The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1326 Invincible Fighting Immortal Lord (Part 1)

Immortal Lord and below are all ants!

Hearing this sentence, all the monks present were moved by it.

"The Immortal Master has mastered the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. Every random spell contains the Dao in it, and its power is increased by a hundred times. It is simply impossible for monks of other levels to resist!"

"That's right, and the Immortal Lord is almost immortal, just like the Holy Fire Patriarch, who has lived for millions of years in one breath!"

"The fairy master is the real fairy!"

The hearts of many monks were awe-inspiring, but Du Yuesheng still had a smile on the corner of his mouth, with a look of indifference.

Seeing this, Patriarch Shenghuo couldn't help but let out a cold snort, and said, "Hmph, little thing, since you don't believe me, this Immortal Master will let you know how powerful the Immortal Master is!"

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Shenghuo raised his eyes and glanced at Du Yuesheng, only to see traces of fire beating in his eyes.

As the flame danced, the air around Du Yuesheng's body suddenly became scorching hot.

Feeling the burning sensation, Du Yuesheng didn't hesitate at all, and shouted in his heart: "Skills, point to invincible!"

Suddenly, a strange fluctuation spread directly around him.

At the same time, there was a popping sound, and around Du Yuesheng, a throbbing flame was born out of thin air. The light of the flame was not very bright, but the scorching temperature was directly scorched by the air that instantly distorted it. .

The patriarch of the holy fire sneered and said: "Although the flame eye is just an ordinary spell, the flames contain the understanding of the way of fire by the fairy master, unless it is a master of the fairy master level. Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to resist it, kid...don't be too rampant as a human being!"

After finishing speaking, the dancing flames flew straight towards Du Yuesheng, enveloping Du Yuesheng in a blink of an eye.

In an instant, Du Yuesheng seemed to have directly turned into a burning man, and his figure became distorted in the flames.

Seeing this scene, the monks around couldn't help but sigh for some reason: "Oh, Du Yuesheng, who has been famous in the fairy world for a while, finally died!"

"It's a pity, I didn't kill him, otherwise, I could get a lot of treasures!"

"However, this kid actually died under the hands of the Immortal Lord. Speaking of it, it is not a disgrace to his reputation!"

When many monks sighed again and again, Li Feiyu also had a surprised face, and couldn't help shouting loudly: "Haha, Du Yuesheng, you deserve it, you dare to attack my Holy Fire Sect, you deserve it, you deserve to die without any bones left!"

When everyone thought that Du Yuesheng was dead, Patriarch Shenghuo frowned slightly, and let out a light sigh: "Hey, no, this son..."

But before he finished speaking, he heard a sneer coming out of the flames: "Li Feiyu, who just knelt at the feet of the Emperor of Heaven and begged for mercy, is so arrogant now, when you beg for mercy later, you should What should I say?"


For a moment, everyone was stunned, looking in disbelief at the blazing flames in the air.

I only saw that Du Yuesheng's figure was indeed distorted in the flames so that he was not human, but he could clearly see that Du Yuesheng was walking out of the flames step by step.

At this time, everyone suddenly understood that Du Yuesheng was fine at all. The reason why his figure was distorted was not because the flames scorched Du Yuesheng's body, but because the air around the eye of fire was distorted by the scorching, which created an illusion. !

Du Yuesheng walked out of the flames step by step, everyone looked up and turned pale with shock.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng's whole body was shining with a faint golden light, and at a glance, he was unscathed!


Seeing this scene, almost all the monks couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even the Patriarch of the Holy Fire was shocked. How could a monk at the fifth level of the Immortal Emperor walk out of the flames containing the Dao of Fire unscathed?

All the ants under the Immortal Lord are not just a casual remark, but the experience gained over countless years!

But now, this truth seems to be broken!

After Du Yuesheng came out of the flames, he raised his head and smiled slightly at the ancestor of the holy fire, saying: "All the ants under the fairy master? Then the emperor of heaven will use the body of ants to destroy you, the fairy master today, you should how?"

They dared to utter wild words to destroy the Immortal Lord, everyone's eyes froze, and for a moment, they didn't know how to tell whether Du Yuesheng was arrogant or confident.

On the contrary, Patriarch Shenghuo came back to his senses suddenly, and after taking a look at Du Yuesheng, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's just a trick that blocked the magic of the Immortal Lord. The real strength of the Immortal Lord can only be used for ten times." One or two, you dare to say that you will kill this Immortal Lord?"

"Oh? You only used one out of ten?" Du Yuesheng sneered, and said, "Then use all your tricks and let the Emperor of Heaven quietly show how powerful the Immortal Lord is!"

In the state of being invincible, Du Yuesheng is not afraid of the ancestor of the holy fire!

When Patriarch Shenghuo heard this, he immediately felt that he had been greatly underestimated. To be underestimated by a little cultivator at the fifth level of the Immortal Emperor was absolutely unbearable for an Immortal Lord.

Immediately, he made a tactic with both hands, and immediately there were flames around his body, one flame after another connected to each other, and in a blink of an eye, a sea of ​​flames was formed.

The flames rising above the sea of ​​fire formed wave after wave of fire and rolled away one after another. The light of the fire directly illuminated the entire sky, and the scorching breath was even stronger than the sky volcano in the distance!

The stones on the ground were directly melted into magma, all the clouds in the sky were reflected in fiery red, and a violent fire was everywhere in the air.

What's even more frightening is that a sense of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth emerged from the sea of ​​flames, making almost all the monks present tremble!

"Holy fire sea?"

Seeing this scene, countless monks were amazed. The sea of ​​flames in front of them was probably a hundred miles wide, but they had seen the masters of the Holy Fire Sect cast the sea of ​​flames before, and it was only within a range of one or two miles.

This is not considered the flame of the holy sea of ​​fire, it is an existence with the avenue of heaven and earth!

At this moment, the tyranny of the master of the fairy master is fully displayed!

Du Yuesheng looked at the extremely tyrannical sea of ​​fire, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense: "This is your strongest move?"

"So what!" The Holy Fire Patriarch snorted coldly, suppressing the surge of spiritual power in his body. He didn't have a long time to stay in this world, so he directly used the most powerful moves.

It is also because of this that his body is also extremely empty at this moment, and his real strength begins to drop suddenly.

However, the ancestor of the holy fire did not show his weakness. Instead, just as he finished speaking, he directly raised his hand and pushed forward. Immediately, a hundred miles of flames spread rapidly. , directly swallowed it whole.

The fire wave rolled, and in an instant, it directly submerged Du Yuesheng and disappeared

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