The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 34: Meng Tu dares to give up the night to attack profits

Sun Jian's troops and horses were mainly stationed in Chen, Liang, Runan and Yingchuan. The Yellow Turbans of Lu State were rampant, and there were no troops and horses stationed there. Pei State was adjacent to Pengcheng, Xiapi, and Jiujiang. These three counties are now Xunzhen. All, the border is very safe, except that after Yuan Zhong, the former prime minister of Pei, posted his resignation and went south to avoid chaos, he expressed his public enmity and also led the prime minister of Pei. Ma, just put some defenders in the counties adjacent to Lu State and Shanyang in Peibei, so this time Lu Bu invaded the border, Chen and Liang had reinforcements, but Pei State did not have any extra troops to send, but in Xu When Zhong led his troops through Peiguo, Peiguo Prefecture sent a county official to accompany the guide. m.

This county official is surnamed Wu, a famous member, and a native of Zhuyi, Pei. Ranked 20th, and it has been reproduced to this day. Although there is no more hereditary marquis after entering this dynasty, but in the past two thousand stones, the soldiers ranged from their father Wu Duanguan to Jiujiang Prefect, and they were named Linying Hou, from their grandfather. Wu Ti official to Zhonglei Colonel, served as one of the nine ministers Taichang, from the great-grandfather Wu Du to the nine ministers, and served as Guang Luxun, there is an elder in his family, at the same time as the famous minister Li Gu, named Wu Xuan , the official to the prefect of Runan, when he served as the Sima of Changshui in the early years, Li Gu once took him as an example, and mentioned a sentence in his countermeasures to the court: "I heard that Sima Wuxuan of Changshui... Worship is true, although this is a small loss, it gradually breaks the old chapter.” This is a critical word, but it can also be seen from this that the Wu clan in Zhuyi is indeed a prominent family name in the prefecture.

——Hundreds of years later, Wu Zetian of Tang claimed to be a descendant of this tribe.

However, it is said that the military personnel are only ordinary in their talents, but they have the surname of the state, and they are well-informed. He was also familiar with the terrain of this area. Seeing that Qu Gong and others were stationed on the south bank of the Yingshui River and blocked the way for Xun's army to advance, he went to Xu Zhong and said, "Qu Gong, Jiang Gong, Shen Chengzhe, In Runan, plundering is a business, the military discipline is not neat, and the troops are not strict. Although there are thousands of people in the army, it is not enough to worry about it! It's broken. When the camp is broken, the general can lead his troops across the river slowly."

Xiang County is in the west of Song State, a hundred or ten li away from Song State. This county borders Chen State, and is still under the control of Sun Bing. Whether it is Lu Bu or Qu Gong, their influence cannot extend there. . Since there are Qu Gong and others guarding the other side, it is a feasible way to simply send troops to cross the river through Xiangxian County, and attack it, so as to respond to the main force heading south.

Xu Zhong did not immediately make a decision after hearing this strategy of the soldiers. Instead, he repeatedly asked Qu Gong and other ministries about the combat power. He also called the minister of Song and several local gentry to ask the same question. The problem was finally determined. What the soldiers said was the truth. The combat effectiveness of Qu Gong and the others was indeed very low.

Therefore, Xu Zhong made a decision.

He summoned the generals, explained the tactics of the soldiers, and asked, "Who would like to attack the thieves and clear the way for me?"

No matter how low the combat effectiveness of Qu Gong and other ministries was, they were still in the thousands. In order to hide their whereabouts, it was not advisable to attack too many troops across the river. At most several hundred people, they would attack the crowd with few, and the battlefield was on the south side of the Henan. If Xu Zhong is not in time for rescue, it is very likely that the entire army will be wiped out. This is a seemingly simple task, but it is also quite dangerous.

Xun Pu stood up and said loudly, "Pu dare to ask for this post!"

Xu Zhong knew that Xun Zhen liked Xun Pu very much, and when he saw Xun Pu invited to fight, he hesitated slightly, and said in his heart, "Meng Tu's wounds have not healed yet, if there is an accident, it will be my fault." He refused Xun Pu intentionally.

When Xun Pu followed Zang Ba to attack Taishan County, he charged into battle and was injured by enemy arrows. Although the injury was not serious, it would affect the battle if it had not yet healed. The mission after besieging Qu Gong and other ministries was indeed certain. Dangerous, that's why Xu Zhong didn't want to send him.

Xun Pu was smart and saw what Xu Zhong meant. Before Xu Zhong could tell, he smiled and said, "Pu is willing to issue a military order. If the task cannot be completed, I am willing to be punished!"

"Meng Tu, your injury has not healed yet..."

"Just a little chuang, why bother! When the generals fought from the monarchy in the past, didn't they go into battle with injuries?" Zhang Fei, Xun Pu's advisor, "Does Li Feng think Pu Yan is right?"

Zhang Fei laughed and said to Xu Zhong: "Meng Tu is right, leading troops to fight, how can you not go into battle because of a small injury? Meng Tu is both intelligent and brave, and his works are powerful. It can be done." Zhang Fei's part is cavalry, and he can't carry out such a task of sneaking to attack the enemy. He likes Xun Pu's appearance and personality, so he is not stingy to say a few good words to Xu Zhong on behalf of Xun Pu.

Xu Zhong saw that Xun Pu had a strong willingness to fight. Among Xun Pu's children, Xun Pu was the first to join the army, and he followed Xun Zhen in the first year of Zhongping. Xu Zhong knew him very well and knew his abilities, as Zhang Fei said. , Xun Pu is bold and careful, wise and brave, and has rich experience in combat. Although his minions are only five hundred people, they are all veteran soldiers of Yingchuan who have been fighting from Xunzhen for a long time. The ability and such a part beat Qu Gong and so on, how much more than one can be ten? The chances of losing are slim.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhongyin changed his mind, nodded slightly, and said to Xun Pu: "Okay, this position is handed over to you."

Xun Pu happily replied, "Three days please watch the battle by the river."

On the same day, Xun Pu led five hundred soldiers from his headquarters out of the camp and arrived at Xiang County at midnight. He did not enter the city. He rested by the river for half the night, and at the same time sent people to collect boats for crossing the river. River. When they reached the other side, Xun Pu ordered the tribe to walk along the road, rushing all the way. It was already Meng Dong, and it was getting dark early. Before or after night, he and the soldiers of the tribe arrived outside the quarters of Qu Gong and other troops.

The brave warrior in the episode said, "It's better to attack it at night!"

Xun Pu climbed up and looked down, peeping at the camp of Qu Gong and others, but saw that the entire camp was divided into three parts, which should be the quarters of Qu Gong, Jiang Gong, and Shen Cheng. Of these three camps, two of the camps are planned without any rules. Outside the camp, there are some deer antlers, horses and other things, which are also arranged in a mess, but there is only one camp, which seems to be slightly tidy. Jiang Palace Camp.

Based on the size of the three enemy battalions, it is estimated that the total number of enemy soldiers is about five or six thousand.

After seeing the reality of the enemy camp, Xun Pu knew something in his mind, smiled and said to the brave warrior, "Rather than attacking tonight, it is better to make a surprise attack tomorrow morning."

"Why is this?"

"The thieves are divided into three battalions, the Qu and Shen battalions are very mixed, and the Jiang battalion is only a little cautious, our unit is making noise at night, causing the Qu and Shen battalions to collapse, but Jiang's battalion may be stuck and defending itself, so , it is not easy to take the promise of General Xu to cross the river. Why wait until tomorrow morning? I have made an appointment with General Xu for three days. Tomorrow is the third day. Our troops will attack together, and General Xu will take the opportunity to cross the river on the other side. Until then, I will If the army is attacking from the north and south, the victory is easy, and if the generals are allowed to arrive, we will not only defeat the thieves, but also wipe them out!" Xun Pu paused, and said, "More Otherwise, our soldiers marched in a hurry for two and a half nights, and they also need to rest a little."

Everyone on the left and right listened to Xun Pu's words, and they all agreed.

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