The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1308 Goodbye Qin Shihuang (first update)

Hearing Du Yuesheng's words, Immortal Venerable Qianhua and Immortal Man Niu immediately froze in place.

After a long time, the two came back to their senses. The Immortal Manniu first raised his head to the sky and laughed loudly: "Boy, you were so scared by this deity that you let me blow myself up and enslave my entire Barbarian clan. Don't you think so?" Are you a fairy master?"

And Qianhua Xianzun also snorted coldly: "Crazy words, it seems that you don't plan to commit suicide and apologize, then go to die!"

While speaking, Immortal Qianhua raised the feather fan in his hand and waved it. In an instant, dust and smoke rose from the sky and the earth, like a rolling river, coming from all directions, rolling towards Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng stood in the center, like a flat boat in the wind, it might be overturned at any time.

Zui Mo's complexion changed, and he quickly said: "No, these two are immortals. Once they get serious, we are not opponents. You go first. I will resist with the Holy Demon Art and buy you time!"

Unexpectedly, Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and shook his head lightly.

At the same time, his heart moved, and he shouted directly: "System, use a character lottery card!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the summoned character has not disappeared. Please confirm the use of the character lottery card!"

Du Yuesheng was taken aback for a moment, what, the summoned character has not disappeared? who?

Thinking about it carefully, the last person summoned seemed to be Qin Shihuang. Could it be that he hasn't returned yet?

Du Yuesheng thought about it carefully. After summoning Qin Shihuang in Yunhai City that day and killing all directions, he did not see Qin Shihuang disappear with his own eyes, but left Yunhai City directly. Could it be that Qin Shihuang is still in Yunhai City now?

Du Yuesheng was speechless for a while, he thought that Qin Shihuang was also a summoning figure that lasted five minutes, so he ignored it at all.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng's heart moved, and he shouted: "System, help me contact Qin Shihuang!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Shihuang's voice sounded in his mind: "Emperor of Heaven!"

Du Yuesheng twitched his mouth, looked at Kuangsha rushing towards him from all directions, grinned, and said: "Come to me, kill!"

In an instant, the wind and cloud changed color, and the sky and the earth became bleak at this instant, and the surroundings instantly became like night.

The spell cast by Qianhua Immortal Venerable suddenly stopped at this moment.

In front of Du Yuesheng, the figure of Qin Shihuang suddenly appeared.

"Who is this?"

Qianhua Immortal Venerable was startled, just now there was no spatial fluctuation at all, but Qin Shihuang appeared directly in front of Du Yuesheng, as if he had been standing there all this time, this speed is really too fast!

Immortal Man Niu was also taken aback, looking at Qin Shihuang who suddenly appeared, he couldn't help but said: "Who are you, you dare to stop me from killing Du Yuesheng, could it be that you want to seek death?"

Qin Shihuang seemed to turn a deaf ear to the disrespectful words of Man Niu Xianzun, he just turned his head, looked at Du Yuesheng, cupped his hands and said, "Heavenly Emperor, who will you kill?"

Du Yuesheng raised his eyelids, and glanced at all the monks of the bull clan, Qianhua Xianzun, and the human monk Hu Li who called the monks of the bull clan.

No need to say it, Qin Shihuang already understood.

He turned his head back and took a step forward, only to hear a clatter, Qianhua Immortal Venerable's menacing spell just now collapsed suddenly, and the dust in the sky seemed to weigh a thousand catties at this moment, and fell to the ground firmly.

Xianzun Qianhua's complexion changed slightly, and he waved the feather fan in his hand, wanting to fan the heavy sand all over the sky again, but no matter how he waved the feather fan in his hand, the dust on the ground would not rise again.

"Huh?" Qianhua Xianzun frowned: "You have some skills, let me see how strong you are!"

Although Qianhua Immortal Venerable is only the first level of Immortal Venerable, his strange spells are quite tyrannical. He thinks that even if he encounters an opponent stronger than himself, it will not be a problem to save his life, so he is more courageous.

Seeing that his first spell didn't work, he immediately made a formula with one hand, and chanted a mantra in his mouth. Suddenly, a colorful light rose from the feather fan in his hand, and flew into the sky. Howling!

As soon as the sacred beast came out, a gust of wind suddenly rose, and a tyrannical coercion immediately pressed on Qin Shihuang.

Upon seeing this, Immortal Man Niu couldn't help but said: "Old man Qianhua, your spells have really become more and more powerful!"

Qianhua Immortal Venerable smiled slightly, without saying a word, just raised his hand and pressed towards Qin Shihuang.

Immediately, the seven sacred beasts roared and galloped towards Qin Shihuang.

Unfortunately, at this moment, Qin Shihuang slowly raised the Emperor Sword in his hand.

In an instant, a majestic will like heaven and earth diffused from the Tianzi sword.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shihuang pointed the Tianzi sword forward, and the seven suanni mythical beasts suddenly burst into pieces with a muffled bang bang bang while running wildly.

As if in the void, there seemed to be an extremely tyrannical force breaking through the air, hitting the sacred beast fiercely!

The seven sacred beasts burst into pieces in the air, and Qin Shihuang didn't stop. He immediately raised his sword and pointed at Qianhua Xianzun again.

In an instant, the feather fan in Qianhua Immortal Venerable's hand exploded with a bang, a ball of dazzling white light, which also exploded directly.

As for Qianhua Xianzun, who was holding the lupine tightly, was affected by the explosion, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball.

Seeing this, Qin Shihuang directly raised his hand to shake the void forward, and the Qianhua Immortal Venerable who was flying upside down immediately stopped in the air, and then flew towards Qin Shihuang suddenly.


Qianhua Immortal Venerable was terrified, his magic weapon was directly destroyed by the opponent, and even his actions were easily controlled by the opponent at this moment, this opponent is only a little stronger than himself, this is obviously a thousand times stronger !

He raised his hand laboriously, trying to find a way to escape this situation by chanting a spell.

But Qin Shihuang directly clasped his five fingers together at this moment.

There was a bang, and Immortal Qianhua immediately exploded into a cloud of blood mist in the air, and his spirit and soul were all wiped out!

"What? Old man Qianhua, you..."

Immortal Man Niu's heart skipped a beat when he saw this, Immortal Qianhua was killed directly, and Immortal Man Niu and Immortal Qianhua were only 50-50 in strength, and I am afraid that he could only be a mermaid!

Thinking of this, Immortal Man Niu didn't even think about it, he raised his hand and tore open the void, wanting to get into the void and escape.

"I, did you let me go!"

Qin Shihuang raised his eyelids and asked in a deep voice. After these words came out, the void that Immortal Man Niu had just torn apart was directly closed!


Immortal Man Niu's complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly raised his hand to continue tearing the void, but the void in front of him seemed to be a single piece of iron, and he couldn't tear it apart!

Seeing this scene, Immortal Man Niu's face became more and more ugly. He turned around quickly, without thinking, and knelt down with a plop: "Senior, please forgive me, senior, please forgive me. The sea of ​​fire under the mountain will not hesitate!"

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