The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 283: It is adjacent to Henan and Yanzhou in the west and in the north.

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In the reign of Emperor Yao, Pengcheng was the land of the Dapeng clan. It is said that Peng Zu, who lived for 800 years, was the founding father of the Dapeng clan. The Dapeng family died in the Shang Dynasty. After that, Pengcheng was successively occupied by Xu, Song, Wei, and Chu. It became the capital of Song Dynasty, and it was called "Pengcheng City". Qin established Sishui County and Pengcheng County. During the period of Chu and Han Dynasties, Sun Xin, the king of Chu Huai, used to be the capital of Pengcheng, and later Xiang Yu, who claimed to be the overlord of Western Chu, was also there.

In the former Han Dynasty, Pengcheng was the territory of Chu State. When the territory of the state of Chu was the largest, it was in the year when Han Xin was the king of Chu, that he was the king of Huaibei. At the time of Emperor Xuan, the king of Chu, Liu Yanshou, rebelled and committed suicide after failing to commit suicide. The state of Chu was changed to Pengcheng County. Twenty years later, Emperor Xuan relocated his son Liu Xiao to this place, and still used Chu as the state name. At this time, the jurisdiction of the state of Chu was already large. To shrink, there are only seven counties, fewer than today.

In this dynasty, Emperor Shizu made the prince Liu Ying the king of Chu, and he expanded Qixian County with him. Two years later, he benefited from the two counties of Zhuju and Xuchang. The actual jurisdiction of the state of Chu is eight counties, and today the state of Pengcheng is the place where the eight counties are inherited. The country name of Pengcheng comes from the reign of Emperor He. It has been passed down to the present and is the fourth generation. The current King of Pengcheng, Liu He, has been on the throne for more than 40 years.

Sishui flows in through Guangqi in the northern part of Pengcheng State, flows eastward through Pengcheng and Lu County, and Bianshui enters Pengcheng State through Xiao County in Pei State, where it joins Sishui near Pengcheng County. After the Jin Dynasty, because the water was located near the capital of Kyoto, it was forbidden to talk about it, but it was the same as the ancient Bian, so it was renamed Bianshui. Pengcheng is located at the intersection of Bian and Si, with developed water transportation, prosperous commerce, dense river network, no shortage of water, good agriculture, and prosperous and diverse handicrafts. It can be called a major economic metropolis in the Sishui basin.

The economy is good, and the strategic position is also important.

Its land is surrounded by hills and ridges, Biansi communicates, north to Qing, Yan, and west to Yuzhou. Since ancient times, it is a key place that must be contested. North and south are fighting. Pengcheng is often used for offense and defense. Pengcheng, you can attack Shandong and Henan.

For Xuzhou, that is, for the current Xun Zhen, Pengcheng is even more important.

First of all, Xuzhou and Yanzhou are close to the hinterland of Donghai and Pengcheng. The east and south are narrow in the north and north, and only a hundred miles away from Yanzhou. If something happens, the attack is not enough to attack, and the defense is not enough to defend. With Pengcheng in hand, you can move around The space for manoeuvring became larger, not only enough to defend, but also to actively attack.

Secondly, Pengcheng borders the East China Sea, and the prefecture from Wuyuan to Xuzhou is only more than 100 miles away. If Pengcheng joins forces with foreign enemies and sends troops in the morning, the evening will come, and Pengcheng will not be able to. It can be said that Xunzhen will not be able to be at ease.

It is precisely because of Pengcheng's important strategic position, good economy, and domestic iron production that it is sufficient for self-sufficiency, that's why Xue Li took it upon himself, not to serve as a minister to Tao Qian, and then to compete with Xunzhen, but his luck was not good. Pei and Lu are bordered by Pengcheng. The state of Lu is too small and the state of Pei is big enough, but Yuan Zhong, the prime minister of the state, is an elegant man who is not good at fighting. , he already has the idea of ​​resigning, Yuzhou Sun Jian and Xun Zhen are allies again, and Yanzhou not far from Pengcheng, Liu Dai has no time to look outside, he can't find strong foreign aid, so he has to work under Xun Zhen's close. Forced to give up the idea of ​​confrontation, hang up his own words.

Sishui flows from the east of Pengcheng County, Mi Zhu, Cheng Jia and others wait for Xun Zhen at the county boundary on the other side of the river.

Xun Zhen arrived with the others, crossed Sishui, and arrived outside Pengcheng County.

Xun Zhen did not enter the city first, but left the troupe who followed him to station on the spot, changed to a car and rode on horseback, and took Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai, Mi Zhu, Zhang Zhao and others around Pengcheng to check the water and land conditions around the county. , Dian Wei, and Gao Jia led over a hundred cavalry squires.

I saw that the county is surrounded by water on three sides, only the south can be used for traffic and horses.

Under the blue sky and the scorching sun, Xun Zhen restrained his horse and looked to the south. He saw a small mountain a few miles to the south, and a large earthen platform stood on the mountain. Consul Zhang Zhao said, "Mr. Zhang, is that earthen platform a horse stage?"

Zhang Zhao was actually not a few years older than Xun Zhen, but Xun Zhen expressed his respect for him, and whenever he spoke to him, he would always call him "gong". After listening to Xun Zhen's question, Zhang Zhao wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at it from a distance, and replied, "Exactly."

The stage was built by Xiang Yu. After Xiang Yu established the capital of Pengcheng, he built a high platform on the Nanshan Mountain in the south of the city to watch the horses, hence the name.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Since it's the relic of the Overlord, we can take a closer look."

Zhang Zhao, Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai, Xin Ai, Dian Wei, Mi Zhu, Gao Jia and others rode from Xunzhen, galloped to a nearby place, followed the road up the mountain, and reached the foot of the earth platform.

Xun Zhen looked up at him and saw that the platform was about ten feet high. After walking around the platform, he calculated that it covered about a hundred paces. He was stationed in Taipei and looked towards Pengcheng County. Pedestrians on the road are as small as ants.

Because this platform has been abandoned for a long time, weeds and shrubs grow on the platform, and the edge of the platform is also lush. Xun Zhen raised his horse whip, swiped at the bushes on the side of the mount, called Gao Jia and Mi Zhu over, and said, "Xian Jia, you can send officials and soldiers to clean up this stage and under the stage in the next two days. , build some barracks, warehouses, ... Zizhong, if the first Jia needs civilian service, you can cooperate with the allocation."

Gao Jia, Mi Zhu Yingnuo.

After answering the promise, Gao Jia asked: "The general ordered me to clean up the stage and the stage, and build camps and warehouses, but do I want to station troops here?"

Xun Zhen nodded and asked Xi Zhicai, who was nearby, with a smile: "Zhi Cai, do you think it's okay?"

"This platform and Pengcheng County are on the inside and outside. The troops stationed here have the tendency of horns, build battle and defense equipment, store enough food for use, echo the county, even if you encounter a strong enemy, you can defend it." Xi Zhicai looked around. Looking at the county from afar, he sighed, "I know the intention of the overlord to build this platform! Why is it just for the show?" Then he said to Xun Zhen, "The general can be said to be able to clearly see the overlord's true intentions."

Xun Zhen smiled.

Gao Jia asked, "If it is set up as a garrison, I don't know how many troops and horses should be sent here?"

As soon as Xun Zhen named him "Gaomou", he immediately used it.

Xun Zhen pondered for a while, and said, "You don't need Qing to station troops. Qing and Qing brother haven't seen each other for a long time, right? I'll send a message to Jun Qing, and transfer Qing brother to station here." Although Gao Jia and Gao Bing are both under Xu Zhong's command, However, the two brothers have not seen each other for a long time, so they can take this opportunity to transfer Gao Bing and let them both be stationed in the same county, which will not only enhance Pengcheng's military strength, but also Xun Zhen's considerate subordinates. .

Gao Jia is very grateful.

The Nanshan Mountain was not high, the stage was abandoned for a long time, and the scenery was not very impressive. After setting the garrison here, Xun Zhen took everyone back down the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, several big birds were startled. Xun Zhen pulled his bow and shot them, but he missed the shot. Gao Jia and Dian Wei were not good at riding and shooting, so they didn't show their ugliness. Xin Ai urged the horses to chase after them. , the arrows are shot in a row, and three birds in a row in the breath.

Xun Zhen shouted from the back: "Yu Lang! Yu Lang! The mountain road is narrow, don't chase anymore! Stop it! Stop it!" A series of voices ordered Gao Jia, "Quickly push up and tell him to stop." Gao Jia's horse was not as fast as Xun Zhen's horse, and Xun Zhen simply chased Xin Ai by himself.

Hearing Xunzhen's continuous shouting, Xin Ai helplessly stopped slowly, crossed the bow and saddle, looked back, saw the anxious look on Xunzhen's face who was chasing after the horse, and said with disapproval: "Although the mountain road is narrow, Ai rides well, How about galloping like walking on the ground, but what about hitting the yellow beard?"

In the first year of Zhongping, Xunzhen was a lieutenant of Zhao State. In the tenth month, he attacked Huangbeard. Just after the wind and rain, the mountain road was slippery and the road was narrow and muddy. Many soldiers fought in the mountains for the first time, and the battle was unfavorable. The former army Liu Deng was forced by Huangbeard. If they retreat, the rear will be in chaos, they will be defeated, and even the entire army will be wiped out. Xin Ai, the main cavalry, did not participate in the battle, but when he was in the back of the army, he was furious and rushed to the crown. He asked for the order. He galloped on the mountain, stepped on the narrow mud, jumped the ditch and climbed high, and went straight to the front army. Because of the fight to the death. Liu Deng and Dian Wei Zhengyong, Huangbeard's clan is in the Jedi, and if they lose, they will die, so people fight for themselves, and they all fight bravely. , and then defeated Huang Beard. Huang Beard is Huang Qian. Because of his strong beard, he was given the name of Beard, and he was surrendered to Xun Zhen during this battle.

Xun Zhen had fought in previous battles, and this was the most dangerous battle. After the war, he once said to Chen Bao: "I have fought in several states from Zhou Bo, and I have never lost. It was said to Chen Bao, but Xin Ai's role in supervising the battle was actually higher than that of Chen Bao.

Listening to Xin Ai's attack on Huangbeard as an example, Xunzhen said angrily: "When attacking Huangbeard, if you are defeated, the army may disappear, how can it be the same as this time? Now the world is full of power, heroes are rising together, and I am about to explain with Qing and others. The people are hanging upside down, and I am committed to pacifying the world. If my horse stumbles because of a few birds, what should I do? You should cherish and cherish your body not for yourself, but also for me!"

Xin Ai saw Xun Zhen's rage, so he got off the horse, touched the head of the horse before Xun Zhen rode, raised his head and smiled and said, "How can Ai be reckless? , Ai will do nothing in the future. Why get angry."

Xun Zhen's anger did not subside, but seeing Xin Ai smiling like a spring water, with a beautiful appearance, she couldn't bear to scold him any more, she patted his hand stroking the horse's head angrily, and said, "Go back to you immediately!" The foot soldiers descended the mountain road, took the three big birds shot down by Xin Ai, and presented them to Xun Zhen. Xun Zhen said angrily, "For these three birds, I made Yulang run for danger. What are you taking!" "It was Yu Lang who shot Take it, and eat it with me in the county!"

Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai, Zhang Zhao, Mi Zhu, Dian Wei, etc. had all chased close, and when they heard Xun Zhen's words, they all laughed.

The group went down the mountain, turned north, and outside the county, Xun Zhen boarded the car again, Xun Yu and others also changed back to the car, leading the way and following, and entered the city with a clear voice. .

When they arrived at the county palace in the city, Xun Zhen personally shared the food among the people.

In his early years, King Liu He of Pengcheng was famous for his filial piety, respecting the virtuous and Oxfam, and loved him in the country. On the same day, Xun Zhen visited him. Xun Zhen had already asked Lu Dai about Pengcheng's political affairs, and that night, he asked Mi Zhu and other Pengcheng County affairs in detail. Xue Li had already left, and there should be a successor. The next day, after discussing with Xun Yu, Zhang Zhao, etc., Xun Zhen decided to represent Yao as the prime minister of Pengcheng, and Mi Zhu was still the prime minister of Pengcheng. Horse platform.

Xun Zhen also ordered Mi Zhu to assist him to assist Gao Jia in eliminating and reorganizing the soldiers of Pengcheng County. A few days later, the reconstruction of Pengcheng County’s soldiers was completed, and most of them were transferred to Donghai, belonging to Zhao Yun, and the rest was reserved for Gao Jia. The Gao Jia army has a total of 1,400 soldiers, and the upcoming Gao C army has more than 800 personnel, a total of 2,000. The rest of the people, if there is a war, will not be able to use them, and it is enough to use them to garrison.

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