The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1300 Liar (Part 1)

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but smiled lightly, and said lightly: "Your Excellency said that I am a liar?"

Li Ziguan obviously heard what Du Yuesheng said, but pretended not to hear it, turned his head and said to Li Yun: "A liar can be right once, but he can be wrong twice. Do you understand my words?"

Li Yun's eyes lit up, and he nodded again and again: "Grandpa's lesson is absolutely right!"

Ge Qingqian couldn't help but said: "Grandpa Li, I'm in charge of my own affairs!"

"You call me Grandpa Li, I can't just stand by and watch you being deceived!" Li Ziguan said with a smile, turned to look at Ge Qingyun again, and said, "Old Ge, what do you think?"

Ge Qingyun frowned: "Old Ghost Li, you are too strict, my grandson-in-law won't be able to talk to you no matter what!"

Hearing that Ge Qingyun was called Du Yuesheng's grandson-in-law, Li Yun's face became more and more ugly, and Li Ziguan immediately said: "Old Ge, you and I have a good relationship from generation to generation. I should help with these things!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the deepest part of the Wanshi Garden, and said, "Why don't we go and see the latest shipment of raw fairy stones, and use those raw stones to identify liars!"

Upon hearing this, the monks present couldn't help but feel joyful.

This batch of newly arrived raw fairy stones is said to be of high quality, and no one knows what treasures will be discovered from them.

And it is even more rare for the two masters of Fairy Spirit City to gather together!

So everyone stretched their necks and prepared to watch the show.

Seeing this, Zui Mo couldn't help curling his lips and said to Du Yuesheng: "It seems that I caused you trouble again!"

"It's okay, I'm never afraid of trouble!" As he said that, he put away the peach blossom seal, nodded towards Ge Qingyun, and said, "Please, Mr. Ge, lead the way!"

The meaning is obvious, true gold is not afraid of fire!

Li Yun sneered suddenly, and turned his head to walk towards the center of Wanshi Garden, while Li Ziguan stretched out his hand, grabbed Li Yun's hand, and said earnestly: "When the original stone is identified later, Wanshi Don't be impatient!"

At the same time, Li Ziguan's sound transmission sounded beside Li Yun's ears: "Put away this sound transmission charm, Old Man Ge will definitely stare at me, I can't use ordinary methods to transmit sound to you, otherwise I will definitely be discovered , you must use this spell!"

After finishing speaking, Li Ziguan withdrew his hands back, put his hands behind his back, and proudly walked forward.

Li Yun was taken aback for a moment, and quietly clenched his hands, then he became more confident and walked towards the center of Wanshi Garden.

Elder Ge walked to Du Yuesheng's side, and said in a deep voice, "Little friend, be careful, this kid Li Yun still has some skills, don't capsize the boat in the gutter!"

Du Yuesheng laughed, and said: "The strange ship capsized in the gutter is not big enough, Mr. Ge don't have to worry, this kind of thing won't happen to me!"

As he said that, he walked towards the center of Wanshi Garden with Zui Mo, followed by a group of monks.

Ge Lao was thinking of Du Yuesheng's words, and couldn't help laughing: "This kid is really wild and domineering, Qingqian, I know that you want to learn this kid's identification technique, and it's all for me. Now Grandpa advises you, just forget it, this son is not a thing in the pool, you can't lower him!"

After finishing speaking, Ge Qingyun left directly, and Ge Qingqian was taken aback for a moment. She was indeed approaching Du Yuesheng for the purpose of identification at the beginning.

But with all kinds of changes coming one after another, for some reason, there was a change in her heart. Even if she couldn't learn Du Yuesheng's identification technique, she seemed to be willing...

"What's wrong with me?" Suddenly, Ge Qingqian came to his senses, recalling his question just now, a blush involuntarily appeared on his face.

She quickly shook her head and walked quickly towards the center of Wanshi Garden.

Not long after, a strange situation appeared in Wanshi Garden. Outside the center, there was no one there, like a ghost.

But in the central area, there are crowds of people at the moment, shoulder to shoulder, and it is difficult for anyone to squeeze in.

Among the crowd, there were 18 raw fairy stones with strange shapes, some of them looked like drunk people lying down, some of them climbed to the sky like fairies, some of them soared like golden dragons, and some of them swam like poisonous snakes!

Du Yuesheng and Li Yun stood in front of the first raw fairy stone.

Du Yuesheng remained motionless, while Li Yun glanced at Du Yuesheng from time to time, his gaze as cold as ice.

Li Ziguan stood in the middle with a smile and said: "There are eighteen raw fairy stones here. You start to appraise them separately. Don't tell the results of the appraisal, write them down on a piece of paper, and see who has the highest correct rate of appraisal. Alright, now Start identification!"

Hearing this, Li Yun couldn't help but said: "Boy, if you guess one piece correctly, you can't guess eighteen yuan right. I advise you to leave as soon as possible, so as not to be exposed later!"

At the same time, Li Ziguan's voice sounded in Li Yun's ears: "There is a treasure in the first fairy stone..."

Li Yun quickly raised his pen and was about to write on the paper.

While picking up his pen, he looked up and found that Du Yuesheng had already walked to the second raw fairy stone!

"Hmph, can't you see if there is any treasure in the first raw fairy stone?" Li Yun was overjoyed.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng actually walked to the third raw fairy stone.

After Li Yun saw it, he couldn't help but muttered, "Can't you see the second piece?"

Before he could finish his words, he saw Du Yuesheng walked directly to the fourth fairy stone, and he just touched the fourth fairy stone and left, and walked to the fifth fairy stone. In front of Ishihara Stone!

Seeing this scene, the monks next to him also talked a lot:

"Li Yuncai just appraised a raw fairy stone, but that unknown boy has already appraised the fifth one?"

"Fuck, it's already the sixth yuan, he didn't appraise it at all!"

Ge Qingqian also frowned, and said to Ge Qingyun in a low voice: "Grandpa, is he in trouble? He walked so fast and there was no time for appraisal. He didn't seem to take a serious look at these raw fairy stones!"

Ge Qingyun's old face was also a little gloomy: "That's true, he doesn't seem to have seriously appraised it, but Li Yun is also a little weird, I just saw whether the first raw fairy stone is treasured, and he also saw it , The speed is too fast, it doesn't seem like his own ability!"

And at this moment, Zui Mo's chuckle came out: "If you take the talisman out of his hand, he probably won't be so fast!"


Hearing this, Ge Qingyun's face changed suddenly, and he looked over quickly. After a closer look, he found that Li Yun's left hand was clenched tightly, and he refused to let go no matter what, there must be something wrong!

Seeing this, Ge Qingqian's face also changed: "Then... isn't this Li Yun a bully? His grandfather is an appraiser as famous as your grandfather in Xianling City!"

Ge Qingyun snorted coldly: "Did you play this kind of trick under my nose, treating me as an old fool..."

As he said that, he wanted to stand up and expose Li Yun.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Du Yuesheng had already reached the eighteenth raw fairy stone, then turned around and came back with a grin, and said, "I'm done with the appraisal!"

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