The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1317 Immortal Venerable Dare to Kill (Fourth Change)

Su Sanren's punch was actually Du Yuesheng deliberately not dodging or avoiding himself.

He just wanted to test his current strength, whether he could resist the attack of the Immortal Venerable, but the power of Su Sanren's punch could only make the spiritual power in his body a little confused, which surprised Du Yuesheng.

Seeing Du Yuesheng's appearance, Su Sanren's complexion changed immediately, his heart sank, he forcibly stopped his figure, frowned and said, "It's impossible..."

But suddenly, Su Sanren seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help asking: "What level is your Immortal Emperor's heart?"

"The level of the Immortal Emperor's Heart?" Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and shook his head: "I don't know, but if you want to see it, you can, so that you can understand it!"

Having said that, Du Yuesheng raised his hand, and a wave of spiritual power jumped out of his hand, only to see a wave of golden spiritual power released in his hand, the light hurt people's eyes!

Seeing this scene, Su Sanren was horrified: "Golden spiritual power... This, this is the heart of the legendary god bestowed by the immortal emperor? Impossible, the heart of the god bestowed by the immortal emperor is just a legend, it is impossible for someone to condense it The god bestowed the heart of the Immortal Emperor, you must have used some strange technique to change the color of your spiritual power!"

Zui Mo, who was protected by the formation, saw this scene, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

She never thought that Du Yuesheng failed to condense the emperor's heart for the first time, and the heart of the emperor he condensed for the second time turned out to be a heart bestowed by the gods!

For a while, Zui Mo couldn't understand it, and couldn't help but muttered: "Even if I practiced the Holy Demon Art together, it is impossible to raise the level of the Immortal Emperor's Heart to such a high level. What a talent!"

In the outside world, the astonished Su Sanren finally forcibly stabilized his mind, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "So what if the god bestows the heart of the immortal emperor, you still can't defeat me as the immortal!"

While speaking, Su Sanren clapped his hands, and immediately there were streams of flames flowing between the palms. The flames gradually expanded and formed a huge whirlwind of flames, which caused the sky and clouds to change color, and the earth trembled.

Su Sanren stood in the whirlwind of flames, his eyes were cold, and his expression was calm: "This is an ancient spell that I obtained unintentionally, the Skyfire Killing Heaven Technique, even those spells from famous schools may not be as strong as this spell, Du Yuesheng , die!"

After finishing speaking, Su Sanren waved his hand, only to see a red flame flying out of the flame whirlwind, turning into a fire dragon, attacking and killing Du Yuesheng.

The corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth twitched, and he waved his hand. The golden light of spiritual power on the palm of his hand was flickering, powerful and powerful. Boom, in a blink of an eye, this palm directly hit the fire dragon's head, and the fire dragon immediately dissipated with a puff. Turn into nothingness!

Standing in the whirlwind of flames, the corner of Su Sanren's mouth twitched unconsciously, and immediately raised his hand and waved it several times in succession.

As a result, fire dragons flew out of the flame whirlwind one after another, meandering towards Du Yuesheng to attack and kill.

At this moment, the space was distorted by the high temperature of the flames, and waves of heat rolled over people, and the scorched Du Yuesheng's face was sore. It is conceivable that if so many fire dragons all bombarded him, even he would be a little bit nervous. uncomfortable.

But Du Yuesheng didn't panic, just shook his head and smiled lightly, with a thought, he shouted directly: "Slaying Immortal Technique!"

A strange fluctuation emanated from Du Yuesheng's body. Immediately, the scorching heat disappeared, and his whole body became cooler.

The Immortal Killing Technique can make Du Yuesheng ignore 90% of the enemy's magical attack power. At this time, even if Su Sanren's Skyfire Killing Heaven is twice as strong, it will be difficult to cause Du Yuesheng any damage.

Immediately afterwards, Du Yuesheng, who had cast the Immortal Killing Technique, flashed, holding the Immortal Execution Sword, and flew towards the fire dragon.

A fire dragon was coming towards him, and with a wave of the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand, a flash of sword light flashed, and the head of the fire dragon was cut off directly, and exploded into a ball of sparks with a bang.

When Su San saw it, he pinched it quickly and let two fire dragons attack Du Yuesheng from the left and right sides.

Du Yuesheng sneered, and threw the Zhuxian sword. The sword spirit directly controlled the Zhuxian sword, turning into a sword light and swirling around Du Yuesheng's body. With a cry, the two fire dragons were directly chopped into pieces!

"The heart of the immortal emperor bestowed by the gods is really strong, but don't think that this deity only has this strength!" Seeing this, Su Sanren frowned more and more, and at the same time pinched a strange command.

Immediately, the remaining fire dragons immediately flew together and merged into the opponent's body. In a blink of an eye, a huge fire dragon with a length of hundreds of feet appeared in front of Du Yuesheng's eyes, with its mouth wide open, as if it wanted to swallow Du Yuesheng in its entirety!

"If you want to eat me, then the Heavenly Emperor will let you eat it and have a look!"

With a sneer, Du Yuesheng's figure flashed, holding the Zhuxian sword in his hand, it turned into a stream of light, and went straight into Huolong's body.

"Haha, court death!"

Du Yuesheng was swallowed by the fire dragon on his own initiative, Su Sanren laughed out loud, thinking that he had already secured the victory.

Zui Mo frowned even more, feeling that Du Yuesheng was a little exaggerated.

Even the figures of the Kingdom of God who had killed the Sanxian and fled in the distance changed their complexions, and wanted to turn around to rescue immediately, but at this moment, those Sanxians seemed to see hope, and they clung to the gods desperately. Chinese characters.

"Susan is indeed the best of my generation, we must entangle this group of people so that Susan can suppress and kill Du Yuesheng smoothly!"

But just when everyone thought Du Yuesheng was in danger, they saw only a sword light, which suddenly shot out from the back of the huge fire dragon and shot straight into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a figure covered in flames rushed out from the spine of the huge fire dragon with a whoosh. Due to the high speed, a long trail of flames was pulled out behind him.

"If this Heavenly Emperor is killed by your little tricks, he will not be worthy of the name of Heavenly Emperor!"

Du Yuesheng's laughter also resounded.


Su Sanren's complexion suddenly changed, isn't this dead? He felt a chill in his heart, that huge fire dragon is already the strongest attack method of Tianhuo Tianslaying Technique, even if it can't kill Du Yuesheng, don't even think about killing Du Yuesheng again.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand, stretched out his hand and tore the void beside him, and directly opened a huge hole in the void, wanting to jump into the void and escape!

"Let you go?"

Du Yuesheng's sneer rang in Su Sanren's ears, and when he looked up, he saw Du Yuesheng holding the Immortal Execution Sword directly turned into a sword light, and went straight to kill Su Sanren.

"Sky fire cage!"

Su Sanren was terrified in his heart, and hastily used the strongest defensive move of the Skyfire Heaven Killing Technique. The flame whirlwind outside his body suddenly shrank to within three feet of him, and became extremely solid, like a cage protecting Su Sanren. in!

"Swallow the sky!"

But at this moment, the sword light in Du Yuesheng's hand burst out, came through the air, and slashed directly on the front of the cage.

On the back of the cage, a beam of sword light pierced directly into the ground, forming a huge sword mark hundreds of feet deep.

"Ding, the system prompts..."


Nephew was born today...

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