planned for the arrangement of his subordinates.

Besides, he had to make arrangements for the people who followed him. At least after he left Yingchuan, someone would take over his position, and he would then take over the county guards and iron officials for him.

To succeed him, that is, the person who succeeded Cao Ye, the county soldier, he planned to choose Le Jin.

Le Jin made a lot of military exploits in pacifying the Yingchuan Yellow Turbans, but he brought Tieguan and his disciples to rescue Yang Zhai, which was a great achievement, enough for him to hold a high position in the county court. Xun Zhen planned to recommend Le Jin to take over the post of Cao Ye as a county soldier after the imperial court appointed him. Le Jin is now the head of the iron official, and it is not difficult to change to the county soldier Cao Ye.

Le Jin alone can't manage so many county officers, and he can't manage so many cases and military affairs in Bing Cao Li, and he has to be assigned a few more assistants.

County soldiers: Xun Zhen plans to ask Gao Su and Feng Gong to help Le Jin, and let them transfer to the county soldiers to hold military positions.

Gao Su and Feng Gong were natives of the county, children of landlords, and their families had farms and mansions. Unlike Xu Zhong and Jiang Qin, they were people who had "constant production". The two of them came to help Xun Zhen pacify the Yingchuan Yellow Turban, one is to admire Xun Zhen, and the other is to protect their house. Now that the Yingchuan Yellow Turban has been set, Xun Zhen didn't want to force the two of them to follow him out of the county to fight again, just so they could be transferred to the county soldiers.

Case slips and military affairs: Xun Zhenru was promoted to be the Sima of the Army and went out to fight in the county. He must have been taken away by Xi Zhicai and Xu Zhong. In this way, the soldiers Cao Youshi and the soldiers Cao Zuoshi were freed. Xun Zhen planned to recommend Wen Ping as soldier Cao Youshi, to replace Xi Zhicai, and recommended fashion as soldier Cao Zuoshi, to replace Xu Zhong.

Wen Pin is a family relative of Wen Taishou, and he has also made contributions in this battle. Although he is young, he has military exploits and connections. It is not a problem to be a soldier Cao Youshi. Just like Sun Jian, because of his bravery and daring to fight, he was able to be the county Sima at the age of eighteen, and Wang Yun, the upcoming prefect of Yuzhou, because he was rare in talent and famous, and his family was the crown clan of Bingzhou, he became the county official at the age of nineteen. . Wenpin is also enough to be the history of the county soldier Cao You. After all, Wenpin is young and needs a capable person to help Lejin, and fashion is his person.

When Xun Zhen and Shixing first met, Shixing was the supervisor of the inner city. Later, Xun Zhen recommended him to the Xixiang village and entrusted him to handle most of the affairs in the village. But any soldier Cao Zuo Shi is more than enough. Fashion is considered his "old official". In order to help him, he should be rewarded for abandoning the official and running to Yang Zhai to join the army. There is another advantage to recommending him to take over this position. Most of the literati under Xunzhen’s account are disciples of the three elders of Xuanbo in Xixiang, such as Xuankang, Li Bo, and Shi Nuo. he.

In this way, the army soldiers have Gao Su and Feng Gong, and the soldiers Cao have clerical appointments and fashion, and Le Jin can completely control the soldiers and the county soldiers. As for Xi Zhicai and Xu Zhong, Xun Zhen asked them what they meant, and they said without hesitation: I would like to give up the prefecture and go to war with the king. Their relationship with Xun Zhen was unusual, resigning a soldier, Cao Shiqi, was like a shoe.

Soldiers and military officers should have Yue Jin, and there should also be iron officials.

The Yellow Turbans in Runan, Nanyang and other places are very powerful. There are still many battles to be fought by the Han army, and they are in urgent need of supplementary weapons. Tieguan is a good place, the world will be in chaos, if there is a Tieguan in hand, there will be a steady stream of weapons, and iron is needed for local governance and development of farming, so Yingchuan Tieguan and Xun Zhen do not want to give up.

Le Jin was originally the head of Tieguan, but if he turned into Cao Ye, a county soldier, there would be no Xun Zhen in the Tieguan, and another person would have to be put in. Xun Zhen intends to recommend Xiao Xia as Tieguan's master bookkeeper.

Xiao Xia was sent to Tieguan by him last year to monitor Tieguan's order Shen Rong, and was very familiar with Tieguan. Xiao Xia also made a contribution in this battle. As long as Shen Rong spoke, it was easy to be promoted to the head of Tieguan. Xun Zhen was not afraid that Shen Rong would not speak. When Xun Zhen was the postal supervisor in the north, Shen Rong was afraid that he would be too afraid. Today, Xun Zhen is in charge of thousands of people. Although he acts low-key, he is definitely the most formidable person in Yingchuan County today. One, Shen Rongwan did not dare to go against his will.

Shen Rong didn't dare to go against his will, what about Prefect Wen? Recommending Le Jin as a commander Cao Ye requires the consent of Prefect Wen. Xun Zhen was not worried that Prefect Wen would object. Today is not as good as it used to be. Times have changed, and Prefect Wen has long since lost his stubbornness. He can't protect himself. Xun Zhen's reputation for pacifying the Yingchuan Yellow Turban has been greatly shaken. Even Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun value him very much, so what about Prefect Wen? will obstruct? will agree.

Le Jin was the county soldier Cao Ye, Wen Peng was the county soldier Cao Youshi, fashion was the county soldier Cao Zuoshi, Gao Su and Feng Gong were transferred to the county soldier and served as the military post of the county, and Xiaoxia was the chief book of the iron official.

These were Xun Zhen's plans for his subordinates.

After more than a month of hard work, the people who followed Xun Zhen had their own merits. Xun Zhen also had to plan for them, let them be promoted, give them a background, and at the same time let them help him look after the county officers and iron officials of Yingchuan County. Best of both worlds. In fact, Jiang Qin, Chen Bao, Liu Deng and others made more contributions than Wen Pin and others in this battle to pacify the Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan, but they were the strength Xun Zhen relied on the most. Can't let them out. These people would also have no opinion on this. They had followed Xun Zhen long ago. They were guests of Xun Zhen’s family, and they were Xun Zhen’s direct descendants. If they were dissatisfied with this, they would have no reusable value. Just like Zu Mao, Han Dang, Cheng Pu, Wu Jing and others under Sun Jian, Cheng Pu was also a county official, and now he is under Sun Jian's command without any complaints. With the examples of Lejin, Wenpin and others, they will be more ambitious and more determined to follow Xunzhen's thoughts.

However, Xun Zhen hadn't told Le Jin, Wen Pin and others about these plans. He just asked Xi Zhicai and Xu Zhong, the two closest people, what they thought. I don't tell Le Jin, Wenpin and others that it's because if the imperial court does not approve Huangfu Song's recommendation and he can't be a military Sima, then these plans will be useless. If you grasp it, you will make "random promises" and "random talk" to your subordinates, which will give people a sense of frivolity and instability. To be the "lord", you have to be prudent, and you can't talk nonsense if you are not very sure.

Xi Zhicai wrote a memorial to Wen Taishou on a nearby case.

Xu Zhong asked: "Master Xun, in addition to expanding the army of the commander, the commander also asked me to think about strengthening the training of the commander. How should we handle this?"

Xun Zhen said, "Let you handle this matter, write a charter, show it to Zhicai, and if it works, present it to the ruler."

There is no need for Xun Zhen to pay attention to such trivial matters. With more and more people under him, there is absolutely no need for him to do everything personally. Proper delegating power can also cultivate the ability of his subordinates. Xi Zhicai's ability is not mentioned, nor Xu Zhong's loyalty and bravery. However, Xu Zhong's ability in leading and training soldiers still needs to be improved, so he took this opportunity to exercise. Not only Xu Zhong's ability to lead and train troops needs to be improved, but all the generals under Xun Zhen need to improve their abilities in these two areas, including Xun Zhen. There are not many troops and horses now, and there will definitely be more in the future. You can't wait for a long time to be crammed. You need to train and learn early.

Xu Zhong showed a rare embarrassment and said, "I can't write."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Cao Li is such a literate official, ask them to ghostwrite, you say, they write." At this point, he remembered something, and asked Xu Zhong, "I asked you to pick up Amu and Xiaojie, you Did you pick it up?" Xu's mother and Xu Zhong's younger brother Xu Ji are still in Xixiang, and Xun Zhen asked Xu Zhong to pick them up a few days ago, so that Xu's mother could enjoy the happiness.

Xu Zhong said: "In the past few days, there have been too many affairs in the camp and Cao Li, and I haven't had time to pick them up."

"This can't be done. You're not free, I'll send someone to pick you up!" Xun Zhen dropped the **** in her hand, came to the front of the hall, and summoned Zuo Bohou and Yuan Zhongqing, who were serving outside the hall, and said to Yuan Zhongqing, " Zhongqing, make another trip to Xixiang to pick up Mother Xu and Xiaojie."


"Going right now."

"Yes." Yuan Zhongqing waited to leave, then came back and asked, "I've picked it up, where are you going?"

Bing Cao Shi did not live in a separate courtyard, Xu Zhong now sometimes lives in the camp, and sometimes lives in the "official house". The official residence is the dormitory of the officials, one person in a room with better conditions, and several people living in a room with poor conditions. Mother Xu and Ji Lai obviously couldn't live in the house.

"Uncle, go to Xun Cheng to get some money, buy a house near Ayan's house, buy a bigger one! When A-Mum and Young-jie come, arrange for them to live there and buy more slaves. , and household utensils should also be prepared. You are fond of reading when you are young, and I will write a book list for you. You can go to the bookstore in the city and look at it, and buy whatever you have." After speaking, Xun Zhen returned to the case and fetched it. Pen and ink, write a book list. Although his attainments in Confucianism are only ordinary, he has "family education", and the books listed are suitable for Xu Ji to read.

Zuo Bohou answered the order, took the book list, and left the hospital with Yuan Zhongqing.

Xu Zhong was very moved, but said nothing. There was no need to say anything between him and Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen left the hall and took two steps in the hall, thinking, "I don't know when the imperial decree will be issued, and when will General Huangfu and General Zhu lead the army again? Why don't we take advantage of this time to send the generals to the army again? Gather together, and tell them a little bit about how to lead and train troops?" Only by using all the time available can the ability of this group of people be improved as quickly as possible. As he said, he said to Xu Zhong, "Junqing, after you get off duty tonight, go to the camp outside the city and tell Wen Qian and Bo Qin to come to my house tomorrow night."

"What's wrong with Xun Jun?"

"Gossip gossip."


Xi Zhicai finished writing the memorial and went to the Zhengshitang to present it to Prefect Wen.

Xun Zhen and Xu Zhong had nothing to do in the hall, so they ordered the little officials to bring arrows and pots, and the two of them threw the pots for fun.

The game of throwing a pot has existed since the pre-Qin period. It evolved from archery and was a game often played by the scholar-officials. Take an arrow and throw it into the pot. After the arrow enters the pot, it will jump out of the quiver because of the rebound. The shooter can catch it and throw it again. Playing this kind of game can exercise one's reaction ability, and it can be regarded as a kind of martial arts. Xu Zhong didn't play this kind of game very much before, but he was quick-witted and quick-witted, and he didn't lose out against Xun Zhen at all. The two were having fun when Xi Zhi came back.

When it was Xunzhen's turn to throw the pot, he took the arrow and smiled at Xi Zhicai, who had climbed the steps and came to the door of the hall, "Zhicai, why are you walking in such a hurry? Why did you come back so quickly? "

Xi Zhicai didn't take off his shoes and entered the hall, because he was walking fast and sweating on his forehead, he stretched out his hand to wipe it off, and said to Xun Zhen, "The new prefect, the prince, has arrived."

"Is the prince here?"

"The lord of the government wants to go out to greet him, and order Cao Cao to follow him. You should go quickly."

Xun Zhen dropped the arrow, stepped out of the hall door, put on her shoes on the porch, and asked, "Where is the mansion now?"

"I have left the political affairs hall and went to the gate of the mansion."

Xi Zhicai and Xu Zhong were inferior and were not qualified to follow the prefect to meet Wang Yun, the prefect, and Xun Zhen was discharged from the hospital alone.

The front yard of the prefect's mansion is where the various Cao's work, and his soldiers and Cao's courtyard are on the left and right and opposite to the Jue Cao, the thief Cao, and the Cang Cao.

The decisive Cao Ye, Guo Jun, and the thief, Cao Ye, Du You, were also just discharged from the hospital. When they saw Xun Zhen, they said hello, walked together, and went to the mansion gate together.

Du You asked as he walked, "Zhenzhi, is your injury healed?"

"much better."

"You have fought in the army this time, and you have made great achievements, but you are in the middle of Megatron County."

"If you hadn't taken care of the logistics in Yangzhai, how could there be great victories on the front line?"

Du You laughed, paused, and said, "This time the prince came to serve as the prefect of this state, I heard that the father of the Qing family, Mr. Liulong, is also here?"

Guo Jun said, "There is also Kong Rong from the state of Lu."

Du You said: "Kong Rong of the State of Lu? Hehe, this Kong Wenju is not an ordinary person, after Confucius. I heard my master tell me about him since I was a child, saying that he is the twentieth grandson of Confucius, and that he was a 4-year-old grandson of Confucius. At the age of ten, he was praised by Li Gong as a 'must be a great weapon'. At the age of thirteen, he lost his father. He was saddened and destroyed. He often said to me: Look at Kong Wenju, look at you again, it is simply the ratio of a good horse to a horse, a phoenix to a pheasant."

Kong Rong was early wisdom, so Li didn't say anything. He went to the capital with his father when he was ten years old. He heard the name of Li Ying, so he went to visit Li's house alone. Li Ying was a Henan Yin at the time. No, the scholar wants to see him, and his family is called the Dragon Gate. After Kong Rong arrived, the doorman would not let him in or pass the information, so he said to the doorman, "I am a son of Li Juntong's family", so he was able to enter the hall. Li Ying didn't remember such a "child from the Tong family", so he asked him: "Gao Mingzu, did the father and the servant have any kindness?" Kong Rong said: "Of course. Righteousness, and mutual mentors and friends, will be integrated with the lord and the family.” Li Ying’s family sometimes has guests, and when they hear it, they all sit and sigh, thinking that he is wise. The Taizhong doctor Chen Wei arrived later, but after hearing that, he said: "The lady is small and smart, but it may not be strange." Kong Rong responded, "Listening to you, you must have been smart when you were young." Li Ying laughed and said: "You will become a great weapon in the future!"

Xun Zhen had heard this story in a previous life. Kong Rong is simply synonymous with child prodigy.

Afterwards, Kong Rong lost his father, grief-stricken, and became famous for his filial piety. After that, he rescued Zhang Jian and was convicted by the county. He fought with his brother and mother to die. This one thing is touching, it is hard to believe that this is something done by a boy or a child, so he has long been famous all over the world and praised by scholars. When Du You was a child, his father often used Kong Rong as an example to urge him to study. Guo Jun also listened to his father's talk about Kong Rong when he was a child, and even Xun Zhen heard Xun Qu cite Kong Rong's example to encourage him and Xun You. Compared with Kong Rong, their teenagers are nothing.

Xun Zhen laughed.

Du You asked, "Zhenzhi, what are you laughing at?"

Xun Zhen shook her head and smiled, "It's nothing, nothing." But he remembered a sentence he had heard in his previous life: when he was a child, he hated "other people's children" the most. It seems that in this regard, ancient and modern are no different. This is because the hearts of ancient and modern parents are the same. They all hope that their children can learn well and become talents, so they use excellent examples as encouragement and encouragement.

Guo Jun said: "When Kong Wenju paid homage to Li Yuanli, he said to Taizhong doctor Chen Wei: 'You are smart, but you may not be great when you are young.' I heard that he was a subordinate official in Situ Yanggong's mansion before he was set up by the prince to work in this county. In the past few years, the imperial court concealed the corruption of the bureaucrats, the eunuchs and their relatives were greedy, and the princes in the court were greedy. Those who are afraid of the power of eunuchs do not dare to speak, but Kong Wenju is not afraid, and he has reported it, and he has reported many relatives of the eunuchs. He is upright and loyal, and he is not afraid of power.

Xun Zhen also knew about this, and he thought to himself: "Kong Rong met Li Ying at the age of ten, and he would not suffer if he was teased by Chen Wei, and he had to fight back. As the saying goes: you know eighty at the age of three. This person has a strong character. He is not afraid of power, and it is reasonable to stab the relatives of the eunuchs. It is also very interesting to talk about Kong Rong reporting on the relatives of the eunuchs. But they are all people in the same way, all of them are sick and sick, they speak uprightly, they are not afraid of power, and they are determined to eliminate eunuchs." Cao Cao also wrote a few years ago to assassinate the relatives of eunuchs who were corrupt officials.

Several people passed through the Cao Cao along the stone road and turned to the gate of the mansion.

Du You turned around and saw that there were no outsiders. He lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "Do you know? Just a month ago, Kong Wenju was almost stabbed to death."

Xun Zhen let out an "ah" and asked in surprise, "I was almost stabbed to death?"

"Isn't that true? Didn't Hejin Yin Hejin in Henan have been moved to the position of a general? Just before he took office, Yang Ci sent him to Hexi on an invitation, but was blocked by the door. , returned to the mansion, resigned after impeaching He Jin, and the officials in Henan were ashamed of him, so they secretly sent swordsmen to hunt him down."

Guo Jun said, "Oh, isn't that dangerous?"

"Fortunately, He Jin's disciple Jin Yan said to He Jin: 'Kong Wenju has a heavy name. If the generals complain about this person, the people from all over the world will lead them away. It's better to be polite and show it to the world'. escape to death."

Guo Jun asked suspiciously: "He Jin's official family wants to stab Kong Rong, UU reading must be a hidden matter, how did you know?"

"What are you hiding? A lot of scholars in Luoyang know it. A few days ago, it was rumored that Kong Rong and Mr. Liulong were set up by the prince to work in the state, and will they come to Yangzhai from the prince? The day before yesterday, I went home with Hu Mu. It happened that a Luoyang guest came to the house, and he told me about this."

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Because he was rejected and impeached, this Kong Rong's character is arrogant and unyielding."

He Jin is a foreign relative, and his sister is the queen of the dynasty. Among the generals of the two Han Dynasties, the "Great General" is the most respected, with a golden seal and a purple ribbon. superior. Kong Rong was just a subordinate official in Yangci's shogunate. Because of a little humiliation, he took back his "Ye", impeached He Jin, and resigned. This is in the same line as his unwillingness to suffer losses when he was a child, and sneering at Chen Wei.

Kong Rong was born in the first year of Yongxing (153), which means he is thirty-two years old this year.

The descendants of Confucius, young and famous, loyal, filial, righteous, talented, proud and unyielding, in their prime. Before seeing Kong Rong's face, the image of a gentleman of Geng Jie had already formed in Xun Zhen's mind.

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