The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1335 Heavenly Court Dilemma

Although the previous Heavenly Court fought everywhere, they did not encounter any powerful masters, so the name of Heavenly Court is not very famous.

But this time, on the former site of Tianlong Mountain, there unexpectedly appeared a fire that was stronger than Tianhuo.

Of course, a little-known small force like Tianting will become the target of many big forces in an instant!

You know, the Holy Fire Sect was just a small sect back then. After acquiring Tianhuo, they suddenly emerged and became strong for tens of thousands of years, worshiped by thousands of people!

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng frowned, and asked Xianji: "Do you know that there is a man named Qin Shihuang in the Heavenly Court, why hasn't he made a move yet!"

"Qin Shihuang?" Xianji frowned and took out a jade slip to ask, then crushed the jade slip.

Soon, Xian Ji said: "There is such a master who killed many masters yesterday, but he didn't fight today for some reason!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng frowned. After realizing that Qin Shihuang could only attack once in three days, these people probably took this opportunity to attack Xintianting.

Although space transfer spells and teleportation arrays cannot be used, with the current tyranny of Xintianting, it should be able to last until Du Yuesheng rushes over by himself.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng immediately turned his head and said to Xian Ji: "The Tianshan Volcano is gone, and Tianlong Mountain has appeared. That Heavenly Court is my power, so now I don't owe the Immortal World any more!"

Xianji was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Tianting was Du Yuesheng's power, but after thinking about the two words "Heavenly Court and Heavenly Emperor", Xianji understood, and said word by word:

"So that's how it is. Do you want to protect the sky fire in Tianlong Mountain?"

"Why not?"

Du Yuesheng sneered and said: "There are still people who dare to snatch the things of the Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor of Heaven let them go in and lie down!"

But King Dapeng raised his head to look at the sky at this moment, and then said: "Heavenly Emperor, I feel someone calling me, let's take a step first!"

Du Yuesheng curled his lips, knowing that the system would not allow King Dapeng to stay here and continue helping him, so he immediately nodded and said, "Go!"

King Dapeng spread his wings for a while, flew into the sky, and disappeared. At the same time, the sky also saw the sun.

Immediately, Xian Ji stepped forward to tear open the space, but after working hard for a long time, he came back with eyes full of doubts, and said, "It's so strange that the space here can't be torn apart again!"

"Impossible!" Although Zui Mo has just entered the realm of immortal venerable, she is of extraordinary background after all, and knows all the tricks, so she also stepped forward and raised her hand to feel empty.

As a result, the expected scene of the void channel directly appearing in the void did not appear, and the space was still as stable as before!

"It's really like this, the space has become so stable, we may not even be able to use the space teleportation formation!"

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng understood in his heart that this is what the system meant for the three of them to rush to heaven together!

So he grinned slightly, and said: "In that case, we will fly over, and we will arrive within a day and night at most!"

After all, his figure flashed, and the sword light immediately flew out of his body, leading the three of them directly into the sky, and flew in the direction of the new heaven.

At the same time, at the foot of the original Tianlong Mountain.

The Tianlong Mountain here has disappeared, replaced by a huge city made entirely of immortal jade.

Among the city walls, there is a large hall floating directly in the air, with a plaque on it, and two words written on it: Heavenly Court!

At this moment, all the disciples in the Heavenly Court are on full alert, guarding against enemies that may appear at any time!

In the highest golden hall in the heavenly court, Qin Shihuang stood under the throne, looking at many figures from the Kingdom of God with extremely dignified expressions.

Liu Bowen stood up and said in a low voice:

"There are too many enemies here. According to the investigation by the spies, there are close to ten top sects in the fairy world, and there are twenty or thirty strong sects of various kinds. There may be hundreds of those countless small sects!"

"It's fine if there are too many enemies. The most important thing is that they are also very powerful. Although there are only three immortal masters who appear, there are probably about thirty masters hidden behind!"

"It's nothing, the most important thing is that you can't contact the Heavenly Emperor!"

When it came to the last point, many figures from the Kingdom of God nodded their heads: "It stands to reason that the Emperor of Heaven should already know about our being besieged!"

"The God of Heaven must be coming!"

"Yes, the Emperor of Heaven won't give up on us. Hmph, then what we have to do is simple, beat whoever comes!"

After many characters from the Kingdom of God had said enough, Qin Shihuang raised his hand and made everyone quiet.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "Although these people besiege us for the sky fire that we don't need, but since this sky fire comes from our heaven, it belongs to our heaven. Whoever dares to snatch it, we will let them look good, my generation Cultivator, why do you want to fight?"

"Yes, our monks will fight with Xi!" The fighting spirit of everyone in the heavenly court was immediately mobilized by Qin Shihuang.

At this moment, Lu Bu, who was wearing a golden battle armor and holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, suddenly broke in from the outside, and said in a low voice, "Someone wants to come to see the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Seeing the Emperor of Heaven?" Qin Shihuang frowned and said, "What did he say?"

"He said he wanted to see our person in charge!" Lu Bu replied after thinking about it.

Qin Shihuang immediately said: "Don't let these people know that the Emperor of Heaven is not in the Heavenly Court, let him come in, and I will see you!"

Everyone had known for a long time that Du Yuesheng's order was that when he was not around, everyone had to obey Qin Shihuang's order, so after Qin Shihuang spoke, everyone nodded, and Lu Bu immediately turned around and left.

Not long after, there was a burst of hearty laughter outside the Golden Luan Hall: "Haha, this Heavenly Court is truly magnificent and worthy of the name of the Heavenly Court!"

Everyone raised their eyes and looked over, only to see a young man with a face that seemed to be only twenty-three or four years old, followed by an old man in purple clothes, with white hair and a childlike face, entering slowly from outside the hall.

After the young man entered the hall, he looked curiously at all the figures of the Kingdom of God in the hall.

When he saw that Qin Shihuang had been cleared away, and everyone's cultivation was only at the level of the Immortal Emperor, he couldn't help laughing, and continued: "It's a pity, it's just that people are so bad!"

Hearing this, the complexions of many people in the Kingdom of God suddenly changed, and their swords were on the verge of breaking out!

But the young man said again: "However, this king is not interested in your heavenly court. As long as you give up the sky fire on Tianlong Mountain behind you, this king will definitely not treat you badly!"

Qin Shihuang narrowed his eyes and was about to speak, but the old man behind the young man stepped forward, stopped Qin Shihuang who was about to speak, and said word by word:

"Before you speak, the lord will give you a stick of incense to think about it. During this stick of incense, you have to think carefully. If you say something wrong, I'm afraid it will be bad!"

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