The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1311 Double cultivation (first update)

Although Zui Mo is a demon saint, she is not good at healing.

After seeing such a dangerous injury of Du Yuesheng, he was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

After hesitating for a while, Zui Mo seemed to have made up his mind, bit his plump lips lightly, raised his hand, and a wave of spiritual energy rolled up Du Yuesheng and flew towards a distant mountain.

Not long after, Zui Mo took Du Yuesheng directly to the foot of a mountain, only to see Zui Mo lightly flick his index finger, and a burst of brilliant light hit the mountain.

Immediately, where the mountain was hit by Huaguang, a cave appeared directly.

Immediately afterwards, Zui Mo took Du Yuesheng directly into the cave.

Although the cave was pitch black, as Zui Mo entered, bursts of milky white light appeared on her skin, illuminating the entire cave!

At this moment, Zui Mo's expression was dignified, and there seemed to be hesitation in her expression, but when she glanced at Du Yuesheng who was lying on the ground with her brows furrowed, she bit her silver teeth lightly, and murmured in a low voice:

"It seems that only I, who practice the Holy Demon Art, can save you... You save my life, and I will pay you back. We owe nothing to each other!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zui Mo clasped his hands together, and there was a mysterious rune flowing between the rays of light. If a well-informed person saw this, he would definitely be able to recognize it. Magic work!

As the drunken ink activated the Holy Demon Art, the sky beyond the mountains was immediately filled with rain, thunder and lightning, and the sky was completely dark.

At the same time, a light curtain rose from the entrance of the cave, isolating the entire cave from the outside world.

In the cave, Zui Mo's clothes were half-faded, revealing his white and fragrant shoulders, and he gently pressed against Du Yuesheng's body.

Du Yuesheng, who was in deep sleep, felt as if he had a beautiful dream. For a moment, the sound of wind, rain, and crackling sounded together.

I don't know how long it has passed, Du Yuesheng suddenly opened his eyes, and subconsciously looked down at his clothes, which were all in order, while Zui Mo was sitting cross-legged quietly, and there was no abnormality.

It's just that Zui Mo's aura at this moment has reached the peak of the Immortal Emperor, only one step away from the Immortal Venerable, but although Zui Mo's cultivation base has increased, his aura is a little weak.

Feeling it carefully, Du Yuesheng suddenly discovered that the injuries in his body had healed, and even the heart of the Immortal Emperor, which should have failed to condense, had recovered and was only one step away!

Could it be that the body's self-healing ability has become stronger?

Du Yuesheng was startled, and immediately said: "Help me protect the law!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately stood up cross-legged, closed his eyes tightly, absorbed himself, and finished condensing the heart of the Immortal Emperor.

Zui Mo slowly opened his eyes, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say a word, he just stood up silently, walked to the entrance of the cave, and helped Du Yuesheng protect the Dharma, so that no one would disturb him.

But at this moment, streams of light suddenly appeared on the far horizon, densely packed, as if the sky was full of colorful clouds, it was really beautiful.

But Zui Mo frowned slightly, and he could see that the people who came were monks from the fairy world, there were at least a hundred of them, and their strength was not bad!

She looked back at Du Yuesheng who had condensed the heart of the emperor for the second time in the cave, and immediately made a decision in her heart. She jumped up and went straight to kill the monks in the fairy world. She must not let Du Yuesheng condense the heart of the emperor again. Interrupted!

When she flew up to the sky to meet the group of immortal monks, the immortal monks also discovered Zui Mo.

Immediately, a young monk who looked like a dog in gorgeous clothes came out from the crowd and said with a loud laugh, "You are the Holy Witch? I didn't expect you to dare to come here to seek death!"

This young monk's name is Hua Luo, and he is the young suzerain of the Huatian Sword Sect. He is only at the first level of the Immortal Emperor. Although he is not high, the Huatian Sword Sect is also the top sect in the fairy world, so he is covered with The magic weapon of Huaguang flashing.

And the disciples of the Huatian Sword Sect standing behind him are also full of jewels, and almost everyone has one or two powerful magic weapons.

Zui Mo's brows were full of coldness, he glanced at Hua Luo, he didn't even bother to say anything, as soon as his body moved, it turned into a streamer and went straight to kill Hua Luo.

Surprisingly, when Hua Luo saw this scene, he didn't feel the slightest fear, instead he laughed loudly and said:

"Haha, the cultivation base is a little higher than the legend, but unfortunately, the breath is unstable at the moment, and the strength may not be as powerful as the legend. The disciples of the Huatian Sword Sect listened to the order and sacrificed to the Huatian Sword Formation. They captured this man alive Holy Witch, she has the Holy Demon Art in her cultivation, but she is a good furnace for dual cultivation!"


Immediately, hundreds of Hua Tianjian sect disciples shouted in unison, and at the same time, they slapped the storage bags on their waists in unison.

I saw streaks of sword light flying out of the storage bag, soaring into the sky, and above the sky, formed a sword formation that circulated in brilliance and was as dense as a spider's web.

Immediately afterwards, the shining magic weapons on their bodies also flew up and dotted the huge sword array like stars.

At first glance, it seems that this sword formation is a gorgeous sky composed of sword light and magic weapons, no wonder it is called Huatian Sword Formation.

As soon as the Huatian Sword Formation came out, a wave of terrifying coercion fell immediately, and the sword lights shot out like lightning, and Zui Mo was immediately shrouded in it.

Seeing this scene, Zui Mo couldn't help but sink in his heart. At this moment, her strength was damaged. Although her cultivation base was four times higher, her strength was not as good as one-tenth of her usual strength.

If she was facing an ordinary Immortal Emperor First Layer, she would naturally not be afraid, but facing such a tyrannical sword array, there was no room for resistance at all!

She immediately picked up the finger and wanted to forcibly activate the Holy Devil Art, but the spiritual power in her body was backlashed. Not only did she not perform the Holy Devil Art, but she opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood!

"Haha!" Seeing this scene, Hua Luo was overjoyed, raised his hand and pressed down hard: "Give it to me!"

Immediately, the Huatian Sword Formation descended from the sky, directly covering Zui Mo in it.

At this moment, Zui Mo didn't even have the slightest resistance, and was directly trapped. After the Huatian sword formation enveloped her, it shrank rapidly, like a big net, binding her in place.

"Haha!" Hua Tian laughed more and more happily when he saw this. This time he chased and killed Du Yuesheng and Zui Mo without his father's consent, and stole the Huatian Sword Formation of the Huatian Sword Sect. Yes, caught Zui Mo.

In this way, the reputation of the Huatian Sword Sect in the fairy world will definitely be even louder. Not only will he not be punished, but he will also be rewarded when he goes back this time, and there is Zui Mo, a super furnace who has practiced the Holy Demon Art, and he will make a lot of money Earn extra money.

But Hua Luo was still not satisfied. After he glanced around, he asked again: "Holy Witch, what about Du Yuesheng, if you tell me where Du Yuesheng is, let me catch him again, I will treat you well in the future." you!"

Zui Mo clenched his silver teeth, but didn't even bother to look at Hua Luo, as if looking at Hua Tian would make his eyes dirty.

Seeing this, Hua Luo couldn't help raising his brows, and shouted coldly: "Smelly woman, don't be shameless, or I will bring you back to the Huatian Sword Sect and throw you into this group of disciples after the double cultivation is completed. EVERYONE ENJOY ENJOY!"

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