The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1034 Instant Kill (Fifth)

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for getting the ability, let's kill all directions!"

Immediately afterwards, the effect of killing the Quartet appeared in front of Du Yuesheng's eyes:

Ability Name: Kill the Quartet

Effect: You only need to look at the past, and all the people or monsters who are eye-to-eye with the player and whose cultivation level is lower than the player can be crushed and killed with a single thought, and the number of crushed and killed at one time does not exceed a thousand!

Cooling: twenty hours four hours.

Seeing this effect, Du Yuesheng's eyes lit up immediately, the effect of this skill is very powerful.

Although it is useless when fighting high-level people, it is very useful when encountering countless low-level opponents, such as phantom beasts!

Du Yuesheng's overwhelming sword light was blocked by Daotian Longzi, and in the middle of the battle, a hundred phantom beasts suddenly appeared in the middle of the battle between the two sides.

Without hesitation, Du Yuesheng raised his eyes and looked at the group of phantom beasts. It just so happened that those phantom beasts also raised their heads and looked at Du Yuesheng, the most murderous person.

The two parties looked at each other, and the phantom beasts fell to the ground without any warning, and their big lantern-like eyes were all extinguished.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng who killed 100 phantom beasts and gained 362.3676 million experience points!"

"Ding, the system prompts that since the player's experience value has reached the limit of Qixing Sanxian, the obtained experience value is temporarily stored and will be distributed together after the catastrophe!"

Hearing this prompt, Du Yuesheng's eyes lit up, haha, this is the explosion of experience points.

Although the experience value of one phantom beast is not much, the experience value of a hundred phantom beasts is particularly large!

There are still a thousand heads on it, and there are ten thousand, one hundred thousand, and millions on top!

Du Yuesheng felt that he might rush to the point of Nirvana Sanxian in one breath!

Seeing Du Yuesheng laughing, Daotian Longzi frowned tightly. When he saw the hundred phantom beasts suddenly fell to the ground and died for no reason, he thought it was someone who cast the spell.

But after feeling it for a long time, he didn't feel anyone cast a spell, and only then did he feel the seriousness of the matter. Du Yuesheng's strength seemed to exceed his imagination!

Not only him, but the people in Immortal Mountain also felt great pressure. Now that Du Yuesheng can quietly kill so many phantom beasts, if he moves, how strong should he really be?

Seeing those glowing stairs appear, Daotian Longzi yelled, and directly rolled up many monks from the Immortal Mountain and fled up. The speed was so fast that Du Yuesheng couldn't stop him.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, it doesn't matter if he didn't kill Daotian Longzi here, he can't escape, the fourth floor has a thousand phantom beasts, he can't kill so many phantom beasts in one go, he can only wait to die!

Afterwards, Du Yuesheng didn't even bother to collect the upgrade materials of the system, and immediately took the empress and others to the fourth floor,

Sure enough, although the thousand phantom beasts on the fourth floor wouldn't cause much trouble for Daotian Longzi and the others, it would be too difficult to kill them completely in an instant.

When Du Yuesheng went up, they had just killed all the phantom beasts, and Du Yuesheng rushed to the place where the stairs appeared without hesitation, and waited for everyone with a smile, and said lightly:

"Daotian Longzi, now that you have gathered four forces from the Three Mountains and Five Sects, do you still think of a higher level to fight the Emperor of Heaven again?"

Daotian Longzi really thinks so. Three mountains and five sects have a total of eight forces. Except for the one that Du Yuesheng has already destroyed, there are still seven left. If they go up to another level, they will be able to get back six, which is enough to fight Du Yuesheng. .

He must deal with Du Yuesheng, and the other six forces will join forces to deal with the Empress. As for Wang Kaixuan and Long Qi, no one cares, they are too weak.

But now there are only four forces, and the odds of winning against the empress are very small. Up to now, Daotian Longzi feels that the empress is unfathomable!

Daotian Longzi was taken aback when he heard the words, then he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Empress, don't you even have the courage now!"

Du Yuesheng sneered coldly, and said: "Idiot, your aggressive tactics are too bad. If you bluntly say that you dare not fight me now, the Emperor of Heaven will definitely let you go up there. Wait until you dare to fight me!" It's time to make another move.

It's just that you have to be twitchy and talk too much nonsense, the Emperor of Heaven is really too lazy to listen, so go to hell and talk about it! "

While speaking, Du Yuesheng's figure flickered, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed a distance of more than one mile, rushed to the front of Daotian Longzi, and punched out without hesitation.

Although Du Yuesheng seldom used boxing techniques later on, the power of his punch was also very tyrannical. With one punch, the sky changed color, and the air was instantly compressed until bursts of explosion sounded.

"Comparing physical strength with me? You are too arrogant!" Daotian Longzi immediately became happy when he saw this scene, and punched back without hesitation.

But after Daotian Longzi punched out, he, who was still a human palm just now, suddenly turned into a pair of dragon claws.

Just in terms of size, Du Yuesheng seems to be shaking a big mountain with his fist, which is very unfavorable.

Seeing this scene, the empress didn't have the slightest intention to rescue Du Yuesheng. Instead, she made flowers step by step, and walked directly to the crowd of monks from the three mountains and five sects. With a wave of her jade hand, the peach blossoms scattered.

Wherever the peach blossom petals went, there were all murderous intentions, and those monks whose cultivation level was lower than that of Bagua Sanxian almost all died in an instant.

The Empress's strength can also be seen at this moment.

At the same time, Du Yuesheng and Daotian Longzi finally collided with each other's fists, and there was a loud bang, and the two fists of extremely incongruous sizes collided together, and a shocking noise erupted.

Waves of light kept rippling at the place where the two fists collided, and circles of light waves kept rippling.

"This is your strength? Too weak!"

Daotian Longzi looked at Du Yuesheng with a smirk on his face: "I have only used 50% of my strength, and you will not be able to stop it!"

Du Yuesheng smiled lightly, and said: "No wonder, I said why it is so hard for me to use 20% of my strength. It turns out that you used 50% of my strength, so I will add 50% of my strength!"

"What!" Daotian Longzi was startled.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a force that he could not match at all emanating from Du Yuesheng's body and transmitted from his fist.

It felt like a mountain thousands of miles had fallen from a height of 10,000 meters, and he was just an elephant, no matter how powerful an elephant was, it couldn't stop it.

There was a whirring sound of air pulling, and Daotian Longzi flew upside down like a cannonball.

And his huge dragon claws were dripping with blood, splattering wantonly!

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