The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 269: First sigh Dong Zhuo, then sigh the people

Xun Chen and Zhao Yu returned to the prefecture, and they came in to see Xun Zhen without a break. After listening to them describe their journey to Chang’an and their return, mainly what they had seen and passed in Chang’an, Xun Zhen said to Zhao Yu, “This journey is difficult and dangerous. My father and I went back and forth for more than two months, sleeping rough on grass, walking dangerously, and trekking very hard. I don’t need to go into details today. Discuss."

In the Han system, officials rest every five days, but after returning from a long-term business trip, they can rest for a few more days, so Xun Zhen asked Zhao Yu to return home for a few days first. Zhao Yu is extremely filial to his parents. His parents are already old, so he needs to go home first.

Zhao Yu agreed.

From Xun Zhen to meet Zhao Yu and Xun Chen, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, Xun Yu, Xun You, Xi Zhicai, etc., Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, etc. also retired together with Zhao Yu, and by the time there was only one left in the hall Xun Chen, Xun Yu, Xun You and Xi Zhicai, Xun Zhen restrained her smile and sighed.

Xi Zhicai understood Xun Zhen's mind and said, "Is the general sighing for Dong Zhuo?"

"I sigh not only for Dong Zhuo, but also for the livelihood of the people."

Xun Chen asked, "What did the general sigh for Dong Zhuo? What did he sigh for the people?"

Xun Zhenxin received the imperial edict of "Zhendong General". Compared with "Xuzhou Mu", in the long run, this general's title is actually more useful.

The edict of "Xuzhou Mu" can be used mainly in the present, and it can help him consolidate his rule in Xuzhou. The title of "General Zhendong" will be beneficial in the future, because this is the real imperial edict, and it will be given to him from now on. Therefore, Xi Zhicai and Xun Chen no longer honored Xun Zhen by general names such as "Ming Gong", but changed their honorary title to "General". —To be honest, the title of the so-called "General Xingjianwei" before Xun Zhen was not even considered by him. After all, the mutual representation between the princes can only prove the relationship of alliance with each other, and there is no political status. A little bit of gold.

"Dong Zhuo took advantage of the vacancy to enter the capital, was good at abolishing the establishment, and was a traitor to the country. However, when he first entered Luoyang, he was close to worthy ministers, promoted famous people, sent letters to the emperor, and rehabilitated the party. Virtue is not worthy of its place, and only uses soldiers to intimidate people, so it started in Shandong, and even the Han family moved westward, connected by the disaster of war, and spread to the four directions, in the end, it is the people who suffer!"

Xun Zhen's words are more euphemistic, and they are translated into vernacular, which means: Dong Zhuo is not a scholar, and he is taking advantage of the opportunity of He Jin, Yuan Shao and other eunuchs to enter Luoyang, which is equivalent to taking advantage of the situation. , took away the fruit of the scholar group's victory in destroying the **** group, so although he has a "heart for goodness", the scholar group not only will never support him, but also hate him to the bone, because of the Shandong soldiers , With Wang Yun's assassination, in the end, although the scholar group won again, the political battle between the scholar group and the Liangzhou warlord group has also resulted in the separation of the prefectures and counties in China today. people.

Xun Zhen picked up the seal of General Zhendong on the case, looked at it, put it back, and sighed again.

Xun Chen asked, "Why did the general sigh?"

"In the past, I was a long-term fan of Fanyang Pavilion. How could I have imagined that there would be a present time? I was awarded a marquis for military merit, sitting in a state, and ordered by the king of Yin Yin in the imperial court to look at me in the east. The country has a lot of respect, and I am deeply favored by the Han family. The royal family of Naixin is dead, but I can’t hide it from you, if I can exchange this seal for domestic well-being, I would rather go back to the ten-mile pavilion back then.”

At first glance, Xun Zhen's remarks seemed to be distressed by the current war at home and abroad, but you can taste it carefully, "The court of the Yin Yin King ordered me to look to the east of my town", "The country is highly respected, and I receive the favor of the Han family." Deep, since it is the heart of the royal family, it will be after death", but these two sentences seem to contain some other meanings, repeatedly saying "the court looks at me in the east", "the country is respected", and "Yin Yin", It's "respectful" again, emphasizing this "hope", and saying, "I should be the royal family of my heart, and I will die." What does it mean?

Xun Yu and others pondered on their own.

Xun Chen got up from the table, bowed down to the hall, and said loudly to Xun Zhen: "The general's loyalty is sincere, and the court is far away, but it is precisely because he knows it that he will bow to the general 'Zhendong'. The prefect of Jiujiang, although he is not a good person, dare to ask the general to serve the country's sincerity. If the general agrees, Chen will go south to Jiujiang tomorrow."

Two months ago, when Xun Chen came to Chang'an, Xun Zhen summoned him to see him and told him two things, one was to ask for an imperial order as a political capital, the other was to ask Qingyan or Yangzhi County as a real capital, and When he said to him, "If things can be accomplished, this is the foundation of my foundation in the southeast." Xun Chen thought of the prophecy that "the one who succeeded Liu's family started in the southeast".

Now in the hall, I don't know how Xun Yu and others understood what Xun Zhenshi said. Xun Chen obviously had his own understanding.

Xun Zhen called him up and said, "Brother, when he returns to the mansion, he should rest for a few days, and then discuss the county affairs later."

Xi Zhicai said: "Jiujiang borders Guangling, and the road is smooth. You really don't have to rush to your post."

Xun You also said: "Compared with the counties of Danyang and Kuaiji, although there are few pirates in Jiujiang, you have heard of it, and there are also some strong beams in its territory. Since Yangdu's seal was printed, Jiujiang has never been owned. You also heard that Chen Yuanti had violated the authority of the county. , From your humble point of view, you might as well wait for a while, until the situation in Jiujiang County is checked, and the prefecture makes some preparations for this, and then it will not be too late for the county."

Xun You is a generation younger than Xun Chen, so he is called "gong".

The two counties of Jiujiang and Chen State did not meet Xun Zhen's wishes.

Compared with Chen Guo and Jiujiang, it is better, but there are also a lot of troubles.

The first trouble is: Jiujiang's geographical location is not very good.

Jiujiang is next to Xuzhou, and the northwest is next to Runan in Yuzhou. It would be very convenient to use troops, but the problem is that the southwest of Jiujiang is Lujiang, and beyond Lujiang is Jiangxia of Jingzhou.

According to the intelligence, after Yuan Shu of Nanyang reached an alliance with Sun Jian, he has been mobilizing his troops and horses recently to move towards Xiangyang, where Liu Xian lives. It will inevitably be involved, and as a result, the war will burn to the door of Lujiang, and Jiujiang will be affected at any time.

This is still light, but the problem is a little more serious: Yuan Shu defeated Liu Biaoze, Xiangyang is located in the south of Nanyang, at the junction of Nanyang and Nanjun, and is blocking the passage of Yuan Shu south to occupy Quanjing, if Liu Biao is defeated, then Yuan Shu could have commanded his troops southward and attacked Nanjun, Wuling, Changsha and other places, but what if Yuan Shu could not defeat Liu Biao?

To the west of Nanyang is Hongnong County, which is full of dangerous mountains and difficult to fight. To the north is Yuzhou. He has just formed an alliance with Sun Jian and cannot fight, so he has only one way to go west. Going west to conquer Jiangxia has two advantages: one is to break Liu Biao's arm and break through Liu Biao's half-encirclement of him; one is to go south from Jiangxia, you can take Nanjun and Changsha, and to the west you can enter Yangzhou, and there is room for advance and retreat. Opportunities for strategic choices can thus be increased, and so on.

Because, it can be expected that Yuan Shu will inevitably develop westward if Liu Biao cannot be eliminated, and once he develops westward, Jiangxia Pohou, Lujiang, and Jiujiang will take the lead. Xun Zhen was reluctant to conflict with Yuan Shu too early. Although Yuan Shu was not as capable as Yuan Shao, he was also a representative of the Yuan family, and a battle with him would inevitably last for a long time.

This is the first trouble, a trouble about the future.

The second trouble is about the present.

Second: As Xun You said, the state governance of Yangzhou was in Liyang, Jiujiang. After Liu Miao was put on the seal, Jiujiang has never been owned. Afterwards, how to take back the county power without turning against him, this will also be troublesome. ——Chen Wen, although he has no military talent, is famous for his virtue. He is from Runan, and he is friendly with Yuan Shao. He has a reputation and background. Yangzhou still has relatively strong political influence. According to Xun Zhen's estimation, Xun Chen is not very good at winning back the prefecture power.

Besides these two troubles, there is another trouble, that is: Jiujiang is too small.

Jiujiang was originally not too small, but since the establishment of the Fuling Kingdom in this county, the county has become narrow. There are nine counties in the county, and seven counties are concentrated in the north of the Fuling Kingdom. Within a narrow area of ​​more than 100 li from north to south, the remaining two counties, Quanjiao and Liyang, are located in the northeast of Fuling Kingdom and the southeast of Fuling Kingdom.

There are only five counties under the jurisdiction of the Fuling Kingdom, but the area of ​​these five counties is larger than that of the nine counties in Jiujiang. Of course, this is mainly because the counties in the area of ​​Jiujiang and Fuling have a good economy and a large population. Most of the county belongs to Jiujiang, but there are advantages and disadvantages. With a large population and a small area, it is not suitable for defense and warfare in the military. Imagine if Yuan Shu or other powerful enemies attacked, even those who do not know much about military affairs With Chen Wen attacking, what is the use of the north-south depth of just over a hundred miles?

Xun Zhen saw these three troubles at a glance, and Xi Zhicai and others were also aware of it.

And it was precisely because of these three troubles that Wang Yunhui appointed Xun Chen as the prefect of Jiujiang.

Xun Yu said, "One of the reasons why the imperial court worshipped my brother as the prefect of Jiujiang is probably because of Yuan Gonggong."

Yuan Shao is in the north and Yuan Shu is in the south. Both of them have the heart to be disobedient. Wang Yun can see clearly that there is a threat from Liangzhou soldiers outside the imperial court. Clearly suppressing Eryuan, but it was possible to contain Eryuan in advance, because he granted Xun Chen the prefect of Jiujiang in the name of the imperial court, precisely to use Xun Zhen's power to block Yuan Shu's way to Yangzhou westward, and at the same time. , Xun Zhen already owns Quan Xu, and Wang Yun can't let him continue to sit on the throne, so the big county does not give him, only Jiujiang. With Chen Wen present in Jiujiang, Chen Wen and Xun Zhen can be checked and balanced against each other. It can be said that it covers Xun Zhen said in his heart: "Prince Prince also has a good intention, not only using me to block Yuan Shu, but also not giving me another county, giving me Jiujiang, where Yangzhou prefecture is located, so that I and Chen Yuanti can communicate with each other. Check and balance, so I can only use it for its own use, and I can't do more." He also said to himself, "I know that I am on good terms with Wentai, because when Wentai attacked Chen, I gave Zhao Gong Chen the chancellor, but it was a trick to provoke. "

Wang Yun was also particular about the appointment of Xun Chen and Zhao Yu respectively.

Jiujiang to Xun Chen, Chen Guo to Zhao Yu, these two positions cannot be exchanged, why? For example, to give Chen Guo to Xun Chen and Jiujiang to Zhao Yu, Xun Chen is Xun Zhen’s clan brother, for the sake of the overall situation of the alliance with Sun Jian, for the sake of Xun Zhen, that is, for the interests of the whole clan, Xun Chen can He voluntarily gave up being the prime minister of Chen State, but Zhao Yu did not have a particularly close relationship with Xun Zhen. Yes, he was a servant of Xun Zhen, but how long did it take Xun Zhen to get to Xuzhou? Would Zhao Yu give up the high position of two thousand stones for the benefit of Xun Zhen? I'm afraid not. Can Xun Zhen disregard Xu Shi's comments for her own benefit and force Zhao Yu not to serve in the state of Chen? Certainly not.

Therefore, after listening to the reports of Xun Chen and Zhao Yu, Xun Zhen did not immediately talk to Zhao Yu in detail, but told him to go home and rest first, just to give himself a buffer time and think carefully about the matter. coping.

Xun Zhen picked up the seal of General Zhendong again, played with it for a moment, put it down, looked out of the hall, saw the blue sky like washing, the clouds and cotton, and said in her heart: "Prince Master is in the imperial court, holding the name, three edicts came down. , both favor and power. Xuzhou Mu and General Zhendong, these are the benefits he gave me, and the Jiujiang prefect and Chen Guoxiang are his requirements for me. The benefits can be taken away, and these two require me to make decisions carefully."


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