The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 61: Stable provincial governor

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Xun Zhen asked carefully.

But it turned out that: the night before yesterday, when Liu Dai was patrolling the camp, he was violently assassinated by several soldiers. The assassins were immediately arrested. After being severely tortured, they confessed that they were followers of Taiping Dao. The day is right."

Xi Zhicai said: "Liu Gongshan and the Jibei Yellow Turbans have been attacking and defending for a long time. Since these soldiers are Yellow Turban thieves, why are they attacking now?"

Yuan Sui guessed: "Is it because there was no chance to do it before?"

Xun Zhen asked, "What is the current situation of the Yanzhou soldiers? Could the Yellow Turbans in Jibei take advantage of the situation to attack?"

"Bao Jibei was in the camp, and he was in the camp with the state Biejia, Zhizhong, and the battalions. There was no major disturbance in the troops of Yanzhou. After the news of the Yellow Turbans in Jibei, they gathered a crowd to attack, but they were unable to pull out the camp, and they had already retreated."

Xun Zhen remembered that in the original history, it seems that Liu Dai was killed by the Yellow Turbans. After that, Cao Cao had to be the prefect of Yanzhou, because he asked in a deep voice: "Gongshan was assassinated, Yanzhou has no owner, who will take over?"

"There is no news yet."

The news came quickly.

Two days later, he got the state newspaper and Yuan Shao declared Cao Cao as the prefect of Yanzhou.

Immediately afterwards, several military reports about the changes in the war situation, political situation and military situation in Yanzhou came one after another.

The first is: The Jibei Yellow Turbans launched three violent attacks in just a few days, all trying to take advantage of the opportunity of the Yanzhou army coach being stabbed to win. Bao Xin fought personally and never let go. Resisted the tide-like attack of the Yellow Turbans in Jibei.

The second is: the prefectures of Yanzhou drive Wang Yu and Zhizhong Wanqian to Dongjun on behalf of the prefecture to welcome Cao Cao to take office.

The third is: Cao Cao's actions were very fast. After sending Cao Ren and Shi Huan to settle in Gucheng, he personally led troops into Linyi. Linyi is on the north side of Gucheng, and the two counties are only 60 to 70 miles apart. Both are bordered by the Jibei Kingdom. Cao Cao and Cao Ren echoed north and south, forming a chasing situation, directly threatening the west wing of the Yellow Turbans in Jibei, and giving the current station in Dongping. Bao Xin and other battalions in the northwest of the country formed a strong support.

The fourth way is: Cao Cao dispatched the captain Liu Ruo, Sima Dengzhan, Sima Wenji, etc. to lead the cavalry, harass the Yellow Turbans in Jibei, and use actual military actions to support Bao Xin. The Yellow Turbans in Jibei were attacked by the enemy on both sides, and the snow was digested, which was unfavorable for action, so the offensive against Bao Xin was suspended.

In the seven or eight days of work, Yanzhou changed hands, and Cao Cao and Bao Xin cooperated with each other. After Liu Dai's death, the situation in Jibei was controlled in time.

The snow has been falling for four or five days. Since yesterday, the clouds have dispersed and the sun has risen. The snow on the roof has melted and dripped down the eaves. The trees in the courtyard, after being washed by snow, do not appear bleak in the sun, making people feel upright.

It was only when he accepted Mi Ying as his young wife. Behind Mi Ying was the Mi family, and when he grew older, it was Xuzhou's Hao surname. Xun Zhen shouldn't have neglected her. Seeing Mi Ying, he even discussed with the important officials of the state government and the shogunate to deal with it.

The most important discussion is whether the original plan to capture Jinan needs to be adjusted after the spring of next year.

There is a premise for attacking Jinan state, that is: Liu Dai's military ability is not good, and he can't take care of him when he is trapped in Jibei.

Now that Yanzhou has replaced Cao Cao, Cao Cao's decisiveness and military capability are far stronger than Liu Dai's. In his early years, when he defeated Dong Zhuo, he was defeated, but when Yuan Shao, Zhang Miao, etc. were all standing still, he dared to attack Bao Xin. It can be seen that His determination and daring to forge ahead, in recent years, he has pacified Dongjun, attacked Jibei from Liudai, and attacked Kebeqiu not long ago. Not only is his determination and daring to forge ahead, but his performance on the battlefield is also advancing by leaps and bounds. "The wonderful use of it is in one mind", which is by no means comparable to Liu Dai.

He took over as the prefect of Yanzhou, would he still be like Liu Dai, trapped in Jibei and unable to win the battle?

After several days of discussion, Xun Zhen already knew the views of Xi Zhicai and others.

There are two views.

One is not to change the original plan, after the spring of next year, still attack Jinan.

The argument for this view is: although Cao Cao is good at fighting, first of all, he is inferior to Liu Dai in Yanzhou's rank and file. Even though he has Yuan Shao's support, Yanzhou's gentry may not always support him. Second, Liu Dai's Yanzhou prefect is The imperial court appointed Cao Cao's governor of Yanzhou by Yuan Shao. Although they were all named "Yanzhou governor", their gold content was very different. Yuan Shao did not list Cao Cao as "Yanzhou shepherd", but only called him "Yanzhou governor". The prefect is only six hundred stone. In today's troubled times, although the prefect can lead troops, it is not as good as a state shepherd who has all the military and political power of one state under his government. If the two are compatible, the prefectures and states in Yanzhou will willingly obey him. The command? Even the soldiers of the prefecture army may not all support him. Third, Liu Dai and the Yellow Turbans in Jibei were invincible for a long time, but they were stabbed to death. At this time, the morale of the prefecture soldiers must be low. State soldiers are not necessarily strong enough to fight.

Therefore, those who hold this point of view believe that, at least until Yanzhou has gathered the support of the people, the people, and the army, and won the support of the prefectures and states, Cao Cao will definitely not use troops rashly, and Jibei will still be the world of the Yellow Turbans. , it will not affect Xuzhou Raiders Jinan.

One is the need to change the original plan.

Specific to the changes in the plan, they are divided into two categories of opinions.

One is a small change.

That is: use ten tenths of the originally planned force in Jinan, take four points to Rencheng, Dongping, and Mount Tai, strengthen the defense to prevent Cao Cao from attacking, and then use the remaining six points to still attack Jinan. Change, the original goal of attacking Jinan should also be changed accordingly. The original goal of the battle was to capture the entire territory of Jinan, at least half of the territory. Now it can be changed to capture two or three strategic locations such as Licheng, which can be temporarily suspended. After the situation in Yanzhou is clear, we will make the next plan.

One is a major change.

That is: no longer take Jinan as the combat target after the spring of next year, and turn to attack Jibei.

It is Xi Zhicai who holds the view of big change.

He believes that: in terms of strategic position, Mount Tai and Jinan are the most important counties in Yanzhou and Qingzhou respectively. With Mount Tai in hand, you can overlook the whole of Yan, and it is up to me to attack and defend. If Jinan is conquered, the counties and counties of Qingzhou to the east of Jinan can be conquered. Close the door, take whatever you want. The reason why we decided earlier that the next strategic direction is to capture is because Liu Dai is incompetent, so Xuzhou can move northward after capturing Mount Tai, and calmly drop a son in Qingzhou first, and now it is today. , Cao Cao's succession, let's not say far, just say that after he took over, he stabilized the situation on the front line of Jibei in a short period of time, it can be seen that this person should not be underestimated, Xuzhou should be in front of him to stabilize his position , to further strengthen the power in Yanzhou to oppress Cao Cao, and must not sit back and watch him rectify Yanzhou and give him a chance to grow.

Xi Zhicai proposed: If he does not attack Jibei first and then takes Jinan instead, wait for Caodong County to recruit soldiers and officials, and after obtaining Yanzhou as capital, he will definitely attack Jibei. It can also drive away the part of the Yellow Turbans in Jibei. The north of Jibei is Jinan, the east is Mount Tai, and the south is Dongping. In this way, whether the Yellow Turbans in Jibei escape from the north, flee to the south, or flee to the west, they will all enter the realm of chaos. Rather than this, it is better for our army to attack Jibei first, and then drive westward to Dongjun with the Yellow Turbans from Jibei, so that Caodongjun is too busy to take care of, and then take Jinan not too late.

In addition, Xi Zhicai also pointed out that Jiao He, the governor of Qingzhou, talked about Shi'er, and his military strategy was not as good as Liu Gongshan, and the prefectures and states of Qingzhou, only Confucius and Wen were famous, and did not know the army, and the princes of Qingzhou were mediocre and incompetent, and their protection was not enough. There is no strong opponent. Jinan can be attacked at any time. Cao Cao is a hero. If he is not defeated early, he will be a great enemy.

Xun Zhen thought about it again and again and came to a conclusion. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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