The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 51: It's not enough to lead Runan

After Li Tong's meal was over, Zhang Fei led the way, joined forces with Li Tong to return, and met Xu Xian on the road. m.

Xu Xian summoned Li Tong.

Xun Min personally came to pick up Li Tong, and Li Tong was ashamed when he saw him, and said, "I regret what Mr. Cong said, now we are defeated, the battalion and the people are all lost, and only three thousand soldiers are left to follow. If I could have listened to Mr. Good words, how can you get here!"

Xun Tu was still an old man, and he comforted him warmly, saying: "I heard that it was because Zhou Zhi's old party rebelled that the fort fell. , with your feet in full bloom, why is it difficult to regain your strength?"

After listening to Xun Min's enlightening words, seeing that Xun Min didn't underestimate him at all because of his embarrassment, Li Tong became more and more ashamed.

However, as Xun Tuo said, he was "at full heights" and when he was full of vigor, so although he was ashamed, he was not discouraged. Led by Xun Min, he came to the Central Army to meet Xu Xian.

Xu Xian personally helped him up, looked up and down carefully, and then said, "I am deeply worried about the safety of my feet when I hear that Langling's tomb is broken. Are there any injuries?"

This is the first time Li Tong has seen Xu Xian. He has heard Xu Xian's prestige for a long time. At first sight, if it is rumored, he only thinks that although Xu Xian is short in stature, he gives people the feeling of Chuan Ting Yue Zhi, majesty and self-respect, and hearing him Although the words and tone were calm, the meaning of concern was clear. He bowed again and said, "How dare you bother the general to worry about it? Tong is ashamed and uneasy. There were two battles with the soldiers along the way, but he was not injured."

Xu Xian lifted him up again, patted his arm lightly, and said, "That's fine, that's fine." He added, "I have ordered Buqu to build a camp on a site, and when the tent is set up, I will be ready with a single step. Let's take a break with the soldiers."

"General Ende, thank you Tong Wei."

After talking for a while, Xu Xian returned to the original story and asked, "Now that Langling has been seized by Lu Bu, what are your plans?"

Li Tong had already made a decision when he broke through from Langling. At this time, when Xu Xian asked, he bowed again and said, "If the general doesn't think Tong's defeat is a disgust, Tong dare to ask him to be the general's horse. The forerunner!" But he wanted to cast Xu Xian, that is, Xun Zhen.

Previously, the reason why Li Tong had difficulty deciding whether to vote for Sun Jian or Xunzhen was mainly because the land of Lang Mausoleum was difficult to abandon. Now that Lang Mausoleum was taken away by Lu Bu, the land and the people who were attached to him were lost, so he also There was no more hesitation, so Xun Zhen was naturally chosen to vote.

Xu Xian was overjoyed and said, "The reputation of the steps has spread far and wide, and if you lose a little for a while, why should you worry? I will write to the lord today. With the meaning of the step, the lord will be happy. I think there will be an order in the near future."

After the camp was set up, Xu Xian arranged for Li Tong and his ministries to rest. Xun Tu wrote a report, describing the fact that Li Tong’s army was defeated and fled to Tan County. Afterwards, Xu Xian dispatched his cavalry to see Sun Ce and complained about the fall of Langling and Li Tong.

Lang Tomb was lost, Xu Xian and Sun Ce had no need to cross the Rushui to the south. Xu Xian set up camp on the spot. Sun Ce had already learned of the incident long before Xu Xian's messenger arrived, and, like Xu Xian, sent horses to Xu Xian's army The report, and he himself led the troops back to the division Pingyu.

On the way back to Pingyu, Xu Xian's messenger chased after him.

After hearing that Xu Xian had accepted Li Tong's subordinates, several of Sun Ce's generals expressed their dissatisfaction with Xu Xian.

They believe that although Li Tong is from Jiangxia, Langling is a county under the jurisdiction of Runan. Li Tong’s army in Langling is a local force in Runan. Now he is defeated and flees. Instead of voting for Sun Ce, he voted against Xu Xian. It was irritating that Xu Xian actually accepted, and should not be, not enough friends.

Some people are dissatisfied, and some people disagree.

For example, Yuzhou engaged in Confucianism, and he did not agree with the words of those generals.

He said to Sun Ce: "Langling has fallen, Li Wenda has no time to run, it snows for days, and he chases the enemy. It is expected that his soldiers will be hungry and cold on the way to escape. He will meet General Xu first. In order to survive, it is common sense to lose sincerity. Outraged? Li Wenda's remnants of soldiers were defeated, only three thousand. I expected General Xu to accept him because of this. Ling, when he persuaded Li Wenda to join the commander and General Xu to attack Lü Bu, all his words were to persuade Li Wenda to join the Marquis of Sun, but did not say a word to join the Marquis Xun? Make a break for this!"

Most of the people who suggested that Li Tong go to Sun Jian in Li Tong's bibliography had frequent connections with Sun Bing's generals, because Sun Ce, Kong De and others all knew what Xun Min said to Li Tong when he went to Langling.

What Kong De said was very reasonable. Sun Ce was not a person with a small stomach, because he laughed at the "slanderous remarks" that "provoked the relationship between Yu and Xu", but he didn't take it to heart and didn't take it seriously.

Lü Bu attacked Langling and plundered for three days.

After the snow stopped, and when the snow melted on the road, Lü Bu did not encircle Pingyu any more, but divided his troops into four directions, pulling out Yang'an, Kebei Yichun, taking Ancheng and Xia Shenyang, and went southeast along the Rushui, attacking the city all the way for ten days. During the day, Anyang, Xinxi, Baoxin and other counties were successively captured. In addition to the previously captured Wufang, Xianyang, Xiping, and Dingying, except for Yiyang and Qisi, the two counties on the south bank of the Huai River were preserved. In addition, all the counties south of Rushui in Runan territory have now fallen into the hands of Lv Bu.

In the middle of November, Lü Bu sent Ji Ling, Zhang Liao and others to cross the Rushui to the north, and captured Yuanlu and Fubo counties.

After Zhang Liao was defeated for Xu Xian, he made a detour to the south. A few days later, he arrived at Langling, where he had already joined Lu Bu. Zhang Liao did not complete the task of stopping Xu Xian from going south to rescue Li Tong, but Lü Bu did not blame him either. After all, Langling had already been captured, and when Zhang Liao and Xu Xian were stalemate at Ge Pei, he never allowed Xu Xian to come. Under the city of Pingyu, it can be regarded as a great achievement. ——Of course, Lu Bu and the others did not know that the reason why Xu Xian did not defeat Zhang Liao, and the troops reached Pingyu, was not incapable of doing it, but unwilling to do it.

Yuanlu and Fubo counties are on the southeastern border of bordering Huaishui in the south, bordering Liao County and Yangquan County in Fuling State, adjacent to Yingshui in the northeast, passing Yingshui and passing through Shenxian County , about a hundred li is the southern part of Pei. Sun Jian did not send any troops to Peinan. In order to protect Peinan, and thus Xiapi, which borders Peinan, from being threatened, Xu Xian once again crossed the Yanshui and built a camp at Ruyin on the south bank of the Yingshui.

The weather was getting colder and colder, and when it was time for a truce, Lu Bu, Sun Ce, and Xu Xian, although they didn't say anything to each other, acted very tacitly. Lü Bu also stopped sending troops to attack and plunder, and Sun Ce also withdrew his troops to make peace.

After more than a month of melee, Runan calmed down temporarily.

There was a fierce battle, and there were winners and losers. Overall, Lü Bu had the upper hand. Although he failed to capture Pingyu, he took advantage of the opportunity that the troops from Runan and Yuzhou gathered in Pingyu, and took advantage of the virtual situation to capture the two sides of the Rushui. Thirteen counties already have a half-county land in Runan.

Lü Bu was originally stationed at Langling. Later, he heard that the area around the compliment was the homeland of the Lv country in the Spring and Autumn Period. Now there are still relics of the Lv country in the territory. There is a man named Dalu Ting. The name of the pavilion of Dalu was liked, so it was changed from Langling to the letter of commendation. In the letter of praise, he sent a letter to Yuan Shu, in which he wrote: Buxian avenged the family for the general, and took Runan for the general, what was the general's intention?

The avenger, Lu Bu said that Dong Zhuo was killed by him, and the one who took Runan was not referring to Runan County, but the general of the half-county south of Rushui. Obviously, Lu Bu was asking for a reward. Yuan Shu gave him a response, indicating that he was leading the prefect of Runan.

The news came that Lü Bu thought that the position of the prefect was too small and lacking in intentions, so he privately said: "My Marquis Wen, the three princes of Yitong, slaughtered more than ten cities in ten days.

On this day, Sun Jian returned from Hanoi, and on the day he arrived in Pingyu, he sent a newspaper to Xunzhen and sent someone to send it to Xunzhen urgently.

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