The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 99: Dong Zhongying destroys Luoyang Sun Wentai and swears by drawing his sword

Seeing that the battle ahead was going well, Dong's defeated soldiers would collapse at the touch of a button, and Xun Zhen's victory was imminent. Xu Rong, who was by Xun Zhen's side, came out and said, "Although Dong's soldiers are defeated, Dong Zhuo's left and right are all elites. The army of Dong Dong collapsed so easily, and things are suspicious."

Xun Zhen said, "Oh? What's the general's opinion?"

"Dong Zhuo is cunning, or he will not be defeated in this group."

"If you are not in this defeated army, where can you be?"

"The roads around Luoyang are accessible, maybe he will flee to Mianchi and Xin'an from other places."

"So, what's the general to do?"

"Rong is willing to raise the troops and horses of the headquarters and rush to Mianchi and Xin'an to search and intercept Dong Zhuo."

Looking at the battle ahead, Xun Zhen also felt that this defeated army was collapsing too quickly. Maybe Dong Zhuo was really not among them, so he responded to Xu Rong's request and said: "If Cao Cao is captured, I will go to court. , invite five thousand households for the general!"

Xu Rong received the order, turned back to the headquarters, and hurried away in the direction of Mianchi and Xin'an with 3,000 soldiers. After surrendering Xun Zhen, he gathered the headquarters and got 2,000 people. Xun Zhen fulfilled his promise and gave him again. One thousand soldiers were added, so he now has a total of 3,000 parts.

Having deceived and killed Taigu's defender before, this time Xu Rong asked the order to go after Dong Zhuo, but none of the people around Xun Zhen expressed any doubts.

Mianchi and Xin'an are located in the west and northwest of Luoyang. They are the places of the Taoist scriptures from Luoyang to Chang'an. Dong Zhuo has troops stationed in both places. Xu Rong invited his troops to go to Mianchi and Xin'an to intercept Dong Zhuo. If Dong Zhuo was in the defeated army in front of him, he really escaped first, then it would be best, and if Dong Zhuo was in the defeated army in front, it would be fine. After Dong Zhuo was defeated, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian sooner or later It is to go west to Chang'an, and Mianchi and Xin'an are the places to go.

Sun Jian led his troops to catch up from behind, joined forces with Xun Zhen, attacked from front and back, and killed or captured the defeated troops of Dong's army, and soon wiped out all of them. The generals came one after another to report the results of the battle, and they all achieved success, but in the end no one won Dong Zhuo.

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Xu Rong is right, Dong Zhuoguo is cunning, it seems that he escaped first!"

Not only was there no Dong Zhuo, but none of Dong Zhuo's rank-and-file people, such as Niu Fu, Yang Ding, Lu Bu, etc., were found. These people should either be on other battlefields, or follow Dong Zhuo's side. Dong Zhuo fled first.

By the time this defeated army is eliminated, it will be dusk, and some of the shouting and killing on the battlefields far and near have become smaller, while others are still loud. Xun Zhen sent orders to open the way, and rushed to the front to see Sun Jian, and said to Sun Jian, "Although Dong Zhuo has not been captured, Dong Zhuo's own army has been defeated, Wentai, you and I can divide your troops and send generals all the way to Mianchi and Xin'an to pursue Dong Zhuo. , all the way to the battlefield over there."

Sun Jian agreed, so the two of them ordered their cavalry to head towards Mianchi and Xin'an.

They fought all night, and by the next morning, the battlefields were all level.

Although Dong Zhuo divided his troops into different places, there were not many soldiers and horses left in Luoyang, but there were still 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers. Although Sun Jian was a great victory in this battle, he was not able to annihilate all Dong's troops. Calculating the results, the two armies combined, about 10,000 Dong's soldiers were killed, and the number of Dong's soldiers who escaped was also counted.

To be honest, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were prepared to fight hard this time to attack Luoyang, but neither of them expected that victory would come so quickly and so easily.

Facing the rising sun, Xun Zhen and Sun Jianfu reunited again. The two met each other, looked at each other and smiled.

However, although this battle was won, the entire battle for Dong Dong was not over yet.

Xun Zhen said: "Dong Zhuo may have already escaped, and it will be difficult to capture him for the time being. Wentai, you and I have been marching in a hurry for a day and a night, and have not had time to rest, and have fought with Dong Bing for a day and a night. The soldiers are exhausted and should rest. Let's go. You and I might as well order the three armies to find a place to station, you and I will enter Luoyang first, how about it?"

Sun Jian nodded and said, "I heard that when Dong Zhuo was in Luo, he excavated the tombs of the emperors and burned down the imperial palaces. All kinds of absurdities are hard to describe. The battle yesterday and last night further aggravated the damage to the tombs of the emperors. , you and I can take this opportunity of the three armies to rest, first enter the city, remove the ancestral temple, level the tombs, and then wait for Dong Zhuo's whereabouts to be discovered, and then attack Hangu in the west, seek Chang'an, and welcome the emperor to return."

Hangu Pass is also one of the eight passes around Luoyang. If you want to take Chang'an, this pass must be taken down first. If Dong Zhuo died in this battle, Xun Zhen and Sun Jianqiu could summon their remaining courage and then go to attack Hangu again, but the whereabouts of Dong Zhuo are now unknown. Obviously it is impossible to continue fighting and needs to rest.

Xun Zhen said: "Qing Yan is very true. You and I will go into the city now!"

Xun Zhen and Sun Jian ordered the three armies to rest and rest, each with a thousand guards, and rushed into Luoyang City.

When I arrived in the city, I saw broken walls and rubble all over the place. Looking around, there was a huge god, Luoyang, but now I couldn't see any people, hares and foxes were jumping in the broken houses everywhere, and the wind blew. Come, make people feel desolate and infinite.

Going forward, I arrived at the imperial city. The palace gates of the north and south palaces were broken and incomplete. When I entered the palace, it was the same as the city outside the palace. In the ruined palace walls and palace buildings, palace maids and palace officials could be seen falling to the ground from time to time, and their death was very miserable. Sun Jian waited for Wang Wang to bark.

Sun Jian and Xun Zhen couldn't bear to watch any more, so they ordered some soldiers to stay left and right to clean up the tragic situation in the palace. The two of them broke out of the palace with the part and went to the ancestral temple again.

The ancestral temple and the Sheji are all outside the Zhengyang Gate in the south of the city. Xunzhen and Sun Jian entered the city from the west of the city. The North and South Palaces of the Imperial City are in the north of Luoyang City. On Tong Tuo Street in the east and west of Luoyang.

This street is named after the bronze camels because there are two bronze camels on both sides of the street, and now, these two bronze camels are missing, no need to ask, obviously they were moved by Dong Zhuo's part. Go, or smelted into weapons, or smelted into coins.

After passing Tongtuo Street and going further, there are official temples such as Baijun Mansion and Sangong Mansion in the east of the road. In the past, the cars in front of these official temples were like flowing water and horses, but now there are only broken bricks and broken tiles. Where can there be any more? A little bit popular?

Xun Zhen sighed unconsciously: "I came to Luoyang before, thinking about the grand occasion of Luoyang that day, with millions of households and merchants gathered, the Tongtuo Street we passed just now was crowded with people, waving their sleeves into clouds and sweating into rain. , and there are often juveniles gathering in this street, which is very noisy... The hundreds of county mansions in the east of this road are full of envoys from all over the world, with accents from all over the world, all kinds of people and so on, and this In the Mansion of the Three Dukes, the clothes and crowns are gathered, and the nobles are magnificent, but now? Looking at it today, this Luoyang City is actually like a ghost!"

The two entered the city from the west of the city, entered the North and South Palaces, and then went all the way out of Zhengyangmen in the north of the On this journey, they have never seen a single living person. , there are only countless corpses hiding among broken tiles, or simply being thrown on the road.

After leaving Zhengyangmen, and walking for a while, it is not far from the ancestral temple and the Sheji.

From a distance, I can see that the ancestral temples and shrines that stood majestically in the past have turned into ruins, just like the houses in the city and the palaces in the north and south palaces.

Sun Jian was finally unable to restrain his emotions, sobbing and crying, drawing his sword in his hand, and swore: "I will not destroy Dong Zhuo's clan, and I will not be a minister!"

It was impossible to live in the city of Luoyang. Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were stationed outside the city. While they waited for Dong Zhuo's whereabouts, they ordered soldiers to remove the ancestral temple, level the tombs, and clean up what Dong Zhuo left behind. The endgame in the city and the palace.


In Hanoi, Yuan Shao's camp.

Exploring the Malay News: After Xun Hou and Sun Hou attacked Taigu, they attacked Luoyang the day before yesterday and fought against Dong Zhuo all day and night, and won a great victory.

Yuan Shao's expression suddenly changed when he heard the news.

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