The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 7 Chapter 75: When the Autumn Harvest Hall discussed reading Huainan boudoir music at night

After the arraignment was written, the appointment was issued. Zang Hong called the clerk outside the door to summon Chen Rong, received the arraignment in person, and accepted the appointment.

Xun Zhen encouraged him a few words, and then asked Xu Zhong, Xun Cheng, and Xin Ai to take him away and go to the camp to meet Chen Bao and Chen Da, and let them get to know each other first.

At the same time, Xun Zhen handwritten an order to transfer troops and gave it to Xu Zhong and Xun Cheng, and each of them transferred 300 elite soldiers to Chen Bao and Chen Dao for the purpose of chasing thieves. He also handwritten a military order to Xin Ai, ordering him to select a hundred cavalry to assist Erchen.

Of course, this is only a clear move and arrangement. Before Chen Dao and Chen Bao sent troops, Xun Zhen would invite the two of them to meet again in private, to tell him the real purpose of "killing thieves", so that the two of them would meet again. People know what to do when they go to the county.

As Xun Zhen said, there are really no giant thieves in Guangling County, and it can't be called a robbery. There are few people, thirty or fifty people, and there are many people, four or five hundred people. Some are entrenched in village pavilions, some are hiding in the mountains and forests, and some are screaming in the waters. No worries.

On the one hand, when Zhang Chao was in office, although he could not suppress these bandits, the county bandit Cao Ye Chen Rong was a capable person, but he had already figured out the general situation of these bandits. That is why Zang Hongcai Said he "knows thieves."

Second, let’s not talk about the combat strength of the county soldiers. Chen Bao and Chen Dao are both battle-hardened. They have experienced the dignified battles of hundreds of thousands of enemies and us in fierce battles. The road **** battle has also been experienced, and now it is no problem to deal with these scattered thieves who are fighting each other with an absolutely superior force.

Therefore, Xun Zhen is not worried about Chen Dao and Chen Bao's actions to suppress the thieves. As for whether Chen Bao and Chen Da can complete the task of "taking this opportunity to bring the tyrants and armed forces of the counties into control", to be honest, Xun Zhen Not worried either.

After following Xun Zhen for so many years, have Chen Dao and Chen Bao ever seen such great storms? Trained out early.

Taking control and suppressing some tyrants in the county is also a no-brainer for them.

With Zang and Xue outside, and the counties under internal control, these two things have been decided, and the next step is to raise food and expand the army.

You can't be in a hurry to raise grain. The harvest is limited in one year, and the paddy in the field is not ripe. Taking advantage of the presence of Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Zang Hong, Yuan Sui and other internal and external officials, Xun Zhen asked carefully about the progress of the field work.

Xun You, Yuan Sui and others also answered it in detail.

The Mi family's food, seeds, and various items have already been shipped, and the rest are still being shipped in an endless stream. Supplies borrowed from outside the county will also be brought in one after another. Production materials such as grain seeds, farm tools, and cattle are no longer a problem.

The labor force is also not a big problem. The recruitment list was posted in each county, and the response was overwhelming. Many refugees have been recruited, and many poor people with no land and no means of food and clothing have signed up. The two sides are added together. , there are thousands of strong labor force.

The integration of the Tuntian plot is still in progress.

Among the three major items of production materials, labor, and fields, now, the "land" is the most troublesome.

It is also necessary to integrate the land through the method of "replacement", and to prevent the tyrants taking the opportunity to embezzle the private land, the tyrants and the county officials collude with the poor land to replace the wealthy land of the public, and so on, no matter how urgent it is. In order to accomplish this, we must proceed steadily, and we must not be impatient.

Xun Zhen instructed Xun You, who was in charge of the "integration of the land in the field": "Gongda, although the field is an important matter, the more important thing is to be safe. We must not let any county person suffer in this matter. No one in the county can be used for profit."

Xun You replied, "Yes."

"The integration of land is complicated, and it is not easy to advance, and it is important to be safe. But then again, many refugees and common people have been recruited, and you cannot let them all wait. Gongda, you can concentrate your efforts to settle the farmland in Guangling County. The plot is done first, firstly, some refugees and ordinary people can be resettled, and some preliminary preparations for the settlement of fields can be done first, and secondly, it can also serve as a role model for Yuxian County.”

If you want to figure out the scale of the field, it is impossible to concentrate on one county, because it is impossible to take all the land in a county into the hands of the county government. Therefore, this time, the field in Guangling, just like in Wei County, is still divided into sub-regions. Three tuntian areas are delineated.

The agricultural economic conditions and population of Guangling are better in the south than in the north. Therefore, of the three farmland areas, two are in the south of the county and one is in the north of the county. Of the two in the south of the county, one is located in the county seat. Guangling County.

It is meaningful that Xun Zhen asked Xun You to concentrate on the integration of the land plots in Guangling County.

The county government is located in Guangling County, and Xunzhen is located in Guangling County. With Xunzhen here, the process of plot integration will be easier and faster.

Xun You agreed.

Xun Zhen said to Yuan Sui, "Qing Ke went to see the Guangling Ling and said that I told him that he must cooperate fully with Gongda."

Yuan Sui responded, "Yes."

It's already September, and it's too late for autumn planting, but as long as all the fields can be completed before the end of the year, and rice and rice can be planted in spring, then according to the experience in Wei County, at least the military rations for the second half of next year will be available. Don't worry.

Xun Zhen has an overall plan for the period from now to the end of the year, and from the beginning of spring to summer next year.

First of all, he brought some heavy grain with him, and although most of the grain stored in the county government had been handed over to the prefecture before Xun Zhen took office, there were still some left over. Together, in addition to the stipend for the expenses of the officials of the county government, Xunzhen's righteous servants and the soldiers of the county can eat for a period of time.

Secondly, the county is about to start a full-scale autumn harvest, and some counties have already started the autumn harvest. With the autumn crops that are about to be harvested, Xun Zhen pays less to Tao Qian, then even if he expands on a large scale Soldiers, enough for him to use for half a year.

Once again, after Xun Zhen responded to Yuan Shao’s attack, he definitely couldn’t stay in Guangling, but had to go to the front line. Xun Zhen remembered that there were four camps for the allied army to beg Dong, one was Hanoi, where Yuan Shao, Wang Kuang and others were located. One is Suanzao where Cao Cao, Zhang Miao and others are located, the other is Nanyang where Yuan Shu is located, and the other is Yingchuan where Kong Ni is located. Then after arriving in Yingchuan, he can ask Yuzhou to borrow grain. With the help of Yingyin acquaintances, Le Jin and others, this grain must be borrowed, and since grain can be borrowed, it is in The lack of rations is not a problem.

After talking about the field, the topic naturally fell on the autumn harvest.

Xun Zhen asked Yuan Sui and others, "The Mid-Autumn Festival harvest is coming soon, how are the Cao Cao preparing?"

The harvest of autumn rations is related to whether Xun Zhen's army rations can be kept in succession. This is not the first time Xun Zhen has asked about the autumn harvest. People must always supervise the counties, and must ensure that "a grain of grain" does not fall into the fields, and at the same time, it must be ensured that no wealthy household can underpay or underpay.

——In fact, Xun Zhen didn't mention the matter of suppressing the thieves early or late, but he mentioned it at this time, both because Yuan Shao was about to raise troops to fight against Dong, and he was eager to control the counties to stabilize the rear. The autumn harvest is related, and the more it is at this time, the more it is necessary to prevent thieves from robbing food.

Yuan Sui replied, "I'm going to report to Duke Ming."


"The Hu, Ji, Cang and other Cao Cao have all been prepared. East and West persuade Nong Ye with their subordinate officials to leave the county today and go to each county to supervise the autumn harvest."

"Okay. After the Yellow Turban Rebellion last October, after the summer harvest this year, more food was handed over to the prefecture. The prefecture was empty and the people were short of food. This autumn harvest is related to the prefecture and the people of the prefecture. You should pay more attention to it. , supervise at all times, and I will also ask questions from time to time. If there is any situation, you can report to me at any time."

Yuan Sui, Zang Hong, Qin Song and others responded, "No."

The autumn harvest is a major event, raising food is a major event, and recruiting troops to expand the army is also a major event, but this matter needs to have a reason, otherwise Zang Hong and others will have doubts and no reason.

And what exactly should be used as a "pretext", Xun Zhen has not yet thought about it. Xun Zhen remembered that it was the first month of next year when the princes raised troops to ask Dong. Now in September, he had only three months left, so he had to find the reason for recruiting troops as soon as possible.

But it was the pillow when he was dozing off. After the discussion that day, two or three days later, Zang Hong came to pay homage.

Xun Zhen was sitting in front of Chen Zhi's bed, lighting up a lamp to read "Huai Nan Zi" to her at night - after Chen Zhi became pregnant, as long as Xun Zhen was not busy, she would accompany her to talk or read to her every night. Listening to some stories to help her sleep, I read "Shan Hai Jing" earlier, I finished reading "Shan Hai Jing", now I am reading "Huainanzi", tonight I am reading "Hou Yi Shooting the Sun", I am halfway through reading I heard Zang Hong begging to see you.

Chen Zhi said: "Zang Jun came to see you at night, it must be something important, husband, hurry up."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "There is nothing more important than me reading to my wife... No rush, no rush, just wait until I finish reading this paragraph."

The story of Descendants Shooting the Sun was not long, and Xun Zhen read it quickly. He put down the bamboo slips, covered Chen Zhi with the quilt covering his body, and smiled: "Madam, let's go to bed first, I'll go see what's going on in Zang Ziyuan, it's so late, I'm here to disturb you and my boudoir. Selfishness!"

Zhang Chang, a former Hanjing Zhaoyin, and his wife were affectionate and affectionate, and often kissed his wife’s eyebrows. Someone reported the matter to Emperor Xuan, saying that he did not have the prestige of being an official. When Emperor Xuan asked him if he had anything to do with it, he replied: "I heard that in the boudoir, there are people who are more private than thrush." ​​That is to say, what is it for a couple to draw their eyebrows in the boudoir, and there are more things than thrush. What is this "the selfishness of the couple is more than thrush"? it goes without saying. Emperor Xuan was speechless.

Chen Zhi also knew this story from the former Han Dynasty. Her cheeks immediately flushed, and she said angrily, "My husband, the Marquis of Yingyin and the Prefect of Guangling, if you don't learn it well, how can you learn that Zhang Jingzhao!"

Zhang Chang's family has two thousand stones for generations. He is also very talented and has a promising future. However, because he is an official without prestige and acts too casually, he can't get a big position in the end. Although Chen Zhi knew that Xun Zhen was very dignified outside, these words were just a joke in the boudoir, but she couldn't help but blame him.

Xun Zhen gave a long bow and said with a smile, "What Madam said is, I will correct it if I know it is wrong."

Under Chen Zhi's angry and funny eyes, he laughed and walked out of the room to meet Zang Hong.

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