The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1324 Killing the Immortal Zun Second Layer (first update)

But no matter how shocked the people present were, they didn't think that Du Yuesheng would be Li Huo's opponent.

You must know that Li Huo is a top expert at the second level of the Immortal Venerable, but Du Yuesheng is only at the fifth level of the Immortal Emperor. Such a large level gap and strength gap are like a natural moat, which cannot be easily filled.

Faced with this sudden sword strike, Li Huo had a sneer on his face, and just raised his hand and pressed forward lightly.

In an instant, everyone saw the world in front of Li Huo, and the light suddenly became distorted, as if the space in front of them collapsed!

The sword light that pierced through the air stabbed between the collapsed world, and was instantly distorted, flying directly to other directions!

Seeing this, many monks became more and more determined that Du Yuesheng was absolutely an undead opponent.

Li Huo even opened his mouth and let out a cold snort: "Ants, how dare you show your teeth and claws in front of this deity, and let this deity kill you!"

While speaking, Li Huo shook his outstretched palm, and there was a crackling sound, and everyone saw dark cracks appearing in the space around Du Yuesheng, surrounding Du Yuesheng directly in the middle!

After seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help being amazed, and many well-informed monks said: "Although Lihuo is the head of the Holy Fire Sect, in fact, what he is best at is the art of space!"

"That's right, Lihuo's skill in controlling space is extremely proficient, it is more than a hundred times stronger than his technique of controlling fire, this Du Yuesheng may be played to death by Lihuo!"

While everyone was surprised, Du Yuesheng also frowned and looked at the space cracks that were constantly spreading around him, and couldn't help but sneered and said: "I want to use this kind of trick to kill the Emperor of Heaven, it's a dream!"

Before the words fell, the sky was filled with snowflakes, and as the snowflakes fell, Du Yuesheng's figure flashed, as fast as lightning, and he rushed out of the range of space collapse in a blink of an eye!

"The speed is a bit fast, but unfortunately, it's not enough!" Li Huo was also a little surprised when he saw this.

But soon he raised his hands, spotted the direction in which Du Yuesheng's figure was flying, and read out a formula to make a decision.

Booming, a burst of loud noises rang out one after another, only to see a large area of ​​space, like the earth after an earthquake, began to collapse crazily, revealing huge void cracks one after another!

And Du Yuesheng was shuttling through these countless space cracks, and it seemed that he might be sucked into them by the space cracks at any time!

"You can't escape!"

Li Huo's face was full of ferocious sneers, when he saw Du Yuesheng fleeing wildly, he immediately laughed out loud, and at the same time waved his arms wide open, as if embracing the sky.


There was a deafening loud noise, and the sky within a radius of ten miles in front of Li Huo was immediately covered with dense cracks like spider webs. In a short time, this piece of sky collapsed directly.

Piece after piece of sky fragments fell like rain, revealing piece after piece of terrifying and hideous void!

"See how you can escape now!" Li Huo sneered again and again, for monks below the Immortal Venerable, the Void is an absolute dead end, and only those who have reached the Immortal Venerable realm can enter and exit the Void at will.

Now that he has shot out such a large void, Du Yuesheng can't escape no matter how fast he is!

But at this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded: "Slaying Immortal Technique!"

Immediately afterwards, Li Huo saw Du Yuesheng, whose body was full of brilliance, walking in the void like an immortal, unaffected by the void at all!

"What's going on!" Li Huo was startled: "You are only at the fifth level of the Immortal Emperor, and if you are sucked into the void, the only way to die is, how could it be like this!"

Du Yuesheng sneered, not to mention that he has already used the Immortal Killing Technique at this moment, and he is extremely resistant to all damage caused by the Lihuo spell, but it is also said that the heart of the god bestowed by the gods in his body also allows him to resist the damage of the void. The ability to resist is comparable to that of an ordinary immortal!

Du Yuesheng naturally wouldn't explain so much to Li Huo, he just grinned slightly, turned his head to look at Li Huo, and said word by word: "Your best space technique can't kill me, now, it's up to the Emperor of Heaven to kill you !"

"Kill me? Dreaming!" Li Huo was full of fear, but after hearing Du Yuesheng's words, he still sneered.

He is already at the second level of Immortal Venerable, while Du Yuesheng is only at the fifth level of Immortal Emperor. With such a huge gap in realm, how do you kill him?

Du Yuesheng looked at Lihuo who was full of disdain, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his figure flashed, his feet stepped into the dark void, his whole body shone with brilliance, and all the monks below looked up at the sky. Du Yuesheng is exceptionally dazzling.

But at this moment, a beam of more dazzling light suddenly appeared in Du Yuesheng's hands, and at the same time, a low shout rolled down from the sky: "Rage——Zhu Xian!"

In an instant, the Sword of Immortal Execution in Du Yuesheng's hand surged out and turned into a giant sword two hundred feet long. Du Yuesheng held the huge Immortal Execution Sword in his hand, and with a thought, he raised the sword straight forward, and stabbed towards Lihuo!

Li Huo saw the giant Zhu Xian sword attacking him, he sneered and said, "I thought it was some powerful trick, but it was just a direct assassination by the sword!"

While speaking, Li Huo raised his hand and pressed it, and the space in front of him was distorted again, just like when he dealt with the sword light at the beginning.

But this time, when Du Yuesheng pierced the distorted space with his sword, it was still straight, and the distorted space, like water, was pierced directly by Zhu Xianjian and split into two halves!


Li Huo was startled, stepped on his foot, and his body flew back like a cannonball.

"Hiding?" Du Yuesheng sneered, there is still hundreds of miles of snow floating in the sky at this moment, in Xue Jiange's state, how could his speed be comparable to that of you, a second-level immortal master?

With just a thought, Du Yuesheng raised the Zhuxian sword, and it struck and killed like lightning, leaving a long white trail above people's eyeballs!

In the blink of an eye, Du Yuesheng was already in front of Lihuo, and the huge Zhuxian sword could pierce into Lihuo's chest in just a moment!

Seeing this, Li Huo couldn't help shouting angrily: "A little immortal emperor fifth level, I don't believe that your sword can hurt me?"


As soon as he finished speaking, his voice was still echoing in the air, but Zhu Xianjian had passed through his body, moving forward, until Du Yuesheng, who was holding the hilt of the sword, had already rushed in front of him, and then he barely stopped!

"You..." Li Huo's eyes widened, full of disbelief: "You... your sword, what level of magic weapon is it?"

Du Yuesheng curled his lips and smiled, naturally he would not tell Li Huo that the Zhuxian Sword is a divine weapon. At the same time, he raised his left hand and pointed his fingers lightly towards Li Huo's head: "Spirit Finger!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for successfully casting Consonance Finger, spending 500 points of unparalleled value!"

call out!

A milky white fingertip flew out from the fingertip immediately, penetrated Li Huo's forehead, flew out from the back of the head, and disappeared into the sky!

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