The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 85: Megatron Yang Zhai (Part 2)

Here comes the late maid again.

The last time she came here, she was in a hurry, but this time she hesitated. When she saw Xun Zhen, her eyes lit up and she took two steps forward. Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou, Zu Mao, Wu Jing and others were scattered in the courtyard, looking at her curiously, whispering to each other, maybe feeling this "a little weird" atmosphere, she blushed slightly, and then stopped.

The last time she came, because of the news that Zhang Zhi was planning to take revenge on Xun Zhen, Xun Zhen didn't pay much attention to her appearance.

Speaking of which, Xun Zhen and Maid Chi hadn't seen each other for a while. They've only seen each other twice these days. One was when Xun Zhen triumphantly entered the county, and the other was yesterday. A closer look. Looking at her at this time, I saw her curvy eyebrows and cherry lips, and her hair in a low bun. Compared with the first time I saw her in Xixiang City a few years ago, she had a slightly more familiar charm. It was probably when the spring was getting deeper and the weather was turning. Because of the warmth, her clothes were thin, and when the evening wind blew, the ru skirt was attached to her legs, outlining her slender legs. She is slim and slim, looking in the direction of Xun Zhen, you can glimpse the side of her round buttocks.

Xun Zhen unconsciously conjured a picture in her mind, but as for what this picture is, it is not acceptable to outsiders.

The maid saluted him. He cleaned up his expression, hurriedly bowed back, and said with a smile, "Are you here?"

The maid hesitantly looked left and right, Xun Zhen followed her line of sight, saw Zuo Bohou, Yuan Zhongqing and others, understood what she meant, and said, "Please come to the backyard." Take her back to the backyard.

Sun Jian was quite surprised when he saw that he had brought the woman in. Seeing that the woman was more than seven feet tall and had a beautiful face, he was even more surprised, and said to himself, "Although this woman's clothes are not luxurious, she is neatly organized, which is especially difficult. Why is he so tall? I don't know who it is?" He stood up beside the stone table.

Xun Zhen introduced: "This is the sister-in-law of the county chief of my county." She then introduced to the maidservant Chi, "This is Sun Sima."

The maidservant Chi meets with Sun Jian. Sun Jian thought to himself: "The younger brother-in-law of the Yingchuan county chief? It's strange. I heard that this Yingchuan county chief Fei Chang is Zhang Zhi's guest. Zhenzhi has a grudge against Zhang Zhi, but Fei Chang's younger brother-in-law came to beg to see Xun. What are you doing?" Sun Jian is famous for his bravery and good fighting skills, but he is not a simple reckless man. He has been a county magistrate in Jiangdong for several years, and he is very familiar with the world. After a little thought, he can guess the meaning of Chi's maidservant. Said, "Could it be that Fei Chang was frightened when he saw Zhang Zhi's arrest, afraid of being implicated, so he called his sister-in-law to beg Zhenzhi and let him live? It's just, hey, isn't this a beauty trick?"

He didn't know that Xun Zhen arrested Zhang Zhi because of Fei Chang, but this guess was correct. He said to Xun Zhen: "Zhenzhi, Zu Mao and Wu Jing have long wanted to play against your guests and see their bravery. Let's talk, I will go to the front yard to watch them compete." I don't know why With this kind of mentality, before leaving the hospital, he quietly blinked at Xun Zhen. Xun Zhen was dumbfounded.

Chen Zhi and Tang Er were in the kitchen instructing the maids to cook. Sun Jian went to the front yard again, and there were only Xun Zhen and Chi maids in the back yard.

Xun Zhen said, "The lady reported the news twice, so that I can avoid being humiliated. I don't know how to repay such a kindness?"

Maid Chi didn't sit. Although there were no outsiders in the backyard, Sun Jian and Wu Jing, Zu Mao, Zuo Bohou, Yuan Zhongqing and others were chatting and laughing loudly in the front yard. Probably affected by this, she took a few steps forward. , when he walked to Xun Zhen, the fragrance of his muscles wafted in his nostrils. Sun Jian could guess why the maid Chi came, and of course Xun Zhen could guess it, but he didn't say anything, waiting for the maid Chi to speak first.

The concubine Chi lowered her head and said, "Mr. Xun, the humble concubine is here now, but has an unspeakable request."

"Between you and me, what is difficult to talk about? What's the matter? Please feel free to say it."

After hearing Xun Zhen's words, the maidservant Chi raised her head, her expression changed, she was stunned for a while, then she showed a look of joy, and finally her eyes moved, she glanced at Xun Zhen with resentment and resentment, and said in her heart, "'' It's hard to talk between you and me', the words are so intimate, why did you treat me so coldly when I went out of the city to welcome you last time? ......, ah, I don't know when it started, this heart is full It's wrapped around you." She said: "Zhang Zhi was captured by the king, and the whole county was shaken, and the people of the county ran to tell him. Just now, the concubine was on the way to the king's house, and in the car, I heard everywhere praise the king's actions. The voice of the people eradicating evil."

"It's just that the people praised me for killing harm for the people. Don't my lady know why I arrested Zhang Zhi? I have to thank my lady for calling the news for me. I will definitely repay this great kindness."

At this time, there was no one in the courtyard, and the maid was very close to him, and there was only one step between the two. They've known each other for so long, and this is the first time they've ever met so close in private. Maid Chi's heart entangled in Xun Zhen's body at some point, and Xun Zhen often thought of Maid Chi. When I think about it, maybe when Xun Zhen first met the maid Chi in Xixiang, Xun Zhen had "unreasonable thoughts" about the maid Chi, but she didn't realize it at the time. Men are different from women. Women need feelings, while men are mostly "judging people by their appearance." Maid Chi was beautiful and tall, so it was strange that Xun Zhen had no idea about her.

Xun Zhen said in her heart, "This maid is really not low."

He was standing with Chen Zhi, and he had to lower his eyes to look at Chen Zhi. At this time, he looked at the maidservant Chi and looked at him. The two were so close that the eyebrows on Chi Mai's curved eyebrows could be clearly seen. Xun Zhen looked down along her eyebrows. Her lips were not large, just cherry mouth. The color of her lips was rosy and bright. After watching it for a long time, she couldn't help but want to smack it in her mouth.

As he stared at his cherry lips, the maidservant Chi's face turned slightly red again, and she pursed her lips, but she did not retreat, but after dodging her eyes for a moment, she pursed her red lips. This was probably her subconscious move, but it fell into Xun Zhen's eyes, but with strong hints and temptations, she immediately reacted, and her lips were dry.

In the evening breeze, under the pomegranate tree, the two stood quietly, and no one spoke for a while.

Suddenly, there was a burst of applause from the front yard. It should be Zu Mao and Wu Jing who began to compete in martial arts with the guests under Xun Zhen.

The cheers woke Xun Zhen, and also the maid Chi.

The maid was shy and lowered her head shyly.

Xun Zhen was inexplicably "guilty about being a thief" and looked in the direction of the kitchen, remembering that Chen Zhi and Tang Er were cooking with the maids there, she took a half step back embarrassedly and asked, "Is the lady here looking for me today? What's the matter?"

This reminded the maidservant Chi, and she thought embarrassingly: "What a shame! How could I forget the business!"

Half of her gaffe today was because she was treated "coldly" by Xun Zhen when she was dressed up outside the county last time to greet Xun Zhen, and she felt resentment in her heart; The people of the county praised Xun Zhen, the hero loves the beauty, and the beauty also loves the hero. This praise from the whole city has strengthened her admiration for Xun Zhen. Resentment and admiration are entangled in one place, and the mood is unsettled, so I lose my temper.

She forced herself to calm down and said, "The concubine is here today at the order of the concubine's brother-in-law."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Is Fei Cheng asking you to come to me?"

He was asking this knowingly, but in fact, he had guessed the scene in front of him as early as when he was planning to "catch the thief first and catch the king". Fei Chang won the Zhang family's credit by means of a bird seal, and was promoted as the county chief. When he was the county chief, he only knew how to curry favor with Zhang Zhi, and was willing to be the lackey of the Zhang family. In his own right, he was really an incompetent person. Being captured by Xun Zhen in one fell swoop, it would be abnormal if he hadn't been horrified.

Xun Zhen asked, "Why did Fei Cheng ask you to come to me?"

"He begged me, Yangjun, to spare his life."

Maid Chi was not very happy in the Fei family. Her husband, Fei Tong, was even more incompetent than Fei Chang. Fei Chang at least relied on the power of Zhang Zhi's family to achieve the position of the county chief, and backed by Fei Chang. "Dashan", Fei Tong has achieved nothing. The only thing he likes is how much money has increased in his family and how many more acres of fertile land in his family. Rao is this is the only thing he is interested in. After so many years, his family has However, the amount of land and money has not increased much. After all, it is only hundreds of acres of land and hundreds of thousands of money, but this number has made Fei Tong satisfied.

Fei Tong is not only incompetent, but also stingy. The first time Xun Zhen met the maid Chi, she discovered that although she was beautifully dressed, the clothes and jewelry she wore were not very good. Even now, the clothes and jewelry she wore were still cheap. .

Maid Chi had long been dissatisfied with Fei Tong, and Xun Zhen appeared in front of her under such circumstances. When she first saw Xun Zhen, she just felt that this man was different from the people she usually saw, and he was extraordinary in martial arts. With the contact, she witnessed how Xun Zhen went from a village with a rank to the postal supervisor in the north, and then to the county. Soldier Cao Ye, with the tiger and wolf guests under his door, fought against the mighty Yingchuan Yellow Turbans, and made great contributions again and again, shocking the whole county.

That's why, when Xun Zhen triumphantly entered the county last time, she dressed up and went out of the city alone to meet him instead of Fei Tong, but Xun Zhen didn't treat her too much because of her grief over Cheng Yan's death. She said that this disappointed and saddened her. After returning home, she was depressed for several days. Finally, yesterday, when she heard Fei Chang talk about Zhang Zhi's plans to humiliate Xun Zhen, she couldn't wait to report to him. She reported the news in the morning, and in the evening, she heard that Xun Zhen had arrested Zhang Zhi, and she thought at that time, "This is the man!" I can't hold back my love anymore. Thinking of the thoughts of these daughters, she couldn't help herself. Although she came to plead for Fei Chang, her eyes were full of fiery love when she looked at Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen could see her thoughts in her eyes, and suddenly there was a strange feeling. The woman in front of her came here to plead for her husband and brother, but even a fool could see that her heart was full of Xun Zhen. It seemed to Xun Zhen, but she felt taboo or conquest? This is a very strange feeling, which Xun Zhen had never had before. A strange theory that he saw in his previous life came to his mind: "Since ancient times, everyone who has achieved great things must have a good wife." Such as Genghis Khan, such as Cao Cao.

He was amused by the fact that he thought of this "strange theory" at this time, but the maid Chi, who was clearly emotional in her eyes, was so charming and moving, he moved in his heart and thought: "If I propose 'unfeeling' to her now Please, maybe she won't refuse, right?" Unconsciously, he reached out his hand and stroked the maid Chi's face.

Maid Chi's ears were all red, but she still didn't dodge, her cheeks were smooth, her soft muscles were smooth, Xun Zhen met her eyes, and her hand gently stroked her face to her lips.

Chi Mai's heart pounded. Her pursed lips were red and attractive, like a strawberry, like a cherry.

Xun Zhen suddenly felt a chill on her lips, but she licked her own. He thought to himself, "Now is the time to do this." Resisting the temptation, he retracted his fingers, and smiled, "Where did Fei Cheng come from? Why did he ask me to spare his life?"

The maid Chi said angrily, "Isn't this asking you knowingly?"

Being touched by Xun Zhen on her face and lips like this, Chi maid's mentality has undergone a subtle change. Compared with hiding her love in the past, she felt that she was very close to Xun Zhen, so she turned back to him and became jealous.

Xun Zhen enjoyed the change in her attitude, and smiled: "Go back and tell Fei Cheng that the order for me to arrest Zhang Zhi is the order of the lord of the government. The lord only ordered me to arrest Zhang Zhi, and did not say anything about Fei Cheng. Fei Cheng is the next doctor, let alone me, even the lord of the government has no right to kill him."

"Just answer him like that?"

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "Although Fei Chang is an incompetent person, he is a county chief, but he cannot be taken lightly. Now he is in a hurry, for fear of being implicated by Zhang Zhi, so he came to me and begged me to wait for him to switch to Zhang Rang. I am afraid that he will come to oppose me after I am under the door of others in the family. Since this is the case, it is better to take this opportunity to force him to resign. The post of the county chief cannot be in the hands of Zhang Rang's family. ” Thinking about this, he said to the maid Chi, “You should tell him: Although you can keep him safe now, but Zhang Zhi is on trial, who knows what he will say? If he confesses, I can’t. Not on official business."

The maid Chi was confused and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "If you want to save your life, there is only one way."

The maid asked, "How to do it?"

Xun Zhen stopped going around in circles and said, "You just tell him to resign."

"I'm afraid he won't."

"Why not?"

The maid Chi said: "You don't know him. Since he became the county chief, he has often boasted to lowly concubines and others, complacent, and asked him to resign.

Xun Zhen sneered and said, "Just ask him: is it to die, or to be an official?"

The late maid nodded and said yes.

In the past, when she met Xun Zhen, although her eyes were flirtatious, her behavior was still restrained, but now she was touched by Xun Zhen on her face and lips.

It was getting dark, and Sun Jian was waiting in the front yard, and Chen Zhi and Tang Er were in the kitchen, so it was difficult to get too close to her, so Xun Zhen sent her out of the hospital.

At the gate of the courtyard, the concubine Chi remembered something, stopped, looked at Xun Zhen passionately, and said softly, "If my brother-in-law resigns as the county chief at the request of the king, then the concubine will go back to his hometown. Stay. Xun-Jun, when can I see you again?"

"In a few days, I may join General Huangfu and General Zhu from outside Zhengjun. When I return, there will always be a time to see each other."

The maid Chi was reluctant to leave the hospital. The carriage she was riding in was outside the hospital, and Xun Zhen took her to the car and turned her back to the hospital.

Sun Jian smiled and said, "But you came here to plead for Fei Chang?"

Xun Zhen did not hide it from him and said, "Exactly."

Sun Jian asked, "What did you say?"

Xun Zhen said: "I said that if you want to save your you need to resign first."

Sun Jian looked at Xun Zhen again. Xun Zhen was usually gentle and elegant, but when it was time to show her fangs, she would not let anyone. He patted Xun Zhen's arm and said, "That's how my husband behaves!" Since he was an enemy, he could not show mercy to the enemy. He also said: "Zhenzhi, I'm on good terms with General Zhu. If something happens in the future, I won't stand by." The implication of what he said was that if Zhang Rang revenge Xun Zhen in the future, he would ask Zhu Jun to stand up for Xun Zhen. Xun Zhen was very moved and said, "Thank you, Brother Wentai!" That night, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were very drunk. Sun Jian stayed in the dormitory, and the two slept together.


The next day, Fei Chang resigned.

Three days later, Guo Jun convicted Zhang Zhi of conspiracy. With Wang Yun's intervention, the execution time was brought forward. Five days later, Zhang Zhi was executed and abandoned in the city. On the day of his execution, the people in the county were crowded with onlookers.


After Zhang Zhi was executed, the aristocratic children who had met Xun Zhen at the banquet at Zhang Zhi's family earlier visited the house to pay homage or send gifts. Xun Zhen, as always, greeted those who came to the door with respect, and returned gifts to those who sent gifts to him.

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