The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 117: 3 The Battle of Fudong County (2)

w Many thanks to the left-handed cast, the sun is white, yy67382183, z119, not against the heart, xuren77, aaa, vertical and horizontal v5 and other gentlemen for your support, the latest chapter of the monthly ticket butterfly. [*kanshu.//

Back on the shore of Pushui, He Yi, Xu Zhong, and Liu Deng were ready to cross the river. He Yi led his troops to cross first, and arrayed guards on the south bank. Xu Zhong and Liu Deng sent people to collect some ships from upstream and downstream.

Xun Zhen originally wanted to cross the river today, but because he watched Wei Xiang's defense just now, he had a plan. In order to better realize this plan, he changed his mind at the moment. , thinking: "If I cross the river now, and wait for the remaining 2,000 people on the north bank to come over, I am afraid that it will be late in the evening, which will not be conducive to the implementation of my plan." Come over in a hurry, rest on the other side first, and wait until tomorrow morning before crossing the river.

He said to Dian Wei, Chen Dao and other generals who followed him to watch Wei Township's defenses: "From Pingyu, our troops traveled fifty li a day, without rest for more than ten days, and two battles with yellow turbans in Chenliu, soldiers and soldiers. Lawton, it’s time to take a rest, you all return to the South Bank Benqu, ask the guys to cook something delicious, treat the soldiers, have a full meal, take a night’s rest, and cross the Hebei early tomorrow morning to attack Wei Township.”

All promise. Dian Wei, Chen Dao, etc. crossed the river to return to the army, but Xun Zhen did not cross the river.

He Yi saw him returning just now, greeted him from the soldiers in the camp, and is now standing respectfully beside his horse.

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "He Yi used to be the commander of the Yellow Turban Qu, and he once had thousands of people under his command. He was bossing around, but now it's down to me, from 'a superior man' to a 'subordinate man', and his subordinates are less than a thousand. Man, you need to be the first mover in battle. Although I ordered him to move his family and clan to Pingyu, and I usually win over him, but in order to get his sincere allegiance and make him willing to obey my orders, I still have to show him kindness. letter."

He looked at He Yi's troops who were arrayed on the north bank of the river, and then thought: "As early as when he came down to me, I allocated 200 people to him, and I wanted to stay in his camp for one night to show that My trust in him has reduced his suspicions and suspicions, so as to reassure him, but then I thought about it and felt that the time was not right, but now it seems that the time has come. I will not go to the other side tonight and stay in his camp. in."

Xun Zhen was studying in his previous life, and he had seen many stories of generals who spent the night in the surrendered soldiers' camps, and thus got the surrender of the soldiers, such as Zhu Yuanzhang and Chahan Timur. They were people of the same era and both did the same been through such a thing. It's just that there are successes and failures in doing this. Successful people are like Zhu Yuanzhang, unsuccessful people are like Chahan Timur, and Chahan Timur even died because of it. In the same way, one of them succeeded and the other died. This told Xun Zhen a truth: staying in the camp at night is not just about courage, but the most important thing is to be able to know people. He didn't know He Yi well before, so he couldn't do this, but now that he understands it better, he should be able to do it.

Thinking of this, he asked Xun You and Xi Zhicai to also cross the river to the other side, and he stayed behind with Yuan Zhongqing and Zuo Bohou. He smiled and said to He Yi, "The whole army will cross the river tomorrow morning, so I won't go tonight. On the other side, stay in your camp to save the toss and bounds."

He Yi was stunned and said, "Sima is going to live in the villain's camp tonight?"

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "Why, aren't you welcome?... Since you joined our department, you and I haven't talked much about it, so I just took the opportunity tonight, you and I fell asleep and talked together at night, how could it be? Are you unhappy? Speaking of which, although I have been fighting in Runan for more than a month, I have been arrogant and devoted to fighting, but I have never had time to listen to the anecdotes and folk customs of Runan. I have heard about Runan for a long time. Duofangshi, there are many fairy stories, you are a native of Runan, you should know about this, I will listen to you tonight, how about it?"

He Yi is a rebel surrendered general, he knows his identity, and because of the beatings of Huangfu Song and Zhu Junzhi, he is more cautious, and he is usually very respectful to Xun Zhen, because his family and clan have all moved to Pingyu, which can be regarded as broken. Zhinian did not dare to renew his second ambition, and only hoped to be safe and secure. After the war, he would be lucky not to be crossed by the river and demolished the bridge. Unexpectedly, Xun Zhen offered to live in his camp, and was very moved. He stole a glance at Xun Zhen's face and saw that he didn't seem to be joking. He hurriedly bowed before Fu Ma and said, "If Sima wants to hear the story of the immortal alchemist, Yi Zi should spit out what he knows, so that you can be happy." After a pause, He continued, "Speaking of which, the villain's grandfather had a chance to meet the son of Zhi Boyi!"

"Oh? Ruzu has seen Zhi Boyi's son?" Xun Zhen just said that he wanted to hear him tell the story of Runan's alchemist and immortals, but he was just casually saying it, but when he heard that his grandfather had seen Zhi Boyi's son, he suddenly realized the truth. of interest.

Zhi Boyi, a native of Xiping, his ancestor Zhi Yun was strong and upright, the story of "rejecting customs" was passed down by word of mouth and talked about by scholars all over the world, and he was almost as famous as Dong Xuan, the strength of the former Han Dynasty, and later served as the prefect of Changsha, his father Zhi Shou, He has served as the prefect of Jizhou, Shang*//Pu She, and is also a famous official with integrity and honesty. According to legend, Zhi Boyi was a talented and determined man. He could recite mantras and fencing, and he was able to subdue demons and hunt ghosts. When the post supervisor in the northern part of Runan County took office, he once set fire to a fox in a pavilion.

Having said this, I have to say a digression. Xun Zhen came from a later age, so she doesn't believe in the stories of Runan's alchemists and immortals, but even though she doesn't believe it, she can't stop her curiosity. Why? It is because there are so many stories of alchemists and immortals in Runan, and most of the protagonists in them have names and surnames, and they are real people, not fictional.

For example, this Zhi Boyi, or Fei Changfang, a native of Shangcai, "used to be a city keeper. It is said that he entered the mountain from Hugong to learn immortals, and he returned without resignation. He was able to heal serious illnesses, flog a hundred ghosts, and drive the social lord". Another example is moving to Runan. Another example is Dong Yong, the son of Dong Yong, Dong Zhong, "the mother and the goddess, born with supernatural powers, and several seal talismans to exorcise evil spirits." Another example is Gao Huo, a Xinxi man, who is the old man of Emperor Guangwu. Serving ghosts and gods.” Another example is that Xu Jun and Xu Man’s ancestors and grandsons of the Pingyu Xu family were all good at divination, and they had many obvious experiences. As early as when he was in Yingchuan, Xun Zhen heard Xun Qu talk about these matters. When he went to Runan to fight against the Yellow Turbans and inspected the camp during the intermission of the war, he would occasionally hear the guides in the army tell the soldiers from Yingchuan vividly and vividly. It is impossible to tell a story without being curious at all.

"The Book of the Later Han? Biography of Alchemists" records 34 alchemists, of which Runan County accounted for six.

Xun Zhen, who heard it, was surprised that his grandfather had seen the son of Zhi Boyi, and He Yixin said: "If my grandfather had seen the son of Zhi Boyi, when he returned home, he said to me, who was a boy at the time, 'The things of the gods really do exist'. , I wouldn't bring guests to follow along with Taiping Dao to make trouble. But now it seems that this Taiping Dao is not really immortal, but General Huangfu and Xun Sima are really real soldiers like gods. Alas, I am I'm fooled." These words could not be said in their hearts, and they only replied respectfully: "It's One Piece's Deathwing who read it all."

Xun Zhen said happily: "Okay, okay, tonight I will hear you talk about Ruzu's meeting with the son of Zhi Boyi! Hurry up, didn't I tell you? In the future, you and I will be in the same army. To serve the imperial court is to be a comrade, so don’t be so vulgar.”

He Yi promised to get up. Xun Zhen said: "You go to the commander to set up the camp first." He Yi replied, "Yes." After bowing again, he left with excitement and went to the commander to build the camp.

That night, Xun Zhen settled down in He Yi's camp, shared a tent with He Yi, and slept in the same bed. After asking He Yi's grandfather the story of seeing the son of Zhi Boyi, he opened up the topic, and sometimes talked about the stories of alchemists and immortals. Sometimes he talked about battles and attacks, sometimes Xun Zhen asked about the internal details of Runan Taiping Road, and sometimes about Zhang Jiao.

At first, He Yi was more restrained, so Xun Zhen deliberately told some interesting anecdotes about his youth, and asked He Yi about his family affairs and his youth story. He Yi gradually got rid of the restraints. After getting rid of the restraints, He Yi turned the topic back to the alchemist and asked a question, saying: "I heard Sima's words just now, and Yingchuan seems to have not many stories of alchemists and gods. Why am I the only one who has many scholars in Runan and few scholars in Yingchuan?"

Xun Zhen smiled to explain his doubts, and said, "When I was in Yingchuan, I was puzzled when I heard my brother Zhong tell me about these matters, and asked my brother Zhong: 'Ying and you are bordering, why are there so many places in the south of Runan? The stories of scholars and gods, but I have rarely heard of Yingchuan?' My brother Zhong said to me: 'Runan was called Heaven in ancient times, because Henan is among the nine states, and you are especially among the four directions, hence the name. Although I am few in Yingchuan According to the theory of alchemists, many scholars also studied Confucianism and Law. This is because, influenced by the legacy of the Legalists of Han and Wei during the Autumn and Warring States Period, few scholars in Runan studied both Confucianism and Law, but they mostly studied Prophecy, Weaving, and Law. The wind angle and the technique of pushing steps are also related to the ancient style.'”

He Yi asked, "It has something to do with the ancient style?"

"Of course. The alchemist originated from the coast of Zou Lu in Yanqi in the pre-Qin period. Runan borders these places and has the legacy of ancient times. There are legacy of ancient times. Coupled with the prevalence of prophecies in this dynasty, there are many alchemists and fairy stories."

He Yi suddenly realized, and said admiringly, "Sima is really knowledgeable, and you can explain my confusion in one sentence."

"It's not me who is knowledgeable, it's my brother Zhong."

The two chatted happily all night, and didn't rest until it was almost dawn.

After sleeping for less than an hour, Xun Zhen was awakened by the noise of soldiers outside the tent. He Yi had already quietly left the tent and went out to gather his followers. He put on his clothes and went out, and the first thing he saw was Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou and other personal soldiers who were standing outside the tent.

Yuan Zhongqing covered his mouth and yawned.

Last night, Xun Zhen was lying high in the tent and had a good time talking with He Yi, but Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou and other personal soldiers were affected. He Yi's department was full of yellow turbans, and they were very nervous, afraid that if something happened, they would be very nervous all night.

Xun Zhen smiled and patted Yuan Zhongqing's arm without saying anything. She turned her hands behind her back and looked into the distance. She saw that the soldiers of He Yi's department had basically assembled, and most of the other tents and other items had been put away. The soldiers were lined up neatly on the shore, and He Yi was standing in front of the team to give lectures, probably to boost morale, and to do pre-war work for the attack on Wei Township. When Xun Zhen came out of the tent, he ordered the soldiers to stand at attention*// Said: " Xun Jun, are you up? It's all my fault, I was up last night and delayed Xun Jun's sleep."

After a night of talking in the same bed, He Yi's attitude towards Xun Zhen was obviously different from the past. He used to be respectful, but now he is still respectful but has brought closeness. He used to call Xun Zhen the official name "Sima". After a night of chatting, the name is now changed to "Xun Jun".

Xun Zhen was very satisfied with his change, and smiled, "How can you blame me? If I didn't let you sleep, I wouldn't sleep so late." She asked him, "The army is ready. ?"



Xun Zhen looked again at the soldiers of He Yi's department who were lined up on the shore. Compared with yesterday, the yellow turban soldiers of He Yi's department seemed to have a subtle change when they met his gaze. Xun Zhen was sleeping with them at night. In the camp, it means that Xun Zhen trusts them very much. When we were gathering just now, the daring Jiang soldier asked He Yi what he had chatted with Xun Zhen last night. He Yi answered truthfully, and heard that it was actually about the fairy alchemist and childhood anecdotes that he talked about all night. The pawns looked at each other in dismay. When they were about to fight, they didn't talk about today's war, but said that? Thinking about it carefully, this should be because Xun Zhen was very sure about the battle of Wei Township. Therefore, when they looked at Xun Zhen again, like He Yi, they felt very close, and the closeness brought confidence that the battle of Wei Xiang would be won.

Xun Zhen nodded secretly in satisfaction and turned to the other side. Seeing that Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, Dian Wei, Chen Dao, Jiang Qin, Chen Bao, Xin Ai and others were also in the whole film, she sent the order, "Go to the other side and tell Junqing them. , after the whole army is over, eat first, and then cross the river after eating." A personal soldier led the order and ran to the opposite bank. Three thousand soldiers on both sides of the strait, and after the whole group was finished, they ate on the spot. After the meal, Xu Zhong and others led the group to cross the river and meet with He Yi.

The bridge over Pushui is not wide, which may be the reason why the Yellow Turban guards in Wei Township did not burn the bridge down. It's too narrow, it can't pass two people at a time, and it has no value to burn. If it doesn't burn, it can still maintain some contact with Chenliu County, which is beneficial for sentries to go back and forth.

For this reason, the bridge is not wide, and the more than 2,000 steps of Xu Zhong, Liu Deng and others are mostly by boat. UUkanshu He Yi lined up on the north bank, guarding against the Yellow Turban soldiers from Wei Township, but until all the cavalry on the other side came over, the guards of Wei Township did not show up.

After crossing the river, Xun Zhen ordered Xu Zhong to send someone to return the collected boats to the owners. Xun You and Xi Zhi admired Xun Zhen very much. No matter whether he was trying to make a name for himself, cherishing a false name, or being sympathetic to the people and truly loving the people like a son, at least the people would not scold him behind his back. Since Yingchuan defended Yangzhai, after many battles, he moved to Yingchuan and Runan counties. Wherever Xunzhen led his troops, he left behind a voice of praise from the people. Cheng Duo, perhaps these reputations are still just "empty names", and they will not get any practical benefits, and they have not spread too far, but as long as they persevere and give time, Xun Zhen's reputation for loving the people and strict military discipline will surely be enjoyed by the people of the world. You know, it's like Huangfu Song.

After the whole army had crossed the river, and after a little rectification, Xun Zhen ordered to set off and head towards Wei Township. Xi Zhicai, Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou and other personal soldiers joined He Yi's left camp and walked in the forefront with He Yi. After traveling for two miles, we arrived at Wei Township.

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