The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1021 Want to escape, it's too late (second update)

As the aura of destruction permeated, the Third Elder's eyes flashed a look of doubt, as if the three black beads could not be broken, but they became more and more powerful!

He couldn't help but began to think about whether he should back away, but suddenly he heard Du Yuesheng laughing loudly:

"Old man, I advise you to run away quickly. After the power of the spell of the Emperor of Heaven is over, it will not be too late for you to fight with the Emperor of Heaven!"

The third elder really wanted to escape, but when he heard this sentence, he sneered and said:

"In front of a small human spell, why should I run away? I want to see how powerful your spell is!"

As soon as the words were finished, the third elder raised the golden dragon whip and pointed it at the sky, and one after another vortex appeared in the sky.

And in that vortex, golden dragons were constantly born, and after they were born, those golden dragons rushed towards the earth-exploding sky star.

Seeing this scene, Du Yuesheng couldn't help heaving a long sigh, these three elders were really stupid, they thought that all spells could be broken with force, but he didn't know that the nature of Earth Explosion Star was just the opposite.

When you meet Dibang Tianxing, you turn around and run, Dibang Tianxing can't do anything to him, but he insists on attacking Dibang Tianxing with such fanfare.

When the local blasting star eats up his spells and spits them out in one breath, then there will be something to watch!

As the third elder attacked the Earth Explosive Star, his heart sank more and more. He had cast most of the spells in his body, but the Earth Explosive Star was not only not crushed by him, but grew stronger.

Now the Earth Explosive Star is definitely more than one mile in diameter, just suspended in the air so quietly, motionless.

Not to mention the suffocating and destructive aura constantly emanating from it, the huge size alone put tremendous pressure on the Third Elder.

"It's not good...that kid deliberately provoked me not to run away!" The third elder suddenly came back to his senses, and he understood why Du Yuesheng suddenly advised him to run away.

Immediately he let out a long roar: "Zhuzi tricked me..."

Before he finished speaking, the Third Elder rubbed oil on his feet, turning into a streamer and about to fly away.

"I want to escape now, it's too late!" But at this moment, Du Yuesheng's mouth curled into a smile, and a word popped out between his teeth:


The three black beads exploded almost at the same time, and a dazzling white light covered all the places the eyes could see.

Then the last three light waves stimulated each other and spread out, wherever they went, even the tiniest dust in the air was re-shattered and shattered again.

The space was torn apart in an instant, and a huge black hole appeared in the sky, and the breath of the void filled it!

Immediately afterwards, a wave of air exploded from the place where the three black beads exploded, and the sand on the ground flew ten miles away in an instant with overwhelming momentum, as if the desert was about to engulf everything angrily.

In the end, there was a deafening loud noise that could be heard three hundred miles away.

The earth trembled for a while, as if it had experienced an earthquake.

The speed of the streamer of the three long-aged bodies is not unpleasant, and they escaped more than ten miles in an instant.

When he saw the blinding white light, he was startled. He turned his head and saw the light wave attacking him. He was so frightened that he spit out a mouthful of blood, turned into a black dragon, and continued to flee at high speed.

But in the end he was still caught up by the light wave, and the light wave rolled over him, the dragon's scales were directly crushed, the internal organs were injured, and one of the dragon's horns was broken. The blue dragon let out a miserable cry, but he still carried it light waves.

However, when Canglong discovered the tyrannical and unparalleled air wave behind him, he couldn't help but groan to the sky, and then he was completely swallowed by the dusty air wave of the carrier.

Du Yuesheng and the others had already stood more than a hundred miles away. The third elder really fed too much food to Earth Explosion Star, which caused the explosion power of Earth Explosion Star to be far greater than before.

A huge crater with a diameter of nearly 100 miles appeared on the desert in an instant. On the most central step of the crater, even the crimson rocks and soil below could be seen, and the sand had disappeared.

And the most terrible thing is that a dragon master at the level of life and death Sanxian was submerged in it.

Seeing that the world gradually calmed down, Du Yuesheng raised his head, glanced at the world that was slowly returning to calm, and listened attentively.

Wang Kaixuan quickly asked, "Is he dead?"

Long Qi also looked at Du Yuesheng. He has transformed into a real dragon now, but he is still afraid of the third elder.

After a long time, there was still peace in his ears, Du Yuesheng shook his head slightly, the life and death Sanxian of the Dragon Clan was really tyrannical, and the third elder was not dead yet.

However, he wasn't too nervous, he just shouted in his heart: "The system will check for me, where is the third elder now?"

"Ding, the system prompts that the investigation is complete, and there is no sign of the third elder of the Dragon Clan within a radius of three hundred miles."

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng raised his brows and looked up at the sky. The system should not have detected the void, so he closed his eyes and felt it for a while.

Suddenly, his eyes opened sharply, and his thoughts soared into the sky. Behind him was a long trail of dust and smoke, and his sword went straight to the sky. The light on the tip of the sword was extremely dazzling, as if it wanted to pierce the sky!

This sword was too fast and too strong, Du Yuesheng almost used all his strength, and when he stabbed out with the sword, black cracks like spider webs appeared in the space around the sword point.

With a scoff, the sword suddenly pierced the space directly, pierced into the void, and made a muffled sound.

"You still want to leave?" Du Yuesheng sneered, and suddenly drew his sword, blood spattered, only to see the space began to collapse on a large scale.

A huge black dragon was directly pulled out of the void.

The huge body of Canglong slammed down on the desert like a heavy mountain range.

At this moment, the blue dragon was covered with scars, half of its tail was broken, its horns were gone, and there were only two dragon claws left.

Seeing himself being pulled out of the void, the blue dragon finally wailed: "Du Yuesheng...I have no grievances with you, why must you kill me?

Do you want to help Long Wushuang obtain the inheritance of the Dragon Clan?

Can! When I return to the Dragon Clan, I will definitely persuade the First Elder to pass it on to her, as long as you don't kill me! "

The third elder actually uttered words of begging for mercy, which surprised Du Yuesheng, he thought that the third elder would rather die than surrender.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile a little, and said: "The inheritance of the Dragon Clan is supposed to be unparalleled, and we don't need your help.

On the contrary, you can do anything and say anything to survive, it's too dangerous, go to hell! "

As soon as the words fell, Du Yuesheng's sword light descended from the sky, and directly slashed on the neck of the Canglong. This sword can cut even a mountain range, let alone a dying Canglong?

The dragon's blood splashed instantly, and the dragon's head and body were separated directly.

And beside Du Yuesheng's ear, the system's bell rang suddenly.

Du Yuesheng was full of anticipation, killing an elder of the Dragon Clan and still being a Life and Death Loose Immortal, the system rewards should not be less...

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