Just as Qiao Yue was thinking about it, Qiao Xi raised her hand and said boldly, "But... but I apply to go back once every two weeks!"

People still have to chase!

Joey: "..."

Qiao Yue: "You pissed me off!!!"

Qiao Xi said seriously: "Brother, Jing Yan is really good. Although he looks stupid, he is actually very handsome. You will know when you leave the treatment cabin and get along with him."

Qiao Yue: "You still know he's stupid!"

Qiao Xi: "...Stupid and cute."

Qiao Yue: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Qiao Xi's brows furrowed: "Brother, you and Xing Luoxiu don't shy away from loving each other at all! He even put your treatment cabin in such a place!"

Qiao Yue: "That's what he asked for!"

Qiao Xi: "If you refuse, Xingluo will not dare to move!"

Joey: "..."

Qiao Xi's head is very clear at this moment, and she said: "So brother, you can't refuse Brother Xingluo, love makes people blind, you should be considerate of me."

Qiao Yue: "I understand shit!!!"

Qiao Xi was depressed.

After a few seconds, it was like a person who was extremely angry took a few breaths and finally eased over. Qiao Yue said, "Forget it, you hurry up."

Qiao Xi was stunned: "Didn't you let me stay?"

Qiao Yue: "What's the use of me keeping you! Watching you run back in half a month to get mad at myself?!"

Qiao Xi embarrassed: "I really don't need to? In fact, I have always been afraid that you will be alone here..."

"I have a boyfriend, so I'm alone." Qiao Yue said indifferently.

Qiao Xi: "..." Got a blow from my brother.

But this seems to be true.

If he stays, he might even disturb his brother's relationship...

"I'm not a child, and I need someone to chat with me all day. I'm just angry!" Qiao Yue said depressedly.

Qiao Xi advised: "Brother, I'm an adult, it's normal to fall in love, don't be so angry..."

Qiao Yue said indifferently: "In my eyes, you will always be a baby."

Qiao Xi: "!"

Ah, brother is so cute!

The corners of his lips curled up, and he said softly, "Brother..."

Qiao Yue was silent for a long time, and then he said, "I still remember that you always wanted to go to a university over the Lang family."

Qiao Xi was stunned, and then smiled: "Brother, do you remember?"

"Well," said Qiao Yue, even more depressed, "It's not difficult to pass the test with your grades, right?"

"Then do you agree?" Qiao Xi asked cautiously.

If he can stay in the Lang family, he really wants to discuss with his brother about going to school.

This has nothing to do with Jing Yan, that school was something he had longed for since he was very young.

And what can Joey do?

What can he do!

Their little boy is no longer the little boy of the past, but a little boy who can fly! Not only do I want to fall in love with the big black láng, but if I go to a láng clan university, I will stay in the láng clan longer!

Qiao Yue felt sour in his heart, very uncomfortable.

But then again, even he himself felt that he was making trouble without reason.

"Just think about it yourself, I can't control you so much!" he said viciously.

"Brother..." Qiao Xi smiled, and his heart was warm, "Don't be angry, I'll be waiting for you to come back. After you come back, you'll know when you get along with Jingyan again. Then... Even if I go to university with the Lang clan, I will go home with you during the holidays!"

Joey was heartbroken.

Every time he mentioned "home" in the past, Qiao Xi's tone would be low, and he didn't like to mention this word.

But now, Qiao Xi can speak normally, with a light tone.

——It wasn’t that he was relieved of that family, but something else…

It seems that there is no more compromise-style concessions to the family. This child has learned to divide, learn to live his own life, and no longer be influenced by people who are not worth it.

Is such a change also brought about by that black láng?

When Qiao Xi went to school and met her friends, she was actually a little more cheerful, but now he is really different from the past. Maybe the couple of the bird clan did it too much and completely stimulated him, but that cheerfulness and joy really had something to do with the sand sculpture láng.

The more Qiao was bored for a long time, the more lost he felt.

Although he would talk to Qiao Xi on the phone from time to time, it was at this moment that he realized that Qiao Xi had really grown up.

I really want to get out of this treatment cabin as soon as possible.


"It's coming soon," Xingluo said softly in the afternoon when Xingluo sent the group away and returned to the garden, "The next year will come soon."

"Um..." Joe Yue was sullen.

Xing Luo said again: "Qiao Xi and Jing Yan should be soon, they obviously like each other."

Qiao Yue: "Shut up! I don't want to listen!!"

Xingluo: "Have you mentioned the spirit of God now?"

Qiao Yue: "You have been blocked by the other party, please send a friend application first. Before the other party passes the application, don't think about chatting with the other party :)"


A trip to the fox

At the end of the trip, on the return journey, the atmosphere on the spacecraft can be described as varied.

Xiaohei láng held the mobile phone, flicked his tail and hooked up with the video of the little sister of the fox family.

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