The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 273: Xiahou Yuan's Biography of Jiekan Valley (Part 1)

For example, overlooking You, Ji, Yan, Henan, and Qing from the air, during this period, in this vast northern land, the military was the biggest mainstream.

Zhuo County, which borders Jizhou, has Gongsun Zan's army in the territory, and his cavalry is gathered. From here, it goes east to the sea, and goes south to Bohai County, Nanpi County, the county of Bohai Sea, and Xiuxian County, which is the southernmost of Bohai Sea. In Ji, from the Bohai Sea to the Qingzhou Plain County, the banner of Tian Kai, the prefect of Gongsun Zan, was densely covered in forests.

In addition, Zhang Feiyan of the Montenegro Army in the east of Jizhou reached an alliance with Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan has already completed the three-sided siege of Jizhou, and the offensive may be launched at any time.

Compared with Gongsun Zan's aggressive and one-way offensive, Yuan Shao responded with a strategy of shrinking and defending. He placed the main force in Wei County. In order to concentrate his forces on Gongsun Zan, he has frequently dispatched troops in recent days to clear out the remaining Heishan soldiers in Wei County and dispatched troops. Entering the State of Zhao, he controlled several strategic locations to prevent Zhang Feiyan from heading south through Zhao State and attacking his flank, and he dispatched a capable general to Hanoi. He must ensure that Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi, would not be drawn over by Gongsun Zan, so as to ensure Security behind Wei County.

Zhang Yang was a subordinate of Ding Yuan in the early days, working for Wu Meng, Yuan Shao went to Hanoi, Zhang Yang joined forces with Yuan Shao, and was later worshipped by Dong Zhuo as the general of Jianyi and the prefect of Hanoi. Before Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi was Wang Kuang. In the battle of Xiaopingjin, Wang Kuang was defeated by Dong Jun and returned to his hometown to recruit troops. After returning, he hated Yuan Shao for not giving him additional troops, so he abandoned Yuan Shao and planned to form an alliance with Zhang Miao. Of course, Yuan Shao would not sit back and watch this happen, so he hinted that Cao Cao joined forces with the relatives of Hu Muban to kill Wang Kuang, Hu Muban was Wang Kuang's brother-in-law, and Wang Kuang had killed him on Yuan Shao's order. The relatives of Hu Muban were very angry. At this time, they wanted to avenge Hu Muban.

From Wei County to the east, to the East County of Yanzhou.

In the territory of Dongjun, the main force was stationed in the north of the county and the southwest of the county. The former guarded Tian Kai's troops in the plains, and the latter guarded the remnants of the Heishan soldiers who guarded Weijun and fled into the country. To the south of Dongjun County, passing Chenliu to the Chen State of Yuzhou, and outside the city of Chen County, thousands of people excavated four wide ditches, extending from the Langdang Canal in the south to the outside of Chen County. Sun Jian's army is ready to go and will attack.

The state of Chen is to the northeast, and the neighboring county is the State of Liang, and the territory of the State of Liang is also full of beacon and smoke. The other troops of Sun's army attacked the city and plundered the land here, and the soldiers of the Liang State could not resist it at all. To the north of Liang State is Jiyin of Yanzhou, and then to the north is Shanyang. From Shanyang, go north, pass through Rencheng and enter Dongping.

Liu Dai did not accept Cao Cao's suggestion that he should not join forces with Bao Xin.

When Sun Jian ordered the entire army to prepare for war, Cao Cao had just led his troops to Xuchang, and had not yet reached Liu Dai's barracks.

Cao Cao jumped off his horse, walked to the field beside the road, frowned and looked around.

At the end of May, when the wheat was ripe, a large area of ​​fields was barren, and at most half of the land was planted with wheat. Needless to say, this was because the Yellow Turbans were rampant in Yanbei, and households either fled from the Yellow Turbans or fled to other places. This is a helpless thing, that's all, but half of the wheat fields, as far as I can see, have also been damaged, and some were cut off before they were ripe. Obviously it was destroyed in the last two or three days, and it was not harvested. It looked like it was broken by people and horses. The clumps fell to the ground, and many broken parts of the wheat were still fresh. .

Xue Ti squatted down, grabbed a handful of broken wheat and looked at it, then looked at the ground nearby, and found many marks left by horse hooves, and said, "It was trampled and broken by cavalry."

Wei Zhong judged and said, "It wasn't the state soldiers, or the Jiyin and other prefecture state soldiers."

Cao Cao looked around and saw black smoke rising from the countryside in the distance. He instructed Xu Cao, who was nearby, to say, "Go and see what's going on there?"

Xu He was a regular servant by Cao Cao's side. He was brave and liked by Cao Cao. He immediately took orders and agreed to his promise. He returned to the side of the road, got on his horse, and rode toward the place where the black smoke was rising. After dismounting, he replied to Cao Cao: "It's the state soldiers who are raising rations under Fang Bo's order."

"Why is there black smoke?"

"The people in the village didn't have much surplus grain, and they turned in very little. The state soldiers burned down more than ten houses because of looting and looting."

Cao Cao was furious and ordered Xu to say, "Bring some troops and drive away those state soldiers. If there is any resistance, kill them on the spot!"

Wei Zhong hurriedly remonstrated and said, "General, I'm afraid this is inappropriate."

"What's wrong?"

"The state soldiers are part of Uncle Fang, and generals have no authority over them. If you chase or kill them without permission, you may have a dispute with Uncle Fang."

Cao Cao became more and more annoyed and said, "Then you can't just watch them disturb the people!"

Cao Cao believed in the techniques of legalism. When he used to rule the people as county and county magistrates, he used the law to rectify the local order. Now that he is in charge of the army, he clearly rewards and punishes, and the military discipline is serious. Therefore, he is very unwilling to see the military discipline is loose and even disturbing the people. force.

Chen Gong suggested: "You don't need to send your troops to ride over, you can use a commander-in-chief to declare the general's will."

Although the state soldiers were not under Cao Cao's control, Cao Cao was the prefect of the East Commandery, and he was also a high-ranking official of the rank of 2,000 stone. of.

Cao Cao's anger rested for a while, and after thinking about it, he felt that Wei Chong was right. Discord between generals and generals is a big taboo in the military. Do what you say." Ling said, "Tell Lou Sima to go."

Lou Sima has a different name and is Cao Cao's confidant.

Cao Cao returned to the road from the field, but did not leave immediately, but waited for Lou Yi to return after finishing the matter, called him to inquire, and after confirming that the state soldiers had left the distant villages, he remounted his horse and met with Chen. Gong and others continued to advance with the army.

On the way, Cao Cao's anger did not subside, and he said to Chen Gong and others: "I don't think the discipline of the state soldiers is so relaxed! The Yellow Turbans are already strong, and if the military discipline is not strict, why should we fight? The defeat is certain! Ask him to rectify military discipline."

Chen Gong and others agreed, Chen Gong said, "That's how it should be."

In the evening of that day, Cao Cao's troops arrived outside Liu Dai's camp.

Liu Dai's camp was only enough for his own minions to station. Cao Cao ordered Xiahou Yuan to choose a suitable camp site nearby. He and Chen Gong and others entered Liu Dai's camp and paid homage to Liu Hearing that Cao Cao was coming, Liu Dai was very happy. , greeted him personally, took Cao Cao's hand, and said with a smile, "Meng De! I hope that you will come like Yunni."

Liu Dai and Cao Cao are old friends, this sentence is a bit of a joke.

Cao Cao immediately repaid the past and said with a smile: "'The highest good is like water', the virtue of the public has already been wanton like the ocean, why do you need Yunni?"

Liu Dai laughed, patted Cao Cao's arm, and said, "Meng De, your mouth is still unforgiving."

Cao Cao came from a family of eunuchs, mainly because his grandfather Cao Teng was an important figure in the **** group, and his clan talents were able to get into the high-level. Compared with the prominent gentry, the Cao family is actually a poor family. The poor family is already "frivolous". Generally speaking, the scholar-bureaucrats have the righteousness, while the eunuchs are more literary, the scholar-bureaucrats are noble, benevolent and filial, and the eunuchs value wisdom and skills. This tradition of the **** family has further affected the Cao family's The style of the family makes it not like the Yuan clan and other gentry who have so many rules, which are very loose. Because of this, Cao Cao has been a libertine since he was a child, and he has become a county magistrate. In charge of the army, although the army is strictly governed, when interacting with people, it is still not dignified, and the old style does not change.

Cao Cao laughed too.

The two entered the account hand in hand.

When they got to the tent, they took their seats.

Cao Cao put away his smile and said to Liu Dai seriously: "Cao has some doubts, I want to ask Duke Yu Ming."

"Any doubt? Please tell me."

"Dare to ask Duke Ming: Does Duke Ming want to lose or win this time against the Yanbei Yellow Turbans?"

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