In fact, the first title of this article was called "The Favorite of King Bào Ruláng"!

Chapter 11 011

Qiao Xi actually felt it.

When everyone gathered behind him and faced Jing Yu, Qiao Xi felt the silent power they gave him.

In fact, he still has a little instinctive fear of Jingyu, because the memory of the body is too deep, maybe the power given to him by everyone is too strong, Qiao Xi can clearly feel that the courage is little by little, quickly back to him.

When Jingyu left, he turned his head and said obediently to everyone, "Thank you."

Jiaoyue touched his head and smiled lightly.

"Hey, Jing Yan, that guy Jing Yu's eyes look like he's not dead!" Chris said casually.

Jing Yan sneered and said, "If he has the ability, he will come here."

But presumably Jing Yu didn't have the courage to face Jing Yan face to face.

The King and Queen of the Leopard Clan watched what happened to the children, raised their eyebrows and said, "What's wrong?"

"It must be that kid who has come to provoke Jingyan again, but this time it has something to do with the reason why Qiao Xi hid with Jing Yan?" Ed said, "Did Qiao Xi first sent to Jing Yan by his parents? Where did Yu go?"

It's not hard to guess.

A prince with the weakest presence in the bird clan suddenly came to the láng palace and hid at Jing Yan's place without speaking, and his parents had no intention of taking him home, just like a gift that was thoroughly presented to the láng clan royal family. Same.

But Jingyan has never been interested in the bird clan, and the bird king can't curry favor with him, he can only curry favor with Jingyu, so Qiao Xi must have been given to Jingyu. It was only later that Jingyu must have killed Qiao Xi, and Qiao Xi was protected by Jing Yan.

Qiao Xi was silent, but the response had already given the answer.

Jing Yan pursed his lips, his eyes darkened.

The King and Queen of the Leopard Clan looked at each other, sighed and shook their heads.

This sigh made Qiao Xi feel sad in her heart.

Soon, King Láng also arrived, and the banquet officially started.

As the eldest prince, Jing Yan couldn't hold Qiao Xi all the time, so Qiao Xi was abducted by Chris and Jing Yi.

Chris came here purely for fun, so he didn't bother to participate in any superficial ritual. When King Láng and his parents were talking to everyone, the three of them were already eating in the corner.

Jing Yi devoured the steak, while Chris ate the ice cream ball.

Qiao Xi put a plate in front of him, and inside it was the smoked meat that Christy brought him.

Not far away, the person who was listening to the speeches of the two clan kings turned around inadvertently, and saw a picture of... a picture of a dish eating food, and he couldn't help being stunned. If he hadn't known that it was brought by Jing Yan, he would have almost lost his mind. I want to take a photo and post it on the jiāo platform.

And it was also at this moment that Chris rubbed his neck and complained, "I said that my mother would definitely be like this. Her throat lock is harder than before!"

"Your mother misses you too. By the way, do you really have to wait until you've 'transformed' before going back?" Jing Yi said vaguely while eating meat.

Qiao Xi looked at them both curiously.

Chris said sullenly: "But if you go back now, it will definitely be the same as before. When you see me one by one, you will ask me why I haven't changed, and whether I have seen a doctor. It's so annoying."

Chris stayed at Jing Yan's side just to avoid those gossip.

Qiao Xi knows "transformation", and the ancient shòu people will transform at a certain age.

Like "metamorphosis", there was also "miracle" that once appeared in the ancient shòu tribe, which is a special ability that every individual of every race should have.

But as the long river continued to flow forward, the "transformation" and "miracle" slowly disappeared from the shòu clan.

Today, there are still "transformed" races, only the Butterfly and Leopards are left.

The metamorphosis of the butterfly family will change from a larva to an adult and become a four-winged butterfly.

When the Leopard Clan transforms, the shòu-shaped body will grow explosively, from a juvenile body to an adult body.

It's because Chris has not changed, so at the age of 18, the shòu shape is still the image of a little leopard.

As for the "miracle", only the Butterfly Clan still retains it, but the Butterfly Clan individual with the miracle has become only one in hundreds of thousands of people. Nowadays, it is said that only four people in the Butterfly Clan possess miracles. They can control insects and use butterfly powder to control other people's dreams. Qiao Xi already knows that Hei Yu is one of them.

It was only now that he realized that it turned out that Chris stayed in the forest because of his transformation, and was afraid of being "cared for" in the Three Meow Alliance, and it didn't take long, just over a month.

Chris was really troubled and annoyed. His parents didn't want to mention this in front of him, but he couldn't keep everyone's mouth shut. In the end, he couldn't help but hide at Jing Yan's side.

In fact, they all paid attention to his mood. Although Ed would joke with him, he wouldn't talk about "transformation". He just missed him, but he really wasn't ready to go back. But to keep them from worrying, he would still call home from time to time.

To be honest, in his heart, he really wanted to wait until he had successfully transformed before going back - if he could transform.

"Hey..." With a sigh, Chris began to wonder again, "Could it be that I am the beginning? The transformation of the Leopard Clan may also begin to disappear!"

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