The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 91: Coming to Xihua (Part 1)

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On the day the imperial decree came down, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun beat the drums to summon the generals in the camp outside the city.

When Xun Zhen was in the city, he had just received the appointment of the "Assistant Army Sima". Hearing that Huangfu Song had called for a general, he hurriedly changed the seal of the Associated Army Sima that the courtiers brought with him, and urged him to ride out of the city to participate in the military meeting in the camp.

The momentum of the Yellow Turbans in Runan, Nanyang and other places is getting bigger and bigger. Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun have been anxious for a long time. When the imperial decree is finally issued, of course, they will immediately convene a military conference to discuss the next military action.

From then on, Xun Zhen was no longer a county official, but a military officer. He was wearing a black official uniform, a military crown on his head, with a black sash and a bronze seal, and a long sword inserted into the leather belt around his waist. . Huangfu Song ruled the army strictly, and it was forbidden to ride horses in the camp. He dismounted outside the camp, leaving Dian Wei, Zuo Bohou, Yuan Zhongqing and others to wait outside the camp and enter the camp.

The camp was orderly, no one was chaotic, the military flags were rustling, the drums were still beating, and all the soldiers were patrolling.

When he arrived in front of Huangfu Song's handsome tent, he met two people, one with a yan chin and a tiger's head, and the other with a height of eight feet.

The former was Sun Jian. Sun Jian made great contributions and was promoted by Zhu Jun as the Sima of the other ministries. After the imperial decree came down, he took office and changed the seal, and rose from six hundred to one thousand stones.

The other was the Sima who was protecting the army under Huangfu Song's tent, and his name was Fu Xie. This person is a native of Lingzhou in the north. After Fu Jiezi, the young teacher was the captain Liu Kuan. He was loyal and filial by nature. Many years ago, he was named a filial and honest county governor. Praise, because of his bravery and knowledge of soldiers, this time Huangfu Song was ordered to go on an expedition, and he was used as the guardian of the army Sima. In the previous battle with the Yingchuan Yellow Turban, he made a lot of strategies and made a lot of credit for breaking the Yingchuan Yellow Turban.

When the three met outside the tent, Sun Jian looked at Xun Zhen's black and bronze seal, Xun Zhen looked at Sun Jian's blue and silver seal, and the two smiled at each other.

In the tent, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun were already there, Wang Yun was also there, the captains of the Fifth School of the Northern Army were also there, and there were also five or six captains and Sima of various military departments who arrived early.

Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, and Wang Yun signaled with a smile, and Xun Zhen were seated.

Huangfu Song's general order was to gather the generals and schools of the entire army within half an hour, and after waiting for a while, the generals and schools of each battalion arrived, and dozens of people sat in the tents. The first one is the 2,000-stone middle-ranking generals and captains, the middle is one thousand-shih's other ministers, etc., and the bottom is a few six-hundred-stone military Sima and Bi Liu who were summoned by Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun because of their outstanding military exploits. Hundred Stone's waiter.

The crowd was silent.

Huangfu Song has always acted neatly and without delay. He listened to the guards outside the account to come in and report: "Half an hour." That is, people are called. . He nodded with satisfaction, and said to Zhu Jun and Wang Yun, "Everyone is here. Please read the imperial edict to them, General and Uncle Fang."

Zhu Jun and Wang Yun declined. Huangfu Song was the most famous, and was the first person in the army. Seeing the two of them declined, he was no longer polite, got up and looked around the tent, and said solemnly, "The imperial decree."

The generals bowed down from the table.

Huangfu Song took out the imperial decree and read it out. After reading it, everyone returned to their seats.

Huangfu Song put away the imperial decree, took his seat, pressed his sword and said: "You must have heard clearly, the emperor ordered me to wait for the decree, and then go to Runan within three days at the latest. Gentlemen, I will not talk nonsense, ... , come here, hang up the map." The guard took the order, took the map, and hung it in the tent.

Huangfu Songli went down to the map and said to everyone, "The Yellow Turbans in Runan have successively defeated Zhao Qian, the prefect of Runan, sweeping the whole county of Runan. Now..." He pointed to a place on the map and said. , "The soldiers of the thieves have pointed to Yingchuan, and they are stationed here." Although Huangfu Song has not left Yangzhai these days, he has scattered scouts to investigate, and has a good understanding of the Yellow Turbans in Runan, Nanyang and other places. The battle situation is also very clear. Everyone looked and saw that the place he was referring to was Xihua.

Xihua is located on the northwest border of Runan County, to the north is Chen State, and to the west is Yingchuan, only a hundred miles away from Linying County, which is the easternmost of Yingchuan, and only over two hundred miles away from Yangzhai.

Xun Zhen had also heard about the fact that the Runan Yellow Turbans stationed troops in Xihua, and he discussed with the people under the tent why the Runan Yellow Turbans would stop at this place, and finally came to the conclusion: because Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun defeated The Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan had more than 40,000 elite troops, so the Runan Yellow Turbans did not dare to attack Yingchuan rashly to the west. If they did not dare to go west, they could only go north. However, the state of Chen in the north was King Chen Fengguo. Liu Chong is a brave man, good at crossbow shooting. "Ten shoots and ten hits are all in the same place." During the Yellow Turban uprising, Liu Chong used all the thousands of strong crossbows he had hidden in the treasury to form a team. The strong army was stationed at Duting in Chen County, the capital of Chen Guoguo. Under the strong deterrence of his troops, no one in Chen Guo dared to rebel, and Runan Yellow Turban did not dare to enter Chen Guojing rashly.

It cannot go west, nor can it go north. Therefore, the main force of the Runan Yellow Turbans is stationed in Xihua and cannot patrol.

Huangfu Song briefly analyzed the situation of the three counties of Chen, Yingchuan, and Runan, and said to the generals: "Although the main force of the Yellow Turbans in Runan is now stationed in Xihua and cannot patrol, but there are tens of thousands of them. Once they decide to leave the prefecture, whether they attack Chen State or Yingchuan, they will all be big thieves. Gentlemen, in your opinion, where is the next step for the Runan thieves most likely to go?"

Fu Xie replied, "In the following officials' humble opinion, the most likely next step for Runan's thieves is not to go to Chen State, but to commit Yingchuan."

Huangfu Song asked, "Why?"

Fu Xie talked eloquently and said: "The crime of Yingchuan has two major benefits for the Runan Yellow Turbans. First, the Nanyang County Military Report said the day before yesterday that the Nanyang Yellow Turban Commander Zhang Mancheng had conquered Wancheng, the Nanyang Prefect Chu Gong was killed, and the Nanyang thieves were on the move. If it soars, if the Runan Yellow Turbans invade Yingchuan, they can join forces with the Nanyang Yellow Turbans, and the troops will be directed at Luoyang. Second, Runan, Yingchuan, and Nanyang will be connected together, and they can also look at Jizhou in the distance, echoing Zhangjiao.”

Huangfu Song said: "What Nanrong said is exactly what I worry about!" He pointed to Nanyang County, which is south of Yingchuan on the map, and Runan County, east of Yingchuan, and said worriedly, "Runan yellow scarf is like a If Yingchuan is really invaded, then there will be Nanyang thieves in the south of Yingchuan, and Runan thieves in the east, and the generals will be difficult to support. If Yingchuan is difficult to support, Luoyang will be in danger.”

Yingchuan is the east gate of Luoyang. There are Yellow Turbans in Runan and Nanyang in the surrounding counties. They are enemies on both sides. But it is because the mountains and rivers from Nanyang to Yingchuan are a bit of a barrier, but from Runan to Yingchuan is a flat river. The biggest danger to Yingchuan is the Runan Yellow Turbans, so the imperial decree ordered Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun to pacify Ru first. South.

Huangfu Song looked around the tent and asked, "You gentlemen, what do you think about the battle of Runan?"

Sun Jian replied: "In the opinion of the officials, the first battle in Runan should be resolved quickly."

Huangfu Song said: "Of course! Wentai sees the same thing as me. If we can't fight quickly, then the Nanyang Yellow Turbans will most likely invade Yingchuan and cut my way back, or simply enter Runan and form a confrontation with the Runan Yellow Turbans. Our army will be attacked from the front and back, so our army will be in danger. It doesn't matter if our army is in danger. If my husband dies, I will repay the country. , in such a situation, do you dare to work hard?"

Everyone got up and agreed, and said in unison: "I wish the general will die and break the thief!"

Seeing that the generals were in high spirits, Huangfu Song said in his heart, "Military heart is available."

He is not a stubborn person. Since he has read the imperial edict and briefly analyzed the enemy's situation, then the next task should be to assign tasks and conduct pre-war mobilization.

He stood up in the tent and said to the generals: "I have discussed with General Zhu and the prince that this time we will enter Runan to fight and prepare to divide our troops into two groups. County, enter the territory of Runan, destroy the thieves in Xiping, Wufang, and Yangan counties, but go north, pass Pingyu, Nandun, join the troops and horses of Zhao Qian, the prefect of Runan, to the east of Xihua City; Led, out of Yangzhai, Linying, into the territory of Runan, sweeping away the thieves in all counties of Zhaoling, to the west of Xihua City. The two roads converge under Xihua City and fight the main force of the thieves! The prince will lead the soldiers of Yuzhou and Yingchuan. Commander soldiers, sit in Yangzhai to prevent Nanyang thieves from invading the territory."

Zhu Jun took the southern route and entered Runan from Wuyang, the most southeastern part of Yingchuan. He first destroyed the Yellow Turbans in Xiping and Wufang counties in the south of Runan, and then turned north to recover the county government in Runan. Then lay Nanton on the east side of Xihua, and finally reach the east of Xihuacheng. Huangfu Song took the northern route this way. From Linying on the shore of Yingshui, it left Yingchuan County, entered Runan, defeated the Yellow Turbans in Zhaoling, Zhengqiang and other places, and reached the west of Xihua City. There are two roads, north and south, the north road is short, from Linying to Xihua only more than 100 miles, the south road is long, from Xiping in the westernmost part of Runan to Junzhi Pingyu, and then to Xihua, it goes around an arc and needs to pass through Five or six counties, with a journey of more than 300 miles.

In this way, the two groups of troops first cleared out the Yellow Turban strongholds on the periphery of Xihua, and finally joined forces under Xihua City. The crowd had no objection.

Huangfu Song pressed his sword and said, "I'll give you a day to prepare for the battle, and the three armies will leave the city in the morning the day after tomorrow!"

The generals agreed, and the military discussion was dispersed, and they all returned to their respective camps to prepare.

Huangfu Song left Xun Zhen behind. Only Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, Wang Yun and Xun Zhen were left in the tent.

Huangfu Song returned to his seat, smiled and said to Xun Zhen: "Zhenzhi, the Yingchuan yellow turban is broken, you are the first, the Holy Son of Heaven has strict rewards and punishments, and made you to be the military Sima of our army. Confidence to make headway again?"

Xun Zhen bowed and said: "The generals are all talented and trained soldiers, and all the generals are all worthy soldiers. Zhen does not dare to say his merits, but only knows to do his best to serve the country and kill thieves. In this battle, Zhen would like to be the forerunner of the general."

Huangfu Song said: "As you ask." He agreed to Xun Zhen's request, using him as the vanguard, and then asked, "Zhenzhi, how many troops do you have? Is it enough? Do you want me to call some more elites? with you?"

Xun Zhen said: "There are 1,200 people in the Zhen Department, which is enough. There is no need for the general to send another troops."

Huangfu Song was delighted with his courage and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll wait for your good news." Wang Yun praised the case: "If all the soldiers of our army can be as virtuous, the mere thieves will not be a concern."

Zhu Jun smiled and said, "General, speaking of it, I am very dissatisfied with you."

Huangfu Song asked in surprise, "How do you say this?"

"I knew Zhenzhi earlier than you, but you took him to your account quietly, which is very unkind."

Huangfu Song Nianxu laughed. Xun Zhen knew that Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, and Wang Yun, as the leaders of several military horses, still needed to discuss the military more carefully, and did not bother much, so he said goodbye and left.

After leaving the Huangfu Song Camp, Dian Wei, Zuo Bohou, Yuan Zhongqing and others who were waiting outside the camp surrounded him.

Yuan Zhongqing asked excitedly: "Xun Jun, are you going to go out?"

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "Not bad."

Yuan Zhongqing asked, "Should we fight Runan or Nanyang?"

Xun Zhen replied, "Runan."

Yuan Zhongqing was gearing up, wishing he was on the battlefield in Runan now, and said, "Finally wait until the day we leave the county!"

Zuo Bohou and others were also very excited, stroking their swords and reaching their palms, galloping across the Runan battlefield.

Dian Wei watched their performance and thought to himself, "All the lords under Xun-Jun's account are happy when they hear the battle, they are all brave people." He is also looking forward to the upcoming Battle of Runan. He is new and eager. Wanting to express himself on the battlefield, he secretly made up his mind, "Xun Jun said: Make meritorious service in the battlefield, in order to obtain the title of the lord, this is the ambition of a man. I am going to expedition from Xun Jun this time, and I must make the first contribution!"

Returning to the headquarters, Xun Zhen summoned the generals, handed down Huangfusong's orders, and told them that he had been appointed as the vanguard by Huangfusong.

Wen De was about to go to Runan, and the headquarters was the forward of Huangfu Song's team. There was cheers in the tent, everyone was excited, and everyone was rushing to be the first battalion to start.

Xun Zhen was very satisfied with their enthusiasm for fighting, and said with a smile, "General Huangfu gave me a day to prepare for the battle, and I will set off in the morning the day after tomorrow. I will give you half a day. Whoever prepares the base camp first will be this one. The first song of the first release." The generals scattered in a hurry, and each quickly went to the headquarters to be a scorpion.

When the tent was quiet, Xun Zhen said to Xi Zhicai: "Zhi Cai, I don't know when I will be able to return from this expedition. After finishing the fight against Runan, I may have to fight Nanyang and Dongjun again. I guess it will be slower. A year, it will take more than half a year to return. Go back and meet your wife!"

Xi Zhicai nodded yes.

Xun Zhen also had to return to the county, and he had to write a letter to Prefect Wen, recommending Yue Jin, Wen Ping, Fashion to replace him, Xi Zhicai and Xu Zhong. He left Xun You, Li Bo, Xuan Kang and others in the camp to monitor the various songs and prepare for the battle, and sent people to Yingyin to deliver letters, summoning Xun Cheng, who had bought land and built a manor in Yingyin, to return. Fashion, and Xi Zhicai return to the county.

Xi Zhicai did not mention it when he returned home, but Xun Zhen returned to the Cao Yuan of the County Army, wrote a recommendation letter, and presented it to Prefect Wen along with his seal ribbon of Cao Ye, the County Army soldier.

Prefect Wen promised Xun Zhen even the arrest and arrest of Zhang Zhi. He didn't care about Cao Ye's position as a county soldier, not to mention that among the people recommended by Xun Zhen, there was Wen Ping, who readily approved Xun Zhen's move.

Lejin, Wenpin, and Fashion took office.

After Xun Zhen took them to thank Prefect Wen, he led them to receive seals and ribbons, and went to the Cao Yuan of the County Army.

He is no longer the county soldier Cao Ye, and the residence of the county soldier Cao Ye will be returned to the county mansion and will be replaced by Le Jin. But it's not Anyway, he is going to set off tomorrow. After he leaves, Chen Zhi and Tang Er will also go back to Yingyin. Le Jin is his own family, so there is no harm in waiting for two more days.

Chen Zhi was not only happy that he was promoted to become the Sima of the Six Hundred Stones, but also worried that he would go to the battlefield again, with mixed blessings and sorrows.

Xun Zhen couldn't help comforting her, and seeing her weeping, she teased, "I told Zhongren to buy some fields in Yingyin to house the three hundred soldiers who were following me, and they have turned into my guests and disciples. Attachment, you will be their mistress when you go home, how can you ask them to listen to you when you look like this?"

Chen Zhi said with tears in her eyes, "Don't worry, husband, I will definitely take good care of the family."

Xun Zhen felt pity for her young age, and didn't know when she would be able to return from this expedition, whether she could return safely, she heard what she said and took her into her arms.

That night, Zhong Yao, Du You, Guo Jun, Xun and others came to bid him farewell. During the banquet, Zhong Yao played the drums, Du You and Guo Jun played the sheng, Xun played the qin, and played a piece for him, thinking that he was going to be strong. Everyone got drunk.

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