"..." Ye He smiled, "It's nothing. In other words, your Three Meow Alliance is really amazing."

"?" Chris didn't know why, but it didn't prevent him from expanding, so he proudly said, "I only know now? But you whales are not as difficult to approach as I thought, you are quite interesting, haha!"

As he spoke, the leopard's ears were shaking.

Ye He stared at the pair of round ears for a moment, and said "tsk" in his heart, considering his nose, he still held back.


With one more guest in the forest, the night was still spent in tranquility.

When the sun just rose, the door of one of the rooms was opened, and a person took a deep breath, thought about it, found a random direction, and swam slowly past.

After a while, the door of another room was opened, and a little leopard came out.

Chris's anxiety has increased since his parents visited him.

It has always been heard that fitness can also speed up the transformation, so although the usual amount of exercise is enough, Chris still added a morning run to himself.

He was scurrying around in the forest, sometimes jumping up a tree, sometimes over the head of a dozing tiger, scurrying out of breath, and his energy became more and more vigorous.

At last he ran to the edge of the only lake in the forest.

When he passed by the lake, he was keenly aware of what was inside, so he leaned over curiously.

Then, his eyes widened in surprise.

The water waves are dàng rippling.

Under the bright sunlight on the water, a dark blue fish tail flicked past.

Above the fishtail is a body full of muscles and a sense of streamline.

The mermaid swam forward, and Chris also ran forward subconsciously, then lay on the edge of the pool.

The mermaid found him, and a pair of phoenix eyes looked at him underwater, with a smile that was not a smile.

Chris stayed for a while, pawed out and swiped in the water once, twice.

The mermaid continued to move forward, and Chris continued to run forward, lying down and pulling and pulling.

Ye He couldn't take it anymore.

Suddenly, the mermaid jumped out of the water, pinned Chris to the ground, and slapped his head wildly.

Chris: "!!!"


Qiao Xi took the medicine and slept fairly well, and slept until almost noon.

Remembering that Ye He planned to leave before lunch, he hurriedly washed up and ran out.

Everyone gathered outside the wooden house. When Qiao Xi first arrived, she felt that everyone's expressions were a bit strange. She squeezed in and took a look.

Ye He was well-dressed, and his light golden perm dyed hair had turned into black shattered hair again. After all, the perm dye of the shòu tribe has always been short-lived, and it will disappear once it changes.

He was holding a little leopard in his arms, and he kept stroking his hands while smiling and said: "Ah Chi, you came to Qiao Xi as soon as I mentioned you, I'm about to leave, Ah Chi, I'm a little embarrassed, I want to bring some special products back, Ahe!"

Qiao Xi: "..."

Jing Yan: "..."

other people:"……"

Everyone silently looked at the little leopard lying on Ye He's arms with all fours upside down. The little leopard squinted and rubbed Ye He's palm instead.

Jing Yan: "Hey, specialty, what about you?"

Chris rubbed... suddenly woke up, opened his eyes, and said in shock: "What? Specialty? I'm not, I don't have it, I'm not going!"

He immediately struggled to jump out of Ye He's arms, but Ye He tightly imprisoned him and said with a smile, "Who is it just now, what I say is what?"

"I'm not leaving anyway! I-I just lost my head for a while!" Chris yelled.

It has always been known that all aquatic clans have a secondary shòu state, whales are not fish, but whale clan can become mermaid, and even guī clan can become mermaid! But in the past, Chris was only limited to hearing and video, and he never saw it with his own eyes. I didn't expect the magic of the mermaid to be so powerful!

He struggled twice without breaking free, his strength was completely suppressed, and he suddenly transformed into anger!

A handsome blond guy with a chiseled body landed on his feet, Ye He was stunned, but he didn't let go of his hand, but subconsciously clasped it on Chris's yao.

Chris blushed and pushed Ye He hard, and said angrily, "I won't go with you, let go!"

Ye He stared at him for a few seconds, suddenly raised his hand to squeeze his chin, and said with interest, "I didn't see a little beauty, but a little beautiful man?"

Chris: "...!!!!"

The onlookers Jing Yan silently picked up the side dish and held it tightly in his arms.

Where the hell did this come from, always a man, he bends when he says it.

The author has something to say: Jing Yan: Straight men can't be trusted! ! !

Chapter 22 022

The holographic online classroom has ushered in another small partner.

"Wow, whale clan, introduced by Jing Yan?"

"Jing Yan has become a brother with the whale prince?"

"No, it was introduced by Jing Yan, why..."

The discussion in the classroom was not concealed at all, and everyone's eyes fell to the back of the classroom together.

The handsome young man sat there with a smile, holding a little leopard in his arms, and whirling wildly in his hands.

The little leopard was so slapped that he couldn't find the north, "snoring" in his mouth, and his claws were shaking.

hear joe aside

Xi and Jing Yi chatted about the recent gossip, and he struggled to separate out a little bit of consciousness, trying to join the topic: "What is it? Tell me what's going on..."

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